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Was there a guy on south side of Elm St. holding a sign

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just an FYI, the first patent for a plastic cup, according to my sources, was not awarded until 1964. And I'm old enough to remember that, in '63, people were not using clear plastic cups like that.

No one said it was a clear cup, Allen.

The obvious alternative is that is was a paper cup.

Which glowed white even though the sun was behind him.

--Tommy :ph34r:


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Tommy , I have some of Jack White's work on the man with the sign.that you may be interested in....I hope he is getting much better and can rejoin us soon..b

Thanks, Bernice!

Yes, I too hope Jack is doing OK and will be back soon.


I can recall in recent years seeing photos of signman, hooking arms with a woman with her pocketbook hanging off her arm as they ran up the Grassy Knoll. I could be mistaken.

Kathy C

Does anyone know the photo Kathleen is talking about? Would it by any chance be the Cancellare photo that shows a possible E. Howard Hunt walking across Elm St. towards the grassy knoll?

--Tommy :)

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