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Why Lies Aimed At the "Left" about JFK are Far and Away The Most Important Lies

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http://www.truth-out.org/anniversaries-unhistory/1328369965. This really MUST BE responded to. Will do so as soon as I get a chance. It is now impossible, in my view, to see Chomsky as anything other than willfully disinforming on JFK and Vietnam. This is beyond cherry picking and his sourcing is fresh as Pompeii.

The article is not there for me. I detest Chomsky for pretending to be a teller of truth.


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Paul the far right such as Birchers etc were no longer isolationists. Yes they railed against the UN and multi-latteralism but it was because of unilateral interventionism in Latin America and Asia and not for isolationism. I think you are misunderstanding the key 1950-56 period in which a fierce unilateral interventionism in the name of anti-communism triumphed over the Taft wing. As early as 46 47 with the Vandenberg conversion, the isolationist right was a thing of the past. The reason they might SEEM sometimes isolationist is, as you rightly point out, their fierce opposition to UN Eurocentric multi-latteralism. But that is not the same as isolationism. The new rightists wanted to intervene more freely without UN approval...

Nathaniel, your point is valid -- the JBS was not isolationist, but interventionist on a Global scale. Still, their domestic followers - the popular power behind their millions - operated almost entirely on a WASP-centric worldview, which was always the capstone of USA Isolationism.

That is, the JBS rank and file were echoes of old Isolationism; their hatred of the UN was an echo of old Isolationism; their fear of Global Capital was an echo of old Isolationism; their pursuit of provincial racism and patriarchy was an echo of old Isolationism.

Although technically, and in the abstract, the John Birch Society was willing to intervene in global affairs in a hostile manner, the root of their hostility was their fear that their Home Values were threatened -- and this is the worldview of the Isolationist. So I conclude that at root, at heart, the Birchers were dreaming of Isolation *after* they conquered their allegedly intrusive enemies.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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FOOTNOTE 912 OF CHAPTER 6, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE: ON THE CIA'S COLLINS RADIO AND ITS TIES TO THE JFK ASSASSINATION AND THE INDONESIAN GENOCIDE OF 1.25 MILLION THAT WAS JUST ONE DIRECT RESULT OF THIS ASSASSINATION. 912 William Blum, Killing Hope: Us Military and CIA Interventions since World War II (Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press, 19950, p.194. The CIA's support of the massacre in Indonesia [btw. 750,000 and 1.25 Million following CIA coup in 1965, N.H.] also included supplying communications systems from Collins Radio, its major contractor (whose employee Carl Mather, as we have seen, was linked through his automobile's license to a sighting of the second Oswald the afternoon of the assassination): "The supply of radios is perhaps the most telling detail {of U.S. logistical support to the bloodbath]. They served not only as field communications but also became an element of a broad, US intelligence-gathering operation constructed as the manhunt went forward. According to a former embassy official, the Central Intelligence Agency hastily provided the radios--state of the art Collins KWM-2s, high-frequency single-sideband transceivers, the highest-powered mobile unit available at that time to the civilian and commercial market." Kadane, "Letter to the Editor, New York Review Of Books (April 10, 1997)


LIttle HELP? I am trying to get JFK and the Unspeakable into more hands of the "the left" Why? This has been the group where most of the lies about JFK are aimed. Since this great book has not received any corporate attention, that means we do it or nobody. CAN PEOPLE PLEASE SPREAD THIS AROUND AND SHARE IT? It is critical that we focus ON THE WIDER POLICY IMPLICATIONS of the assassination with a mind towards how the disinformation works and towards whom the disinformation is aimed.

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my neo-Colonial bad. Here is the link http://www.truth-out.org/anniversaries-unhistory/1328369965

God what horrible lies...I hate him. The left is so suckered by his bs....I mostly will not read him because I know he goes out of his way to lie about JFK's

record. Many have tried to correct him over the years. To no avail. I agree that these pieces are the worst. Because we expect more from the left.


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Please post this thread on sites with lots of left and or left liberals, so they will post it at the left.


Why Did Markus Raskin [once McGeorge Bundy's Top Advisor, later founder, IPS] call JFK and the Unspeakable "a soucrebook for many years to come"?

Well let's just take one of the more than 2,OOO detailed and scholarly footnotes, #909 for Chapter 6


909. Ralph W. McGehee, Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA (New York: Sheridan Square, Publications, 1983), p.57. One sentence cited from article by Ralph W. McGehee, "Foreign Policy by Forgery: The CIA and the White Paper on El Salvador," The Nation (April 11, 1981), pp.423-34 (with deletions by the CIA). McGehee also noted in his Nation Article, as then cided in his book on pp.57-58:

"Initially the Indonesian Army left the P.K.I. [Communist Party of Indonesia] alone, since it had not been involved in the coup attempt. {Eight sentences deleted here by the CIA.} Subsequently, however, INdonesian military leaders [seven rods deleted by the CIA] began a bloody extermination campaign. In mid-November 1965, General Suharto formally authorized the 'cleaning out' of the Indonesian Communist Party and established special teams to supervise the mass killing. Media fabrications played a key role in stirring up popular resentment against the P.K.I. Photographs of the bodies of the dead in generals [who had been killed in a failed coup]-- badly decomposed-- were featured in all the newspapers and on television. Stories accompanying the pictures falsely claimed that the generals had been castrated and their eyes gouged out by Communist women. This cynically manufactured campaign was designed to foment public anger against the Communists and set the stage for a massacre... To conceal its role in the massacre of those innocent people the C.I.A., in 1968, concocted a false account of what happened (later published by the Agency as a book, Indonesia--1965: The Coup that Backfired) ...At the same time that the Agency wrote the book, it also composed a secret study of what really happened. [One sentence deleted by the CIA.] The Agency was extremely proud of its successful [one word deleted by the CIA] and recommended it as a model for future operations [one half sentence deleted by the CIA]."


FOOTNOTE 912 OF CHAPTER 6, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE: ON THE CIA'S COLLINS RADIO AND ITS TIES TO THE JFK ASSASSINATION AND THE INDONESIAN GENOCIDE OF 1.25 MILLION THAT WAS JUST ONE DIRECT RESULT OF THIS ASSASSINATION. 912 William Blum, Killing Hope: Us Military and CIA Interventions since World War II (Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press, 19950, p.194. The CIA's support of the massacre in Indonesia [btw. 750,000 and 1.25 Million following CIA coup in 1965, N.H.] also included supplying communications systems from Collins Radio, its major contractor (whose employee Carl Mather, as we have seen, was linked through his automobile's license to a sighting of the second Oswald the afternoon of the assassination): "The supply of radios is perhaps the most telling detail {of U.S. logistical support to the bloodbath]. They served not only as field communications but also became an element of a broad, US intelligence-gathering operation constructed as the manhunt went forward. According to a former embassy official, the Central Intelligence Agency hastily provided the radios--state of the art Collins KWM-2s, high-frequency single-sideband transceivers, the highest-powered mobile unit available at that time to the civilian and commercial market." Kadane, "Letter to the Editor, New York Review Of Books (April 10, 1997)

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Here is an e-mail exchange I had with the author of the lying Counterpunch hit piece. He now has an in at Huffington Post as well. (shockwave) He can't seem to find the origins of his allegations about RFK hawking on LBJ.

Why am I not surprised?

We cannot keep allowing these leftward aimed lies to continue. You might not think it matters because you might not consider yourself a leftist. That is incorrect, and if necessary I will explain why.


I am absolutely positive I read it in "Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream." I am positive. Are we talking about the same book?


----- Original Message -----

To: dmacaray@earthlink.net

Sent: 2/25/2012 5:13:23 PM

Subject: Doris Goodwin's comment about RFK and LBJ on Vietnam inCounterpunch article??????????????????????????

Hello. I have a question about your article on RFK in last Junes Counterpunch.

You cite Dorris Kearns Goodwin's book on LBJ for the comment that RFK was pressuring LBJ towards intervening more strongly in Vietnam. I have searched the book and could not find the passage you were alluding to.

Can you please point out the passage.

Thank you!

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Guest Robert Morrow

Doris Kearns Goodwin, then Doris Kearns, was almost certainly having an affair with Lyndon Johnson. By that, I mean a sexual affair, which Doris has all but admitted to. Doris met LBJ in 1967 when she was age 23 and LBJ was age 58 (possibly age 59).

Was LBJ biographer Doris Kearns having an affair with Lyndon Johnson? Here is the response of a very well known JFK researcher when I posed that question to him: “No doubt about that one ….” Sally Quinn had said some rather provocative things about Doris Kearns-Goodwin's relationship with LBJ in those "final years." Here is a reference to that in a Wash Post article (“A Tale of Hearts and Minds, 8/24/75) alluded to in the LA Times in 2002:

Goodwin's first dip in the waters of infamy came in 1967, when, having received a White House fellowship, she was photographed dancing with Lyndon Johnson at a reception. The story turned on the fact that the president's dance partner, then Doris Kearns, had just co-written a piece for the New Republic under the headline: "How to Remove L.B.J. in 1968."

Later, in the early 1970s, Kearns and Richard Goodwin, lovers but not yet married, set off a literary scandal that attracted national media attention. It involved a "psychobiography" that Kearns was writing about Johnson, based in part on intimate conversations they'd had on his ranch in Texas, and a decision to bring Goodwin aboard as a co-author.

Their plan was to expand what had begun as a scholarly work--intended to help secure for her a tenured professorship at Harvard University--break with a smaller publishing house and sell the book elsewhere, for about five times the money. As the dispute grew, the story oozed outward to include speculation in print about whether Kearns might have had an affair with Johnson.

Sally Quinn, flying at her highest as a feature writer in the Washington Post's Style section, wrote a lively, at times almost embarrassingly explicit, account of the chaos that had come to Kearn's love and literary life. The piece ran for what seemed like forever, and it included a rather tart summation:

"Kearns has always gotten what she wanted--and made it look as if she didn't even try. She got elected student-body president at Colby College in Maine, got the best grades, got the best beaux, got into Harvard, got a White House fellowship, got Lyndon Johnson, got her Ph.D, got her professorship at Harvard, got her book, got author Richard Goodwin and got Goodwin to collaborate with her on the book. Those are all things she wanted, or thought she wanted when she got them."

At one point in the story, the then-32-year-old Kearns is quoted as saying: " I really believe that Johnson was picking a person he wanted to write about him. People say he was in love with me and things like that. Partly that's true. But it was much more serious than that."

Here is another excerpt from Sally Quinn’s 1974 article

"Johnson was terribly possessive of her time, more and more as he came closer to death. She was seeing many men at this point in her life but had no real attachments until she met Richard Goodwin six months before Johnson's death."

One time Doris Kearns gave a lecture and said that Lyndon Johnson had compared her to his mother. [LBJ's mother was quite the enabler of him; as was Lady Bird.] When Kearns comments became public and appeared in print, LBJ said:

"So I'll just take the knife out of my heart and close up the wound, and we'll have you back here and we won't look back in pride or shame. We'll just start from here and we'll go on with your book without Parade. We're both still alive and that's what counts.”

Kearns has later admitted that Lyndon Johnson used to crawl into bed with her and just talk, but with nothing else going on....

As for me, I am not buying that nothing else went on. The Doris Kearns case is just another example of Lyndon Johnson's ability to manipulate people and even turn them into sychophants protecting his legacy decades later. Jack Valenti would be another good example.

Doris Kearns Goodwin: "I got to know this crazy character [Lyndon B. Johnson] when I was only 23 years old.... He's still the most formidable, fascinating, frustrating, irritating individual I think I've ever known in my entire life.” [Academy of Achievement June 1996 interview, p.1]

Doris Kearns also told authors Richard Harwood and Haynes Johnson about her relationship with LBJ in an interview that Sally Quinn refers to:

"They both took copious notes. In the interview Kearns told the reporters that her relationship with President Johnson was extraordinarily complicated, that she was still having trouble placing it in perspective, that she was troubled about how to handle her personal relationship with Johnson when she published her own book.

She told them that the essence of their relationship was that LBJ was in love with her, the he "pressed me very hard sexually the first year," that he courted her aggressively, the he asked her to marry him, that he was jealous of other men in her life."

[sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8/24/75 "A Tale of Hearts and Minds"]

(My comment: Really, this kind of behavior from Lyndon Johnson was typical. It is how he behaved his whole life, and I don't just mean sexually. I am referring to his narcissism, neediness, ability to manipulate people, ability to turn folks into sycophants and slaves and have them do things they would not normally do.

I guess this just reproves the old saying that women love power; even if power is a old bloated, craggy man and a paranoid, mendacious, delusional nut job.)

Here is an email to me from a Harvard alum who is nationally known in the year 2012 as a political commentator:


I was a graduate student at Harvard in the Political Science Department when Kearns was writing her LBJ book — the gossip at Harvard was always that she was LBJ’s lover — Kearns was first and foremost an opportunist — if sleeping with LBJ advanced her career, I doubt she hesitated.”

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Here is an e-mail exchange I had with the author of the lying Counterpunch hit piece. He now has an in at Huffington Post as well. (shockwave) He can't seem to find the origins of his allegations about RFK hawking on LBJ.

Why am I not surprised?

We cannot keep allowing these leftward aimed lies to continue. You might not think it matters because you might not consider yourself a leftist. That is incorrect, and if necessary I will explain why.


I am absolutely positive I read it in "Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream." I am positive. Are we talking about the same book?


----- Original Message -----

To: dmacaray@earthlink.net

Sent: 2/25/2012 5:13:23 PM

Subject: Doris Goodwin's comment about RFK and LBJ on Vietnam inCounterpunch article??????????????????????????

Hello. I have a question about your article on RFK in last Junes Counterpunch.

You cite Dorris Kearns Goodwin's book on LBJ for the comment that RFK was pressuring LBJ towards intervening more strongly in Vietnam. I have searched the book and could not find the passage you were alluding to.

Can you please point out the passage.

Thank you!

Nathaniel, by now I hope you are aware what a paranoid nutjob Lyndon Johnson was - how he would "project" his own tactics on other people and construct his own world of unreality.

On page 253 of "Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream," Doris Kearns Goodwin is quoting Lyndon Johnson in one of his rants about what would happen if he (LBJ) lost Vietnam:

"For this time there would be Robert Kennedy out in front leading the fight against me, telling everyone I had betrayed John Kennedy's commitment to South Vietnam. That I had let a democracy fall into the hands of the Communists. That I was a coward. An unmanly man. A man without a spine. Oh, I could see it coming all right ..." Johnson continues his rant.

So, it is LBJ ranting about RFK, not RFK "hawking on LBJ."

I really do wish more people would read "Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson" by D. Jablow Hershman: http://www.amazon.com/Power-Beyond-Reason-Collapse-Johnson/dp/1569802432/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330293028&sr=1-1

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Thanks for that, Robert. Yet that is not the way it is presented in the Counterpunch article.

Leaving aside the standard lie about JFK escalating Vietnam, the author seems to have twisted this conjectural projection of his hatred of his antagonist, RFK into something that never happened:

"It’s also been documented that Bobby Kennedy bullied Lyndon Johnson into continuing the Vietnam war. According to Doris Kearns Goodwin (in “Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream”), Bobby insisted to LBJ that President Kennedy would have done everything in his power to keep Southeast Asia from falling to the Communists, and that it was therefore incumbent upon Johnson to honor his dead brother’s legacy by not abandoning the war. He pressured LBJ to remain in Vietnam, arguing that pulling out would be the act of a coward and traitor."

Standard fare for the Encounter Magazine set at Counterpunch Kennedy Corpses. This is pushed on the very folk who could become most dangerous if the truth about the assassinations ever crested their damns of disinformation. :blink:

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Guest Robert Morrow

Thanks for that, Robert. Yet that is not the way it is presented in the Counterpunch article.

Leaving aside the standard lie about JFK escalating Vietnam, the author seems to have twisted this conjectural projection of his hatred of his antagonist, RFK into something that never happened:

"It’s also been documented that Bobby Kennedy bullied Lyndon Johnson into continuing the Vietnam war. According to Doris Kearns Goodwin (in “Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream”), Bobby insisted to LBJ that President Kennedy would have done everything in his power to keep Southeast Asia from falling to the Communists, and that it was therefore incumbent upon Johnson to honor his dead brother’s legacy by not abandoning the war. He pressured LBJ to remain in Vietnam, arguing that pulling out would be the act of a coward and traitor."

Standard fare for the Encounter Magazine set at Counterpunch Kennedy Corpses. This is pushed on the very folk who could become most dangerous if the truth about the assassinations ever crested their damns of disinformation. :blink:

You are welcome, Nathaniel. Let's keep chipping away at the dams of disinformation. I prefer to blast a hole in the middle of them, rather than cresting over the top. I'd rather just collapse the whole thing. And you are right, if the Left ever became unified on JFK truth, they could inject it fully into the mainstream and change forever the way American history is looked at.

Why don't you (or someone)make it a "project" to educate Rachel Maddow on this topic? She is young and will probably be around for a while.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Guest Robert Morrow

Here is the email address of Alexander Cockburn: alexandercockburn@asis.com . I think it would be a good idea for JFK researchers to send him their best books, research and articles to read on the 1963 Coup d'Etat.

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http://www.truth-out.org/anniversaries-unhistory/1328369965. This really MUST BE responded to. Will do so as soon as I get a chance. It is now impossible, in my view, to see Chomsky as anything other than willfully disinforming on JFK and Vietnam. This is beyond cherry picking and his sourcing is fresh as Pompeii.

I could not find this article, can you post it?


Here is the offensive blather http://www.huffingtonpost.com/noam-chomsky/american-decline-_b_1276193.html

And notice, here, he is published in the Huffington post. Funny how in recent years he seems to be getting wider distribution. This first time I really noticed he had gone from South End Press to a division of Holt? 2002. I could not believe that his book was in a Penn Station news stand. Hmm

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Guest Robert Morrow

Here is that fool Noam Chomsky on the JFK assassination:

“Who knows? And who cares? I mean plenty of people get killed all of the time, why does it matter that one of them happened to be John Kennedy? If there was some reason to believe that there was a high level conspiracy it might be interesting, but the evidence against that is just overwhelming. And after that it’s just a matter, if it happened to be a jealous husband or the mafia or someone else, what difference does it make?"

JFK was murdered by LBJ and the CIA. And those were the folks who put us in Vietnam.

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Counterpunch lies about RFK and Unions. They imply he was anti-union. In reality, the unions who wanted a break with the Vietnam war were going with RFK and LEAVING THEIR NATIONAL COLD WAR CONSENSUS PRO WAR NATIONAL LEADERSHIP who still supported Humphrey. When National union leaders lose control of their locals, North Virginia notices. Alexander Cockburn should stop pretending he doesn't know this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

...A Bircher like H.L. Hunt was quite militaristic, aggressive, imperialistic and interventionist and also a big supporter of the "Curtis LeMay" and "Edwin Walker" elements in US military.

In my opinion, H.L. Hunt was absolutely one of the big players of the JFK assassination. He considered JFK to be a traitor...

Robert, I'm becoming increasingly interested in the daily activities of H.L. Hunt in the 8 weeks before the JFK assassination. H.L. Hunt had a nationally syndicated radio program, something like the Rush Limbaugh hate-talk radio show. It was called, LIFE LINE, and it was broadcast daily.

Also, written transcripts of LIFE LINE were available for subscription. The Briscoe Center has three years worth of LIFE LINE broadcast transcripts available, but strangely, the 8 weeks of LIFE LINE immediately before the JFK assassination are missing. The Library searched high and low for me, and they cannot explain why these issues are missing.

I've tried many other libraries to obtain copies, including an Inter-Library loan search as well as the Dallas Public Library. Nobody seems to have these transcripts anymore!

My question to you today, Robert, is whether you have any information about these LIFE LINE broadcasts, and might be able to direct me to a source that still offers them to the public.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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