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Chemtrails are back!

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At 6:30 a.m. this morning when I went out to get the newspaper, there was a single chemtrail being

laid south to north. I went inside to get my camera, and by then it was spreading into a cirrus cloud.

I have been so busy today that I did not have time to download the image, but will tomorrow.


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How do you know it wasn't a persistent contrail? Did you collect a sample directly from the trail and have it tested? No, of course you didn't. No "chemtrail" believer EVER has even though many have promised it for more than 10 years now. But still, how do you know it wasn't a persistent contrail? It is a simple question and one you still have not answered especially in light of the fact that persistent contrails look and behave exactly like "chemtrails".

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Why won't Jack answer a simple, straightforward question? It's not a personal attack; it's relevant; indeed, it is very important to the validity of Jack's assertion.

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Yesterday's 6:30 a.m. chemtrail over Fort Worth was of the newer SAWTOOTH variety...see original and

detail photos below. The "sawtooth" feature seems to be a new feature to cause the chemtrails to have

a more natural cirrus-like appearance when they disperse.

There were thunderstorms today, so no chemtrails were laid.


Edited by Jack White
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Well, I'm sure that Jack has at least gathered an airborne samples of the alleged "chemtrails" and lodged them with an independent lab for testing, right?

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Okay, so Jack believes and has claimed that Matthew and myself (and probably others) are here on the behalf of someone else (no doubt government or NWO), but what about these people? They owe no allegiance or have hidden agendas:


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Yesterday's 6:30 a.m. chemtrail over Fort Worth was of the newer SAWTOOTH variety...see original and

detail photos below. The "sawtooth" feature seems to be a new feature to cause the chemtrails to have

a more natural cirrus-like appearance when they disperse.

There were thunderstorms today, so no chemtrails were laid.


If it looks more like cirrus, which, so do peristent contrails, then how do you know it was a "chemtrail"? What actual PROOF do you have aside from your previously proven wrong assertion that contrails do not persist?

Jack, since you ignored this question before, here it is again.

Jack, what do you think about the LIE that nearly all "chemtrail" websites push that contrails always disappear quickly?

Further, what about the fabrication of evidence that many "chemtrail" supporters have done that I previously mentioned in post 66?

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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