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John Simkin

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"The Whole Bay of Pigs Thing: Dallas to Watergate" John, how would you like these seminar pieces posted? Mine's ready to turn over to you.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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To all

This 11/22 conference would be a good opportunity to bring new people into the

discussion---maybe we could quietly solicit papers from any qualified

authors and sources we know---I would love to hear more from Barr McClellan,

Oliver Stone, Mark Lane, E.J. Epstein, John Dean, Wm. Colby's family, etc....

just a suggestion....


(struggling to put it all together)

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To all

This 11/22 conference would be a good opportunity to bring new people into the

discussion---maybe we could quietly solicit papers from any qualified

authors and sources we know---I would love to hear more from Barr McClellan,

Oliver Stone, Mark Lane, E.J. Epstein, John Dean, Wm. Colby's family, etc....

just a suggestion....


(struggling to put it all together)

I have invited Gerald Posner but he says he is too busy finishing off his latest book. I will also ask Edward Epstein. However, I do not have contact details of the others.

Another possibility is Norman Redlich, who was a staff member on the Warren Commission. Redlich is the man Hoover believed was leaking information to the press. Hoover believed he was a subversive (he was a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Hoover leaked this information to Karl Mundt and Ralph F. Beermann who made speeches claiming Redlich was a communist. The truth of the matter was Redlich was questioning the Hoover report on the assassination that the Warren Commission had been ordered to rubber-stamp. Warren told Redlich could stay as long as he behaved himself. He did and went along with the cover-up. Redlich is still alive and living in New York. I have his phone number and email address.


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I have also invited Norman Redlich (Warren Commission), G. Robert Blakey (HSAC), Barr McClellan, Michael L. Kurtz, Doug Horne, Robert J. Groden, Billy Sol Estes, Nathaniel Weyl, Jefferson Morley, Ian Griggs, Gerry P. Hemming & Howard K. Davis (Interpen) to provide seminars.

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I did a paper on Oswald's travel from Santa Ana, California to Helsinki, Finland about a year ago titled Serendipity. It combines infromation from the WC, Posner, HSCA, Nechiporenko and Chris Mills into a mozaic of coincidence that places Oswald at the one Soviet Embassy in the world that will issue him a visa in 24 hours. Is it possible to rearrange the "recently" found information that clarified the oringinal questions of Oswald's travel into a new case of Oswald the intellegence "patsy."

Jim Root

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"The Whole Bay of Pigs Thing: Dallas to Watergate"  John, how would you like these seminar pieces posted?  Mine's ready to turn over to you.


Tim I like your title. I hope you post it.

I think my title will be: DEEP COVER: SHALLOW GRAVES:

The Black Knights of Cuba

The historical journey of a CIA/ Military covert operative; from the July 26 Cuban Revolution of the mid to late fifties, through America's CIA Anti Castro assassination operations, of the sixties, into Dallas, and the Kennedy Assassination of November of 1963..

The Cuban thing might compliment your work.... What do you think?

Later Tosh


Ideally, all accurate history should be complimentary and consistent. The story told by a historian should be compatible with the first hand account of a truthful witness.

Regarding your title: Deep Cover, Shallow Graves; it's absolutely great! My academic conditioning leads me to advise that for a short paper topic such as would be appropriate for the Simkin seminars, it's important to narrowly define the timeframe. Aspects of your titles would fit that better than others, while some would be more suitable for a full-fledged book dealing with your activities in the Caribbean. We are definitely working on the same period and region of history; so as far as your work being an addition, or complimentary to mine, I must confess that I have already incorporated your story into mine, to a minor degree thus far.

That's why I consider it important that you get the facts of your story out without the manipulations or self-interest of the money-changers. I hope that your seminar submission will stay focused on setting the record straight, in a fashion that could be legally admissable. I understand why the appearance of discrepencies, and some real ones, such as the Garland/Redbird timeline, have led some to believe that your story may not be completely credible. From my perspective, I read between the lines to see how your narrative has been tailored by people selling product to support the likes of James Files, which I consider a disservice to history.

So for this seminar coming up on this forum, you don't want to go into some of the incredible Contra/Drugs/Arms things, including Barry Seal (which I am very interested in), but rather narrow the timeframe; for example: The Black Knights of Cuba: 1958-1963. This way you include the pro-Castro gunrunning in 1958 without going all the way back to the 26th of July Movement, you include the transition from pro-Castro to anti-Castro, and how JFK's initial encouragement of Operation Mongoose, then his turning away from it after the Missile Crisis, leading to the alternative funding, off-the-books operations leading to Dallas.

Now that I reflect on what I've just written, even that is too broad for the exercise here. That would be more like a couple of chapters in a book that you should write. For now, on this forum, it is critical that you regain control over your own story and correct some of the misimpressions that have resulted from your off-the-cuff discussions, some on tape, about the events surrounding the Kennedy assassination. This is especially true if some of what has been published in books, videos and/or websites is incorrect, perhaps due to no fault of your own. After all, it does appear that your truly colorful career has been used to validate Files' story, which you have already made clear on this forum isn't the case. Obviously your stories don't compliment each other if you had the impression of a south knoll shooter, and not a north knoll shooter behind the fence.

If you were to share the bare facts, regardless of the previous words that have been put in your mouth, it would significantly advance the understanding of just exactly what you are saying from personal, direct experience, and then which things you have reason to believe but didn't necessarily witness, such as Nicoletti's presence. I myself have found some of the Garland/Redbird stuff confusing, but I think it could be directly and succinctly clarified. If that also requires some explanation of how some people you've trusted in the past have twisted your words, then so be it. The bottom-line is that now you need to produce a narrative that is factual and which you can stand by.

Just this morning I read a post by Bill Miller raising the issue of disinformation, which in this case has been massive. This seminar is an opportunity for you to set the record straight in terms that you would be willing to swear to, rendering the claims of others like Vernon inoperative and moot. My hope for you is that you never again trust another person to be in control of your word and that you refrain from speculation that can be twisted into assertion.

Thanks for the compliment on the title of my submission. It is heavily influenced by the three decades-old writings of Carl Oglesby, with whom this forum has recently obtained a connection, albeit indirectly through Dawn Meredith.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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"The Whole Bay of Pigs Thing: Dallas to Watergate"  John, how would you like these seminar pieces posted?  Mine's ready to turn over to you.

I will be creating a whole new section for the seminars. I will be giving each person a date to post the work. If you will be away from the computer during this period, you can send it to me and I will post it for you.

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I will be creating a whole new section for the seminars. I will be giving each person a date to post the work. If you will be away from the computer during this period, you can send it to me and I will post it for you.


I'm leaving for Miami on November 6th, but will be back in California after stopping in Dallas on November 20th. I understood the seminar start-up date to be the 21st, which would work out. I'm still too computer illiterate to know how to cut and paste anything into a forum with formatting, so I have it in simple text, which won't include the bolding and underlining that I'd like to add post-posting. So anyway, I will need to submit it prior to the 6th, or not until the 20th.


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