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$2,000,000 to restore Dealey Plaza

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from blogs.dallasobserver.com

Dealey Plaza Redo Will Be Public-Private Deal. And It Has To Be Done By November 2013.

By Robert Wilonsky

May 23 2011


I suspect this is more: if we erase most everything that was in the plaza in 1963 (except for the TSBD-of course), maybe our tarnished city reputation will be restored, eh? You don't turn a murder site into a carnival site (as it is now) an expect no repercussions?

Carry on Gary, carry on!

Thanks for posting this Michael....

Edited by David G. Healy
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Does not surprise me.

The city has got to be sick of being known for the place where President Kennedy was murdered.

The killers wanted this thing to go away with a successfull shot to the back. Since that bullet was a "short shot", the kill needed to be from the front. Now,

this museum making this thing dragging on nearly fifty years later!

The killers have to be moving in their grave!

Edited by Peter McGuire
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