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LC: So you could be misleading calling it a "pure and simple" "Hacking" but you could not say something closer to the truth like 'The Forum went ofline due to an internal dispute, for legal reasons we can not make any furthur comments at thins time'? I don't believe that was the case.

ANd you should know right? I mean you were there right in the middle of it.

If you were a judge, you would have to recuse yourself for unmitigated bias.

Yes I’m biased but that does not change the facts

1) The DPF was not hacked

2) Dawn knew what was going on but still described the situation as a 'hacking'

3) In response to my suggestion that the DPF “was dissolved due to a disagreement among the administrators” she said “Sorry to ruin your fairytale. We were hacked and we will be back. Pure and simple”.

In other words not only did she give a misleading description of what transpired but she described my guess, which was closer to the truth than her version, as a “fairytale”. Saying they had to be deceptive for legal reasons makes no sense.

Edited by Len Colby
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Having first-hand experience of Magda's ability to recall events more to her liking than reality, and seen Drago's blowhard antics, I know whose version of events I'll give credence to.

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Having first-hand experience of Magda's ability to recall events more to her liking than reality, and seen Drago's blowhard antics, I know whose version of events I'll give credence to.

Not to mention their misleading comments as a group and Dawn’s as an individual.

The DPF is beginning to resemble an Ionesco play. Some one parading as me is posting there, is that you Maggie/Magda etc as are people parading as Evan, the Bug and Joan Mellen (or more likely they are the same person) there is a thread about the size of Garrison’s penis, but most of the posts are ‘Evan’ and ‘Len’ giving the finger. Maggieda Hanssan or who whoever that is, grow up.

So now the DPF has been hacked but it wasn’t by Myra rather it was one of the ‘Gang of 5’ or one of their sympathizers. So much for their lawsuit against her.




Edited by Len Colby
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I went through this already Bill.

You still want to make the claim, like Colby, that somehow there was a giant ruse put out by Charley etc, to mask something.

If you insist on ignoring everything I wrote then fine. That is your choice.

But I would not want to linked with Colby on this board.

I accept Dawn's most recent explanation that it was a one person coup and a hijacking of the forum.

If that's the bottom line then the other speculations are out the window, including the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob.

And I never said there was a giant ruse put out by anybody, I just questioned the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob,

which turned out not to be true.

I just don't like the idea of anyone pretending something is one way when knowing in fact it is quite another.


I will post this one last time: No one pretended anything. For legal reasons we could not get into the details.

This is still the case. Why are you all having such a hard time understanding this? Myra attempted a hostile coup and we are in legal consults now. What she did was both illegal criminally and in violation of copyright law.

When we are free to speak -legally free and in other ways- a joint statement from DPF will be posted. Until then this is my final word on the matter.


So you could be misleading calling it a "pure and simple" "Hacking" but you could not say something closer to the truth like 'The Forum went ofline due to an internal dispute, for legal reasons we can not make any furthur comments at thins time'? I don't believe that was the case.

Just what sort of crimninal charges do you think she is guilty of?

Was the name Deep Politics Forum copywritten? Who holds the rights

There is no such word as COPYWRITTEN. The word is COPYRIGHTED.

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I'm just speculating, but I don't believe Myra would do this (post fake posts under false names). She is trying to keep the forum running. That leaves someone who has the ability to create display names, logins, etc, which would suggest a DPF (ex?) admin... perhaps one who has previously created sock puppets?

Edited by Evan Burton
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I went through this already Bill.

You still want to make the claim, like Colby, that somehow there was a giant ruse put out by Charley etc, to mask something.

If you insist on ignoring everything I wrote then fine. That is your choice.

But I would not want to linked with Colby on this board.

I accept Dawn's most recent explanation that it was a one person coup and a hijacking of the forum.

If that's the bottom line then the other speculations are out the window, including the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob.

And I never said there was a giant ruse put out by anybody, I just questioned the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob,

which turned out not to be true.

I just don't like the idea of anyone pretending something is one way when knowing in fact it is quite another.


I will post this one last time: No one pretended anything. For legal reasons we could not get into the details.

This is still the case. Why are you all having such a hard time understanding this? Myra attempted a hostile coup and we are in legal consults now. What she did was both illegal criminally and in violation of copyright law.

When we are free to speak -legally free and in other ways- a joint statement from DPF will be posted. Until then this is my final word on the matter.


You're an attorney, right Dawn?

So you should know not to slander me.

Especially given that you are wrong.

I pulled the plug on the forum exactly as I told you I did, for the reasons I explained in email to you.

I then had the forum restored, immediately sent email to Magda explaining it was back up, and invited the five of you--since you five were still members--to come back and/or start another forum.

Next I posted an explanation of the episode on DPF in the interests of full disclosure.

Today I noticed that explanation had been removed and my account had been partially disabled.

In other words the forum had been hacked. And since I didn't do it I can only speculate at who did. Don't want to slander anybody...

I managed to restore part of the explanation, which has been reproduced here.

I have no idea who I have been working with at DPF.

The person who goes by the name of Jan recently said in email, after I asked who DPF member Peter Tosh was:

“I think Peter Tosh is one of Magda's pseudonyms.”

"One of..."

I still don't know what other pseudonyms she uses on a forum forbidding use of pseudonyms.

That made me remember that a few months ago she hinted that Magda Hassan wasn't her real name.

I asked her if she was joking but she never responded.

Again, I have no idea who I have been working with.

Whoever they are they refuse to follow the same rules they expect members to follow.

I find that intolerably hypocritical.

I want DPF members to know about this hypocrisy.

I think they deserve better.

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