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Guest Robert Morrow

When was the last time Caroline Kennedy or Maria Shriver used any of their CLOUT to speak up about truth in the 1963 Coup d'Etat? All they seemed to be concerned about is covering up for John Kennedy's life as a sex addict. George Smathers said that if John Kennedy was around, your mother, your wife or your daughter was not safe from his sexual advances. And THAT is not thinly sourced at all.

Robert, you apparently do not know how Smathers did his about face on JFK for Lucianna Goldberg. (But you adore her also, right? Even though she almost drove Monica L to suicide.) It is one of the things I discovered in my research on my Posthumous Assassination two part essay. You should also know these two things: 1.) Smathers was a sponsor of Eladio Del Valle's group in Florida, you know, the guy who was David Ferrie's paymaster, and then died the same day as he did, right in proximity to Bernardo De Torres' apartment, the guy who was infiltrating Garrison's inquiry at the time. Just a coincidence of course. Second, when JFK smashed a plate over a dinner table when he was being bugged to kill Castro, the guy who drove him to it was Smathers. So Smathers was ripe for the plucking and Lucianna did it.

Please, no more about Georgie Boy. OK.

I will agree that Kennedy-haters love to bring up JFK's dysfunctional and highly promiscous sex life as a way of darkening his image ... and indirectly justifying to themselves that the 1963 Coup d'Etat was somehow justified. But just because the Kennedy-haters bring up the "sex stuff" on JFK, does not mean that a HUGE chunk of it is not true. You can call it smearing someone with the ugly truth.

Please read for example, Donald Spoto's book on Marilyn Monroe and you will see a good example of why this stuff cannot be trusted. Then read how Exner kept on exaggerating and exaggerating her story AFTER the Church Committee in order to make it into something it was not. In other words they got her to lie and lie and lie--for money. To the point that toward the end, she could not even keep up with all the lies she told. She actually forgot that she was supposed to die years earlier--see that was her excuse for the Kitty Kelley BS in People. And then she somehow forgot that JFK impregnated her-- a story she directly contradicted in, get this, HER OWN BOOK!

I could go on and on with this. But it gets tiring. At least for some of us.

Back to the Kennedys. When is this group FINALLY going to take a stand for truth in the JFK assassination and start confronting the ugly reality of a coup d'etat and what that means, not just for one family, but for the American public? I think they need to quit worrying about "daddy's image" and start educating folks (and themselves) on what he really stood for and WHO murdered him and WHY he was murdered.

Uh Rob, I think you are forgetting something. Namely Talbot's book. This is what RFK had planned on doing after he was elected. But he made a mistake. He told too many people. The word got out to the other side. Therefore, Dr. Bryan, the MK/Ultra team, and LAPD made sure he would never get that chance.

Now, do you really think that after it happened twice that Caroline and her clan, let us say RFK Jr., did not understand? THey do. But a message like that carries a potent warning to it. See, so few of us are really martyrs or saints. Personally, I don't know of any in my life.

Do you?

Re: George Smathers: I think he is being completely accurate in regards to John Kennedy's promiscuity. Just because Smathers was more hawkish than JFK and has other ties does not mean he is being inaccurate on this point. Just because the Kennedy haters use JFK's promiscuity as soon sort of implied justication for a coup or as a diversion to get folks to not think about much LARGER issues (the 1963 coup) does not mean they are wrong about JFK's sex addictions.

Another point - one of Sen. George Smather's "love child" daughters reads Education Forum. After she read my Courtenay Valenti thread, she (a lady in her 50's)contacted me and we had a nice conversation. By many accounts George Smathers and JFK were close friends and running buddies who chased many women together. And I think that many of these women were quite young, in their teens. George Smathers' daughter told me her mother (I guess at age of birth perhaps age 18) considered her life ruined because of having a child at that age.

Then there is the case of Jack Worthington, who is 99% likely to be John Kennedy's son. I posted earlier that Worthington's mother may have been embarassed to come public. Another JFK reseacher told me today that he thinks she was SCARED to come public.

And as for Bernardo De Torres: John Simkin thinks he has powerful friends at Google who are trying to keep him minimized on the search engine, so folks don't learn about him:


Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Tom Scully

When was the last time Caroline Kennedy or Maria Shriver used any of their CLOUT to speak up about truth in the 1963 Coup d'Etat? All they seemed to be concerned about is covering up for John Kennedy's life as a sex addict. George Smathers said that if John Kennedy was around, your mother, your wife or your daughter was not safe from his sexual advances. And THAT is not thinly sourced at all.

Robert, you apparently do not know how Smathers did his about face on JFK for Lucianna Goldberg. (But you adore her also, right? Even though she almost drove Monica L to suicide.) It is one of the things I discovered in my research on my Posthumous Assassination two part essay. You should also know these two things: 1.) Smathers was a sponsor of Eladio Del Valle's group in Florida, you know, the guy who was David Ferrie's paymaster, and then died the same day as he did, right in proximity to Bernardo De Torres' apartment, the guy who was infiltrating Garrison's inquiry at the time. Just a coincidence of course. Second, when JFK smashed a plate over a dinner table when he was being bugged to kill Castro, the guy who drove him to it was Smathers. So Smathers was ripe for the plucking and Lucianna did it.

Please, no more about Georgie Boy. OK.

I will agree that Kennedy-haters love to bring up JFK's dysfunctional and highly promiscous sex life as a way of darkening his image ... and indirectly justifying to themselves that the 1963 Coup d'Etat was somehow justified. But just because the Kennedy-haters bring up the "sex stuff" on JFK, does not mean that a HUGE chunk of it is not true. You can call it smearing someone with the ugly truth.

Please read for example, Donald Spoto's book on Marilyn Monroe and you will see a good example of why this stuff cannot be trusted. Then read how Exner kept on exaggerating and exaggerating her story AFTER the Church Committee in order to make it into something it was not. In other words they got her to lie and lie and lie--for money. To the point that toward the end, she could not even keep up with all the lies she told. She actually forgot that she was supposed to die years earlier--see that was her excuse for the Kitty Kelley BS in People. And then she somehow forgot that JFK impregnated her-- a story she directly contradicted in, get this, HER OWN BOOK!

I could go on and on with this. But it gets tiring. At least for some of us.

Back to the Kennedys. When is this group FINALLY going to take a stand for truth in the JFK assassination and start confronting the ugly reality of a coup d'etat and what that means, not just for one family, but for the American public? I think they need to quit worrying about "daddy's image" and start educating folks (and themselves) on what he really stood for and WHO murdered him and WHY he was murdered.

Uh Rob, I think you are forgetting something. Namely Talbot's book. This is what RFK had planned on doing after he was elected. But he made a mistake. He told too many people. The word got out to the other side. Therefore, Dr. Bryan, the MK/Ultra team, and LAPD made sure he would never get that chance.

Now, do you really think that after it happened twice that Caroline and her clan, let us say RFK Jr., did not understand? THey do. But a message like that carries a potent warning to it. See, so few of us are really martyrs or saints. Personally, I don't know of any in my life.

Do you?

Jim, I'm hoping I can ask you some questions with your understanding that I am a relative newcomer to the study of JFK's life, his presidency, and his assassination. If we can agree that a little knowledge is dangerous, maybe I can learn from you about things you have ruled out and why you've decided they are insignificant.

Just in passing, why do you not think Hersh's reporting on My Lai, especially after Colin Powell was reported to have investigated earlier and came up with a "nothing to see here", result, and details like this timely example, are persuasive of his over all reliability. You see a Hersh with no redeeming qualities?


What is your take on the FBI report on Exner and the Hale brothers, as reported by the FBI in 1962 and covered by Hersh?


Do you think Bobby Hale's role in the death of Connally's daughter, the FBI report on Bobby and his brother at the Exner-Rosselli apartment in LA in '62, the Hale twin's father, ex-FBI and Hoover favorite IB Hale, his position as a manager of industrial security at General Dynamics in Ft. Worth, and his wife, Virginia's role in sending Oswald to Leslie Welding for a job, are unrelated coincidences? What about the FBI and WC failing to disclose any background on Virginia Hale, or of the 1962 report of the Hale boys at Exner's apartment?

I defer to your knowledge and opinion of Smathers, but how do your conclusions reflect on JFK and who he was? The people Jack and Jackie chose to be in their wedding were Smathers and Charles Bartlett and his wife. Bartlett was a Jupiter Island boy and close friend of Pres Bush and his son, GHW. Pres allegedly made Bartlett's Pulitzer prize by feeding him dirt from a senate committee, sealing the resignation of Air Force Secretary, Harold Talbott. Bartlett urged GHW Bush to call Nixon and ask for the position of Ambassador to the UN. Bartlett's brother David was close to the Cord Meyer family. After Cord Meyer, Jr. retired, Bartlett shared his two column per week syndication with Meyer.

Bradlee, Bartlett, and Walton were close to JFK in the post election transition.

Walton became an enemy of Whittaker Chambers while they worked for Time. Was Walton homosexual, when did he he make that transition, from married, family man?

Was G. David Schine's relationship with the hotel where RFK was killed, only a coincidence? How about Schine's sister's marriage to Henry Crown's son, Walton and Clark Clifford's persuasion of the family that made Crown's corrupt hire, Patrick Hoy into an executive, the Byfields, to lease Glen Ora to JFK, and Clifford's later recommendation of Albert Jenner for the SCOTUS? How about the father. Myer Schine, offering free winter vacations in Miami to Edgar and Clyde, or David Schine's mentor,Roy Cohn, positioning Hoover's number 2, Louis Nichols, in a job with Lewis Rosentiel?

Isn't it also tempting to dismiss the marriage of 88 years old McNamara to the widow of Ernest Byfield, Jr.?

So, was Jack Kennedy a great guy surrounded by suspect, right wing friends, including "journalists" like Bradlee, Walton, and Bartlett, who either chose not to write the truth about JFK, or in Bartlett's case, to write almost nothing at all, all of these long, years?

Did Bobby not only sit still, although he was still US AG, while the family David Schine's sister married into, and their mobbed up, union lawyer, Albert Jenner, and Schine lawyer, Cohn, helped the FBI and the WC roll right over the truth, but also make the later mistake of exposing himself to the gun of their employee, Eugene Thane, on their turf?

Do you really think Bobby believed he or members of his family would have been harmed if, in late December, 1963 he had publicly stated, "Albert Jenner working for the WC, are you serious? Jenner was counsel in 1953 for M Frank Darling, the Dorfmans first labor union insurance customer, and he represented the Teamsters Central States funds in loans to the Pritzkers..."

Somebody kept a $6 billion military contract and stopped the McClellan investigation cold in its tracks. Somebody sent Jack Ruby, (Ruby's roommate George, just happened to be from the same small, NY state town as the Schines...) somebody neutered an honest WC investigation of the possibility of conspiracy, and somebody killed Bobby in the basement of the Ambassador Hotel.

I consider all of these coincidences, but I do not pretend to know what happened. It seems to me that Bobby, after 22, November, behaved more like a man who was trying to save his reputation in response to blackmail, (NOT related to anything involving sex.) than a man reacting to threats of physical harm against himself and his family.

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

....Jim, I'm hoping I can ask you some questions with your understanding that I am a relative newcomer to the study of JFK's life, his presidency, and his assassination. If we can agree that a little knowledge is dangerous, maybe I can learn from you about things you have ruled out and why you've decided they are insignificant.

Just in passing, why do you not think Hersh's reporting on My Lai, especially after Colin Powell was reported to have investigated earlier and came up with a "nothing to see here", result, and details like this timely example, are persuasive of his over all reliability. You see a Hersh with no redeeming qualities?


What is your take on the FBI report on Exner and the Hale brothers, as reported by the FBI in 1962 and covered by Hersh?


Do you think Bobby Hale's role in the death of Connally's daughter, the FBI report on Bobby and his brother at the Exner-Rosselli apartment in LA in '62, the Hale twin's father, ex-FBI and Hoover favorite IB Hale, his position as a manager of industrial security at General Dynamics in Ft. Worth, and his wife, Virginia's role in sending Oswald to Leslie Welding for a job, are unrelated coincidences? What about the FBI and WC failing to disclose any background on Virginia Hale, or of the 1962 report of the Hale boys at Exner's apartment?

I defer to your knowledge and opinion of Smathers, but how do your conclusions reflect on JFK and who he was? The people Jack and Jackie chose to be in their wedding were Smathers and Charles Bartlett and his wife. Bartlett was a Jupiter Island boy and close friend of Pres Bush and his son, GHW. Pres allegedly made Bartlett's Pulitzer prize by feeding him dirt from a senate committee, sealing the resignation of Air Force Secretary, Harold Talbott. Bartlett urged GHW Bush to call Nixon and ask for the position of Ambassador to the UN. Bartlett's brother David was close to the Cord Meyer family. After Cord Meyer, Jr. retired, Bartlett shared his two column per week syndication with Meyer.

Bradlee, Bartlett, and Walton were close to JFK in the post election transition.

Walton became an enemy of Whittaker Chambers while they worked for Time. Was Walton homosexual, when did he he make that transition, from married, family man?

Was G. David Schine's relationship with the hotel where RFK was killed, only a coincidence? How about Schine's sister's marriage to Henry Crown's son, Walton and Clark Clifford's persuasion of the family that made Crown's corrupt hire, Patrick Hoy into an executive, the Byfields, to lease Glen Ora to JFK, and Clifford's later recommendation of Albert Jenner for the SCOTUS? How about the father. Myer Schine, offering free winter vacations in Miami to Edgar and Clyde, or David Schine's mentor,Roy Cohn, positioning Hoover's number 2, Louis Nichols, in a job with Lewis Rosentiel?

Isn't it also tempting to dismiss the marriage of 88 years old McNamara to the widow of Ernest Byfield, Jr.?

So, was Jack Kennedy a great guy surrounded by suspect, right wing friends, including "journalists" like Bradlee, Walton, and Bartlett, who either chose not to write the truth about JFK, or in Bartlett's case, to write almost nothing at all, all of these long, years?

Did Bobby not only sit still, although he was still US AG, while the family David Schine's sister married into, and their mobbed up, union lawyer, Albert Jenner, and Schine lawyer, Cohn, helped the FBI and the WC roll right over the truth, but also make the later mistake of exposing himself to the gun of their employee, Eugene Thane, on their turf?

Do you really think Bobby believed he or members of his family would have been harmed if, in late December, 1963 he had publicly stated, "Albert Jenner working for the WC, are you serious? Jenner was counsel in 1953 for M Frank Darling, the Dorfmans first labor union insurance customer, and he represented the Teamsters Central States funds in loans to the Pritzkers..."

Somebody kept a $6 billion military contract and stopped the McClellan investigation cold in its tracks. Somebody sent Jack Ruby, (Ruby's roommate George, just happened to be from the same small, NY state town as the Schines...) somebody neutered an honest WC investigation of the possibility of conspiracy, and somebody killed Bobby in the basement of the Ambassador Hotel.

I consider all of these coincidences, but I do not pretend to know what happened. It seems to me that Bobby, after 22, November, behaved more like a man who was trying to save his reputation in response to blackmail, (NOT related to anything involving sex.) than a man reacting to threats of physical harm against himself and his family.


You are completely missing my point about Smathers. Take a look at what he said about JFK prior to his meeting with Goldberg, and what he said after. For example what he said to the Church Committee, before he met her. It changed in both content and tone. Why? Did his memory get refreshed?

Man, and for you to keep up with that Worthington hoax, geez.

Mr Scully:

When I did my essay on the Posthumous Assassination it was done in the wake of the Hersh/Cusack/MM forgery. Now when I looked at that, I could not understand how Hersh could be so easily gulled by a con man like Cusack. And then when i learned that Greg Schreiner, an expert on Monroe's life, had told Hersh that her signature was forged on the so-called trust, well that sealed it for me. Hersh was not after the truth. He had an agenda to do a hatchet job. And it did not matter to him if he dealt with a bunch of liars who were out to make money. Because that is what he was doing also.

This is when I decided to take a look at Hersh's career. When I discovered that his great benefactor, from the beginning with Mylai, was Bob Loomis, well the proverbial light went on in my head. Clearly, what Hersh's pile of crap was was the continuation of Loomis' initial attack on Stone with his other slutty client, Posner.

THen when I examined Hersh's work on such issues as Mylai, Watergate, KAL 007 etc, that certified for me that he was a CIA asset from the start. ANd his Kennedy book was a natural extension of that longtime mission.

Now, if you look at his two books on Mylai, which I did, you will see that in first one, he goes out of his way to say that this was just an outbreak of bad intelligence and hysteria. And he does just about the same in his second book. Although he could not deny the Phoenix Program by then, he tried to restrict it to another incident, not My lai. Which is really something since Calley himself had requested the Phoenix documents for his appeal. So in my view, Hersh covered up what Mylai was really about. And he did it for three years.

Same thing in the other instances. His stuff on Watergate was just atrocious in its obeisance to covering up for the CIA, specifically the lying Jim McCord.

I will not read anything by this guy ever again. Period. The fact that he was the liberal darling of journalism tells us much about what the Liberal Establsihment was.

As per Exner, please. The woman was such a habitual xxxx, it got sick. After I did my piece on her, I almost puked. BTW, I have to say though, it is interesting that Liz Smith complained about what Hersh wrote about her in his book. She said that he took so many liberties with the interview, Exner was shocked and disappointed.

That is what happens though when you get a con artist and a xxxx in the same room. I mean look what happened when Hersh met Cusack.


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Is the purpose of this "sex freak" thing to make us look bad, by dividing us or otherwise?

hi david...

another part of the what should not be the sex puzzle imo, which may shed much light on just what and what not he was capable of and how often and with how many, fwi he was not superman, he was a human being, with their flaws as well, so do those who throw the first stones, pretend to have none, or are they jealous of his legend.or perhaps both...?:blink: b

The Medical Ordeals of JFK; THE ATLANTIC.

Kennedy's charismatic appeal rested heavily on the image of youthful energy and good health he projected. This image was a myth. The real story, disconcerting though it would have been to contemplate at the time, is actually more heroic. It is a story of iron-willed fortitude in mastering the diffi-culties of chronic illness.

Kennedy's charismatic appeal rested heavily on the image of youthful energy and good health he projected. This image was a myth. The real story, disconcerting though it would have been to contemplate at the time, is actually more heroic. It is a story of iron-willed fortitude in mastering the diffi-culties of chronic illness.


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Is the purpose of this "sex freak" thing to make us look bad, by dividing us or otherwise?

hi david...

another part of the what should not be the sex puzzle imo, which may shed much light on just what and what not he was capable of and how often and with how many, fwi he was not superman, he was a human being, with their flaws as well, so do those who throw the first stones, pretend to have none, or are they jealous of his legend.or perhaps both...?:blink: b

The Medical Ordeals of JFK; THE ATLANTIC.

Kennedy's charismatic appeal rested heavily on the image of youthful energy and good health he projected. This image was a myth. The real story, disconcerting though it would have been to contemplate at the time, is actually more heroic. It is a story of iron-willed fortitude in mastering the diffi-culties of chronic illness.

Kennedy's charismatic appeal rested heavily on the image of youthful energy and good health he projected. This image was a myth. The real story, disconcerting though it would have been to contemplate at the time, is actually more heroic. It is a story of iron-willed fortitude in mastering the diffi-culties of chronic illness.


the above post edit, will not allow me to edit the double statement...??

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Guest Tom Scully

....Jim, I'm hoping I can ask you some questions with your understanding that I am a relative newcomer to the study of JFK's life, his presidency, and his assassination. If we can agree that a little knowledge is dangerous, maybe I can learn from you about things you have ruled out and why you've decided they are insignificant.

Just in passing, why do you not think Hersh's reporting on My Lai, especially after Colin Powell was reported to have investigated earlier and came up with a "nothing to see here", result, and details like this timely example, are persuasive of his over all reliability. You see a Hersh with no redeeming qualities?


What is your take on the FBI report on Exner and the Hale brothers, as reported by the FBI in 1962 and covered by Hersh?


Do you think Bobby Hale's role in the death of Connally's daughter, the FBI report on Bobby and his brother at the Exner-Rosselli apartment in LA in '62, the Hale twin's father, ex-FBI and Hoover favorite IB Hale, his position as a manager of industrial security at General Dynamics in Ft. Worth, and his wife, Virginia's role in sending Oswald to Leslie Welding for a job, are unrelated coincidences? What about the FBI and WC failing to disclose any background on Virginia Hale, or of the 1962 report of the Hale boys at Exner's apartment?

I defer to your knowledge and opinion of Smathers, but how do your conclusions reflect on JFK and who he was? The people Jack and Jackie chose to be in their wedding were Smathers and Charles Bartlett and his wife. Bartlett was a Jupiter Island boy and close friend of Pres Bush and his son, GHW. Pres allegedly made Bartlett's Pulitzer prize by feeding him dirt from a senate committee, sealing the resignation of Air Force Secretary, Harold Talbott. Bartlett urged GHW Bush to call Nixon and ask for the position of Ambassador to the UN. Bartlett's brother David was close to the Cord Meyer family. After Cord Meyer, Jr. retired, Bartlett shared his two column per week syndication with Meyer.

Bradlee, Bartlett, and Walton were close to JFK in the post election transition.

Walton became an enemy of Whittaker Chambers while they worked for Time. Was Walton homosexual, when did he he make that transition, from married, family man?

Was G. David Schine's relationship with the hotel where RFK was killed, only a coincidence? How about Schine's sister's marriage to Henry Crown's son, Walton and Clark Clifford's persuasion of the family that made Crown's corrupt hire, Patrick Hoy into an executive, the Byfields, to lease Glen Ora to JFK, and Clifford's later recommendation of Albert Jenner for the SCOTUS? How about the father. Myer Schine, offering free winter vacations in Miami to Edgar and Clyde, or David Schine's mentor,Roy Cohn, positioning Hoover's number 2, Louis Nichols, in a job with Lewis Rosentiel?

Isn't it also tempting to dismiss the marriage of 88 years old McNamara to the widow of Ernest Byfield, Jr.?

So, was Jack Kennedy a great guy surrounded by suspect, right wing friends, including "journalists" like Bradlee, Walton, and Bartlett, who either chose not to write the truth about JFK, or in Bartlett's case, to write almost nothing at all, all of these long, years?

Did Bobby not only sit still, although he was still US AG, while the family David Schine's sister married into, and their mobbed up, union lawyer, Albert Jenner, and Schine lawyer, Cohn, helped the FBI and the WC roll right over the truth, but also make the later mistake of exposing himself to the gun of their employee, Eugene Thane, on their turf?

Do you really think Bobby believed he or members of his family would have been harmed if, in late December, 1963 he had publicly stated, "Albert Jenner working for the WC, are you serious? Jenner was counsel in 1953 for M Frank Darling, the Dorfmans first labor union insurance customer, and he represented the Teamsters Central States funds in loans to the Pritzkers..."

Somebody kept a $6 billion military contract and stopped the McClellan investigation cold in its tracks. Somebody sent Jack Ruby, (Ruby's roommate George, just happened to be from the same small, NY state town as the Schines...) somebody neutered an honest WC investigation of the possibility of conspiracy, and somebody killed Bobby in the basement of the Ambassador Hotel.

I consider all of these coincidences, but I do not pretend to know what happened. It seems to me that Bobby, after 22, November, behaved more like a man who was trying to save his reputation in response to blackmail, (NOT related to anything involving sex.) than a man reacting to threats of physical harm against himself and his family.


You are completely missing my point about Smathers. Take a look at what he said about JFK prior to his meeting with Goldberg, and what he said after. For example what he said to the Church Committee, before he met her. It changed in both content and tone. Why? Did his memory get refreshed?

Man, and for you to keep up with that Worthington hoax, geez.

Mr Scully:

When I did my essay on the Posthumous Assassination it was done in the wake of the Hersh/Cusack/MM forgery. Now when I looked at that, I could not understand how Hersh could be so easily gulled by a con man like Cusack. And then when i learned that Greg Schreiner, an expert on Monroe's life, had told Hersh that her signature was forged on the so-called trust, well that sealed it for me. Hersh was not after the truth. He had an agenda to do a hatchet job. And it did not matter to him if he dealt with a bunch of liars who were out to make money. Because that is what he was doing also.

This is when I decided to take a look at Hersh's career. When I discovered that his great benefactor, from the beginning with Mylai, was Bob Loomis, well the proverbial light went on in my head. Clearly, what Hersh's pile of crap was was the continuation of Loomis' initial attack on Stone with his other slutty client, Posner.

THen when I examined Hersh's work on such issues as Mylai, Watergate, KAL 007 etc, that certified for me that he was a CIA asset from the start. ANd his Kennedy book was a natural extension of that longtime mission.

Now, if you look at his two books on Mylai, which I did, you will see that in first one, he goes out of his way to say that this was just an outbreak of bad intelligence and hysteria. And he does just about the same in his second book. Although he could not deny the Phoenix Program by then, he tried to restrict it to another incident, not My lai. Which is really something since Calley himself had requested the Phoenix documents for his appeal. So in my view, Hersh covered up what Mylai was really about. And he did it for three years.

Same thing in the other instances. His stuff on Watergate was just atrocious in its obeisance to covering up for the CIA, specifically the lying Jim McCord.

I will not read anything by this guy ever again. Period. The fact that he was the liberal darling of journalism tells us much about what the Liberal Establsihment was.

As per Exner, please. The woman was such a habitual xxxx, it got sick. After I did my piece on her, I almost puked. BTW, I have to say though, it is interesting that Liz Smith complained about what Hersh wrote about her in his book. She said that he took so many liberties with the interview, Exner was shocked and disappointed.

That is what happens though when you get a con artist and a xxxx in the same room. I mean look what happened when Hersh met Cusack.


While I was patiently waiting for the answers to the questions I actually asked, I found this.:


Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years - Google Books Result

David Talbot, David Talbot - 2007 - Biography & Autobiography - 480 pages

Later, Kennedy would remark that when he saw Ruby's phone records, “The list was almost a duplicate of the people I called before the Rackets Committee. .

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