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A Few Questions for Fetzer about Ozzie and Lovelady

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Since I predicted accurately that you would not answer the simple questions posed to you in this thread, thus going OFF TOPIC, let's ask again. Although I find "Len Colby" rather

annoying, to say the least, he has observed, accurately, that some of us were asked to answer a few simple questions by you, which we did. Now...

Simple questions, Jim:

1) Was Lovelady lying?

2) Were all the people who said that Lovelady was in front of the TSBD all lying?

3) If they were not lying, can you find him somewhere in Altgens 6 or in other images?

4) If they all were lying, where do you think he really was since he was not out front?

5) Why have no witnesses ever turned up stating where Lovelady actually was?

FETZER said in another thread:

"So, according to Robin Unger and John Dolva (and many more, no doubt), when these eyewitnesses--

who, unlike Unger and Dolva, WERE ACTUALLY THERE--reported that the limo had come to a halt,

they (according to Unger and Dolva) must have been LYING THEIR EYES OFF. How absurd can this get?"

Using your own standard, I ask you:

6) So, according to James Fetzer and Ralph Cinque, when these eyewitnesses--who, unlike Fetzer and Cinque, WERE ACTUALLY THERE--

reported that Lovelady was Doorman, they (according to Fetzer and Cinque) must have been lying their eyes off. How absurd can this get?


Edited by Greg Burnham
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These threads have demonstrated that there is a mountain of proof that Oswald

was Doorman. I have patiently spelled them out, time and time again.

Well apparently your not doing a very good job of it, because you haven't managed to convince anybody.

I do hope none of your former students are reading this forum, with all the Special Pleading you have done throughout these threads, they are liable to get disillusioned

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Since I predicted accurately that you would not answer the simple questions posed to you in this thread, thus going OFF TOPIC, let's ask again. Although I find "Len Colby" rather annoying, to say the least, he has observed, accurately, that some of us were asked to answer a few simple questions by you, which we did. Now...

Simple questions, Jim:

1) Was Lovelady lying?

2) Were all the people who said that Lovelady was in front of the TSBD all lying?

3) If they were not lying, can you find him somewhere in Altgens 6 or in other images?

4) If they all were lying, where do you think he really was since he was not out front?

5) Why have no witnesses ever turned up stating where Lovelady actually was?

FETZER said in another thread:

"So, according to Robin Unger and John Dolva (and many more, no doubt), when these eyewitnesses--

who, unlike Unger and Dolva, WERE ACTUALLY THERE--reported that the limo had come to a halt,

they (according to Unger and Dolva) must have been LYING THEIR EYES OFF. How absurd can this get?"

Using your own standard, I ask you:

6) So, according to James Fetzer and Ralph Cinque, when these eyewitnesses--who, unlike Fetzer and Cinque, WERE ACTUALLY THERE--

reported that Lovelady was Doorman, they (according to Fetzer and Cinque) must have been lying their eyes off. How absurd can this get?



I predict that Dr. Fetzer will say that Lovelady was out on the steps when Altgens 6 was taken, and that the reason he wasn't "captured" in that photo is RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUS... he was sitting down!!!

I predict that he will also say that one of the Lovelady imposters was wearing Lovelady's shirt with it unbuttoned in the chest area but buttoned at the neck.. And why would he wear his shirt like that, we might ask? "Well, it's RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUS that that particular imposter was trying to start a new fashion style!"

--Tommy :sun

PS: Check that! The "new fashion style" excuse is gonna have to be a backup explanation for now. Why? Well, because on another thread Dr. Fetzer has just said that the very white, broad-at-the-bottom, narrow-at-the-top "white stripe" (actually Lovelady's t-shirt) visible in Lovelady's chest area for a split second in the Martin film is the result of a sloppy painting job by the people who, evidently, painted Lovelady's shirt onto that particular imposter!

Edited by Thomas Graves
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"Oswald was in the lunch room on the second floor having a coke during the shooting"

Fetzer 2002


Presumably he was aware of Fritz's notes at the time.

Hey Len,

That's not fair. Dr. Fetzer wrote that eleven years ago and a lot of things have been altered since then.

Don't you understand that Oswald was running back and forth from the steps to the lunchroom? LOL

--Tommy :sun

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Having played such a seminal role in this event, I find it hard to believe that "Frazier" can't recall when he started work at the TSBD when questioned by GM. Is he that stupid or just playing possum? At the time of this interview, he had almost 39 years to think about his TSBD employment history.

I don't believe there's any mystery to when Frazier was hired. It was about September 10, 1963--and I think that's a matter of record in FBI reports I have seen (and based on interviews either with Frazier, or his sister).


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"Oswald was in the lunch room on the second floor having a coke during the shooting"

Fetzer 2002


Presumably he was aware of Fritz's notes at the time.

Hey Len,

That's not fair. Dr. Fetzer wrote that eleven years ago and a lot of things have been altered since then.

Don't you understand that Oswald was running back and forth from the steps to the lunchroom? LOL

--Tommy :sun

"He wasn’t even on the sixth floor. We have quoted workers who reported he was on the second floor around the lunchroom at 10 minutes to 12, at 12, at 12:15, and as late as 12:25. The assassination took place at 12:30. He was confronted by a motorcycle patrolman, Marrion Baker, who held him in his sights within 90 seconds. He wasn’t perspiring. He wasn’t agitated.

Except Roy Truly, his supervisor, who confirmed to the officer the man was an employee and belonged there, observed he was a little startled, as someone might be to find an officer with a drawn weapon pointed right at them. And in fact, the officer added in this written report that he was drinking a Coke."

Doc. Fetzer November 29, 2010 (i.e. less than a year before he started pimping LHO was in front of the TSBD).

You're right Tommy, Fetzer will now be reduced to claiming that LHO was in the lunch room at 12:25, then walked quickly to the front steps in time to be in Altgens and the Hughs film etc. then dashed up the stairs and bought a Coke in time to be seen cool and collected by Baker and Truly. Ozzie the Rabbit indeed! Odd that 50 years later no witnesses have said they saw him out front or going up or down the stairs!



Fetzer - My questions still stand.

Edited by Len Colby
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  • 4 weeks later...
The Dallas Police certainly used naming him [buell Wesley Frazier] as a co-conspirator as leverage against him when he was pissing his pants with fright down at City Hall in an interrogation room - just before they hooked him up to a lie detector...

I wonder why Frazier doesn't mention a single word about being hooked up to a lie detector in this 2002 interview with Gary Mack?


Yes, it's true that Gary didn't ask Wesley this question -- Were you given a lie detector test? And if so, were you pissing your pants with fright as you were being used as leverage by the DPD as they were naming you as a co-conspirator in the President's murder? -- but Gary gave Wesley ample room for telling everything that occurred at City Hall when Frazier was being questioned for many hours on Nov. 22.

Six years after Gary Mack's interview, Hugh Aynesworth interviewed Buell Frazier. Aynesworth wrote:

Mr. Frazier was questioned vigorously by police – accused of being involved in the plot to kill Kennedy – and even told falsely by police officers that Oswald had named him as a co-conspirator. After 12 intense hours at the Police Department, he was allowed to take a polygraph test, passed it impressively and was released.

The fact that Mr. Frazier helped train Oswald at his new job (Oswald was hired at the book depository Oct. 16) and had driven him to Irving several times soon faded from most people's memories. But another factor remained noteworthy.

Officials assumed that the package Oswald carried to work that morning was the Italian-made rifle he used to kill Kennedy. Mr. Frazier still doesn't believe it.

.........In his testimony before the Warren Commission, Mr. Frazier said the brown paper package Oswald carried that morning was too short to contain a rifle. Oswald cupped the package in his hand, he said, and it fit under his armpit.

In Washington, Mr. Frazier said, he was "pressured" to change his recollection. In the days afterward, he was badgered by the media, harassed by people who didn't understand his relationship to Oswald and even became fearful for his life.

His testimony was important because investigators had proved that Oswald bought the rifle used in the JFK slaying and had found a matching palm print on the stock, but they had no proof that he had it with him that day.

Ms. Randle, who was also a leading witness, said recently that when she and Mr. Frazier testified before the Warren Commission, "they tried to get us to say that package was much longer than we recalled, but that wasn't true."

The commission kept pushing, Mr. Frazier said. Could it be that he was traumatized by the horror of what happened or embarrassed that he hadn't been more observant?

"I know what I saw," he said, "and I've never changed one bit."

....."Conspiracy theories are like noses," he said. "Everybody has one. No one has ever sold me 100 percent that Lee did it. If he did, yes, but some other people were involved in some way."


Which probably means that, given that this is Aynesworth's account, the opposite is probably true. Black is White, White is Black.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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