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Did Castro know?

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Guest Robert Morrow

'The wiretaps also demonstrate something about the way Cuban intelligence officers regarded Kennedy. "Wonderful! What good news!" Calderon said to another caller who mentioned the assassination, before breaking into laughter at the news — untrue, as it would turn out — that Kennedy's wife and brother had also been wounded. "He was a family man, yes, but also a degenerate aggressor," Calderon added, to which her caller exclaimed, "Three shots in the face!" Replied Calderon: "Perfect!" '

(Underlined quotation:) Interesting admission or supposition, if indeed it occurred.

Three from the front from Oswaldskovich up in the TSBD?

Sourced from a rumor of three shots to the head, from whatever direction?

I will tell you who else was ecstatic at the murder of John Kennedy: the Murchison family household. Clint Murchison, Sr., of course being one of LBJ's closest supporters and also a personal friend of John J. McCloy. In fact Clint Murchison went dove hunting with John J. McCloy on Murchison's Mexican ranch in the summer of 1963.

When JFK was slaughtered, Russia’s Khrushchev was literally crying, fearing nuclear war. Cuba’s Castro worried and feared an US invasion and gave an impressive speech the next day deconstructing the CIA’s deception provocation for war. Meanwhile at Clint Murchison’s home, their family maid May Newman describes the scene: “The mood in the Murchison family home was very joyous and happy. For a whole week after like champagne and caviar flowed, every day of the week. But I was the only one in that household at that time that felt any grief for his assassination."

Gus Russo from "Live by the Sword:"

"In his oral history, Robert Kennedy bitterly recounted a remark that Johnson supposedly made to someone else after the assassination. "When I was young in Texas, I used to know a cross-eyed boy," Johnson said. "His eyes were crossed, and so was his character... That was God's retribution for people who were bad - and you should be careful of cross-eyed people because God put his mark on them ... Sometimes I think that what happened to Kennedy may have been divine retribution." JFK himself had slightly crossed eyes."

[Leo Janos, LBJ speechwriter, Church Committee interview by Rhett Dawson, Oct. 14, 1975 ... also Gus Russo, Live by the Sword, p. 377]

Edited by Robert Morrow
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'The wiretaps also demonstrate something about the way Cuban intelligence officers regarded Kennedy. "Wonderful! What good news!" Calderon said to another caller who mentioned the assassination, before breaking into laughter at the news — untrue, as it would turn out — that Kennedy's wife and brother had also been wounded. "He was a family man, yes, but also a degenerate aggressor," Calderon added, to which her caller exclaimed, "Three shots in the face!" Replied Calderon: "Perfect!" '

(Underlined quotation:) Interesting admission or supposition, if indeed it occurred.

Three from the front from Oswaldskovich up in the TSBD?

Sourced from a rumor of three shots to the head, from whatever direction?

I will tell you who else was ecstatic at the murder of John Kennedy: the Murchison family household. Clint Murchison, Sr., of course being one of LBJ's closest supporters and also a personal friend of John J. McCloy. In fact Clint Murchison went dove hunting with John J. McCloy on Murchison's Mexican ranch in the summer of 1963.

When JFK was slaughtered, Russia's Khrushchev was literally crying, fearing nuclear war. Cuba's Castro worried and feared an US invasion and gave an impressive speech the next day deconstructing the CIA's deception provocation for war. Meanwhile at Clint Murchison's home, their family maid May Newman describes the scene: "The mood in the Murchison family home was very joyous and happy. For a whole week after like champagne and caviar flowed, every day of the week. But I was the only one in that household at that time that felt any grief for his assassination."

Gus Russo from "Live by the Sword:"

"In his oral history, Robert Kennedy bitterly recounted a remark that Johnson supposedly made to someone else after the assassination. "When I was young in Texas, I used to know a cross-eyed boy," Johnson said. "His eyes were crossed, and so was his character... That was God's retribution for people who were bad - and you should be careful of cross-eyed people because God put his mark on them ... Sometimes I think that what happened to Kennedy may have been divine retribution." JFK himself had slightly crossed eyes."

[Leo Janos, LBJ speechwriter, Church Committee interview by Rhett Dawson, Oct. 14, 1975 ... also Gus Russo, Live by the Sword, p. 377]

Being very literal-minded, I was thinking that if this conversation actually happened, it represents a very early reporting of:

1) Three shots heard in Dealey, or;

2) Three bullets to Kennedy's head, and/or;

3) Frontal shots ("in the face!") fired.

Edited by David Andrews
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