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Guest Robert Morrow

well, at least they haven't shut a thread down as you've been known to do when it strikes your fancy..... and frankly, Mr. Morrow and his incessant LBJ opines are muchado about nothing... this board seems to be the only place he's gets positive attention...

As I understand it Mr Morrow was championed into the JFK community as a passionate and informed JFK researcher by one of the co-founders of the DPF.

I suppose not calling people xxxxtards, telling them to xxxx off, calling them idiots and saps, etc. must obviously mean they get positive attention here. The moderators and administrators on this board don't pick and choose which members are deserving of our civility - that attriubute, like good manners, is free.

As to your other misinformed notion that the DPF don't shut down threads or make them disappear, I suggest you do a little more fact checking.

Your distaste for this forum, for whatever reason, is apparent in your and one or two other members postings of late. I would be interested to know if you have any constructive views which would help improve the running of this forum. Simply saying get rid of Burton, Colby and everyone you disagree with isn't really sensible - lest we turn into a forum where we post views and heartily agree with one another until you're told not to do so???

I've been watching with interest the treatment of Robert Morrow over at the DPF. Over the years I have seen many of their members bear the brunt of insults from these "intellectual snobs" who ultimately end up insulting people whose ideas and opinions are different from theirs. Invariably the harrassment comes from the "founding members." I watched with utter bemusement how a member a few months ago was banned because he believed in the theory that William Greer shot JFK. His posts were somewhat incessant and he was going overboard with his opinions but was called some Goddamn awful names before being disappeared.

It would seem that history has a pattern of repeating itself over there and Robert Morrow has now been told to "fu*k off." He been called a "fu*ktard" and the "idiot son" of Philip Nelson. And over the past 72 hours has been branded a "pervert" because he has been commenting on the sexual activities of JFK and Bill Clinton. While I myself have found cause to give some feedback to Robert on his posts and eagerness to push his theories, this treatment of him over there has been nothing short of disgusting. They continue to tell him to go back to his Facebook page to talk about his "sex-addiction" and after being told to "fu*k off" because he's a "pervert" the offending material is still in place 6-7 hours later. The funny thing was that the person who has impolitely told him to "leave" was also stating that he was filing a complaint with the "moderators." I'd have urinated in my own pants laughing - if it wasn't so Goddamn disgusting.

While most of us throw banter out at each other on occasion and even let our emotions get the better of us from time, saying things that we later regret, I am utterly flabbergasted how the treatment of Robert has been played out. I don't agree with him, I don't think his theories hold much water, I think his passion overspills, and I stopped reading his posts on here a few weeks ago (taking on board Robert's own advice to me) but, my God, what the hell has the guy done to deserve being called what he has been called? If there's one thing I'd say to Robert, it would be this. Well done on not taking the bait. The insults are obviously designed to break people to the point of them cracking, saying something insulting back in defense and then getting banned. You haven't let them get the better of you.

I made one post concerning the DPF mutiny when events began to transpire. I stand by every word I wrote. There weren't many words but they summed my feelings up. The "founding members" are "intellectual" snobs who speak to people they disagree with like they're something they've stepped in. They'd certainly give Helms, Angleton and Dulles a run for their money. Since we now know that pseudonyms are used over there, one can't tell who it really is that is throwing these latest guttersnipe insults around. Talk about creating unnecessary paranoia. God help the world if the eradication of "deep politics" winds up giving these people a say in world affairs. It would be like Poland giving Hitler up only to see Stalin waiting in the wings. Oh, and someone needs to tell Drago that just because you've got a damn thesaurus it doesn't mean you have to use it.

God bless John Simkin...

...and his "swamp."

P.S. Jim Di. You have at least endeavoured to treat Robert with respect when dealing with the content of his posts. You have for the most part remained civil and have endeavoured to educate Rob with your own ideas and knowledge of the subject matter. I do not include you in the way he has been treated, and you being the one person who has influenced my perseverance with the JFK case over the last 3 years when I have been tempted to give it up, but I have to say (and it is difficult for me to do so) I can't for the life of me work out why you are negatively commenting on John's forum over there, whilst this sort of stuff has been happening on the DPF forum for quite some time. I respect you and your opinions, but some of your comments over the last few days have certainly been a head scratcher for me.

John believes totally in the concept of democratic free speech and his behaviours demonstrate this principle in all that he does. I don't believe that the back and forths with DVP over the last few months were anything but worthwhile. He had his butt-kicked every step of the way (and that's now documented for all to see) and for the most part he was treated with respect and was never told to "f**k off" or branded a "sex-deviant."

Lee, don't worry about me. Actually, it is pretty hilarious what is going on over at DPF - "Give em Hell" Harry Truman used to say - "I don't give them hell, I just tell them the truth and they think it is hell."

They have rules of conduct at both Education Forum and Deep Politics Forum and if you notice I always obey. Unlike a certain moderator at DPF who violates them with impunity. Besides the lack of factual debate, what it shows is a lack of discipline.

Again, don't worry about me. I specialize in vicious, nasty - but fact based - personal attacks and vituperation. So if you catch me on an unmoderated board, that is a very dangerous place to engage me. Because that is when the brass knuckles, nunchucks, and baseball bats come out.

When it comes to nasty, below the belt, vicious, relentless and no-holds-barred internet warfare, there is NO ONE better than me. You have no idea how many internet bullies and punks I have laid to waste. I don't start the fight and personal attacks, but I damn sure finish them.

That obnoxious (and very undisciplined) guy over at DPF? Nothing. I could eat him for breakfast and burp him out as a fart bubble.

The reason I am a JFK researcher is because I hate be lied to by the media, the government, academia, TV commentators and especially the MURDERERS of John Kennedy. I may not always be right in my theories, but at least I seek the truth.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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The reason I am a JFK researcher is because I hate be lied to by the media, the government, academia, TV commentators and especially the MURDERERS of John Kennedy. I may not always be right in my theories, but at least I seek the truth.

spoken like the true .john (aka AAJ) believer.... I've been listening to that nonsense there for the past 17 years.... why am I not surprised its here...

and GaryL. the whine has elevated to fever pitch these day's, perhaps its time for you to write a book...got it in ya? :ice

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All of this is deplorable.

Part of the reason is the forum advertises itself as a DEBATE FORUM. That is at the root of the problem.

I want no part of "debating" anyone about my opinions, beliefs, research, or facts....or his.

Everyone should be able to do this, including Mr. Morrow and those who attack him.

It happens that I agree with many of his assertions about LBJ, whose evil may have been the greatest of any American.

Enough cannot be said about what a horrible criminal he was.

But I also disagree with many of Morrow's assertions, particularly that LBJ was the MASTERMIND of the assassination.

I have read all his postings. I have no desire to debate Morrow's opinions or judge his personalities. I find some of

what he says, useful, and some not. LBJ was ESSENTIAL to the assassination...but that is all. He was evil enough that

he embraced it to advance personally. He cooperated and facilitated it to the utmost. He may have even been the

guiding hand behind "assigned parts" of it...but look elsewhere for the mastermind. Start looking by examining

Allen Dulles and his handlers and work your way UPWARD to the real masterminds behind the puppet show.

Others ought to do the same.


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This thread began due to concern for DPF’s well-being. Now that DPF has sorted itself out and is online again, is there really any productive reason to keep this thread alive?

The hostility toward DPF expressed herein by Evan Burton and some others leads me to suspect that there is some gleeful schadenfreude on the part of some EF members over DPF’s misfortune. It is infantile and has no place here, particularly when penned by a moderator here. It also leads all the usual suspects - those wholly disinterested in who killed Kennedy - to play divide and conquer by stoking animosity between members of two forums that claim to share an identical goal. This behaviour would shame high schoolers and we should be above such things.

If John Simkin is the man I think him to be, one I have long respected, he will realize this reflects poorly upon the forum he has so laboured to achieve, and it must stop immediately. It would also be helpful to disallow DPF members initiating new future threads about all of this nonsense. It has no bearing on our reason for being here, so why is it allowed?

I was pleased to see that the mods here deep-sixed Len Colby’s disingenuous poll regarding whether Dawn Meredith should be placed on moderation. Now do the same for this thread and let’s get back to who killed Kennedy, shall we?

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Guest Gary Loughran

I agree and am closing this topic. If anyone feels there is a post they would like included within this topic, or strongly believe the topic should be opened please PM a moderator. Please don't start another topic.

Thank you for your co-operation.


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