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So I will give it one last try…..

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...this an enlarged crop of still another iteration of the Picket fence area from Z 472.

Again, the basic core informtion is carried along, new information appears, but some previously gained details are lost. The gain / loss phenomenon is the visual expression of the correlation process...


Viewers with good visual skills will notice that the image is surrounded by a whitish "cloud".

Though it can be argued that this is just because of the natural circumstances of the image, I find this intriguing...

This image is actually quite striking, and support severe enlargement...

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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...since I don't put outlines on processed pictures (that would be adding totally extraneoaus data into the information set...), I post below a composite showing 2 versions of the same iteration (different from the one above), only at different scales: I have cut out the background coarsely enough to assure that the image observed is not "polluted", taking the same precautions I did with the Belzner photo.

The enlargement shows conclusively, I think, that the "optical illusion" does not disolve under close scrutinity....


the captions were added individually afterwards, so don't use them as refernce points...

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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This composite below illustrates that the image is coherent with Zapruder's point of view, using as a refernce point another, much clearer image of the Fence Corner (on the left), taken exactly from Zapruders location during the shooting...


..the image posted here is of a sensibly inferior definition but still, you can verify the basic core information manifesting itself...

People with good visual skills will probably notice other interesting patterns in Z 472....

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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...at this stage, I went back to the overall record to see if corroborations for what was starting to appear in the images could be found.

Granted, the use of Police uniforms would seem to be a genius stroke (literally making the assassins "invisible" to witnesses: cognitive dissonance would be at play here), but if those people were there, just like the process found evidence of their presence in images, they should also "manifest" their "objective reality" on other kind of "data support", however faintly or in a "degraded" form.

If any poster here has ever assessed the shooting data under this very specific angle (officially undocumented / suspicious Police personnel activity on the Knoll), I'd be interested in their analysis...

When you reassess Zapruder's full testimony in details, considering not only what he says but how he says it, with this new perspective in mind (suspicicous police activity on the knoll during the shooting), it sure is intriguing.

Also interesting in trying to corroborate the images , the WC testimony of Lee Bowers, and the statements of the deaf mute witness (sorry, jus't can't remember his name right now)

Another testimony of interest here, pertaining to the image in hughes 2 and 3, would be the very peculiar statements of Amos Euins about physical details of the man's apparence

...trying to answer with a different analogy John's argument about the absolute necessity of working with pristine material from the start, I will ask this:

*if I gave you ten good caricatures of a person you have never met, and if that person entered the room with a group of 10 other people you don't know either, would you be able to identify him/her?

I think you would.... <_<

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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...since I have already posted several iterations of the DPD officer in Z 472, including extreme blow ups, to establish that the image cannot be easily dismissed as an optical illusion, I think we should as well try to corroborate his presence, using another source.

We will use the Moorman picture for that.

I post below a composite showing a cut out version of an image found in Moorman (left),in the exact same area as the image seen in Z 472 (right).

Again, we will remember that this is the precise location where the HSCA experts determined 33 years ago a shot was fired at JFK, a finding that has been corroborated twice since then by international searchers.

I will post later, as usual, several versions showing the image at different processing stages, and scales.

Now, for those following the technical side of this: the image is a very "real" coloured image of a man's face behind the fence. It is a "raw result" meaning it has not been manually retouched, like all results posted here.

My understanding is nevertheless that the Moorman is a B&W polaroid...


...the composite also shows that we are not actually dealing with coloured blobs or Rorschach type images here, but quite definite and clear images...

I would like for instance to have the opinion of those versed in optical matters:

*if you examine the outer edge of the man's ear on the left, you will notice that it is of a lighter/pinker shade than the rest of the ear

*this is a phenomenon you will easily notice when taking pictures of somebody, if there is some significant lighting coming from behind what you are filming.

The outer edge is thinner, and will let more light thru than the rest of the ear

Again, this would be another exemple of high sophistication for an optical illusion....

It is easy to see that the 2 images are highly correlated.

The odds that such highly correlated "optical illusions" would manifest themselves so credibly thru an 8-second time sequence (recorded with different intruments, from different points of view and at different points in time...) should run pretty low on the probability counter, I would think....

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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..for those who have not have time to check, and to illustrate how this new data made available can help us reassess "old data" with new insight, Bower's testimony actually mentions the presence of people wearing uniforms behind the fence before the shooting...

Altgens statements to David Lifton are also of great interest here...

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..this is another iteration of the man in Moorman, undetoured, in extreme close up.


Again, check the light distribution pattern on the ear...

The definition is high enough for us to establish that the man is wearing some kind of eyewear...

Edited by Christian Frantz Toussay
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. I post below a processed version of Moorman, showing the location of the Fence team relative to the president's car and other points of refernce in the picture. My indication of JFK's head at time of impact is off the mark, and has been left here only as a rough indication.

I think, before we go on to the other material pertaining to the Picket Fence Corner, that it is important that the following is made clear:

*the results that I will present were not intended as a validation (or the case maybe, a refutation) of the Badgeman Image discovered by Jack White and Gary Mack in the 70s.

Though I was of course aware of the image (and the controversy around it...), I had not been able to determine exactly where it is located in the picture: various accounts indicate varying locations, including 3 different ones behind the retaining wall, not the fence...

So, like I did with the Hughes frames, I decided to just process the picture and see what, if anything, came up.

Since I had the very dumb idea, at that time, to try processing full frame, but while applying different settings on selected areas, you will notice that I was actually focusing on the retaining wall corner area when I first noticed the intriguing pattern near the fence corner.

I think Jack White or Gary Mack could maybe be contacted to verify, beyond dispute, the exact location where they found their Badgeman image.

I personally think what I have have found maybe just a validation of what they discovered long ago.

As you will see, there are some major discrepancies between the Badgeman Image and what I will present, but also very solid corroborations.


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...this crop focus only on the detoured image of the shooter: note the incredibly fine details visible.

Optical illusions work with a paint brush, and do not support this kind of enlargements...


...the man would appear to wear some sort of eyewear, like divers do...

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...as an exception to the rule, I post below a water-colored version of this image:

*blue has been applied to the uniform and cap

*soft pink to the face and hands

*a touch of yellow to what I interpret as a light reflection on the insigna on the cap

In all instances, the color has been applied lightly enough to preserve the original data below, as can be verified


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