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ARRB Interview Homer McMahon

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If I remember correctly (not guaranteed) it was Shaneyfelt of the FBI who claimed

to have numbered the film with the numbers now assigned to frames.

The Hawkeye works numbers would be earlier than the FBI numbers.


Jack, did Shaneyfelt do that for the May '64 reconstruction or did he do it earlier?

EDIT-Based on this thread it looks like January of '64 - http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mbers&st=15



It's apparent that whoever wrote the notes used 312 as a starting point and worked backwards based on Life's timings to get the other frame numbers...

Edited by Will Emaus
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If I remember correctly (not guaranteed) it was Shaneyfelt of the FBI who claimed

to have numbered the film with the numbers now assigned to frames.

The Hawkeye works numbers would be earlier than the FBI numbers.


Jack, did Shaneyfelt do that for the May '64 reconstruction or did he do it earlier?

EDIT-Based on this thread it looks like January of '64 - http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mbers&st=15



It's apparent that whoever wrote the notes used 312 as a starting point and worked backwards based on Life's timings to get the other frame numbers...

I do not recall. Seems like it is in his testimony "somewhere" when he is asked about it. But

what testimony or when, I do not remember.

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Thanks, mate. I've listened to it one and a half times without your transcript; the next time will be with the transcript in front of me. Many thanks for your extensive efforts.


With the assistance of some forum members (Thanks Jerry) I have made some corrections and additions to the transcript and will continue to do so. I've labeled this Copy A3 and will continue adding numbers to each copy that is updated so the one with the highest number is the most recent. BK


Also would like to identify those people he mentions.

Further identification or any info on these persons appreciated

Denton - FBI -

Pop Baker - Georgetown?

Mel Fromme - OSS - Washington photo school

Austin Young - CIA photo

Bill Smith - Secret Service?

Edited by William Kelly
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Thanks, mate. I've listened to it one and a half times without your transcript; the next time will be with the transcript in front of me. Many thanks for your extensive efforts.


With the assistance of some forum members (Special thanks to Jerry Ellis) I have made some corrections and additions to the transcript and will continue to do so. I've labeled this Copy A4 and will continue adding numbers to each copy that is updated so the one with the highest number is the most recent. BK


Also would like to identify those people he mentions.

Further identification or any info on these persons appreciated

? Jimmy? - Denton - FBI -

Pop Baker - Georgetown?

Mel Fromme - OSS - Washington photo school

Austin Young - CIA photo

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, mate. I've listened to it one and a half times without your transcript; the next time will be with the transcript in front of me. Many thanks for your extensive efforts.


With the assistance of some forum members (Special thanks to Jerry Ellis) I have made some corrections and additions to the transcript and will continue to do so. I've labeled this Copy A4 and will continue adding numbers to each copy that is updated so the one with the highest number is the most recent. BK


Also would like to identify those people he mentions.

Further identification or any info on these persons appreciated

? Jimmy? - Dunlap - FBI -

Pop Baker - Georgetown?

Mel Fromme - OSS - Washington photo school

Austin Young - CIA Printing Services Division

Homer McMahon – Names

HM: I worked one summer at the FBI lab …My boss was [Jimmy?] Dunlap, who later became, left and went into business for himself and I worked for him part time, at different times.

I used to work at...for Pop Baker

and that was Eastman Kodak Photofinishing Georgetown,

I went to the National School of Photography and

I went to the Washington School of Photography,

and I took courses at the US GS Graduate School at

the Law Enforcement Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed.

HM: I took several courses up at Rochester in Binghamton,

under...Ansco in Binghamton Kodak, at Rochester

I was a member of the Professional Photographers of America.

then I went to work for the CIA.

My mentor Mel Fromme (sp. phonetic)

an old OSS operative during the Second World War.

His dad ran the National School of Photography; I spent two years there,

he got me a job interview with the CIA.

That was Printing Services Division,...

That was Austin Young (?). I worked there for a year and a half to two years.

Then I went into business for myself for five years, and

then went back for I think ten years...

HM: I could give you Harry Vicard [or Vickert?]...he's retired, he worked at the Steuart but he retired, and I talked to him, and he said he could get me an interview, and I went over, or they come over, I was working for Austin Young on...[ in Alexander?]...right there at [Duke Street?]... or King Street, I've forgotten which.

DH: That's okay...

HM: ... he came over and interviewed me and I transferred. I was LV16, I was under the GPA scale, I was in the Printing Services Division.

Names McMahon gives us:

Jimmy Dunlap - FBI

Pop Baker - Kodak Georgetown

Mel Fromme - OSS National School of Photography

Austin Young - Printing Services Division

Harry Vickard - NPIC - Steuart's Garage

Art Lundahl - NPIC

Bill Smith - Secret Service

Edited by William Kelly
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Guest Tom Scully
Okay, Craig, here's Photo Expert #1 (Interview Part 1) - Does he know what he's talking about?

Do you qualify him?

ARRB Interview with NPIC Employee Homer McMahon

Hearing Date July 14, 1997

Interviewed by Douglas P. Horne Chief of Military Records of ARRB

Total Time 1:41:19

Douglas Horne:

D.H.: Okay, it is Monday, July 14th, 1997, my name is Doug Horne. I am with the AARB. I am here with Mr. Homer McMahon, former NPIC employee – National Photo Interpretation Center. And I am also here with Michelle Combs (sp?) of the AARB. And we before we begin I would like to confirm with you on the record, is it okay, do we have your permission to tape this interview?

Homer McMahon: Yes, I am Homer McMahon, I wasn't NPIC, I was with the CIA. That was my cover at the time, and you have my permission. At the time NPIC was a classified topic.

DH. Yes, sir. Okay. Thank you very much. We may be joined later; this is for the record, by Mr. Jeremy Gunn of the Review Board staff and also by a new employee (Marie B.?) who is in the building today also. Could you summarize for us sir, your professional experience and training in photography prior to and up to 1963.

HM: I started in photography in 1938.

D.H.: Okay.

HM: I worked one summer at the FBI lab. I'm not sure of that summer. [Possible Redaction edit] My boss was Dunlap, who later became, left and went into business for himself and I worked for him part time, at different times.

I was in photography when I was in high school when I worked as the photographer on the yearbook committee. I used to work at…for Pop Baker, and that was at the Kodak photo finishing at Georgetown, also a summer school. I was in photography on the GI bill, I went to the National School of Photography and I went to the Washington School of Photography, and I took several extension courses at the US GS Graduate School at the Law Enforcement Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed.

I took several courses up at Rochester in Binghamton, under…..and Binghamton Kodak, at Rochester. Other than that, I never had a degree in photography. In those days it was strictly vocational. There was no, you could get a masters degree up there…MBA, but I never….. or worked on that level,….to make national presentations. I was a member of the Professional Photographers of America.

I went to college on the GI Bill at the end of the Second World War. And then I went to work for the CIA. My mentor Mel Fromm (sp. phonetic) was an old OSS operative during the Second World War. His dad ran the National School of Photography; I spent two years there, and he got me a job interview with the CIA. I went out .....?...Street. That was printing services division,....That was Austin Young (?). I worked there for two or three years. Then I went into business for myself for five years, and then went back for I think ten years….

DH: Went back to the Agency?.....


.....I've seen these pictures backwards and forwards and I think it important,

if you ever get access to them, to look at them backwards,

where everything abnormal catches your eye more.

When it goes forward everything is more or less normal, its not as unusual,

especially when the motions of the President's body because its my opinion that the President

was hit in the back and at the time he got the fatal head wound, right before

the one exploded in his head which I have no doubt came from the front.

Absolutely no doubt,and its consistent with the'grassy knoll.

That same puff of smoke. Now remember those are tremendous magnifications

so you can better understand and if this becomes of interest maybe I'll

need a record of it, I got an 8x10 enlargement of the original negative from AP, I took

Page 21


that to a photographic laboratory in Washington which is operated by a former FBI photographic

expert, name is Dunlap. and he made what they call a contact negative,

in other words I now have a negative 8x10, then he took the 8x10 negative

and enlarged negatives such as you see here and I have a series of these things all of which you gentlemen

are more than welcome to, because I think you are doing the single most important/thing

that is being done on the assassination and I think you have already become an important part of it.......

Harold Weisberg, 4-28-67, Orleans Parish Grand Jury

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML

HAROLD WEISBERG, appeared before the Orleans Parish Grand. Jury on Friday, April 28, ..... operated by a former FBI photographic expert, name is Dunlap. ...


Edited by Tom Scully
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HM: "....I worked one summer at the FBI lab. I'm not sure of that summer. [Possible Redaction edit] My boss was Dunlap, who later became, left and went into business for himself and I worked for him part time, at different times...."

Harold Weisberg: ".....that to a photographic laboratory in Washington which is operated by a former FBI photographic

expert, name is Dunlap..."

HM: "...That was printing services division,....That was Austin Young (?). I worked there for two or three years. Then I went into business for myself for five years, and then went back for I think ten years…."

Hey Tom, thanks for following me down this alley. It's full of garbage but there's some good junk and bad junk.

Thanks also for that Weisberg quote from the New Orleans Parish Grand Jury Tom.

You know that Harry Connick, the DA who followed Garrison, ordered those Grand Jury records destroyed, but the guy who he told to destroy them kept them and gave them to the ARRB, much to the dismay of Connick, the father of the famous entertainer, Harry Connick, Jr.

So Dunlap was a photo guy, and not the lawyer from Atlanta?

Homer also mentions that he left the government to work for Dunlap for a few years and then went back to the CIA with Austin Young and then left for five years and then returned to the CIA.

I'd like to know more about what Homer did with Dunlap outside of government, and what he did after working for Austin Young at the CIA PSD?

I'd like to know if this Ausitn Young is related to or father of Austin Young, Jr., arrested by Castro and released with John Martino?

Which makes me think of other spys who left the agency and went into business for themselves, like E. Howard Hunt, David A. Phillips, et al., and whether they were really going into "business for themselves," or just outsourcing themselves as contractors.

And how come we can't get anything more on these guys, and how come the ARRB didn't bother to find out who McMahon was talking about?

What do you think?


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Guest Tom Scully

What do I think?

The ARRB left these loose ends for folks like you and me to decipher. so, here we go...

"Austin Young" isn't a person,


Austin-Young Inc, Texas


Manufactures ground or otherwise treated earths; publishes & prints magazines; land subdivision & development services Escrow and title services, Real estate management services, Real estate services, Lease and rental of property or building, Sale of property and building, Publishing, Printing, Author funded publishing services, Textbook or research publishing, Photocopying

The photography school McMahon mentioned, was located at the same address as the very high tech entity

described below, and included a principal, a Mr. Merritt. with an impressive resume and ties to both NPIC and the WC


Camera: a practical magazine for photographers, Volume 69‎ - Page 121

Frank V. Chambers, Columbia Photographic Society, Philadelphia - Photography - 1947

... Photographic Raids Color Work for Professionals Approved for Gl Training

National School of Photography 922 Burlington Ave. Silver Spring, Md.


Photogrammetric engineering, Volume 27‎ - Page 266

Photography - 1961

922 Burlington Ave., Silver Spring, Md. The specialists who formed Photogram-

metry, Inc., had many years of experience in analytical photogrammetric


Everett L.Merritt Principal Scientist Raytheon Company Autometric Operation 400 Army

Navy Drive Arlington, Virginia 22202 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Born 31 January 1912

in Fairview, Pennsylvania, Mr. Merritt performed undergraduate work at Mount Union College

Mr. Merritt performed undergraduate work at Mount Union College 1930-1933 and George Washington

University 1946-1947, Mr. Merritt served as

Combat Surveying Officer, US Marine Corps in the South Pacific during World War II and headed photogrammetric

research for US Naval Photo Interpretation Center 1945-1951. He served as

Technical Director with Photogrammetry, Inc. from 1951-1958; headed Special Projects Office,

Raytheon Company/ Autometric Operation 1958-1973; headed scientific team in Antarctic in 1948 and 1958.

He reconnoitered in Artie in 1963. A member of American Society of Photogrammetry for 28 years'


In the early 1950s, Everett Merritt

published works on analytical

photogrammetry. He worked for the

Naval Photographic Interpretation

Center in Washington, D.C. He

“developed a series of analytical

solutions for camera calibration, space

resection, interior and exterior

orientation, relative and absolute

orientation of stereo airs, and finally

analytical control extension” [Doyle,

1964]. While sharing similarities to

Church’s work, Merritt’s approach was

more complete, handling a number of

different problems. Incidentally,

Merritt later served as a member on

the photography evaluation group for

the Warren Commission on the

Kennedy assassination.


The Washington Post (pre-1997 Fulltext) - Washington, D.C.

Date: Jan 10, 1991

...After the war Mr. Merritt moved to Washington and until 1951 was head of the Research and Evaluation Division of the Naval Photographic Interpretation Center. From 1951 to 1957 he was a partner in the operation of Photogrammetry Inc. in Silver Spring. He worked for the government of Argentina in 1958 and 1959 as technical director of the Argentine Survey Operation in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego, then in 1959 returned to the Washington area, where he became principal scientist with the Alexandria-based Autometric Operation, a division of Raytheon. This work involved assignments for intelligence agencies. He retired in 1976.

...he became principal scientist with the Alexandria-based Autometric Operation, a division of Raytheon.

This work involved assignments for intelligence agencies...

What should we think about this, since the SCA does not seem to have disclosed Merritt's, then recent, 17 years of "assignments for intelligence agencies." ?:


Photogrammetric Analysis of Zapruder and Nix Movie Film


In July 1978, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (SCA) requested U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assistance in their investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The assistance involved photogrammetric analyses of movie film and several snapshots. The snapshots were of Lee Harvey Oswald in the backyard of his home in Dallas in 1963, and the movie films were taken during the assassination by two separate bystanders, named Zapruder and Nix. This report deals only with the analysis of the movie film and prints made from selected frames. ...

....Mr. Everett L. Merritt, photogrammetric consultant to the SCA, acted as liaison between the committee and the USGS. The approach used in determining the limousine positions was devised by Dr. Atef Elassal, USGS, and is described in the following section.

Edited by Tom Scully
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What do I think?

The ARRB left these loose ends for folks like you and me to decipher. so, here we go...

"Austin Young" isn't a person,


Austin-Young Inc, Texas


Manufactures ground or otherwise treated earths; publishes & prints magazines; land subdivision & development services Escrow and title services, Real estate management services, Real estate services, Lease and rental of property or building, Sale of property and building, Publishing, Printing, Author funded publishing services, Textbook or research publishing, Photocopying

The photography school McMahon mentioned, was located at the same address as the very high tech entity

described below, and included a principal, a Mr. Merritt. with an impressive resume and ties to both NPIC and the WC


Camera: a practical magazine for photographers, Volume 69‎ - Page 121

Frank V. Chambers, Columbia Photographic Society, Philadelphia - Photography - 1947

... Photographic Raids Color Work for Professionals Approved for Gl Training

National School of Photography 922 Burlington Ave. Silver Spring, Md.


Photogrammetric engineering, Volume 27‎ - Page 266

Photography - 1961

922 Burlington Ave., Silver Spring, Md. The specialists who formed Photogram-

metry, Inc., had many years of experience in analytical photogrammetric


Everett L.Merritt Principal Scientist Raytheon Company Autometric Operation 400 Army

Navy Drive Arlington, Virginia 22202 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Born 31 January 1912

in Fairview, Pennsylvania, Mr. Merritt performed undergraduate work at Mount Union College

Mr. Merritt performed undergraduate work at Mount Union College 1930-1933 and George Washington

University 1946-1947, Mr. Merritt served as

Combat Surveying Officer, US Marine Corps in the South Pacific during World War II and headed photogrammetric

research for US Naval Photo Interpretation Center 1945-1951. He served as

Technical Director with Photogrammetry, Inc. from 1951-1958; headed Special Projects Office,

Raytheon Company/ Autometric Operation 1958-1973; headed scientific team in Antarctic in 1948 and 1958.

He reconnoitered in Artie in 1963. A member of American Society of Photogrammetry for 28 years'


In the early 1950s, Everett Merritt

published works on analytical

photogrammetry. He worked for the

Naval Photographic Interpretation

Center in Washington, D.C. He

“developed a series of analytical

solutions for camera calibration, space

resection, interior and exterior

orientation, relative and absolute

orientation of stereo airs, and finally

analytical control extension” [Doyle,

1964]. While sharing similarities to

Church’s work, Merritt’s approach was

more complete, handling a number of

different problems. Incidentally,

Merritt later served as a member on

the photography evaluation group for

the Warren Commission on the

Kennedy assassination.


The Washington Post (pre-1997 Fulltext) - Washington, D.C.

Date: Jan 10, 1991

...After the war Mr. Merritt moved to Washington and until 1951 was head of the Research and Evaluation Division of the Naval Photographic Interpretation Center. From 1951 to 1957 he was a partner in the operation of Photogrammetry Inc. in Silver Spring. He worked for the government of Argentina in 1958 and 1959 as technical director of the Argentine Survey Operation in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego, then in 1959 returned to the Washington area, where he became principal scientist with the Alexandria-based Autometric Operation, a division of Raytheon. This work involved assignments for intelligence agencies. He retired in 1976.

...he became principal scientist with the Alexandria-based Autometric Operation, a division of Raytheon.

This work involved assignments for intelligence agencies...

What should we think about this, since the SCA does not seem to have disclosed Merritt's, then recent, 17 years of "assignments for intelligence agencies." ?:


Photogrammetric Analysis of Zapruder and Nix Movie Film


In July 1978, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (SCA) requested U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assistance in their investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The assistance involved photogrammetric analyses of movie film and several snapshots. The snapshots were of Lee Harvey Oswald in the backyard of his home in Dallas in 1963, and the movie films were taken during the assassination by two separate bystanders, named Zapruder and Nix. This report deals only with the analysis of the movie film and prints made from selected frames. ...

....Mr. Everett L. Merritt, photogrammetric consultant to the SCA, acted as liaison between the committee and the USGS. The approach used in determining the limousine positions was devised by Dr. Atef Elassal, USGS, and is described in the following section.

That's interesting Tom,

Especially the part about Merritt.

But there is an Austin Young, Jr., arrested in Cuba, who was a photographer, and released with John Martino. Is he related to the Texas company? Is the Texas company named after a person or a place?

Thanks for your interest,


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Guest Tom Scully


Austin Young, captured in Cuba, was described as an "adventurer." He was a pilot and had a military career as an operational officer. What on earth would he be doing with a "printing services division?" Homer does not say that Austin Young is a person. Homer McMahon was not an operations guy. I don't see any connection to Austin Young Jr.

I'll be that this is McMahon's mentor, and his name was "Hal", not "Mel." He is described in the full description, in the second link as a physicis major, and he was a pioneer in the field of micro photography. It seems to fit is he was working for OSS. The association, founded in 1943, had always been in Silver Spring, Md.


Harold J. Fromm ’48, of Rochester, N.Y.; Feb. 5. He retired after forty-two years at Eastman Kodak Co., where he was recognized nationally and internationally for his work in microfilm standards. A veteran of World War II, he was also a contributor to NASA’s Skylab team. He is survived by his wife, Xxxxxx, three daughters, seven grandchildren, and a brother.



The Journal of micrographics, Volumes 6-7‎ - Page 253

Photography - 1973

...Harold J. Fromm received his Bachelor of Science Degree

in Physics from Brown University in 1948. Following graduation,

he joined the Applied Photography Division of the Eastman

Kodak Research Division of the Eastman Kodak Research Laboratories. His research

has been concerned largely with aspects of micro- photography and its

applications. At present he has the title of Research Associate in Physics, and is engaged in studies of

the microimage characteristics of films and lenses, and the

determination of the photographic requirements for microfilm systems.

Mr. Fromm is a member of the Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers,

and represents this society on the American National Standard Committee PH5.

He is chairman of PH5, a member of the NMA Standards Board and leader

of the NMA Standards Board and leader of the

US delegation to the International Standards Organization meeting of

TC46/SC1, Documentary Reproduction.


The Journal of micrographics, Volumes 6-7

Page 253, 254


For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading non-profit organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, records, and business processes. AIIM was founded in 1943 as the National Microfilm Association and later became the Association for Information and Image Management. AIIM is also known as the enterprise content management (ECM) association.


AIIM Headquarters

1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910


Edited by Tom Scully
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Austin Young, captured in Cuba, was described as an "adventurer." He was a pilot and had a military career as an operational officer. What on earth would he be doing with a "printing services division?" Homer does not say that Austin Young is a person. Homer McMahon was not an operations guy. I don't see any connection to Austin Young Jr.

I'll be that this is McMahon's mentor, and his name was "Hal", not "Mel." He is described in the dull description, in the second link as a physicist, and he was a pioneer in the field of micro photography. It seems to fit is he was working for OSS. The association, founded in 1943, had always been in Silver Spring, Md.


Harold J. Fromm '48, of Rochester, N.Y.; Feb. 5. He retired after forty-two years at Eastman Kodak Co., where he was recognized nationally and internationally for his work in microfilm standards. A veteran of World War II, he was also a contributor to NASA's Skylab team. He is survived by his wife, Xxxxxx, three daughters, seven grandchildren, and a brother.


The Journal of micrographics, Volumes 6-7

Page 253, 254


For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading non-profit organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, records, and business processes. AIIM was founded in 1943 as the National Microfilm Association and later became the Association for Information and Image Management. AIIM is also known as the enterprise content management (ECM) association.


AIIM Headquarters

1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100

Silver Spring, Maryland 20910



You get a feather for your cap for Harold Fromm.

I'm still not convinced that Austin Young, Jr. is unrelated, though you are making sense.


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