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The Backyard Photos

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Professor Loren Graham was contracted prior to the writing of this article, but was unable to recall any details

No surprise that Graham could not recall details of something THAT NEVER HAPPENED!

You are for the second time in this thread, only partly quoting in order to completely change the meaning of what I said. It is one of the most blatant displays of dishonesty I have encountered here on this forum.

In doing so a second time, you have disqualified yourself from being taken as an objective participant. You have shown yourself to be a serial offender when it comes to these types of "debating techniques" which are usually themethods of trolls and propagandists.

Good luck, Ray. You're going to need a mountain of it to get any one to buy anything you say from here on...

Attempts are now being made to find out if a guest registry was made at the Oswald wedding, and if so, where a copy might be found.

As I have indicated before, this is one of the DUMBEST pieces of JFK inquiry EVER!

In the world of Lee Oswald's accusers (Which mainly includes the DPD, Jim Garrison, the Warren Commission & The HSCA) this kind of GARBAGE is allowed to masquerade as incriminating EVIDENCE?

Spare me please!

What the hell are you talking about, Ray? This is not an accusation against Oswald.

If you are not accusing Lee Oswald, as you keep proclaiming, then please tell us, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,

WHO do you think was involved in the KILLing of JFK?

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Yes. You would think. But the supposedly intelligent Michael testified that he knew very little about his father's politics,

Wow, what exciting politics. Wake me up when you have finished discussing my father's political opinions.

Every page and every story in the issues of both The Worker and The Millitant that Oswald is holding should have been copied and entered into evidence, and reproduced in the Warren Commission Exhibits, but I can't find them if they were.

Good point. The Warren Commission did not want the unwashed & uneducated Americans (and Australians) to know that Lee Oswald's views were considered mainstream in civilized countries, like Europe!

What do the Backyard Photos really tell us?

That Americans are a bunch of Schmucks!

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Can Bill Kelly be serious? They are obvious fakes intended to frame the patsy. I cannot believe that any

serious student of JFK does not know that by now. Jim Marrs and I dispatched Farid's false claim a long time


In your dreams, Dr. Fetzer. The backyard photos are perfectly genuine, but no serious person thinks they prove anything remotely relevant to the JFK assassination.

hahahha...good laugh...IF they are genuine, those pics would't prove that Oswald owned a rifle and a pistol? and that would not be relevant to the assassination?...


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those pics would't prove that Oswald owned a rifle and a pistol? and that would not be relevant to the assassination?...


These pictures OBVIOUSLY show that Lee Oswald owned a rifle & a pistol (as of April 1963)

So What?

This is America.


This forum sounds more and more like an echo-chamber for the WARREN commissioN

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those pics would't prove that Oswald owned a rifle and a pistol? and that would not be relevant to the assassination?...


These pictures OBVIOUSLY show that Lee Oswald owned a rifle & a pistol (as of April 1963)

So What?

This is America.


This forum sounds more and more like an echo-chamber for the WARREN commissioN

I'd say it sounds more and more like an asylum for the chronically befuddled.

Here's ray replying to Ray:

Ray quoting Ray:

In the world of Lee Oswald's accusers (Which mainly includes the DPD, Jim Garrison, the Warren Commission & The HSCA) this kind of GARBAGE is allowed to masquerade as incriminating EVIDENCE?

Ray's reply to,,, Ray...!

Spare me please!

Here's Ray replying to me but quoting Bill Kelly's text

Ray quoting Bill Kelly:

Every page and every story in the issues of both The Worker and The Millitant that Oswald is holding should have been copied and entered into evidence, and reproduced in the Warren Commission Exhibits, but I can't find them if they were.

Ray replying to me as if I stated the above:

Good point. The Warren Commission did not want the unwashed & uneducated Americans (and Australians) to know that Lee Oswald's views were considered mainstream in civilized countries, like Europe!

Here's Ray calling Europe a country!

considered mainstream in civilized countries, like Europe!
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This is America


This forum sounds more and more like an echo-chamber for the WARREN CommissioN

Let me salute Greg Parker and all the Warren-brainwashed OSWALD-HATERS from the UPSIDE_DOWN land DOWN UNDER!

You've come a long way, baby.

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This is America


This forum sounds more and more like an echo-chamber for the WARREN CommissioN

Let me salute Greg Parker and all the Warren-brainwashed OSWALD-HATERS from the UPSIDE_DOWN land DOWN UNDER!

You've come a long way, baby.

Someone should instruct Carroll how to properly use the quote function.

There is Not A SHRED OF EVIDENCE that Lee Oswald gave away radar secrets. You just made that up , You xxxx!

From someone who had the temerity to question another member's avatar.

....In doing so a second time, you have disqualified yourself from being taken as an objective participant. You have shown yourself to be a serial offender when it comes to these types of "debating techniques" which are usually the methods of trolls and propagandists.

Carroll disqualified himself years ago on this Forum.

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In the world of Lee Oswald's accusers (Which mainly includes the DPD, Jim Garrison, the Warren Commission & The HSCA) this kind of GARBAGE is allowed to masquerade as incriminating EVIDENCE?

Now if you can possibly tear yourself away ... maybe you can get back on topic and tell us why Oswald couldn't find the time between March '63 and the day of his death to post the BY photos to his friends in the SU?

Now Greg, since you are a growing lad yourself, you will appreciate that it does not take long before March becomes October, and before we know it we are behind in our resolutions. I suppose you think that you are a better man than Lee Oswald was, though I know of no reason to believe it.

she really had no doubt he said he'd attended.

Let me get this straight, Old Sport. SHE had no doubt about what HE said?

I can't figure out whether this is DOUBLE HEARSAY or TRIPLE HEARSAY, but it doesn't matter anyway.


Mr. Parker needs to go back to school before he will be ready to start accusing Lee Oswald.

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Carroll disqualified himself years ago on this Forum.

From back in the cheap seats, the voice of Mike Hogan.

Mike Hogan always has something to say, but it is never anything original.

It is ALWAYS something Mike has copied/parroted from someone else.

Hello Mike. Please keep up the good work.

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Here's Ray calling Europe a country!

OK, Greg, You have now shown that -- in addition to the other areas in which you show your youthful lack of expertise -- you know little about the gentleman's game of GOLF.

The world's major golf international is the RYDER CUP in which the US (which is a country) takes on Europe.

This year I've got FIFTY BUCKS that says EUROPE is the WINNING COUNTRY!

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I had to go back pretty far in this thread to find a post on topic, and appreciated those who tried to add something constructive, especially Greg.

As for Ray's insults against Americans, I'll let that pass and let's see how the Ryder Cup plays out against that other country across the pond, Yope.

I'd also like to point out that we are permitted to hear hearsay, especially if its true, as new information should shape our changing perspectives of the case as we learn more, and despite the continuing effort by the Irish barrister to keep it out of court, hearsay is permitted in Congressional hearings and Grand Jury proceedings, the first two steps in the legal process before a trial in a case, if there ever is one, and at that point hearsay would not be permitted.

And if Professor Fetzer wants to argue over whether the backyard photos are fake, he can do so at any number of threads on the subject, including one that I started.


This is a nice approach Bill.

See, the backyard photos were a necessity in my view.

If you think, as I do, that the case against Oswald was manufactured after the fact, then these photos are vital.

But at trial the facts against the rifle being ordered by Oswald or picked up by Oswald would have really started to peel them apart.

When you got to the ammunition that he didn't buy, well then you really have problems.

And then you have the serious problem of if Marina does not get hijacked as a witness, and her first week Secret Service interview is allowed into evidence at trial: She never saw a rifle with a scope until she saw one on TV!

All this would have brought the gravest doubts on the photos. And I am excluding any technical analysis since in a politically charged case like this, you can always get people to testify on both sides. In my view, the evidence and testimony described above supersedes any technical analysis.

And the two newspapers always bugged me also.

Finally, the very odd coincidence that although the story says he ordered the rifle and handgun like over a month apart from each other, they both arrive on the same day from different companies in different locations. Hmm.

Finally, Oswald did not shoot at Walker. And that would probably not even have been brought up at trial since Walker would have been a great witness for Oswald--its the wrong bullet.

And once that was established, it would have brought a long look at Ruth Paine. She is the one who "found" the note, even though the police rummaged her house for two days. She found it among books that Marian used all the time. Books the police could not find.

And once that surfaced, a good attorney would have then brought in the curious fact that, hey! The cops did not find the Imperial Reflex camera either; Ruth found that also.

What a coincidence. I don't think so.

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Here's Ray calling Europe a country!

OK, Greg, You have now shown that -- in addition to the other areas in which you show your youthful lack of expertise -- you know little about the gentleman's game of GOLF.

The world's major golf international is the RYDER CUP in which the US (which is a country) takes on Europe.

This year I've got FIFTY BUCKS that says EUROPE is the WINNING COUNTRY!

As important as the Ryder Cup is I doubt it is the determining factor in what constitutes a nation state Ray. Maybe centuries of socio-political and military developments combined with natural geographic obstacles have more to do with whether Europe is a patchwork of seperate countries with their own seperate languages and cultures: OR, a single entity for the sole purposes of playing golf!

The mind boggles!

This is the archetypal attitude some Americans show towards Europe and the rest of the world. Pure undiluted ignorance!

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Here's Ray calling Europe a country!

OK, Greg, You have now shown that -- in addition to the other areas in which you show your youthful lack of expertise -- you know little about the gentleman's game of GOLF.

The world's major golf international is the RYDER CUP in which the US (which is a country) takes on Europe.

This year I've got FIFTY BUCKS that says EUROPE is the WINNING COUNTRY!

As important as the Ryder Cup is I doubt it is the determining factor in what constitutes a nation state Ray. Maybe centuries of socio-political and military developments combined with natural geographic obstacles have more to do with whether Europe is a patchwork of seperate countries with their own seperate languages and cultures: OR, a single entity for the sole purposes of playing golf!

The mind boggles!

This is the archetypal attitude some Americans show towards Europe and the rest of the world. Pure undiluted ignorance!

Except Ray isn't an American, which explains a lot.

Go! Yanks, beat the Great Brits, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the rest of Yope in the 2010 Ryder Cup.

That's where all good disputes should be settled, on the golf course.


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I sometimes think that closing one's eyes to all the facts is Greg Parker's favorite pastime. Next thing you know he will be quoting hearsay evidence from anonymous US agents who attended Lee Oswald's wedding.


The evidence comes from a prominent academic who authored a book about his time as an exchange student in the Soviet Union. It was an Embassy official who mentioned to him at a wedding of another student, that he had recently attended a wedding between a US citizen and a Russian woman in Minsk. This evidence would be accepted in a court of law as an exception to the hearsay rule. "One major misconception about the hearsay rule is that hearsay is never admissible in court. While the general rule is that such evidence is inadmissible, there are many exceptions." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearsay_in_United_States_law Such testiminy would likely be allowed under Article VIII Rule 804 of the US Federal Rules of Evidence.

As for me getting some shut-eye... you'd be surprised at how little I get...

Please spell out how this would qualify as an exception, here's a link to the rule


I'm curious why would Marina and the State Dept lie about someone from the embassy being at the wedding? If true wouldn't it undermine your strange belief he was a spy? Why spy on a spy?

Also what evidence do you have LHO had access to Radar secrets and passed them on to the Soviets?

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I sometimes think that closing one's eyes to all the facts is Greg Parker's favorite pastime. Next thing you know he will be quoting hearsay evidence from anonymous US agents who attended Lee Oswald's wedding.


The evidence comes from a prominent academic who authored a book about his time as an exchange student in the Soviet Union. It was an Embassy official who mentioned to him at a wedding of another student, that he had recently attended a wedding between a US citizen and a Russian woman in Minsk. This evidence would be accepted in a court of law as an exception to the hearsay rule. "One major misconception about the hearsay rule is that hearsay is never admissible in court. While the general rule is that such evidence is inadmissible, there are many exceptions." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearsay_in_United_States_law Such testiminy would likely be allowed under Article VIII Rule 804 of the US Federal Rules of Evidence.

As for me getting some shut-eye... you'd be surprised at how little I get...

Please spell out how this would qualify as an exception, here's a link to the rule


I'm curious why would Marina and the State Dept lie about someone from the embassy being at the wedding? If true wouldn't it undermine your strange belief he was a spy? Why spy on a spy?

Also what evidence do you have LHO had access to Radar secrets and passed them on to the Soviets?


Greg doesn't believe that Oswald was a "spy." Not in an illegal sense anyway. He'll tell you better than I but he believes what Oswald was doing was perfectly legal.


He said he thought LHO was an assett or something like that.

Im response to Jim, I think the idea LHO was a spy silly.

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