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O'Reilly's Book (on JFK) has been green-lighted to be a movie

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BTW I could care less if Oswald did it or not. I'm only interested in YOUR silly escapades here.

Pinochio's nose just grew about five inches.

BTW I could care less if Oswald did it or not. I'm only interested in YOUR silly escapades here.

Pinochio's nose just grew about five inches.

LOL! Jim lives in fantasy land once again.

So typical.

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Listen, I've been batting back Paul Baker's and Von Pein's bullxxxx for two years.

You want the job, you're more than welcome to it. The job description is to ensure you demonstrate that every point they make is made up of complete xxxx. Thanks for taking the baton. I've got more important things to do with my time.

I'd be more than happy to take that baton, Lee!

This sort of thing has been a hobby of mine since 1997.

The only problem is that David and Paul don't want to play any more. David some time ago produced for my edification the following photograph:


David triumphantly pointed out the folds in JFK's shirt.

I pointed to the Dealey Plaza photos, which clearly show no such fold. I triumphantly pointed out to David that that big old fold in JFK's shirt was almost entirely above the bottom of the collar.

In the Weaver photo there was an indentation of the jacket, the trough of the indentation flat against JFK's shirt and below the bottom of the collar.


Every time David imitates JFK's movement the fabric of his shirt indents along the shoulder-line. This experience kills his 3-shot scenario and he knows it.

In other words, Lee, David and Paul don't have anything more to say on the issue. They are obviously wrong, and Craig isn't giving them anything but the usual bile.

No, Lee, the sad fact is David and Paul would rather engage with you and Jim D -- and they'd probably prefer a root canal to being forced to discuss the SBT's fallacious trajectory.

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Every time David imitates JFK's movement the fabric of his shirt indents along the shoulder-line.

varnell childishly makes up stuff from thin air again....next he will be telling us again that custom made dress shorts only have 3/4 of an inch of slack, like he has for years. Oh wait he got caught in that complete falsehood. So he makes up yet another whopper. Honesty? Not ever.

And why? His decades long fantasy was destroyed...by the sun. He can't understand it let alone try and counter it.

His fantasy world continues. Reality be damned.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Thanks Jim that is exactly how I see it.

If I buy 12 tons of Lime for a job I do not rush home and weigh it.

But opening the bag later to discover 12 tons of sand is a bit obvious

Maybe Von Pein buys a Turkey once in a while

And Paul thought he had a chicken dinner!.


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I don't think you're safe with such a small arsenal of weapons.

If a Venezuelan task force ever tries to occupy your home you're gonna need a couple of rocket launchers and possibly a flame thrower or they're gonna be all over you like a rash.

What makes you think that's all?

I guess because in my world only weirdos and lunatics have this type of obsession collecting and storing in their bedside drawers so many objects that have been designed specifically to kill other human beings.

Thanks for clearing things up for me, Rambo.

I see we can add being totally unable to read to you long list of faults.

Great job Lee,I can now see why your attempts at research are so miserable.

In your world, you don't have the FREEDOM to possess these sorts of firearms. You are a bitch to the state.

And yet you live in a country that has far MORE violent crime per 100,000 than mine. Maybe you can use a knife to defend yourself from the crazies ...oh wait... But I digress.

Learn to read.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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I don't think you're safe with such a small arsenal of weapons.

If a Venezuelan task force ever tries to occupy your home you're gonna need a couple of rocket launchers and possibly a flame thrower or they're gonna be all over you like a rash.

What makes you think that's all?

I guess because in my world only weirdos and lunatics have this type of obsession collecting and storing in their bedside drawers so many objects that have been designed specifically to kill other human beings.

Thanks for clearing things up for me, Rambo.

I see we can add being totally unable to read to you long list of faults.

Great job Lee,I can now see why your attempts at research are so miserable.

In your world, you don't have the FREEDOM to possess these sorts of firearms. You are a bitch to the state.

And yet you live in a country that has far MORE violent crime per 100,000 than mine. Maybe you can use a knife to defend yourself from the crazies ...oh wait... But I digress.

Learn to read.

Learn to be more specific. You asked a question. There were a couple of ways to read it. I read it the way I thought you meant it.

I didn't know you had been over here. Tell us. When was the time you were in England, Craig? Or are you getting your info from Larry Pratt?

No there are "not a couple of ways to read it". You simply can't read. I was pretty specific about what was at my bedside. As usual you just mucked it up.

So now you need to be in England to know what's in the news? Do you have the freedom to own any handguns you might choose?

Got any weapons in your home?

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What the hell are you going on about you looney?

You told us you had three weapons in your house. I told you that wouldn't protect you if you were invaded by Venezuala. You said what makes me think that is all [as in all you had]. I said the fact that in my world only lunatics are preoccupied with guns in that way.

What's your point again, Mr Charisma?

No I don't Craig. You see, the figures you're spouting are bollocks and the actual figures pale into insignificance next to yours. I'm perfectly safe going to bed at night in the town that I live in. Don't need one.

Once some sicko went into a school and shot a load of kids we banned them. Consequently we now have 30-35 gun murders a year. Unlike your 11,000.

No there are "not a couple of ways to read it". You simply can't read. I was pretty specific about what was at my bedside. As usual you just mucked it up.

So now you need to be in England to know what's in the news? Do you have the freedom to own any handguns you might choose?

Got any weapons in your home?

What the hell are you going on about you looney?

You told us you had three weapons in your house. I told you that wouldn't protect you if you were invaded by Venezuala. You said what makes me think that is all [as in all you had]. I said the fact that in my world only lunatics are preoccupied with guns in that way.

What's your point again, Mr Charisma?

No I don't Craig. You see, the figures you're spouting are bollocks and the actual figures pale into insignificance next to yours. I'm perfectly safe going to bed at night in the town that I live in. Don't need one.

Once some sicko went into a school and shot a load of kids we banned them. Consequently we now have 30-35 gun murders a year. Unlike your 11,000.

No weapons? Really? Got a hammer? Hammers and other blunt instruments resulted in more homicides in the US than rifles...all rifles.

NO weapons? Think again.

you really don't have the reading skills nor the recall of a 2 year old do you? Surprise surprise.

Lets review shall we, even though I'm sure the words will flow right past that blank space between your ears.

Lee sez:

"I guess because in my world only weirdos and lunatics have this type of obsession collecting and storing in their bedside drawers so many objects that have been designed specifically to kill other human beings."

It pretty much useless trying to argue with an empty head like you. Why you mucked up even the simple facts about England and violent crime and somehow then tried to twist it into gun deaths.

Not at all unlike what we see everyday where ct's gather.

The numbers are "bullocks" ROFLMAO!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Question of the Day:

If a person cannot tell the difference between a convex curve and a concave curve -- should they be allowed to possess firearms?

Convex "bulge":


Concave "indentation":



Still at a loss I see cliffy. Understandable. You lost your argument a long time ago. Its just a fantasy running around in your fevered brain.

BTW, you can't tell concave from convex...since they are both just simple FOLDS.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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I was being facetious about your bedside drawer being littered with handguns, you utter clown.

Nice ...failed... attempt at a backstroke.

I've never been mugged. Never been beaten up. Never been hit, punched or kicked. Never been robbed. Never had my house broken into. Never had a family member killed or robbed. Never been held up by highwaymen. Never been invaded by a crack special forces team from Istanbul. Never had my local gas station attendant mowed down in a hail of lead. Never been carjacked. Never had my car stolen. Never had any sort of serious violence visited upon me or anybody that I know. Never been kidnapped by Somalian pirates.

Me either, but unlike you I have the FREEDOM to provide myself and my family with protection SHOULD IT BE NEEDED. I don't ever expect to raise any of my firearms in anger. I sincerely hope that will always be the case. You HAVE no choice. All you have is your hammer. If that.

Nobody on my entire estate where I live has ever had anybody break into their home wielding a .357 Magnum or any other type of firearm. It just doesn't happen. EVER. Not where I live. So consequently we don't feel the need to leave handguns loaded in our drawers next to our beds. We also don't want our kids getting hold of them and shooting us, or each other.

I did witness a shop robbery once when I was 22. Almost 18 years ago.

Is there violent crime in England? Sure is. I'm sure there's quite a bit. But my experiences dictate that I do not need an AK-47 next to me before I can close my eyes at night. Only someone who is utterly petrified of their surrounding society would need a .357 magnum, and additional weapons, under their pillow so they can feel safe before going to sleep.

Any particular types of people you're petrified of, Lambo?

So it can NEVER happen? EVER? And you don't even GET THE CHOICE. Your government took that away from you. Sadly the stats say LOTS of violent crime happens in your neck of the world. Far more per capita than in the USA. Oh wait, you think the numbers are junk. Maybe you can prove that

to us.

BTW, all my firearms are safely and securely stored.

I'm so happy for you. I'm not 'petrified' at all. I sleep very, very well. I simply have a CHOICE you are denied. MY CHOICE is to have the means to protect myself SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. Don't believe I will ever have the need arise but I can tell you IF it does at least I'm in a better position that an unarmed victim like you. I hope you never find yourself in the position of needing a firearm, no one should, but quite frankly crap happens. That is a fact of life. You have had the CHOICE denied.

P.S. The numbers are BOLLOCKS. Not "bullocks."

How many school shootings have there been in the U.K. in my lifetime? That would be 1. In the same time period how many in the U.S? That would be 89.

Now that you've given us your big-butch-.357 magnum-wielding masculine routine, haven't you got some flowers to go photograph or some further work measuring David Von Pein's bulge?

How in the world would you ever know. You just admitted you don't have a clue.

Yea, GUN FREE ZONES for the most part. What wonderful SOFT TARGETS for nutjobs on a "mission". And of course the largest school killing in the US had no guns involved...just a bomb. Crazy people will kill regardless of the tool. Which kind of explains why hammers and other blunt instruments kill more people than rifles in the US.

Oh the .357 is not that masculine. Its the gun my wife prefers to shoot. No slide to rack, no misfeeds, decent recoil and ultra reliable. Thus the reason it lives in the bedroom. Too bad you are a pantywaist, you will never even be given the CHOICE to understand.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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