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Chomsky's lies about JFK and the CIA

Paul Rigby

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1 minute ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Interesting thread. UNZ writer Kevin Barrett (who's overall writing career won't be to everyone's taste - he's appeared at conferences with Fetzer) has a new piece up about Chomsky. It's the third piece below - the first, an earlier transcript of a Barrett lecture on Chomsky. The second, correspondence between Chomsky and Barrett from years back that eventually went off the rails. The third, Barrett's new article on Chomsky from this week.


Why Chomsky is wrong about 9/11.



Gulity Demeanour - The Private 9/11 emails of Noam Chomsky.



Chomsky's ties to Jeffrey Epstein exposed.



Whitney Webb is great but she goes off the rails just a little with her comments about Allen, see at great length here - 


Funny story I was in NYC staying at Sander Hicks house during his 911 Conference in 09 and I took the train from Brooklyn to Manhattan with Kevin Barrett who was staying at Sander's also. Later when I got home I looked him up because I knew everyone there had some kind of published work and the first video that came up was Bill O'Reilly doing a segment calling him a "pinhead" lol. 

Pretty Crazy how that Jeffery Epstein news came out about Noam Chompsky and especially with his answer being "non of your business" 


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I remember the Barrett / O'Reilly interview. Those days were nuts.

Two of the three Loose Change guys, Dylan and Korey, worked on an indie action movie shoot for a director friend of mine, Mark, mid last year. I asked Mark to mention the Chris Bury ABC interview where Bury had confronted all three of the Loose Change guys on camera, trying to make them look terrible. Korey shook his head - "We got ambushed on that one", said Korey.

You'd probably be interested in seeing some of the stuff we dug up for COUP IN DALLAS, not included in the book. It was more relevant to 9/11 than the JFK assassination, and ultimately didn't appear in the book due to length reasons. A long series of connected incidents through the 80's bringing together Pentagon advisors at the Defense Science Board, corporate business partners of Dick Cheney, and various folk freaking out over the imminent drop of weapons sales as the Cold War started to cool down. The issues were significantly bigger than just lost profits. I'm familiar with all the 9/11 documentaries, Jon's work, David Ray Griffin's work, Webster Tarpley, the Shoestring 9/11 blog, you name it. The names and data uncovered on that topic made for a very neat additional puzzle piece that slots in neatly with the rest of the story, and for my money answered a couple of questions that I thought never would be.

Sander's books on 9/11 are underrated, especially his second one.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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Thanks to Paul et al for this fascinating thread.

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This only streamed a few hours ago, so it's as fresh as you can get, but not unconnected to this thread.

Ryan Dawson, who has done a couple of different, heavily researched 9/11 documentaries, has recently started appearing on various popular streaming sites giving younger viewers a breakdown of his theories and studies into 9/11. This is from a mainstream lifestyle show hosted by what looks like a bunch of young rappers, but they give Dawson the floor from the outset. Four minutes into it, one of the young hosts starts referring to FOIA requests, so I credit those guys for an interest in the topic above the norm. Dawson hits the ground running at minute 5 or 6, with an opening discussion of the 1993 WTC bombing.


Dawson has been cited by several as an influence on Whitney Webb, as some of the stuff that appears in his books, particularly the Epstein material, was covered (and possibly uncovered) by Dawson years earlier. The Rumble link above goes for nearly three hours, so maybe chuck it on while you're making dinner.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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16 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

This only streamed a few hours ago, so it's as fresh as you can get, but not unconnected to this thread.

Ryan Dawson, who has done a couple of different, heavily researched 9/11 documentaries, has recently started appearing on various popular streaming sites giving younger viewers a breakdown of his theories and studies into 9/11. This is from a mainstream lifestyle show hosted by what looks like a bunch of young rappers, but they give Dawson the floor from the outset. Four minutes into it, one of the young hosts starts referring to FOIA requests, so I credit those guys for an interest in the topic above the norm. Dawson hits the ground running at minute 5 or 6, with an opening discussion of the 1993 WTC bombing.


Dawson has been cited by several as an influence on Whitney Webb, as some of the stuff that appears in his books, particularly the Epstein material, was covered (and possibly uncovered) by Dawson years earlier. The Rumble link above goes for nearly three hours, so maybe chuck it on while you're making dinner.

The stuff on the Rumble website is nutcase, wingnut, bizarre material. Did you know that the folks at Rumble also claim that the Moon landings were faked?

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16 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

This only streamed a few hours ago, so it's as fresh as you can get, but not unconnected to this thread.

Ryan Dawson, who has done a couple of different, heavily researched 9/11 documentaries, has recently started appearing on various popular streaming sites giving younger viewers a breakdown of his theories and studies into 9/11. This is from a mainstream lifestyle show hosted by what looks like a bunch of young rappers, but they give Dawson the floor from the outset. Four minutes into it, one of the young hosts starts referring to FOIA requests, so I credit those guys for an interest in the topic above the norm. Dawson hits the ground running at minute 5 or 6, with an opening discussion of the 1993 WTC bombing.


Dawson has been cited by several as an influence on Whitney Webb, as some of the stuff that appears in his books, particularly the Epstein material, was covered (and possibly uncovered) by Dawson years earlier. The Rumble link above goes for nearly three hours, so maybe chuck it on while you're making dinner.

I am not a fan of Ryan Dawson, Whitney Webb tweeted about Dawson claiming she stole his work recently. 





Here's a good video that shows how Dawson has flip flopped on 911 and says the same things about 911 truthers that Michael Griffith does



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Whitney makes a pretty good case that Dawson didn't 'influence' her and that they were both just covering the same stuff. Likewise, she's right, she has produced two long books on Epstein and those various connections, Dawson has just put together his respective films (all of which really could have used a second pair of eyes to polish various post-production issues).

But I'm posting Dawson's stuff here generally for the 9/11 material and the broad overview he offers. If Whitney produced a long documentary just on 9/11, or a book just on 9/11, I'd likely post those instead, but she hasn't. She has a couple of articles up on 9/11, including the substantial piece on the Israeli arrests of the morning of 9/11, but from what I've seen just a handful of pieces overall. Hopefully she doubles back and does a book on the topic as she could obviously write a good one.

Ryan's documentaries aren't perfect and I disagree with his inflammatory and frequently aggressive approach on social media - that sort of stuff does no-one any favours - but there aren't that many other solid and comprehensive documentaries out there that dig particularly deep. Not going to dwell on it but Jonathan Elinoff's ECHOES OF TREASON was a documentary I paid for twice, first when I pre-ordered it, the second when I gave him a couple of hundred when he started a GoFundMe or Kickstarter and said the release of that film was finally imminent. Frustration on that state of affairs was part of what led me to go back to brass tacks and take nearly a year off and dig through archival materials to see if I could pull up some answers myself. CIA Crest helped at it had millions of documents that (from what I've seen) have been overlooked by every other 9/11 researcher out there. I found answers when I focused on the Zelikow / Carter / Deutch group that was studying catastrophic terrorism at Harvard (1997), looked at the dozen or so collaborators they had cited as working with them in various articles and reports, and worked backwards. Anyone can do the same. The answers are buried within the final years of the Reagan administration and make everything that followed a lot clearer. 

I don't mind that Dawson has changed his mind on some topics. He could wear it better if he became less aggressive with the people he disagrees with. I generally agree with him on topics concerning the Pentagon, think he's misreading some of the stuff that AE9/11Truth says about the WTC collapses, but overall find Dawson useful for his material on the hijackers, the Israeli art spy stuff, the guys filming the attack, and that whole through line, going through the years before, and the years afterwards. Everyone's mileage will vary and they need to take the info they find useful and connect it to the pieces they've been able to dig up themselves. 

I'm not happy to see Dawson causing trouble for Whitney, and I think he sometimes goes out of his way to make things difficult for himself. but ongoing useful 9/11 research is thin on the ground these days and 98% of the truther movement has remained stuck on discussing the same four or five topics for the past 20 years.

Below, Graham Allison introduces the 'dismal' topic of catastrophic terrorism at a 1999 Harvard talk, nearly a year after he and Carter had wrapped their 9 month study group on the topic undertaken with 17 other folk, including MITRE's Victor DeMarines, 


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