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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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The militias affirm to have repelled an attack with tanks in the Donetsk East
Actuality topic: Situation in the East of Ukraine
Donetsk (Ukraine), on November 10 (Nóvosti).

The Donbás militias repelled on eve an attack with tanks thrown by the Ukrainian forces close to the Nikíshino village, in the East of the province of Donetsk, said to Nóvosti a spokesman of the militiamen.

According to this source, three Ukrainian tanks entered on Sunday the town opening fire against housings and the positions of the militias.

"We turned out to be forced to answer with gunfire and reached to two tanks", he told.

The militiamen informed that the combats in the Nikíshino area have been intensified in the last days.

As result, a pro-independence combatant has died and other three have turned out to be hurt.

From last April, the East of Ukraine is a stage of a military operation thrown by Kiev against the pro-independence militias.

The armed conflict has received from itself the life of more than 4.000 persons and has provoked hurt other 9.000, according to the last balance of the UNO.

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Battalion "Tornado" said the mayor of Zaporozhye "showed the wonders of separatism."

The battalion commander "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko said his fighters sent by order of the Minister of Interior in Kiev, where the local mayor Alexander Sin "resisted placing fighters in the city."

According Battalion "Tornado", the department of housing and communal services has already allocated space for them, and activists brought food and things to soldiers stationed in Kiev could. Soldiers declare that, despite this, the mayor of Zaporozhye "strongly hindered their stay in the city."

"Zaporizhia mayor has shown, so to speak, the wonders of separatism and not given, so to say ... Well, in every possible way to try to prevent us settle in. The mayor invited us to talk. As a result, during the conversation, which, so to speak, is not fully held, tried to arrest us, well, let's call it so, the group "Alpha", plus a lot more has been around law enforcement officers and other security services, "- said one of the soldiers" Tornado ".

One of the men also said that "according to their own intelligence" of the city Zaporozhye alleged "is funding the DNI and LC"
"One of the specific amounts we know: 700,000 hryvnia," - said the soldier.

Recall that the commander "Tornado" Ruslan Onishchenko is a former commander of the battalion "Shahtersk" which was disbanded because of the frequent cases of looting among his fighters. In the battalion "Tornado" also includes former police officers and soldiers of the battalion "Shahtersk."

In the battalion "Shahtersk" implicitly recognized the shelling of cities Donbass.

"Alcoholics, looters, morons!" - Said of the former battalion "Miner" Zaporizhia mayor.

Based on materials prepared media

Vladimir Batkovich.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Chapter Lugansk People's Republic Igor Carpenter does not exclude the possibility of holding a referendum on accession to the Russian LC. He said this on 13 November at his page on Facebook.

Chapter Lugansk People's Republic Igor carpentry, commenting on the actions of the Ukrainian authorities to abandon all social obligations to residents of Donbass, said about the possibility of holding a referendum on joining the LC to the Russian Federation. This is Igor Carpenter wrote on his page on Facebook. "I plan to submit to the National Council LC resolution on preparations for the referendum in which the people of Lugansk republic will decide whether we remain an independent state, or to join the Russian Federation. If people vote for accession to the Russian Federation, Russia will receive the full right to send already on its territory throughout the former Lugansk region (today LC), the regular army and expel the invaders from our land, "- wrote Carpenter.

Victor Papin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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After the elections in DNR LC-come first challenges of state-building. And the question immediately arises: newfound subjectivity should be developed in the framework of the republics DNR-LC, or already have to start right now to build a state Novorossia?

The correct answer can be obtained if clearly understand the meaning of geopolitical confrontation of the West and Russia, as well as historical predestined fate of today's Ukraine.

Said a thousand times that in itself does not need the West Ukraine, and it just uses its decay as directed in the direction of the RF burst. And here we must remember that all the laws of Ukraine mation was doomed to destruction even in 1991.

The inevitability of self-destruction in Ukraine

"Ukraine as a big bourgeois authoritarian country of peripheral capitalism, because of its polietnizma will soon inevitably split the joint efforts of the West and outside of national democratic forces from within."
B. brick. "Putin against the liberal marshes. How to save Russia "

I quote his own same book, published before the February revolution, for the reason that the inevitability of the collapse of Ukraine was evident for a long time. In the book of doom Ukraine proved systemically, here I shall express concisely.

By itself, the collapse of Ukraine historically predestined. Ukraine (former USSR) is a purely socialist project, and in the framework of capitalism, he is absolutely unsustainable. For the extermination of the Ukrainian enough capitalism. The transition to bourgeois formation was a death sentence Ukraine, and before our eyes the story give effect to it. Unity multiethnic country is difficult to maintain without authoritarianism and democracy Give bourgeoisie, so she begins to fight with the authoritarian leader for power. So the country is starting to follow the path of bourgeois-national disintegration. And then there's the self-destruction of the State Department is actively helping the country through the breakdown of the power vertical. The scheme is simple and run-USA in dozens of countries. Nadlamyvayutsya vertical shifts legitimate leader, and without fastening vertically country begins to fall apart under the pressure of fast regional separatism.

Agony of Ukraine began. Now we can only discuss the options disintegration of the country and its division into zones of influence between the West and Russia. And then at the forefront of design technology of the future. Knowing that the collapse of Ukraine is historically inevitable, it is necessary to design a section of land on the embodiment, it is advantageous not the US, and Russia and the people of New Russia and the Ukraine.

But it's not just a partition scheme Ukraine. We are talking about the survival of Russian and Russian-speaking population in the Ukrainian territory, the fact that Russia is not drawn into the war, and even the stability of the political system of Russia. Not less.

Agonizing Ukraine fatally dangerous for Russia. With increasing crisis and the collapse of the country's radicalization and fascization Ukraine will inevitably intensify. All power will be strengthened bolshё fascist elements.

Sow collegiality - sow fascism. For multinational state degeneracy idea of ​​catholicity was inevitable. Country and its power can not be a little pregnant fascism. History teaches us that first oligarchs use of neo-Nazis, and eventually these cannibals burst to power and press down under itself oligarchs. A stay in power candid fascists can only unleashing a war with Russia. Only war justify all of their economic and social failures of neo-Nazis and whitewash in power. So now Kiev radicals claim that their goal - the war with Russia. That the State Department should be. And if so, then the linear developments this war, alas, is not far off. All the same, the State Department will make the Kiev authorities to move from imitation of the war with the Russian Federation to the actual fighting on the territory of Russia.

Question: Can the DNR-LC reliably protect Russia from fratricidal war? Obviously, even if the spawn of such mini-republics in number, they still will not be able to resist equal Ukraine and Russia to become a reliable shield. Alas, the historical task of this magnitude is beyond the DNI-LC. Do disparate regional kvazirespublik do not have the resources or the national idea, nor socially attractive ideology. There is nothing but the naive hopes of joining Russia. They have no way to properly defend themselves, and say nothing about Russia.

But the historic challenge facing Russia and the Russian world, not just about protection against aggression - only defender in the end always loses. Poisoned ptomaine Bandera Ukraine agony - what next? Who will be cleaned this area of ​​South Russian neo-Nazism? DNR LC-well, I could not be able to hold denazification, debanderizatsiyu former Ukrainian lands. In general, it is obvious that the scale of these historic problems clearly not up to the regional kvazirespublikam.

The conclusion? Only large Novorossia from Kharkov to Odessa able to be a shield and Russia, and the sword that will kill the hydra Bandera. Otherwise, all of these tasks - including the military - have to solve Russia itself. As we see, the New Russia - this is not the only way to implement a low-cost option for the RF section of Ukraine, but also the design of a secure future for our entire civilization.

Inevitability Novorossia

Kiev has repeatedly stated that after the defeat Donbass will transfer the war to the Crimea to Russia. Achieves the same and the State Department. It turns out that the rejection of the creation of a buffer state Novorossia there is agreement on the war on the territory of Russia. A war on Russian soil is a major blow to the Kremlin who committed it, and the obvious geopolitical defeat current Russian government, which ultimately threatens to scrapping the entire political system of Russia.

Kvazirespubliki DNR-LC is now fairly well solve tactical problems of the Kremlin - distract from Kiev until the war with Russia, the Kremlin to provide at least some "alibi" to the West, they say, the innocent, we support the separatists. Simultaneously DRN-LC factory for the Kremlin and the Russian people alibi, provide at least some protection from the numerous allegations that the Russian and Russian-speaking Ukraine gave up and merged, and in general, pardon the vulgarism "otmazyvatsya" Russian authorities before the Patriots . Pay the same for this "fine" public diplomacy has to Donbas, now doomed to a quasi-existence kvazirespublikah, in fact turned into a reservation Russian Ukraine.

Again, for a double alibi Kremlin - the West and the people of Russia - the disparate republic Donbass more suitable, but a decent life for their populations to ensure they can not, but even more so they do not solve the grandiose historical tasks that put before the era of Russian world. DNR-LC has a peculiar Russian pillboxes, purely defensive structures within the natural purely defensive Kremlin policy toward the West. But war is always a defense played.

Kremlin reasons not to help the formation of a full-fledged state Novorossia clear. Novorossia not create without the support of the national consciousness of the people. Formation of a political nation of people Novorossia carries risks and inconveniences. Full-fledged state, whose power is based on the will of the people and the state with its national interests - such a bad state obeys external control. With it reckoned to negotiate, but simply to command here does not work, that is, of course, uncomfortable. But it is impossible to realize the project Novorossia based solely on the interests of the Kremlin. This project for its success must meet the vital interests of the people of New Russia, and Russia, and will not require the oligarchs. Perhaps this is why so tarry with him. No wonder the arrow without bitterness expressed in that spirit that seems Novorossia not happen, and the Germans simply triumphs: "Project Novorossia closed."

The Federal Republic of New Russia - NGF

And yet I am sure that the project will have to return to the New Russia. Only large Novorossia can solve historic task of protecting Russian direct confrontation with the West. And only such Novorossia capable anti-fascist "bust" the former region of Ukraine and spend debanderizatsiyu. And these new tasks south Russian state can be solved only with the support of Russia and only if it is attractive to people ideologically, civilization, historically, economically, politically and socially. Only then can "build" moved away from the regions of Ukraine. And here is important, and technology, and ideology.

Why the Need for the Federal Republic of New Russia - NGF?

New Russia - is antiUkraina. Therefore, by ideology and apparatus Novorossia must be opposed agonizing Ukraine, because Ukraine is the properties of the current and brought her to the bloody breakup.

New Russia - a country of Russian, Ukrainian and many other nations, but without Ukrainian nationalism. This is Europe, but the Russian world. Private property - yes, the omnipotence of large owners - no. Requires the People's Republic, not the reserve of the oligarchs. People will only support the social, legal, anti-fascist state. Ukraine - a catholicity, in front of a degenerating neo-Nazism. New Russia - as a federal approval in principle of equality of all peoples, languages ​​and regions of NGF.

Yes, the Kremlin does not like his own hands to create an independent republic with its elite and national interests. She did not pokomanduesh, it will have to negotiate. It's uncomfortable. But making the lungs no longer exists. West quite a seriously took up the destruction of Russia, and the rejection of the formation of a strong buffer of allied states will Yuzhnorussky historical mistake Kremlin.

Again, the federal structure Novorossia have a fundamentally important point. The federal structure and resonates with the Russian tradition of federalism, and European tradition. NGF - is not a political rebuke of Germany? Let the Germans would be ashamed for their support of the current neo-Nazi Ukrainian pretty, outgoing venom at the mere mention of the word federalism.

Construction of NGF on the basis of the current DNI-LC would give a historical perspective, and other areas of the decaying of Ukraine in their anti-fascist struggle for national self-determination. The idea of ​​federalization is needed to maximize a peaceful, bloodless collapse of the Ukraine, which is still historically inevitable, and to form a new, public, federal state.

EvroUkraina project ended in failure. After Kiev took a sample of no modern Europe with its marked respect for all peoples, languages ​​and cultures, and fascist Europe 30s of last century. Project Novorossia as southern Russian Russia could help the Russian anti-fascist "bust" areas and regions of Ukraine agonizing and all that may be included in the new state - NGF.

West sharpens knife Ukraine to Russia. Under fox chants about the European future of Ukraine Ukrainians already turned into cannon fat. Through the technology of designing the historic West formatted in Ukraine fiercely anti-Russian state.

Will the Kremlin respond adequately historical project? Will he be able to create a state that would be the sword and shield Russia?

Vadim brick,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Putin speaks, NYT misrepresents
By Patrick L. Smith, Salon
Thursday, Nov 13, 2014


The New York Times doesn’t want you to understand this Vladimir Putin speech. The Russian leader delivers an important foreign policy address we should consider. The Times botches it badly.

Give me a sec to count. In my lifetime the Soviet Union and latterly the Russian Federation have had nine leaders. Stalin’s death elevated Malenkov and then Khrushchev, and the banishing of Khrushchev led to Brezhnev. Then came a pair of forgettables, then Gorbachev and on to the ever-inebriated Yeltsin (whom one wants dearly to forget). For 15 years, counting the Dmitry Medvedev interval, Vladimir Putin has held the wheel of the Russian bus.

Of all these figures only Stalin, and only in his post-“Uncle Joe” years, has been vilified to the extent of the current Russian leader. The question is obvious and I hope not too complicated: Why?

There are always plenty of answers floating around. I take almost all of them to lie somewhere between misguided and malevolent by intent, but I will get to this in a minute. In as few words as I can manage, here is my thought: Putin has fallen drastically afoul of Washington — and his war is with Washington more than the Europeans — because those in deep slumber do not like to be awakened.

It is an irresistible time to consider this problem for two reasons. One, in history two sure signs of imperial decline are deafness and blindness in the imperial capital, and as of the past year or so Washington exhibits seriously deteriorating symptoms. The willful refusal of our foreign policy cliques to look squarely at our world and listen to those in it is getting dangerous.

Two, Putin has just delivered a speech every American deserves to hear and consider. Few will have done so for the simple reason that our media declined to tell you about the Russian leader’s presentation to an annual gathering of leaders and thinkers called the Valdai International Discussion Club, a Davos variant. Here is the Kremlin transcript, and now readers have two things to decide: What they think of the speech and what they think of the American media for not reporting it.

The theme at Valdai this year was “The World Order: NewRules, or a Game Without Rules.” With the Ukraine crisis bumbling along toward a conclusion (or not) and the horrifically pointless mess America has made of the Middle East and now worsens daily, the either/or title is just about right: We cannot continue on in the post-Cold War era as we have until now.

A Russian commentator named Dmitry Orlov, whom I do not know of, said of Putin’s contribution, “This is probably the most important political speech since Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech of March 5, 1946.” I have no archive of political speeches and cannot cast a vote, but Putin’s remarks certainly have an amplitude that makes ignoring them unforgivable. Paying-attention readers can compare them with the speech Putin gave as Crimea was annexed last March. Churchillian or no, this is once again big stuff.

“Let me say I will speak directly and frankly,” Putin begins. “Some of what I say might seem a bit too harsh, but if we do not speak directly and honestly about what we really think, then there is little point in even meeting in this way. We need to be direct and blunt today not so as to trade barbs, but so as to attempt to get to the bottom of what is actually happening in the world, try to understand why the world is becoming less safe and more unpredictable, and why the risks are increasing everywhere around us.”

Right away, clear language, shorn of obfuscation. No wonder no one from Washington of any rank attended this talkfest. Plain speaking is no longer in the American repertoire. And guess what else Putin marshaled: historical reference. Out, out, out of the question for the American policy cliques.

I was tempted to read this speech as a postmortem of the Ukraine crisis, a looking back. There is something to this, but not overmuch. Putin has his point to make about Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea: “We did not start this.” But in reply to a question from Dominique de Villepin, a former French premier, Putin noted, “I believe Dominique referred to the Ukrainian crisis as the reason for the deterioration in international relations. Naturally, this crisis is a cause, but this is not the principal cause. The crisis in Ukraine is itself a result of an imbalance in international relations.”

Not Kosovo, not Iraq, not Libya, not Syria, not Ukraine — all are best understood less as causes than as symptoms. These are America’s “follies,” as Putin called them, Washington’s “theory of controlled chaos” at work.

In essence — the speech is long, carefully phrased and difficult to summarize — Putin argues that the New World Order the Bush I administration declared as the Soviet Union collapsed was a fundamental misreading of the moment. It is now a 20-odd-year failure hacks such as Tom Friedman compulsively term the successful spread of neoliberalism in the face of abundant evidence otherwise.

“A unilateral diktat and imposing one’s own models produces the opposite result,” Putin asserted. “Instead of settling conflicts it leads to their escalation, instead of sovereign and stable states we see the growing spread of chaos, and instead of democracy there is support for a very dubious public ranging from open neo-fascists to Islamic radicals.”

Such is Putin’s take on how we got here. His view of where we have to go now is yet more compelling. Our systems of global security are more or less destroyed — “weakened, fragmented, and deformed,” in Putin’s words. In the face of this reality, multipolar cooperation in the service of substantial reconstruction agreements, in which the interests of all sides are honored, is mandatory.

“Given the global situation, it is time to start agreeing on fundamental things,” Putin said. Then:

What could be the legal, political and economic basis for a new world order that would allow for stability and security, while encouraging healthy competition, not allowing the formation of new monopolies that hinder development? It is unlikely that someone could provide absolutely exhaustive, ready-made solutions right now. We will need extensive work with participation by a wide range of governments, global businesses, civil society, and such expert platforms as ours. However, it is obvious that success and real results are only possible if key participants in international affairs can agree on harmonizing basic interests, on reasonable self-restraint, and set the example of positive and responsible leadership. We must clearly identify where unilateral actions end and we need to apply multilateral mechanisms.

It is essential to read this as an attack on the U.S. because it is one. But there is a follow-on recognition not to be missed: This is the speech not of some kind of nostalgic empire builder — Putin dismisses the charge persuasively — but of a man genuinely afraid that the planet is close to tipping into some version of primitive disorder. Absent less adversarial international relations, we reach a moment of immense peril.

Before I explain my view of the Putin presentation, I urge readers to try a simple exercise. In the mind’s eye, strip all names and identifiers out of the Web page where the speech is printed. Read the words for the words alone. Then make up your minds as to the wisdom or otherwise of the thinking.

O.K. Now I feel a little safer relating my perspective.

Putin’s speech is so many magnitudes more sensible and credible than anything we have heard from Washington in who can say how long that one must either laugh or do the other thing. He has always seemed to me to honor history, and here he speaks with its authority. This is where the world is now, these are the mistakes that made it this way, and this is how we can correct them. And since it is all oars in the water, wake from your slumber, Americans.

This is precisely what Washington cannot bear the thought of. Any idea of global history that suggests a diminution of American power and prerogative is either to be ignored or actively extinguished. As to the man who delivered these remarks, there ought to have been no need for me to propose the above experiment — reading the speech while forgetting the speaker. But this is where America’s childish, undignified name-calling and demonization, as awful as anything in “Lord of the Flies,” lands us.

What about Putin’s human rights record? What about the oligarchs? What about the “fervent nationalism,” Russian nationalism always being fervent when described by American hacks? What about “autocracy”? And that Christian fundamentalism of Putin’s? What about the Russian press, and the judges, the well-meaning NGOs taking American funding and …?

These are not bad questions. They are simply not the germane questions, and they are best answered by Russians in any case. The question for us is, What are dissenters from the orthodoxy to do as they recognize that Putin stands for the right of non-Western nations to be non-Western, to escape imitation, to create and solve their problems themselves? It is because Putin insists this right must be part of a truly new world order that he is singled out in the long list of Russia’s postwar leaders.

Do not ask why a leader as evil as Beelzebub by our reckoning enjoys an approval rating of nearly 90 percent. I have just told you why.

Even the Financial Times correspondent in Sochi, where the Valdai gathering was held, acknowledged the significance of Putin’s presentation. “The speech,” Neil Buckley wrote, “was one of Mr. Putin’s most important foreign policy statements since he surprised the West in Münich in 2007 by accusing the U.S. of ‘overstepping its boundaries in every way’ and creating new dividing lines in Europe.”

Well done, Neil Buckley. I would say your coverage was standout except that almost no one else covered it, so cheap thrills thus. On our side of the pond, recognition is due Alex Jones, the slightly paranoid conspiracy theorist, who at least put the speech and a commentary across to Americans by reprinting the Dmitry Orlov item cited above.

The New York Times coverage was notable, as in notably bad even by its poor standards of objectivity. So let’s end noting it, briefly. The news piece was brief, buried and written by Neil MacFarquhar, a correspondent in the Moscow bureau whose habit of slanting coverage has been a topic in this space previously. MacFarquhar missed the point entirely — he had to, as the Times can hardly be expected to render an account that actually got to what Putin said and meant.

The taker of the cake for me, however, was an opinion piece by Serge Schmemann which you can read here. Do so: You will see a classic case of Times’-style innuendo and the use of language as instruction in what to think. And you will understand, if you do not already, why I think American responses to Putin can fairly be called childish.

Putin’s appearance at Sochi was “his chance to sound off on a global stage,” we have to know in the first sentence, insinuating him into the tinpot dictator file. Then a quotation from the speech:

“‘It looks like the so-called ‘winners’ of the Cold War are determined to have it all and reshape the world into a place that could better serve their interests alone.’” This was not simply an observation, we must understand: It was “one notable riff.” Anyone have any idea what a notable riff would be in this case?

Here is Schmemann on the Ukraine passages of the presentation: “In Mr. Putin’s version of the Ukrainian crisis, the United States was the instigator of the protests in Kiev that led to a ‘coup’ against President Viktor Yanukovych and the subsequent fighting. One American participant told Mr. Putin she was hard put to recognize her country as the one he was describing.”

Well, confused American participant, you make an interesting point. Washington has created a version of events in Ukraine that amounts to a parallel reality, and people such as Schmemann are paid to perpetuate it. If it is of any help: There was a coup, there were neo-fascists among its leaders, the State Department backed it, and the evidence of all this is indisputable.

(Transparency: I was briefly a colleague of Schmemann’s during the International Herald Tribune’s final years.)

“What is hard to gauge listening to Mr. Putin,” Schmemann writes, “is whether he really means to put the blame for all things wrong on the United States, or whether he is cynically using the old Soviet gimmick of projecting onto America and the West all the faults of which the U.S.S.R. itself was accused.”

Hmmm. The thought never occurred to me. I suppose it is a strange idea to some of us, but I think even Russians can mean what they say, I think Putin did, and we are better off for his having said it.

Patrick Smith is the author of “Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century.” He was the International Herald Tribune’s bureau chief in Hong Kong and then Tokyo from 1985 to 1992. During this time he also wrote “Letter from Tokyo” for the New Yorker. He is the author of four previous books and has contributed frequently to the New York Times, the Nation, the Washington Quarterly, and other publications.

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The authorities of Kiev have declared that they have proper "guerrillas" in the autoproclaimed republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

"Our parts realize war operations in the rearguard of the enemy and do it with enough success", there declared this Thursday Zorián Shkiriak, adviser of the Secretary of the Interior of Ukraine.

The representative of the battalion entrusted to maintain the order in Donetsk said to Nóvosti that "it is not a new problem".

"But" guerrilla" is a too noble term, we prefer to call them saboteurs", it tinted.

According to him, the activities of the groups of sabotage had its heyday in August. "Then trucks or civil vans were coming to Donetsk with mortars and secret minelayers, which were shooting against the positions of the militiamen", he told.

But also he admitted that in the last weeks the activities of the saboteurs have been intensified in Donetsk.

"For example, a few days ago we detained a subversive group that had a minelayer camouflaged in a truck of garbage", told the representative of the battalion.

Kiev initiated in April a military operation against the dissatisfactions with the change of government. According to information of the UNO corresponding to October 31, the conflict has killed more than four thousand persons and more than nine thousand have been hurt.

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The Council will start its solemn meeting in the House of Government at 14:00 Moscow Time

DONETSK, November 14. /TASS/. The new first-convocation parliament, the People’s Council, of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) will hold its first meeting Friday, with lawmakers electing the speaker of the legislature.

The Council will start its solemn meeting in the House of Government at 14:00 Moscow Time (11:00 a.m. UTC). After the first meeting, there are plans to lay flowers to the monument to “comrade Artyom” - Fyodor Sergeyev, the founder of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic, which existed in 1918.

Denis Pushilin, a leader of the “Donetsk Republic” movement, told TASS Thursday that deputies will have to choose from three or four candidates. The key contender is Andrey Purgin, who also represents the movement.

Besides, the People’s Council should vote on the issue of new appointments to the Council of Ministers (government) of the republic, but it is not clear by now whether the issue will be put on today’s agenda.

During further work, the new parliament will have to solve a wide range of issues. Lawmakers will have to adopt a number of important laws, including on citizenship, on state service, on the basics of the domestic and foreign policy, on Interior Ministry troops, on defense lawyers and notarial system.

Elections of the DPR head and lawmakers took place November 2. The republic’s prime minister, Alexander Zakharchenko, won the election with 75.6% of the vote (765,000 voters). He officially took office as DPR head on November 4.

The “Donetsk Republic” movement led by Zakharchenko won the parliamentary election gaining 662,725 votes. The Free Donbass movement received the support of 306,892 people.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry earlier said it “respects the will expression of the residents of [ukraine’s] southeast”.

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The program "However" on Channel showed a picture taken, presumably, a foreign spy satellite just before the collapse of the Malaysian airliner Boeing Ukraine.

First Vice President of the Russian Union of engineer Ivan Andrievskii whose comment is published in the program, said that their organization had shot on 12 November.

"I fully agree with the results of your analysis of the causes of death" Boeing "- written by a man who introduced himself as a graduate of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - approx. LOOK) aviaekspertom with twenty years of experience George Bilt. - "Boeing" was shot down by fighter jet chase him. First, the crew fired the gun, then was struck by a missile cabin "air - air", then the right engine and the right wing was struck by a missile homing system with heat. "

The picture, which clearly shows the launch from the left wing fighter exactly the cockpit, attached to e-mail. By terrain, weather conditions, the dimension of the picture is fully consistent with the aircraft accident circumstances, according to a story on the First Channel.

"We saw ourselves cosmic picture taken with not very high orbit. And usually made such pictures General Intelligence air and ground space. In accordance with the coordinates specified in the picture, we can assume that the picture was taken from the American or British satellite. We conducted a detailed analysis of the image and no sign of a fake is not revealed, "- said Andrievsky.

In Facebook account was found George Bilt, which, judging by circumstantial evidence, may belong to the author of the letter with the picture. A man by that name lives in Milpitas Silicon Valley. Place of work and education is not specified, but among his friends in social networks have staff Boeing.

Notably, that in mid October at the forum "Social control" of power was announced almost identical photo.

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A user with the nickname Duke posted a picture, providing the following comment: 'The picture obtained by mailing enthusiasts from Russian "Wikileaks", the source is not called. Time for a picture, Greenwich, corresponds to the time specified in the data objective control represented the Russian Defense Ministry. Judging by the inscriptions -oboznacheniyam international time snapshot could be with American satellite or divorced. apparatus. "

We remind the crash of the Boeing 777 "Malaysian Airlines", which flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, occurred on July 17 over the territory of the Donetsk region of Ukraine, controlled by the DNI. On board the ship were 298 people, among whom were 85 children and 15 crew members. Survivors a plane crash not.

Most of the passengers - 193 people - were the subjects of the Netherlands.

After a short time after the tragedy of Russian Defense Ministry has provided data on the objective control crash Malaysian Boeing 777, according to which the proposed location of lesions Malaysian Boeing falls into the zone of fire SAM "Buk" Armed Forces of Ukraine, moreover, next to the passenger plane was spotted Ukrainian military aircraft, then reported that it could be the Su-25.

In late October, a prosecutor from the Netherlands Fred Vesterbeke coordinating international investigation, announced the preliminary findings, the main meaning of which is to ensure that nothing is still not clear, and collected at the time the evidence was insufficient to fully restore the picture of what happened.

This week it was announced that Boeing crash investigation in the Ukraine was extended to August 2015.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Evening reports from the front of the volunteer Prokhorov.

When the attack on Avdiyivka, which according to some influential friends :) I was not exactly dill least 2 "200" - this despite the fact that dill recognized today only 4 dead and 5 wounded. As always, dill just "forgets" to their numbers yedinichku deliver.

Gorlovka today severely shelled - destroyed houses, killing civilians.

From Volnovakha dill 2 packages Novotroitskoe fired.

31 minutes post twice today under fire hit.

In the area of ​​Orlov-Ivanovka shredded fennel two o'clock - even their impressed.

The forces of the DNI and LC in a panic occur on all fronts. Force "ATO" conduct planned and in depth retreat. No losses.

Based on materials from the Internet media.

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia


"One of the leaders of militia Donbass - Sergei Zdrilyuk, known by the call sign" Abwehr ", who headed counterintelligence Donetsk National Republic, and then the former Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces of the DNI Igor Strelkov, in an exclusive interview Kryminforma talked about defense Sloviansk, militia formation, as well as for many, until recently unknown facts of hostilities.

Sergei Zdrilyuk hails from Vinnitsa region and considers himself a patriot of Ukraine, but not the country which enveloped the red-black flags and honors leaders Ukrainian nationalists and the state, which are recognized as equal all its citizens, regardless of nationality or political beliefs. He graduated in 1993 Simferopol Higher Military-Political School, served as an officer in one of the units of the Ukrainian army in the Crimea, then - the military counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine, the tax police, doing business.
Sergei sharply perceived events on Independence and at the end of February this year, joined the Crimean militia, then the group departed Igor Strelkova Donbass, particularly in Slavic.

- Now it became known that in Slavic your unit headed by Igor Strelkov were among 58 people. Why did you choose this city?

- It was April 12, when we stopped in Slavic. We had 58 people under the leadership of Igor Strelkov. Why this was the Slovyansk? Ponimaete, nebolshoy gruppoy ustanovit kontrol nad krupnym gorodom and uderzhat ego, prosto by not udalos. A Slovyansk became the starting point, a kind of basic and coordinating center of resistance in the east of Ukraine.
Local people initially did not understand who we are and call us "green men," because we were equally equipped. And basically, we immediately began to be perceived as liberators. We took the city police department, SBU, then City Council.
I want to say that we have not installed power there, and helped local, who did not agree with what is happening in Kiev. We tried to negotiate with the mayor, who was at that time in Slavyansk, but understanding never found. Then found a local activist Vyacheslav Ponomarev, who became a popular mayor.
I note that a large number of local residents expressed a desire to join the ranks of the People's Militia. We did not have them than to arm, so many roadblocks stood with sticks, hunting rifles, gas and traumatic gun.
When the decision was made to withdraw from the Slavic in early July, the number of volunteers reached about 5-6 thousand people.

- Ukrainian army deliberately beat on homes in Slavyansk?

- Certainly. They knew all of our positions, their coordinates and everything else, but was beaten on homes. First major fire, if I remember correctly was on holiday Trinity. Beaten on the central square, in the church, where the parishioners. And there never was and close positions militias. No stores, no headquarters, no nothing.

- At Slovyansk probably had its own agents and that helped Ukrainian law enforcers?

- It was and is, also thrown and subversive groups. Only with me when I was chief of counterintelligence, was neutralized several such groups, we found them. It's about 10 people we arrested with direct evidence of intelligence activities against the DNR.

- What happened to them later?

- They were all released.

- Why did you decide on the abandonment Sloviansk? Many citizens with whom I personally spoke there just were in disbelief and shock. Explicitly stated that they were thrown ...

- Actually, no good, especially for them, and for the militia, further defense Sloviansk would not lead. It was a dead end. We are all, in fact, were completely surrounded, there was not a supply of ammunition, no food. Coming out of the Slavic, we have kept our forces as well as the life of the locals.

- How is it that were given the commanding heights of the Slavonic, in particular, the notorious mountain Karachun?

- Protect was no one, and it's true. On Mount Karachun was only 6 people. Commanded their lieutenant, commander of the reconnaissance Ukrainian, who moved over to our side. His call sign "German." They then stop the offensive and Ukrainian armored divisions, numbering up to a company, on this mountain. Powers as they could, reinforcements were not, they were able to successfully move.

- In your opinion, how events will unfold over proclaimed LC and DNR?

- It will be very hard, because the secret services of Ukraine work at a fairly high level, well-funded, and the goals they have achieved practically.
Now militia Novorossia rests on patriotism. There are problems with the outfit, with the food supply, monetary maintenance, supply of medicines. Many problems, in fact. Of course, the struggle for influence of certain groups leads to these problems. This is not about the struggle for power, as the elections were held, and on the influence of one or another group for influence. Someone does not want to submit to the central authorities. In this regard, the leader of the right makes the DNI Zaharchenko that all military structures directly closes on itself. So it should be.

- Donetsk airport, where fighting continues, really strategic point?

- Net, on takim nikogda not byl, skazhem, on period vesny-leta nyneshnego goda. Then we did not plan to use it for its intended purpose as an airfield or airport.
Priorities have changed due to the fact that it is located in the vicinity of Donetsk, and there were, and continue to fire the city. Therefore certainly need to control them exists. Now he certainly essential.

- What can be said about the losses of the Ukrainian army in Donbas? Ukraine says it killed a little more than one thousand. Do you agree?

- Course not. It can go on for at least 10 thousand dead. Only in Ilovaiskaya cauldron by the Ukrainian army and other divisions, killing at least several thousand people.
They are all hidden. Bylo mnogo zahoroneny, who oni seychas, zanyav etu territoriyu, starayutsya perezahoronit and spryatat tela. I have reports that relatives to send a message that their son, husband's brother, was missing, deserted, was killed in a street fight and the so on. This is all done in order not to pay financial aid as perished in the fighting.
On the part of the militia losses person in my estimation, about a thousand men. If we talk about the civilians who were killed by the bombing by the Ukrainian army, their account is already thousands.

- I can not ignore the topic related to the alleged participation of the regular units of the Russian army in the Donbas, it really is?

- No, no regular units of the Russian army. Some media outlets have reported that there are involved and Marines, as well as some supervooruzhenie. Nothing that is not.
I personally have never met a single Russian soldier. Citizens of the Russian Federation in the militia there. This Chechens and Dagestani, representatives of other regions. Also, as someone personally know and have seen - is the US citizens, Egypt, Serbia, Bulgaria, Armenia, Afghanistan, Germany and several other countries. Yes they came as patriots and Volunteers to stop the offensive Ukrainian neo.
Overall in the militia or military Novorossia 85-90% local rest - representatives of other countries.
For example, taking part in the militia of Justice, Robert former general with the callsign "Cobra". He's from Armenia, came to help the Donbass. Fights in the division Bezlera.

- And what about the newest weapons systems?

- No new systems do not. All arms of the Soviet type, warehouse, and also seized from the Ukrainian army.

- What Now with Bezlerom? Rasprostranyayutsya different rumors about him either death, or captivity?

- He was in the Crimea, as far as I know, no one spoke, probably soon be released on bond. I am sure that he is alive and well, the other information I have.

- Ukrainian media reported that the alleged family turned away from you, it's true?

- The mother I talk on the phone almost every day. As for Ukrainian media and secret services, the brother-had to take the forks so that they no longer came to our yard. It is there, in the Vinnytsia region where I come from.
At first, my family took sbushnikov journalists and, as is customary in the village. Pour over one hundred grams, treated and out of kindness, all told, and then when the media started all Ukrainian twist and turn and inform me xxxx, native just picked up their pitchforks.
Now having problems his older brother, he is under arrest. And declared that his brother, that is me, a personal enemy of the Ukrainian president Poroshenko, so my brother waiting period. A Ukrainian special services in general, reportedly wrote me first on the list to eliminate - as the chief terrorist.
While the rest of explicit threats my family is not, but I do not exclude it. Yes, there are villagers who passed by our house, spit on the gate, but most of the support from our family of normal relations.

- Your relationship with Igor Strelkov? Some compare him with the legendary Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, represent a kind of revolutionary romanticism ...

- I know him by the name of Igor Fusiliers. Romantics in his actions, as I could feel it, being with him, it was not. It is very clear and competent commander may say here all his previous combat experience. It is the commander, the commander of new time. All decisions taken almost single-handedly.
Thanking his decisions in the army DNR had such small losses in comparison with Ukrainian army. He never sent people to their deaths, and always thinking before you give the order to one or the other.

- Do you communicate with him?

- Да been planned to blizhayshee vremya vstrecha, where - the not mogu skazat.

- Why you selected callsign "Abwehr"?

- This is to all the events was served in military intelligence, so colleagues since I actually called.

- What first comes to mind after the fighting?

- Recalled the friendship, brotherhood, the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual support and patriotism, which I have not seen anywhere else.

Now I am in the Crimea, to work, parallel sending relief supplies to Donetsk. This is primarily medication that is most needed.

- Going back to Donbass?

- If the Homeland orders, then be there. To be honest, my heart aches, of course, because when Ukraine is under the influence of red-black flags of neo-Nazism, then no patriot of Ukraine, to which I myself belong, as a native of the Vinnitsa region, can not sit back and watch what happens. "

Based on materials from the Internet media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia

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15.11.14. Morning News Army soobschenie southeast.
"During the night, the situation remained tense.
Kiev occupiers continue to violate previous agreements. Theirs was made not less than thirteen settlements Novorossia attacks and militia positions:
in the period from 18.00 to 22.50 14 Nobre fascists with firing positions located in the area of ​​human settlements Avdiyivka, sand and experienced, using multiple rocket launchers, cannon artillery and mortar shelling carried six times the north-eastern outskirts of Donetsk. At 18.50 of MLRS units fired Army DNI in a suburban district of Donetsk "Spartacus." Killed three defenders Donbass. Four civilians were injured, two of them severe;
18.00 with firing positions near Trehizbenki using artillery and mortars shelled Slavyanoserbsk (LC);
at 18.25 from the area of ​​the mound Grave Acute mortar and artillery bombardment Petropavlivka. Damaged house and outbuildings, a severe wound received local resident;
in the period from 18.30 to 18.40 apply two Nazi artillery fire attack on Enakieve (destroyed school) and Gorlovka (destroyed three multi-storey building). The shelling killed four civilians, including two children, nine received injuries of varying severity;
at 19.50 with firing positions in the area of ​​Granite from tanks and cannon artillery shelled New Marevka. Injuring two civilians;
at 19.45 mortar bombardment position in the national militia Stanichno Luhansk. Killed four and injured three militias. "

15.11.14. 9:47. Message from the militia.
"In Donetsk, the situation is generally stable, rarely heard explosions in the metro area permanent Rifle shooting evening and night working tank. Gorlovka after yesterday's bloody attack punitive many civilians spent the night in the cellars. Numbered checkpoints are surrounded regularly receive their portions min. Traditionally, most goes to the 31-th checkpoint. The attack on army checkpoint in Sokolniki LC destroyed 3 BMP occupation forces. "

14.11.14. Message from journalists.
"Ukrainian occupiers conduct continuous mining shelterbelt along the route Mariupol - Mangush. According to intelligence militia, the Nazis carried out continuous mining shelterbelt along the route Mariupol - Mangush, thus exposing once again the mortal danger of local people. Signs warning of the presence of the occupiers do not set min. "

14.11.14. 23:55. Highlights from the 1st Brigade Army Novorossia over the past day.

14.11.14. Summary of the volunteer with the callsign "Yang".
"After a night of fire district Petrovka shelling decreased activity and rest of the night was relatively quiet and peaceful, if it can be called. The fighting is already standard, deployed in the area Avdeyevka, Sand, Krasnogorovka in the first half of the day remained relatively calm, sluggish attacks were Nazis on the airport area, of the October, Putilovki. In the afternoon shelling increased, Kiev punishers shelled Spartacus Putilovku, Petrovka. From the Nazis inflicted Uglegorsk artudar the district mine "Komsomolets Donbas", this site was shot twice by them, in the end of five people died, the number of wounded is not known. Toward six o'clock began heavy shelling of the fifth quarter (Gorlovka), the civilian population, the Nazis were beaten with MLRS artillery howitzer and, eventually killing seven people, including a child (he decapitated) have destruction in the residential sector, many victims (number specified).
Evening bombardment Gvardeyka, district mine "eight-eight bis" lost electricity in the Kuibyshev region and on October, emergency crews started repairing.
From the side Avdeyevka intervals nearly an hour, at 21: 30/22: 40 (NR) Kiev Nazis shelled the area "METRO". During the day the enemy air activity was average - up to the squadron. "

14.11.14. Message from the 1st Regiment of the Great Don Army them. Platov.
"Ukrainian security forces inflicted artillery strikes on the village. Frunze and Donetsk, also hooked margin Kirovsk and pos. Golubovska.
Ukrofashisty produced mortar attack outskirts Pervomaysk. Hurt the private sector. No casualties.
Ukrainian junta directly targets the infrastructure of cities.
On the power line capacity of 110 kW. by gunfire, were damaged, or rather overwhelmed with the support 2, which complicates the restoration work. 1st Cossack regiment them. Platov owe dill not stayed, struck back. As a result of the suppression of the fire was conducted on 29 and 31 checkpoints APU.
For the past day the Ukrainian Armed Forces damaged substation in paragraph 2. Mihailovka and n. Golubovska.
In the area of ​​Pervomais'k towards town Popasnaya shooting occurred battle with heavy small arms and infantry fighting vehicles. "

14.11.14. Message from Dmitri Babaicha.
"In one of the units I was approached by a quiet, laid-back guy. He was fully equipped in the new that we brought, and it was quite obvious that asking besides him uncomfortable, but the question is important for him. He asked if it is possible, bring the flag of Belarus. I said that I do not promise, but I'll try. Then I found out that this man can not return to his home in Belarus. He there condemned for what it is the will of heart went into the militia of Donbass. He's got a family, family. But to return to him, he can not. And he needs a flag to hang at the head and at least sleep like at home. Lukashenko is afraid of the Maidan. "

Based on materials from the Internet media

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia

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LUGANSK, November 15. /TASS/. The public council reporting to the head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) and the LPR trade unions have called on the United Nations and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to stop the Ukrainian army that kills civilians and destroys infrastructure in Donbass.

“Recent developments have demonstrated that Kiev neglects all international norms and agreements and continues to destroy infrastructure and to kill civilian population in Donbass,” says a statement posted on the republic’s official website on Saturday.

The document points out that the Ukrainian military forces shelled a maternity house in the town of Pervomaiskoye on Saturday.

The LPR public said that “ahead of the winter, electric power substations, boiler stations and other facilities providing water and gas to the cities, towns and villages have been deliberately destroyed.”

“Schools, nursery schools, libraries, culture facilities, train stations and railway mainlines remain the target as well,” the document reads adding that this brought about cancellation of railway traffic to Kiev and Odessa.

“This happens against the background of Kiev’s cynical statements on supposed commitment to the Minsk agreements. Although killing of thousands of compatriots is genocide of their own people and bloody crimes against humanity,” the self-proclaimed republic’s public representatives and trade union leaders said in the statement.

“We turn to the international organisations - the UN, OSCE and others established for protection of peace - with a question on whether millions of people in Ukraine’s southeast have the right to choose their future of their own and whether their aspiration to a peaceful life entails punishments for them,” the LPR said.

DONETSK, November 15 (Sputnik) — The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) expect that the seventh Russian humanitarian aid convoy will arrive in eastern Ukraine on Sunday morning, DPR press service announced Saturday.

"The arrival is expected between 9 and 10 a.m. [between 07:00 and 08:00 GMT] November 16," the announcement said, adding that the convoy will bring foodstuffs and building materials.

On Friday the Russian Emergencies Ministry reported that the seventh Russian convoy for Donbas is ready for departure.

On Saturday the ministry's source added that the convoy consists of more than 70 trucks that will deliver to Donetsk and Luhansk more than 450 tons of cargo.

Since August, Russia has sent six aid convoys to eastern Ukraine that has been suffering from a humanitarian crisis after Kiev launched a military operation against the region's independence supporters in April.

The convoys have delivered food, water, power generators and medication, as well as warm clothes and winter supplies for residents of the region ahead of the approaching winter.

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Many remember the dark history of Alexander Mozhayeva ("Baba"), which has long defended against encroachment Novorossia fascists on the territorial integrity of the newly formed state. Alexander was the unit commander, his soldiers defended Slovyansk, and after his loss - Kramators'k. This summer, "Baba" was charged with desertion Igor firearms, after which he was forced to leave their native lands.

In the words of the commander of the militia, the questions that arise as a result of his actions on the lands of New Russia, do not find your answer if you do not know the essence of what happened. He says that no one is thrown, was ordered to retreat, desertion was no fighters led by a commander simply were forced to withdraw. Nevertheless, for a long time, "Baba" was gone, thankfully returned and no one. Crimea Mozhaev left with fresh forces, ready to defend the honor of the New Russia and its citizens.

Now, the defender of Donbass and his party is going to defend the Republic from the fascist yoke. He said the truce - a fiction that allows occupants to relocate their offices and equipment, occupy the most advantageous position, pull up fresh forces on the most important areas, in general, are ready to continue fighting.

"Baba" reports that he had not returned one and not only with their old comrades. In the ranks of his unit came many volunteers who are ready to defend the New Russia. Separately, the commander said that fighters could be even more, but the supply is not enough to take all comers and fight against the fascists is not obtained. Join as a militia want volunteers from Russia, the Crimea, Serbia.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


The Ministry of Defense DNI reports:

November 14, 2014, in the area of ​​18-00, in the direction of the city Gorlivka by Uglegorsk started working systems "Grad" APU in a residential sector of the city. The result of punitive action were 6 killed civilians, including two children (4 years old boy, a girl of 9 years), among the victims - the children's father (mother in a serious condition in hospital) and another 20 people were injured by shrapnel. Addresses to which the system works "Grad" Ukrainian military - st. Bessonova, 17; st. Bessonova, 23; Street Trunk, 1.

In the district of st. Bessonova, 17, is the school, which also hit by a shell, he did not break, but left a gap in the wall of the school of about 2.5 m. At this time in the city Gorlivka a commission OSCE Minsk Checks operation ceasefire agreement.

Based on materials from the Internet media prepared

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia


Message from the volunteer with the callsign "Yang" (the night of November 15)
Later in the afternoon side / h, direction Sands, intense battle, mostly small arms. At eight o'clock in the evening, the Nazis fired October, Northern village. Our artillery units returned fire on the enemy firing points.
At 23:10 in the area of ​​sand, two of the fire, one of them large, unspecified enters information about the destruction of two enemy firing points with BP warehouse.

Highlights from the 1st Brigade Army Novorossia yesterday

Last day on the fronts Novorossia retained unchanged Debaltseve tensions in the area, and the route Avdeyevka "Bahmutka."

Donetsk People's Republic.

Donetsk - reported that the airport at night there were fights, ukrovermaht trying to break into the territory occupied by the militia to fight off position (apparently, the main building still controlled by the host, there is not punitive, and that's torn, because control of territory lost), during damaged tank battles 1 and 5 punishers (did not specify how many of the dead and wounded, and 5 - the total number).
Firing at night mainly occurred in the airport, m / p October and Petrovsky district (with the direction of the fire was Mariynskoe area of ​​n.p.Karlovka or Krasnogorovka, and possibly from the MLRS "Smerch" or "Hurricane"). Happy shelling ukrovermaht conducted by m / r "Textilschik" Petrovsky district and the city center (damaged medical center for children with cerebral palsy and pediatric surgery), in the evening again fired incendiary BP airport.


Avdiyivka - again conflicting information: the city is likely surrounded by militias attempting to assault, because the fighting has been reported in the city; but trimming in the full sense of the word does not start - too much grouping ukrovermahta there. It is known that in the morning strongholds natsgadov were fired from mortars and MLRS "Grad", in order to suppress the capital artogon DNR outdoor punitive earlier.

Enakieve - afternoon ukrovermaht struck the residential areas on the outskirts of the MLRS "Grad" (1 civilian killed).

Gorlivka - overnight artdueli walked with direction n.p.Dzerzhink and Maori. Reported relocation to the city a significant amount of punitive armored vehicles (in particular, up to 32 tanks). In the afternoon, as a result of shelling the railway station "Kondratevka" of MLRS "Grad" destroyed EP. Also under fire hit GAI checkpoint on the outskirts of the city (1 civilian killed). The evening began on the outskirts of artataka with n.p.Dzerzhinsk directions (there are a large number of victims, the exact number is not reported).

Mar'insky area - reported on the night of intense fighting in the area and locality Marinka Krasnogorovka, and mortar and artillery shelling in the area ukrovermahta n.p.Berezovoe

Other localities DNI

Kirov - ukrovermaht again began shelling the main enterprises of the city, the mine "Komsomolets Donbas" (1 civilian killed, 2 wounded). Also reported on the revitalization of clashes on the outskirts of the city this afternoon - punishers are attempting to break into the city.

Debaltseve - no significant change. Despite the fact that it is the largest fortified ukrovermahta, perhaps, the most difficult part in the combat situation, it remains stable-tense - local fighting with small arms in areas closest contact between punitive and militias and artdueli with n.p.Chernuhino (Popasnjansky district) and Mius (Perevalskiy district).

Volnovakha area - near PGT Novotroitskoe overnight fierce fighting, the militia managed to repel the attack on the village ukrovermahta. In the area n.p.Kamenka, rich and punitive Novogrigorevka roadblocks were fired from grenade launchers and small arms (apparently DRG militias are working behind enemy lines). In most Volnovakha punishers erect fortified territory at the neurological department of the city hospital.

Novoazovs'k area - during the day punishers were aimed fire from mortars at residential quarters; have a fracture, but the number of victims is not specified.

Telmanovskiy district - Fierce fighting near n.p.Chermalyk (1 civilian wounded).

Mining District - Information on n.p.Nikishino controversial - ukrovermaht groans of intense mortar and artillery shelling, the militias have reported rare local skirmishes without artillery. In n.p.Novoorlovka afternoon there were fights, which resulted in the APCs destroyed punitive and unspecified number of dead and wounded natsgadov.

Yasinovatskiy district - overnight militia made ​​repeated mortar attacks retaliatory artillery positions near PGT Sands, Water and experienced.

Lugansk People's Republic

Kemerovo - night ukrovermaht shelled the outskirts of the city of MLRS "Grad", but without significant damage. In response, the militia fired on the outpost in punitive PGT Donetsk.

Novoaydarsky area - fighting continued in the area n.p.Krymskoe; punishers call this section of the front one of the most difficult for themselves, the militia is in the constant bombardment of the strong points ukrovermahta MLRS "Grad".

Slovianoserbsk Raion - track "Bahmutka" continues to be the "hot" spots on the direction of Lugansk front. During the night, the militia, in order to prevent a return to the earlier punitive left position of the MLRS "Grad" shelled strongholds in the area of punitive n.p.Trehizbenka Sokolniki, Gold, Nut-Donetsk and Kryakovka. In the morning, was shot twice unfortunate roadblock near n.p.Frunze №31 (artillery and mortars militia with directions n.p.Kirovsk). After dinner began with punitive artduel (during shelling in n.p.Trehizbenka killed 5-year-old girl, 1 civilian wounded). Also during the day he was fired punitive Slavyanoserbsk of MLRS "Grad", killed one civilian.

Stanichno Luhansk region - during last night's position punitive, located on the outskirts of the city militia attacked with artillery and mortars (NSDC recorded at least 6 attacks), and during the day - from rocket-propelled grenades and small arms (7 attacks). In turn, causes ukrovermaht artudary by militia positions - so, in n.p.Nizhne-Heat "label" punishers of MLRS "Grad" fired kindergarten and school (no victims, because institutions do not work), in response militias significantly damaged ukrovermahta checkpoint in the area. Also fired roadblocks near n.p.Makarovo and Valuiskikh.

Occupied Territory

Artemivs'k - receive information about the concentration in a large group of troops ukrovermahta especially frightening sounds availability 7 TRK "Tochka-U" (in addition, 13 tanks, 15 ZSU, 6 MLRS "Grad" and "Twister").

Based on materials from the Internet and media reports of militias.

Vladmir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukraine’s decision to sever economic ties with rebel-held areas and stop funding local public services is a big mistake which does not help the locals gain trust in Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists at the G20 summit.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Sergey Guneev)

As Kiev continues to amass its forces in eastern Ukraine despite the ceasefire and use radical nationalist groups as armed battalions, Moscow is concerned about possible ethnic cleansing there, Russian President Vladimir Putin told ARD in an interview.

READ MORE: Kiev not fully committed to ceasefire, amasses troops along E. Ukraine frontline – Russia

Speaking with Hubert Seipel of the German channel ARD ahead of the G20 summit, Putin warned of catastrophic consequences for Ukraine if the Kiev government continues to nurture radical nationalism and Russophobia, including in the ranks of its military and National Guard units that are still being sent as reinforcements to the country’s troubled east.

“Frankly speaking, we are very concerned about any possible ethnic cleansings and Ukraine ending up as a neo-Nazi state. What are we supposed to think if people are bearing swastikas on their sleeves? Or what about the SS emblems that we see on the helmets of some military units now fighting in eastern Ukraine? If it is a civilized state, where are the authorities looking? At least they could get rid of this uniform, they could make the nationalists remove these emblems,” Putin said.


Azov battalion soldiers take an oath of allegiance to Ukraine in Kiev's Sophia Square before being sent to the Donbass region (RIA Novosti / Alexandr Maksimenko)

Pointing at some difficulties in implementing the Minsk agreements aimed at ensuring the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine holds, Putin said the local militias have one clear reason not to leave the cities they occupy, which is the fear of reprisals. Moscow has been urging both sides of the conflict to adhere to the agreements.

“Indeed, self-defense fighters, for example, were supposed to leave some of the towns they had surrounded, are yet they haven’t left. Do you know why not? I will tell you plainly, this is no secret: because the people fighting against the Ukrainian army say, 'These are our villages, we come from there. Our families and our loved ones live there. If we leave, nationalist battalions will come and kill everyone. We will not leave, you can kill us yourselves.'”

“That is why we have fears that it may all end up this way. If it happens it would be a catastrophe for Ukraine and Ukrainian people,” Putin stressed.



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This correspondent Novorossia managed to learn one of the possible causes of fire Pervomajskaya hospital yesterday. Interlocutor agency said that the night before the fire chief doctor of the hospital Nikolai Kovalenko decided to quit the team and run away to the Ukraine, at the same time taking with him the most valuable property be owned hospital, including: money, medicine, documentation, printing and even donated blood. However, the guard raised the alarm and called the militia. As a result of the theft was foiled, but the head doctor escaped. And that the next morning there was this art. shelling.


The seventh column of trucks with humanitarian aid, prepared the Russian Emergencies Ministry, came to Luhansk and Donetsk Republic. More than seventy cars delivered needy, oppressed Ukrainian fascists states, materials, equipment and devices necessary for the regenerative repair of houses and infrastructure.

Help RF came in handy, as the atrocities of the occupiers reopened the question of the status of citizens of the republics in the cold. Regular shelling invaders brought into disrepair power lines.

In early November, Energy Luhansk HP could restore substation Krasnodon district, there was hope that people will be able to survive the winter. Naturally, the constant attacks that led the Nazis, despite the ceasefire, significantly hamper the work of specialists.

Height loads on power lines with decreasing temperature, can cause an accident, to prevent their residents already have to limit, as reported by Nikolai Evseev - Chief Engineer RES Krasnodon district. According to him, once the shelling fascists has crippled two hundred kilometers of transmission line voltage of 110 kW of internal networks is not even accurate information, a huge amount of work.

Thanks humanitarian convoy, technology got so necessary transformer oil, which gives hope for faster and easier recovery.

Prospects also continue repairing rather vague, it is not even load growth and the threat of bombings, which can start at any time.

Sergei Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Guide Border Service has responded to a number of scandals at checkpoints with Crimea, Kherson region. Total acts of servants of the Azov-Black Sea Regional Border Service Management for 2014 received 196 complaints. According to the results of their consideration dismissed 5 workers, 24 - transferred to other units, 84 - dropped in rank.

Cleaning staff came after revelations in the media bribery and illegal actions of border guards. According to cross the border with the Crimea Kherson citizens of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, serving checkpoint demanded for missing man 500 UAH., Destroyed Russian passports issued in the Crimea and could refuse to curbing the border without good reasons.

Heath Action border guards and customs was mutual "dismantling" when they could not share the profits among themselves, - transfers Ukrainian media. As a result, the border guard moved his BMP legkovushku customs officer.
Based on materials from the Internet media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia


Unable to pass along Khreschatyk so that you did not ask for money. Treatment, on bread, on drugs, on the ticket or badge on the subway. Asking young and old, sick and healthy. Asked before, but not like now. The once imposing, moderately glamorous Kiev on the verge, gaining momentum swift "bangkokizatsiya" the city and the whole country, when the "cola per dollar" and «no money, no honey». Ukraine - a country with a fairly high level of taxation, and it is extremely weak social institutions. Meager pensions and scholarships at high cumulative tax rate leads to an increase in the informal sector, which in Ukraine is whether the 40%, or 60%. Such an economy also has a right to exist. But for its functioning state in general, is not required.
In Thailand, where the informal sector accounts for 70% of all, the state has effectively dismantled. Recently the military government to gain power through prolonged confrontation between the prime minister and the opposition, to distribute weapons to residents of the southern provinces to protect against the Islamists. Thus Bangkok signed an inability to perform one of the basic tasks of the state - to protect the population. But before that, a long time eco-
Mika Thailand quite successfully existed as a compromise between the state, which could not bear the burden of social obligations, and a society that instead enjoy the "benefits" as illegal labor, drug trafficking and prostitution, which share in GDP reached double figures.
The informal sector serves compensator state incapacity. In Ukraine, all the same. We rent an apartment without a state, sell and buy things over the internet, pay for medical services in cash, acquiring stolen CellPhones markets and receives a salary in envelopes. With the money from the envelope contains army helps patients discharged on bribes. Business understate profits, adheres currency, does not pay taxes. Yanukovych regime fell because violated the unwritten contract with society: we steal, and you provide yourself. The appetites of the state apparatus grew, while the crisis was destroying the resource base for prokormki army officials. Widespread corruption, the most dangerous strain - theft of loss. The pressure has increased, there was an explosion - Maidan. Association Agreement with the EU - is just an excuse.
The country has been replaced by power, but the state apparatus remained the same, and the pressure in the system is not weakened. Public procurements stolen from recoiling
th coefficient whose value depends only on the content of adrenaline official. Authority to execute the laws that are not followed. Two basic functions of the state - coercion and redistribution of wealth - stalled. We do not want to keep inefficient state apparatus, the state apparatus is not willing to cut itself. The virus spreads economic egoism in Ukraine with tremendous speed.
Residents no longer pay for unharvested staircase, entrepreneurs no longer pay taxes, converting them into a bribe. Instead sotsposoby - begging, instead of government spending on the military, health care and education - volunteering and charity, bribes instead of taxes. But in times of severe economic shocks becomes unprofitable even pay bribes.
And then the state collapses. Self-organization of the population outside the state - is the dismantling of the latter. There are many examples: Sudan, Tajikistan, Myanmar, Somalia. First reshuffle in the government, then the collapse of the state, from which one name remains. So happens in Ukraine, if the survival instinct will force the state to collect the skeleton itself anew. The war that only an incentive, not a hindrance. For nearly eight months, could not stand the power of structural reforms. If this does not happen in the near future, people will make power with jammed into holes body state.

Based on materials from the media.

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia

Total losses in the Ukrainian army in New Russia (Donbas, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa and others.) April 3 - present. From the front, not back around - 20,904 soldiers, including members of the military and paramilitary Ukrainian security officials.

Total losses in the Ukrainian army in New Russia (Donbas, Lugansk, Kharkov, Odessa and others.) April 3 - present. From the front, not back around - 20,904 soldiers, including members of the military and paramilitary Ukrainian security officials.

Of them - about 3,282 fighters of the "right sector," mainly included in the National Guard, as well as more than 300 mercenaries from special battalions oligarch Igor Kolomoisky "Dnepr" and "Azov", "Aydar". According to some reports the bodies were removed and destroyed in Dnepropetrovsk in the local crematorium, or buried on the site of the shooting and listed as missing.

- About 11,590 troops Ukrainian army (mainly from the 25th Airborne Brigade and 95 Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr airmobile brigade, the 24th motorized brigade of the Lviv region, 79 airmobile brigade, 51 Mechanized Brigade, 24th Mechanized Brigade of Yavorov, 72-th separate mechanized brigade of White Church, Kremenchug Defence Intelligence Brigade and other units of the Ukrainian army, mostly from the place of deployment to the Western Ukraine)

- About 4192 members of the MUP, the number of "National Guard under";

- About 379 employees of the SBU Ukraine;

- State Border Service of Ukraine 243 people;

- 88 employees of the CIA, FBI, DIA US special forces;

foreign mercenaries:

- 630 people from the Polish PMC «ASBS Othago», American PMCs "Asademi» and «Greystone Limited», PMCs from Canada, Germany, the UK, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Czech Republic, Finland, African and Arab and other countries.

- Other categories of armed forces of Ukraine - 1779 people.

Prepared according to the online media

Vladimir Batkovich.
Central News Agency Novorossia

Military Prosecutor of Ukraine suggests that the death was caused by multiple blows with rifle butts in the head - he wanted to surrender their command staff officers. In addition, they are accused of desertion.

According to the investigation conducted by the prosecutor's office, during which it was established that the crime was planned in advance, when a team of three people decided to escape from one of the military units. Apparently, by mutual decision they had no choice but to escape, while taking with him a weapon. Soldiers could not refuse the order of command headquarters, which was obliged to send them to the protection of Mariupol. However, the planned scenario did not come true because intervened aggressively patriotic tune warrior ,, which encouraged them to give their lives for the sovereignty and integrity of the powers Square .. For this life and paid.

Based on materials from the Internet media.

Victor Papin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Results of the week through the lens of the 1st Cossack regiment named Platov.

The regimental commander Pavel Dremov held a general meeting and asked for permission to attach Cossacks awarding him an award at the flag of the regiment.

During the week, the Cossacks continued to attack checkpoints on the road Bahmutka.

Cossacks several units received awards, handed the regimental commander.


For courage manifested in the fight against the Nazis during the defense of Kiev Donbass Platov Orders, Medals for Military Merit awarded by the soldiers of the 1st Regiment behalf Platov.

Rewarding Cossacks conducted commander of the 1st Regiment of them. Platov Paul Dremov.

Awarded fighters units Vasey «AC / DC», «Shah 'and' Babai '.


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