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Does anyone remember a thread on this forum recounting the story of an young teenaged boy who used a restroom stall in Dallas City Hall, and overheard cops (purportedly including Roscoe White) arguing about which one had blown the chance to kill Oswald? Does anyone recall a name that I can use as a search term? THANKS

Edited by David Andrews
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Yes, god that was some time ago and petered out I think. An interesting story.

Why not try ''restroom'' and ''stall''? Perhaps ''scout''?

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For some reason Lee Forman as a participant in the discussion comes to mind.

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Beautiful, thanks, guys. I was just trying to round up accounts that would help explain the Texas Theater pinch and/or Tippit.

So, if this account is true, then Oswald didn't kill Tippit, and either a cop or an informant who was with cops in the basement lockerroom toilet killed Tippit.

Is that how I read this take?

And the kid who overheard the cops talking is still alive today, wouldn't you say?


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Yes - Mike Robinson’s story ties in so well with Ricky and Geneva White’s (son and wife of Roscoe White) story, told and seemingly debunked here by David B. Perry: http://davesjfk.com/roscoew.html

I’m new here, so please excuse my conspiratorial tendency, but one could imagine Ricky and Geneva White telling factual stories to their friends and neighbors, stories that needed to be “handled”. Once the “handlers” started working with mother and son, they might have said, “You have a great story here - why, there could a major motion picture, a best seller, and oodles of money in this for the two of you. It needs a little punching up however - a little bolstering here and there.”

Once the “new and improved” story gets presented, it’s so full of holes that it’s easily debunked, deemed a hoax, and quickly forgotten.

Or not.

But if there is any truth to be discovered in either the Mike Robinson story or the Ricky/Geneva White tale, much light could be shed on the events of that day.

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Yes - Mike Robinson's story ties in so well with Ricky and Geneva White's (son and wife of Roscoe White) story, told and seemingly debunked here by David B. Perry: http://davesjfk.com/roscoew.html

I'm new here, so please excuse my conspiratorial tendency, but one could imagine Ricky and Geneva White telling factual stories to their friends and neighbors, stories that needed to be "handled". Once the "handlers" started working with mother and son, they might have said, "You have a great story here - why, there could a major motion picture, a best seller, and oodles of money in this for the two of you. It needs a little punching up however - a little bolstering here and there."

Once the "new and improved" story gets presented, it's so full of holes that it's easily debunked, deemed a hoax, and quickly forgotten.

Or not.

But if there is any truth to be discovered in either the Mike Robinson story or the Ricky/Geneva White tale, much light could be shed on the events of that day.

Apparently Jim Marrs will be talking about both the Roscoe White story and Carl Mather at his Dallas Lancer presentation in November.

As for Robinson, does anyone have a contact number for him?


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I don't know if the restroom story is true - I couldn't find it until yesterday, and only gave it a quick skim. I just remembered that the story focused on the Tippit shooting, rather than the assassination, so I wanted to see it again.

Really, what I was doing was trying to figure out why both Tippit and the Texas Theater were necessary in the course of one afternoon, or why they were made necessary. And why the DPD car honking outside Oswald's room? That's an exceedingly busy day off for Oswald, even without the assassination.

Who says the DPD performance was slack? It was so tight that a cop and a suspect got killed the same weekend.

Do we trust the civilian testimony and statements from the Texas Theater audience? Why would the great spook who had so many connections freak out and throw a punch at one policeman among several, then try to draw his gun, yelling "This is it!"? His contradictory "I am not resisting arrest!" is much more in character, and more sensible.

Did he just lose it in fear? Or would the great spook, sired by Herb Philbrick and Ira Rosenberg (and John Hurt?), who moaned, "Now everybody will know who I am," when Ruth Paine was brought up, have tried to surrender peaceably when confronted? At City Hall after, he seemed to surf among his identities pretty well, for a guy who would snap like that. (But if he did, and it really seemed like his own assassination at the theater - I can't blame him.)

Edited by David Andrews
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