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Tripple Underpass

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Edited by Tim Carroll
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As for the "man in profile" which you "accidentally created," from a frame in Nix of the immediate aftermath of the shooting, I think you're confused or giving yourself too much credit for having "accidentally" generated a hoax. Here is a posted exhibit from Jack White which provides context of the timing and shows precisely the same profile:

Here is a close-up of what you believe to be your own supposed manipulation. I have made my loathing of certainty abundantly clear previously, and I will be clear again that I have no certainty of what this portrays, but I will still dare to say that it appears to be a face turned in profile toward the underpass as the limo departs the Plaza:


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Edited by Tim Carroll
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Badge Man exposures: Notice how when light is added to the Badge Man figure that the foliage in the background fades away and his body line does not. If Badge Man was just the foliage and an illusion of light passing through the trees, then he should fade away equally with his surroundings, but as you can see - this does not happen.

I understand that B&W images are hard for some people to pick shapes out of. Had Moorman of used color film, then we would see color differences in Badge Man's appearance against the foilage behind him. This is why Jack White colored the image so the average person could make out the outline features. But there are things like lighting contrasting that can show separation between he and his background and all I can tell you is this is something that supports his being a real live being standing behind the wooden fence.

Edited by Bill Miller
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Edited by Tim Carroll
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On no one hearing a shot from the south knoll area, the shot(s) could have been fired using a silenced rifle. I think it's a safe bet, with so many earwitnesses hearing only three shots, that silencers were used that day.

On the newsman in the parking lot, Gary Mack has stated, “WRR radio reporter Bob Jett was near the south pergola and said in an oral history that the shots came from the Elm-Houston area. . . . He was on the small side street

behind the wall east of the south pergola. He didn't mention seeing anyone

in the area.”


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Badge Man exposures. Notice how when light is added to the Badge Man figure that the foliage in the background fades away and his body line does not. If Badge Man was just the foliage and an illusion of light passing through the trees, then he should fade away equally with his surroundings, but as you can see - this does not happen.

I understand that B&W images are hard for some people to pick shapes out of. Had Moorman of used color film, then we would see differences in Badge Man's appearance against the foilage behind him. But there are things liuke lighting contrasting that can show separation between he and his background and all I can tell you is this is something that supports his being a real live being standing behind the wooden fence.

Thanks, Bill. I appreciate your analysis. I find absolutely

nothing wrong with it! It helps explain Badgeman very well.


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Edited by Tim Carroll
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Isn't the Plaza bilaterally symmetrical? Aren't the north and south pergolas equidistant from Houston Street? And the relevant issue here is the location of the newsman at the time of the assassination, not where he parked his truck.


Edited by Tim Carroll
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Then it was said that this alleged assassin had maybe fired from atop the South end of the overpass. The problem I found with that was there were no witnesses that heard such a shot. Furthermore, there was a News truck in the parking lot and the newsman never saw anyone on the South knoll side of the underpass, nor did he hear any shots from there. JC Price atop of the now Dallas Morning News building had a birds eye view of the plaza and he never heard a shot from the South side of the overpass, nor mentioned seeing anyone there. James Tague is another witness who only heard gunfire from the North side of Elm Street. So I have not spent a great deal more time on the South Knoll shooter claim because it is too far fetched in my view.

This is the first I've ever heard of a newsman and news truck in the South Knoll parking lot. As for earwitnesses, Tosh has a funny story about setting off a firecracker on the South Knoll during a subsequent visit and having everyone in the Plaza turn toward the North Knoll. He says the police were there rather quickly. I think Al Carrier's stuff is very good about the advantageous LOS from the front on the South Knoll, as well as how it could explain the lack of a left side head blowout. As I have said previously, Al gave me permission to post his stuff here, but I just don't feel comfortable doing that. When I'm there in a few weeks, I will be taking many pictures and hope that my study of the classic gunman LOS is not thwarted by an overgrown pyracantha [sp?] tree. I want to again emphasize that I have no certainty about this issue, and that maybe walking the walk rather than just talking the talk will convince me on a personal level that I have resisted. I just don't know. I'm going on the same weekend as the conferences but not attending any except possibly the COPA Friday night, so I hope you can appreciate what an effort that is to make in order to have the sun and conditions be optimal for the understanding of light and shadow.


I have read most of the material that has been presented on this thread about the lights and shadows, a person there.., a person not there..., why he was there and why he was not there. All seem to present good points in their arguments. But all is just wild speculations as far as I am concern. Some have become so entrenched in their work that this subject matter has become their main focal point and they have become blinded to others valid points or none valid points and miss the whole picture. JFK was EXECUTED, in public. There is no simple answer. And lights and shadows, people there, and people not there brings us no closer to the truth, or identification, of who shot him, or how many additional shooters there were, if any.

Now I will throw my spuculations into the fray.

(1) I do not believe that there was a shooter anywhere near the north knoll; behind a fence; on a car hood; in the parking lot; behind a wall. I do not care what the "Experts" say. They have not proven their case to me beyond a resonable doubt. That goes for the South Knoll as well as the North Knoll locations.

Today we have better equipment to photo work these pictures. That technique should be applied by professional personal.., example Law enforcement or private corp. that deal with such matters. What I think. What you think. And what the public has been led to think is of no value today.

(2) I do not believe that a professional snipper team would place a shooter that close to the public with a rifle or a pistol. (within twenty five feet of people watching the motorcade and between the personal on the overpass and the kill zone.) If that WAS the case it would have been done by amatures and they would have been caught before they got away from their position.

(3) I was there. I helped Sergio spot for that type of stuff. And there were others, from our team, who were at the North Knoll. I have been told by the expert researchers, over the years, that they (my team) were part of the assassination team and that I was also. B.S. That too, is speculation or their part and not a proven fact. I have never said that I know all the facts behind the assassination. But, I damn well know a few of them. If we had tried to interfer with the assins and "Take them out" , as some have said (if we had found them) Then a lot of innocent people would have been killed or hurt that day and the OPS and the background information of how it was obtained would have been compromised. It would have been a blood bath in the plaza. Our job was to interupt their timing and remain "in the background" None of this was to ever be known by the public. It was a military Covert Ops. Anyone ever associated with that type of warfare knows what that means.

I hope this helps.. Its not meant to be critical. Thanks for all the information. Tosh

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