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JFK's American University Speech

John Simkin

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10 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

JFK himself was adamantly opposed to Israel acquiring nuclear weapons and is completely absolved of anything having to do with the theft of uranium from the NUMEC facility which happened approximately 2 years after his assassination.

The probability of the theft is not 50/50. The isotopic composition of the uranium samples found in the environs of Dimona indicated a uranium enriched in U-235 to a level of 98% - which was nearly identical to the missing material.

In comparison, the Hiroshima bomb used an enrichment of about 80%, commercial Light Water Reactors use 3-5%. Natural uranium, which is what the reactor the Israelis purchased from the French used, has a U-235 content of 0.7%.

The Liberty could not possibly be mistaken for the Egyptian ship by both the aircraft and the torpedo boats.


Earlier in the day an Israeli reconnaissance plane flew over the Liberty and waved to it. They knew it was an American ship.



OK, we disagree on the USS Liberty. 

Read the CIA report.  Mistakes happen in war.  The upside for Israel attacking a USS ship is in large negative numbers. 

On the uranium, likely the Israelis acquired it from the US. Whether by theft or complicity, who knows? JFK publicly said he was against Israel having the bomb. 

We know pols often dissemble, and have "license to lie" on international matters, and we know the CIA and other intel agencies were rogue agencies. 

Plausible deniability is the cornerstone of modern government. 


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56 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


OK, we disagree on the USS Liberty. 

Read the CIA report.  Mistakes happen in war.  The upside for Israel attacking a USS ship is in large negative numbers. 

On the uranium, likely the Israelis acquired it from the US. Whether by theft or complicity, who knows? JFK publicly said he was against Israel having the bomb. 

We know pols often dissemble, and have "license to lie" on international matters, and we know the CIA and other intel agencies were rogue agencies. 

Plausible deniability is the cornerstone of modern government. 


There is plenty of documentation that JFK was pressing the Israelis for US inspections of Dimona to verify it was not being used for weapons production. The Israelis stalled and when token inspections finally took place, the inspectors were placed under tight time constraints and were deceived with false control rooms and several areas were actually hidden with false walls. The tone of the communications between JFK and Ben-Gurion (who resigned during this period and his successor, Eshkol) become increasingly tense. Some are still classified.

On this matter, JFK’s public statements matched his actual policy.


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On 8/7/2024 at 7:35 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


OK, we disagree on the USS Liberty. 

Read the CIA report.  Mistakes happen in war.  The upside for Israel attacking a USS ship is in large negative numbers. 

On the uranium, likely the Israelis acquired it from the US. Whether by theft or complicity, who knows? JFK publicly said he was against Israel having the bomb. 

We know pols often dissemble, and have "license to lie" on international matters, and we know the CIA and other intel agencies were rogue agencies. 

Plausible deniability is the cornerstone of modern government. 


You need to know who Capt. Ward Boston was and what he said: https://ifamericansknew.org/us_ints/ul-boston.html

The upside for the Israel intentionally attacking the USS Liberty was in extremely large negative numbers.

Unless the President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, a well-known Superman Zionist tells you it is a great idea and that we can blame the heinous crime on Egypt, then the USA will have an excuse to bomb/attack/remove Nasser of Egypt from power. Then the USA can control the Middle East through Egypt.

I suggest that read you the book Operation Cyanide by Peter Hounam. Then read Blood in the Water by Joan Mellen. Then watch https://sacrificingliberty.com documentary on the USS Liberty.

Then I would suggest talking to actual USS Liberty survivors which I have many times. Out of all the USS Liberty survivors, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM - EXCEPT FOR ONE PERSON - believes that Israel was savagely and intentionally trying to sink a ship, their ship, which Israel knew was an American ship.

Judy Morris has a good essay, based on Peter Hounam's book, about the USS Liberty: https://peacelibertyprosperity.substack.com/p/the-most-incredible-story-never-told

You probably need to know who Capt. Ward Boston was. He absolutely confirmed that Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara ran a cover up on Israel's attack on the USS Liberty. Of course, they did - Lyndon Johnson instigated it!!

Admiral John S. McCain, Jr - the father of Sen. John S. McCain III was instrumental in the cover up.

2007 Chicago Tribune article on the USS Liberty - https://www.chicagotribune.com/2007/10/02/new-revelations-in-attack-on-american-spy-ship/

The special sauce in understanding the USS Liberty is knowing that Lyndon Johnson was a "functional lunatic" just as some people are "functional alcholics" and also understanding the life long extreme personal depravity of LBJ.

The Scary Mental Instabilities of Lyndon Johnson http://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-scary-mental-instabilities-of.html





Edited by Robert Morrow
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On 8/6/2024 at 12:19 PM, James DiEugenio said:

There were supposed to be no Americans in the landing party, but there were.  Against what JFK wanted.

And no I am not suggesting JFK sabotaged the operation.

What I am saying is that he was deceived about its probability of success for many reasons.  For examples Dulles never let Kennedy take the actual drafted plans home with him.  I think that was done since Dulles knew about Kennedy's naval experience.  Kennedy was also lied to about defectors.  Of which there were none.

When Bobby Kennedy and JFK got hold of the Kirkpatrick Report, that was finis for Dulles, Cabell, and Bissell. Kirkpatrick completely riddled the whole operation from start to finish.

JFK should not have asked the NYT to restrict its article exposing the BoP before the invasion and used that as an excuse to call it off.

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