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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Elena Semenova documentary about the beginning of the War of Independence of New Russia - Slavyansk on defense.

The film tells about the heroism of volunteer militia, the participants tell about their personal experiences of life and war in the surrounded city, which became a symbol of valor and fearless struggle for freedom.

Igor Fusiliers, Margaret Seidler, Igor friends Prapor, cedar and many others told the author of a film about the heroic times.

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Every day, in the evening the soldiers of the 4th Brigade of the Defense Ministry LC RRT "Batman" launched collection personnel, construction and summarizing the day.

Militiaman, who recently injured and treated in hospital RRT "Batman", made an offer to corporal medical service directly on the construction based in Lugansk.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

For the purposes of armed defense against external aggression LC from militias continue to create a force designed for the protection and defense of the young republic. A solemn presentation of the battle flag of the 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade from the hands of the Prime Minister Gennady Tsypkalova LC.
Alexander the poor (callsign "Batman") was appointed Chief of Staff of the 4th Brigade.
According to Alexander Bednova, like any other military unit, his team created from other divisions of the national militia. When the enemy came to the land of Donbass, first took the brunt simple militia. Divisions were formed around the most talented fighters and strategists. Then, when we realized that the guys will always be together stronger commanders threw all their personal ambitions and united. At the government level, it was decided to establish a regular army.
The 4th Brigade was formed on the basis of several divisions of the national militia, such as battalion "St. George "RRT" Batman "battalion" Goblin "and others.

Central News Agency Novorossia

Elena Semenova documentary - part two -

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The Rise of German Imperialism and the Phony “Russian Threat”

Global Research, December 07, 2014

The principle Nazi ideological prop that secured massive financial and political support from Germany’s leading industrialists was the Communist and Soviet threat. The main Nazi military drive, absorbing two-thirds of its best troops, was directed eastward at conquering and destroying Russia. The ‘Russian Threat’ justified Nazi Germany’s conquest and occupation of the Ukraine, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Baltic states, with the aid of a substantial proportion of local Nazi collaborators.

After Germany’s defeat , division and disarmament, and with the extension of Soviet power, the US reinstated the Nazi industrial and banking giants, officials and intelligence operatives. At first they were engaged in rebuilding their domestic economy and consolidating political power, in collaboration with the US military occupation forces.

By the late 1960’s Germany regained economic primacy in Europe and was at the forefront of European ‘integration’, in association with France and England. It soon came to dominate the principle decision – making institutions of the European Union(EU). The EU served as Germany’s instrument for conquest by stealth. Year by year, through ‘aid’ and low interest loans,the EU facilitated German capitalist’s market penetration and financial expansion,through out south and central Europe. Germany set the agenda for Western Europe, gaining economic dominance while benefiting from US subversion and encirclement of Eastern Europe, Russia and the Baltic and Balkan states.

Germany’s Great Leap Forward: The Annexation of East Germany and the Demise of the USSR

Germany’s projection of power on a world scale would never have occurred if it had not annexed East Germany. Despite the West German claims of beneficence and ‘aid’ to the East, the Bonn regime secured several million skilled engineers, workers and technicians, the takeover of factories, productive farms and, most important, the Eastern European and Russian markets for industrial goods, worth billions of dollars. Germany was transformed from an emerging influential EU partner, into the most dynamic expansionist power in Europe, especially in the former Warsaw Pact economies.

The annexation of East Germany and the overthrow of the Communist governments in the East allowed German capitalists to dominate markets in the former Eastern bloc .As the major trading partner, it seized control of major industrial enterprises via corrupt privatizations decreed by the newly installed pro-capitalist client regimes. As the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgarian, the Baltic States “privatized” and “de-nationalized” strategic economic, trade, media and social service sectors, ‘unified’ Germany was able to resume a privileged place. As Russia fell into the hands of gangsters, emerging oligarchs and political proxies of western capitalists, its entire industrial infrastructure was decimated and Russia was converted into a giant raw-material export region.

Germany converted its trade relations with Russia from one between equals into a ‘colonial’ pattern: Germany exported high value industrial products and imported gas, oil and raw materials from Russia.

German power expanded exponentially, with the annexation of the “other Germany”, the restoration of capitalism in Eastern Europe and the ascendancy of client regimes eager and willing to submit to a German dominated European Union and a US directed NATO military command.

German political-economic expansion via ‘popular uprisings’, controlled by local political clients, was soon accompanied by a US led military offensive – sparked by separatist movements. Germany intervened in Yugoslavia, aiding and abetting separatists in Slovenia and Croatia .It backed the US-NATO bombing of Serbia and supported the far-right, self-styled Kosovo Liberation Army ( KLA),engaged in a terrorist war in Kosovo . Belgrade was defeated and regime change led to a neo-liberal client state. The US built the largest military base in Europe in Kosovo. Montenegro and Macedonia became EU satellites.

While NATO expanded and enhanced the US military presence up to Russia’s borders, Germany became the continent’s pre-eminent economic power.

Germany and the New World Order

While President Bush and Clinton were heralding a “new world order”, based on unipolar military supremacy, Germany advanced its new imperial order by exercising its political and economic levers. Each of the two power centers, Germany and the US, shared the common quest of rapidly incorporating the new capitalist regimes into their regional organizations –the European Union (EU) and NATO– and extending their reach globally. Given the reactionary origins and trajectory into vassalage of the Eastern, Baltic and Balkan regimes, and given their political fears of a popular reaction to the loss of employment, welfare and independence resulting from their implementation of savage neoliberal “shock policies”, the client rulers immediately “applied” for membership as subordinate members of the EU and NATO, trading sovereignty, markets and national ownership of the means of production for economic handouts and the ‘free’ movement of labor, an escape valve for the millions of newly unemployed workers. German and English capital got millions of skilled immigrant workers at below labor market wages, and unimpeded access to markets and resources. The US secured NATO military bases, and recruited military forces for its Middle East and South Asian imperial wars.

US-German military and economic dominance in Europe was premised on retaining Russia as a weak quasi vassal state, and on the continued economic growth of their economies beyond the initial pillage of the ex-communist economies.

For the US, uncontested military supremacy throughout Europe was the springboard for near-time imperial expansion in the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Latin America. NATO was ‘internationalized’ into an offensive global military alliance: first in Somalia, Afghanistan then Iraq, Libya, Syria and the Ukraine.

The Rise of Russia, The Islamic Resistance and the New Cold War

During the ‘decade of infamy’ (1991-2000) extreme privatization measures by the client rulers in Russia on behalf of EU and US investors and gangster oligarchs, added up to vast pillage of the entire economy, public treasury and national patrimony. The image and reality of a giant prostrate vassal state unable to pursue an independent foreign policy, and incapable of providing the minimum semblance of a modern functioning economy and maintaining the rule of law, became the defining view of Russia by the EU and the USA. Post-communist Russia, a failed state by any measure, was dubbed a “liberal democracy” by every western capitalist politician and so it was repeated by all their mass media acolytes.

The fortuitous rise of Vladimir Putin and the gradual replacement of some of the most egregious ‘sell-out’ neo-liberal officials, and most important, the reconstruction of the Russian state with a proper budget and functioning national institutions, was immediately perceived as a threat to US military supremacy and German economic expansion. Russia’s transition from Western vassalage to regaining its status as a sovereign independent state set in motion, an aggressive counter-offensive by the US-EU. They financed a neo-liberal-oligarchy backed political opposition in an attempt to restore Russia to vassalage via street demonstrations and elections .Their efforts to oust Putin and re-establish Western vassal state failed. What worked in 19991 with Yeltsin’s power grab against Gorbachev was ineffective against Putin. The vast majority of Russians did not want a return to the decade of infamy.

In the beginning of the new century, Putin and his team set new ground-rules, in which oligarchs could retain their illicit wealth and conglomerates, providing they didn’t use their economic levers to seize state power. Secondly, Putin revived and restored the scientific technical, military, industrial and cultural institutions and centralized trade and investment decisions within a wide circle of public and private decision makers not beholden to Western policymakers. Thirdly, he began to assess and rectify the breakdown of Russian security agencies particularly with regard to the threats emanating from Western sponsored ‘separatist’ movements in the Caucuses, especially, in Chechnya, and the onset of US backed ‘color revolutions’ in the Ukraine and Georgia.

At first, Putin optimistically assumed that, Russia being a capitalist state, and without any competing ideology, the normalization and stabilization of the Russian state would be welcomed by the US and the EU. He even envisioned that they would accept Russia as an economic, political, and even NATO partner. Putin even made overtures to join and co-operate with NATO and the EU. The West did not try to dissuade Putin of his illusions .In fact they encouraged him, even as they escalated their backing for Putin’s internal opposition and prepared a series of imperial wars and sanctions in the Middle East, targeting traditional Russian allies in Iraq, Syria and Libya.

As the ‘internal’ subversive strategy failed to dislodge President Putin, and the Russian state prevailed over the neo-vassals, the demonization of Putin became constant and shrill. The West moved decisively to an ‘outsider strategy’, to isolate, encircle and undermine the Russian state by undermining allies, and trading partners

US and Germany Confront Russia: Manufacturing the “Russian Threat”

Russia was enticed to support US and NATO wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya in exchange for the promise of deeper integration into Western markets. The US and EU accepted Russian co-operation, including military supply routes and bases, for their invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The NATO powers secured Russian support of sanctions against Iran. They exploited Russia’s naïve support of a “no fly zone” over Libya to launch a full scale aerial war. The US financed so-called “color revolutions” in Georgia and the Ukraine overt, a dress rehearsal for the putsch in 2014 Each violent seizure of power allowed NATO to impose anti-Russian rulers eager and willing to serve as vassal states to Germany and the US.

Germany spearheaded the European imperial advance in the Balkans and Moldavia, countries with strong economic ties to Russia. High German officials “visited” the Balkans to bolster their ties with vassal regimes in Slovenia, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Croatia. Under German direction, the European Union ordered the vassal Bulgarian regime of Boyko “the booby” Borisov to block the passage of Russian owned South Stream pipeline to Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia and beyond. The Bulgarian state lost $400 million in annual revenue . . . Germany and the US bankrolled pro-NATO and EU client politicians in Moldavia – securing the election of Iurie Leanca as Prime Minister. As a result of Leanca’s slavish pursuit of EU vassalage, Moldavia lost $150 million in exports to Russia. Leanca’s pro-EU policies go counter to the views of most Moldavians – 57% see Russia as the country’s most important economic partner. Nearly 40% of the Moldavian working age population works in Russia and 25% of the Moldavians’ $8 billion GDP is accounted for by overseas remittances.

German and the US empire-builders steamroll over dissenting voices in Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as Moldova and Bulgaria, who’s economy and population suffer from the impositions of the blockade of the Russian gas and oil pipeline. But Germany’s, all out economic warfare against Russia takes precedent over the interests of its vassal states: its theirs to sacrifice for the ‘Greater Good’ of the emerging German economic empire and the US – NATO military encirclement of Russia. The extremely crude dictates of German imperial interests articulated through the EU, and the willingness of Balkan and Baltic regimes to sacrifice fundamental economic interests, are the best indicators of the emerging German empire in Europe.

Parallel to Germany’s rabid anti-Russian economic campaign, the US via NATO is engaged in a vast military build-up along the length and breadth of Russia’s frontier. The US stooge, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg, boasts that over the current year, NATO has increased 5-fold the warplanes and bombers patrolling Russian maritime and land frontiers, carried out military exercises every two days and vastly increased the number of war ships in the Baltic and Black Sea.


What is absolutely clear is that the US and Germany want to return Russia to the vassalage status of the 1990’s. They do not want ‘normal relations’. From the moment Putin moved to restore the Russian state and economy, the Western powers have engaged in a series of political and military interventions, eliminating Russian allies, trading partners and independent states.

The emergent of extremist, visceral anti-Russian regimes in Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania served as the forward shield for NATO advancement and German economic encroachment. Hitler’s ‘dream’ of realizing the conquest of the East via unilateral military conquest has now under Prime Minister Merkel taken the form of conquest by stealth in Northern and Central Europe , by economic blackmail in the Balkans ,and by violent putsches in the Ukraine and Georgia.

The German economic ruling class is divided between the dominant pro-US sector that is willing to sacrifice lucrative trade with Russia today in hopes of dominating and pillaging the entire economy in a post-Putin Russia (dominated by ‘reborn Yeltsin clones’); and a minority industrial sector, which wants to end sanctions and return to normal economic relations with Russia.

Germany is fearful that its client rulers in the East, especially in the Balkans are vulnerable to a popular upheaval due to the economic sacrifices they impose on the population. Hence, Germany is wholly in favor of the new NATO rapid deployment force, ostensibly designed to counter a non-existent “Russian threat” but in reality to prop up faltering vassal regimes.

The ‘Russian Threat’, the ideology driving the US and German offensive throughout Europe and the Caucuses, is a replay of the same doctrine which Hitler used to secure support from domestic industrial bankers, conservatives and right wing overseas collaborators among extremists in Ukraine, Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria.

The US-EU seizure of power via vassal political clients backed by corrupt oligarchs and Nazi street fighters in Ukraine detonated the current crisis. Ukraine power grab posed a top security threat to the very existence of Russia as an independent state. After the Kiev take-over, NATO moved its stooge regime in Kiev forward to militarily eliminate the independent regions in the Southeast and seize the Crimea .thus totally eliminating Russia’s strategic position in the Black Sea. Russia the victim of the NATO power grab was labelled the “aggressor”. The entire officialdom and mass media echoed the Big Lie. Two decades of US NATO military advances on Russia’s borders and German-EU economic expansion into Russian markets were obfuscated. Ukraine is the most important strategic military platform from which the US-NATO can launch an attack on the Russian heartland and the single largest market for Germany since the annexation of East Germany

The US and Germany see the Ukraine conquest as of extreme value in itself but also as the key to launching an all-out offensive to strangle Russia’s economy via sanctions and dumping oil and to militarily threaten Russia. The strategic goal is to reduce the Russian population to poverty and to re-activate the quasi-moribund opposition to overthrow the Putin government and return Russia to permanent vassalage. The US and German imperial elite, looking beyond Russia, believe that if they control Russia, they can encircle ,isolate and attack China from the West as well as the East.

Wild-eyed fanatics they are not. But as rabid proponents of a permanent war to end Russia’s presence in Europe and to undermine China’s emergence as a world power, they are willing to go to the brink of a nuclear war.

The ideological centerpiece of US-German imperial expansion and conquest in Europe and the Caucuses is the “Russian Threat”. It is the touchstone defining adversaries and allies. Countries that do not uphold sanctions are targeted. The mass media repeat the lie. The “Russian Threat” has become the war cry for cringing vassals – the phony justification for imposing frightful sacrifices to serve their imperial ‘padrones’ in Berlin and Washington – fearing the rebellion of the ‘sacrificed’ population. No doubt, under siege, Russia will be forced to make sacrifices. The oligarchs will flee westward; the liberals will crawl under their beds. But just as the Soviets turned the tide of war in Stalingrad, the Russian people, past the first two years of a bootstrap operation will survive, thrive and become once again a beacon of hope to all people looking to get from under the tyranny of US-NATO militarism and German-EU economic dictates.




Ukraine and the Pro-Imperialist Intellectuals


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According to the developed imperial control of the security of the Third Reich "General Plan East", which called for Germanization of conquered Germany "eastern territories", 65% of the indigenous population of the Ukrainian SSR was subject to liquidation or expulsion to Siberia. The Nazis expected to remain in place only a small amount of the native population, which they needed for economic needs and which can be safely controlled.

In the current proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine about a drastic reduction in social standards are no specific quantitative targets upcoming depopulation of the territory is not specified, but judging by the content of these inhuman initiatives, they are not much different from the German plans 70 years ago, and the results of the planned liquidation activities will be approximately the same which were outlined in the aforementioned above plan "Ost". However, with some nuances. For example, in view of the fundamental impossibility in the current environment to provide a mass eviction of residents of Ukraine for the Ural Mountains, the question of "optimizing" their number will be decided on the spot. Based on the proposed measures for this, the success of this plan is practically guaranteed. It is based on the constitutional amendments, according to which Ukraine will actually canceled pensions, health care and education.

Pensions will not pay for the simple reason that the retirement age will set such that a few people to survive. Cancel the current constitution guaranteed free education and health care will lead to the fact that both have become completely inaccessible for at least 80% of the population because of its miserable living standards. The remaining twenty percent who can pay for their treatment and study, just make those 5-7 million natives that can be left in the area for household needs.

Thus, the program landslide reduction of Ukraine's population has been developed in great detail. The fact that it will be officially approved, no doubt, because, firstly, it is based on the actual ultimatum to the International Monetary Fund, which is non-negotiable, and secondly, it will perform the same emissaries from the IMF, which is already included in the the government of Ukraine. Including, apparently, in order to exclude any sentiment and compassion towards actually intended for slaughter to the local population. Three imported occupied key figure for the formation of social policy positions - Minister of Economic Development and Trade, health and finance. That escape velocity with which these "mishandled Cossack" received the citizenship of Ukraine and ministerial positions - more proof of the fact that the decision was taken not in Kiev. In this case, none of the notebooks "Ukrainian patriots" and champions of "purity of the nation" does not even doubt that the foreigners - the best candidates in the Ukrainian ministers and the head of the government Yatsenyuk - furious russophobe even had to hold a meeting of the Cabinet in Russian, so as some of the "Vikings" do not know "derzhavnoy language".

"Stripping" is now Ukraine from predominantly Slavic ethnic group is the cornerstone objective and constant priority eastern policy of the West for centuries. What exhaustively validated course of history. And, perhaps, even he had never been so close to the practical realization of this goal. Is no less obvious that its achievement is not an end point of the western "Ostpolitik", and will be an intermediate stage, the basic meaning of which - to create favorable geopolitical conditions for "cleansing" the bulk of the Slavic ethnic group, located in what is now the Russian Federation. Stripping, which is particularly necessary for the West after the uncompromising statements Vladimir Putin of Russia's readiness to defend and defeat, and taking into account the fact that, except for Russia to resist Western expansion on this planet almost no one. Given this perspective successful depopulation West Ukraine would become a heavy blow to the whole of the East Slavic civilization and have significantly reduced its chances of survival in a historical perspective. Today, when the plans already announced and are in the process of legislative registration, it can be stated that there are no other solutions for Ukraine is not provided, and its destruction came in the final phase.

What are the implications of this? First and foremost: Russia can not allow this to happen under any circumstances and under any circumstances. All fashionable nowadays philistine talk about what the Russians do not care about Ukrainian problems that it is generally a foreign country and let them "Ukrainians" understand themselves there, should be classified as malicious enemy propaganda that aims to ensure that at the crucial moment to isolate Russia from Ukraine and give the West in a quiet mode to destroy it.

But the high degree of connectivity with the fate of Russia in Ukraine does not mean that the very Ukrainian people should sit around and wait for the executioner will implement already announced his verdict. According to Article 5 of the current Constitution of Ukraine, "the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine is the people. The right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs exclusively to the people and can not be usurped by the State, its agencies or officials. No one can usurp state power. "In connection with the undisputed fact that the authorities in Ukraine on February 21 this year it has been usurped, that is captured by a group of armed men who did not have any rights, the people of Ukraine receives absolutely legitimate to take comprehensive measures to protect the Constitution and the restoration of its exclusive right to be the sole source of power in this country. Legal justification for such action is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognized Ukraine as a fundamental legal document and where it is directly recorded right of the people to revolt against the usurping power.

Thus, in view of the situation and have actually taken this decision to destroy the power of its own population, the right of the Ukrainian people to revolt seems indisputable and uncontested. And because the anti-people policies of the authorities regard all citizens of the country, and rebellion against it should be of national and pervasive. It must be in the forefront of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for which, by the way, the regime intends to adopt the most draconian defeat in social rights.

Given the fact that the goals and objectives of Ukrainian uprising against the usurping Kiev authorities are virtually indistinguishable from the goals and objectives of struggle have rebelled against the regime of New Russia, a clear need and pattern combining these forces for a speedy victory over the common enemy.

Russia as a state, which is true to the principles of freedom and democracy and the carrier, as one of the leading members of the UN special responsibility to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the peoples of the world, is obliged to provide all possible support to the movement of the people of Ukraine in defense of its right to exist.

Practical purposes the popular uprising in Ukraine should be:

- Unconditional overthrow the usurper regime followed by bringing to strict justice all his leaders together for their crimes and atrocities;

- An official announcement on February 21 coup illegal to recognition null and void all its legal consequences;

- The holding of general presidential and parliamentary elections under international supervision equilibrium of East and West with a full suspension from participation in all political institutions and persons involved in any form of illegal regime authorities, and any other structures, they are created;

- In the country should be introduced a temporary state monopoly on the media to curb malicious and pro-American, anti-Russian and anti-Ukrainian propaganda forces present purchased by Americans at the root of the Kiev press;

- State status regions of Western Ukraine - a hotbed of Bandera and neo-Nazism, must be brought into full compliance with international law, according to which these areas are not internationally recognized as part of the state of Ukraine.

If the above objectives will not be realized, Ukraine, which as a legitimate state has ceased to exist, waiting for the inevitable physical death due to the fact that decisions about her forced depopulation has taken on a much higher than in Kiev, level, and economic basis for the implementation of other more positive scenarios of the future is close to total destruction as a result of concerted efforts of the current regime. Ukraine without resumption of full economic cooperation and geopolitical cooperation with Russia does not have any chance of survival. The West is no gratuitous money Ukraine will never give, and its economic interests in this country do not provide even a simple continuation of the current population. This is the harsh reality, in the face of which today we all were and challenges which require us to an adequate and comprehensive response.

Yuri Selivanov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter Ukraine should see threat in itself.

On Friday, Ukraine’s Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak said his country would base the defence policies on the treats from the east and from the south.

“We face threats not only in the east, but also in the south. And there the troops should be not cut, but increased, and we have been working on a decision on that,” the minister said. “We shall have not a battalion there, but more, as there are threats from Transdniestria.”

Rogozin wrote in a comment: “Their major threat is not in the west or in the east. They should rather see it in themselves.”

On Friday, Ukraine’s Defence Minister Stepan Poltorak told the parliament the country plans to increase by 100% its military spending next year to 50 billion hryvnias (some $3.2 billion).

“When forming the draft budget, the Defence Ministry judged from threats facing the country and the need to form up well-trained and equipped armed forces,” Poltorak said.

Some 40,000 people will be called up for Ukrainian military service next year, bringing the troop numbers to 250,000, the minister said.

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said earlier some 5% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) will be allocated for enhancing the armed forces and security in 2015.

According to official data, Ukraine’s external debt has reached already $72.9 billion, and $14 billion has been repaid so far. Yatsenyuk said on Thursday the country’s gold and foreign currency reserves dropped below $10 billion and there were no grounds that they would increase.

Yatsenyuk said Ukraine has received already $9 billion in foreign financial aid. As part of the EU aid program, Kiev is to receive up to eleven billion euros by 2020. The EU has already disbursed two tranches, worth 500 million euros and 800 million euros.

The International Monetary Fund has earmarked $1.39 billion to Kiev.

Meanwhile, the increase in Ukraine’s military budget will be apparently at the expense of social spending. The government has announced already plans to cut state spending by $1.73 billion, with over half of funds accounting for the social sector.

Ukraine’s Finance Ministry has introduced a new social policy under which some 100,000 teachers are to be sacked over two years. Currently, the number of unemployed in the country with a 42 million-strong population reaches 2 million.

The spending on Ukraine’s science and education will also be cut by $200 million. Over 400 schools in rural areas will be closed, and some social benefits, including free meals and extra payment for academic degrees, will be scrapped.

DONETSK, December 13. /TASS/. Authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic hope for a release from Ukrainian captivity of more than 800 people under the ‘everyone for everyone’ formula, Denis Pushilin, a deputy speaker of the DPR parliament said on Saturday.

“The list we drafted contains the names of more than 800 people and it is getting longer and longer,” he told the Donetsk News Agency.

Pushilin admitted that the self-proclaimed republic’s government did not have full information on all the political prisoners “whom we must recover” from imprisonment by the Ukrainian forces.

The DPR list contains the names of 220 people who are subject to investigations by the Security Service of Ukraine, he said. “Add to this the 120 or so people who have already stood trial. We’re told /by Ukrainian representatives - TASS/ it’ll be very difficult to resolve the issue of their liberation procedurally.”

Pushilin also said the Contact Group for Ukraine had not coordinated the date of the next meeting in Minsk yet, adding that the Ukrainian media reports on an ostensible decision to hold it on December 19 were not true to fact.

Parties to the September 5 meeting of the Contact Group in Minsk, including representatives of the Kiev government, officials of the eastern regions, and envoys of the European security organization OSCE and Russia coordinated a plan of peace settlement of the conflict and reached agreement on a ceasefire.

At its next meeting on September 20, the Contact Group adopted a memorandum on ceasefire. It consisted of nine points, like a ban on the use of all types of weaponry and a pullback of heavy weapons to a distance of 15 km away from the line of contact.

Control over practical actions under the memorandum was vested in the OSCE. The document was signed by the OSCE representative in Ukraine Heidi Tagliavini, Ukraine’s former President Leonid Kuchma who represented the Kiev government, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, DPR Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, and the leader of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Igor Plotnitsky.

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In the wake of the latest ceasefire in war-torn eastern Ukraine, commanders from both sides of the conflict met and shook hands at the wrecked Donetsk airport, agreeing that they do not want the “fraternal” conflict to continue, according to a report.

The Ukrainian army, accompanied by observers from the Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), delivered supplies to their forces besieged in the Donetsk airport on Friday, LifeNews reported.

Army trucks marked by white flags also delivered 51 soldiers to the airport and took out 48 troops, after the militias allowed the Ukrainian military to rotate forces.

The commanders of the conflicting sides met at the site of the airport – which has been reduced to rubble in the past months – and shook hands, saying that the war must be stopped.

“I think it's a war between brothers that nobody wants. The top brass should sort things out. And us? We are soldiers, we do what we're told,” said a Kiev army battalion commander known as 'Kupol.'

I hope things will be OK in the future; that with this ceasefire, we can all take our proper places, without too much fighting,” answered the anti-government forces battalion commander, known as ‘Motorola'.

Kupol agreed, saying: “I think we should make peace. Let's not go looking for trouble. Let's come to terms.”

READ MORE: E. Ukraine ceasefire finally ‘real’, both sides confirm

Donetsk airport became the scene of heavy battles between local militia forces and the Ukrainian military, leading to dozens of fatalities. Engulfed in internal military conflict since April, when Kiev forces began its crackdown on the southeastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, the two sides agreed to a brief ceasefire during talks in Minsk, Belarus, on September 5. However, both parties have blamed each other for violations. A new attempt at a ceasefire was launched on Tuesday. It is hoped that it will pave the way for a new round of peace talks.

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    In the war with fascist Donbass Kiev decided to go all the way - the economic blockade, the constant shelling, pulling heavy artillery, NATO's assistance, the extermination of the population. And the fact that it does not fit with Minsk agreements that provide for a truce, Kiev Reich absolutely embarrassing. And most importantly - where is this international squeals and cries of the suffering?

    In the first days of December Ukrainian Nazis killed more than a hundred volunteers. The press center of the so-called anti-terrorist operation proudly reported that two days' killed 110 militants. " The fact that it does not fit with the Minsk agreement, which provide for a truce, does not bother anyone. In the desire to break the Donbass in whatever became Reich Kiev, apparently, intends to go through.

    Kiev sent to the Donbass not only their security forces, but also foreigners. This is not speculation militias, and the official statement of the General Staff of Ukraine. Their forces, apparently, is not enough. At this unexpected recognition of Kiev did not end there. The Cabinet of Ukraine, which was previously eschewed the use of cluster munitions and phosphorus, now promised not to use them more. Only now, after months since the beginning of the war, which killed thousands of people already. But to blame the militia were back, saying that they first started. Destroy the people of Donbass with Nazi sophistication packs, and are justified, well, just as "holy kids" in kindergarten. The General Staff, however, the use of cluster munitions and phosphorus tried to refute, but the OSCE mission something "vaguely bleated" not in favor of the Reich, and had to promise not to use them more. But, according to tradition, was accused throughout Russia.

    The guide DNR continue to insist on withdrawal of heavy machinery. As the Vice-Speaker Dennis Pushilin militias are only returned fire, and Kiev will not believe. Which is understandable actions of the authorities, who are not going to negotiate. And decided to destroy the Donbass not only artillery, but hunger - the region lives in the mode of economic blockade, says editor of the portal Ukraina.ru Yuri Cat:

    "They expect that people will break that will begin in the DNI and LC food riots. The situation is exacerbated hostilities when artillery shells allegedly accidentally fall on civilian areas. Donbass but never on my knees did not get.

    There's no money, there is nothing. But Russia is helping, humanitarian aid go. People have learned to truly believe, to love, to really fight. And all of them (Kiev authorities) will get most likely the opposite effect - instead of being scrapped, people will rally and shoulder to shoulder goes to Kiev to drive the traitors. "

    Russia sent to the east of Ukraine for nine batches of humanitarian aid: it's products, clothing, medical supplies, and toys, and blankets, and bedding and sleeping bags, and blankets, and even generators. But Vice President Joe Biden and President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko somehow believe that Russia is blocking the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the Donbass. A militia accused that they steal and humanitarian assistance, and salaries and pensions in the region's residents. I emphasize these accusations were made against Poroshenko, who himself ordered to cease all payments in these areas and not to send humanitarian aid to residents of Donbass. Militias accused and the fact that Kiev has already lost more than $ 200 million in customs revenue.

    But the leaders of the people's republic react to it calmly and, ignoring the frightening predictions Kiev Reich, its best to keep the life in the region.

    In DNR began to pay pensions from their own banks. And engaged in the creation of its system of higher education - a model took the Russian legislation. For students who live in a war zone, introduced part-time course of study. So, to break the Donbass can not be, I'm sure Donetsk political analyst Vladimir Kornilov:

    "Experience shows that such actions will eventually give rise to resistance. People are starting to get used to living without this state, as can survive. And most importantly - they hate the Ukraine for many Gone life, including children, women and the elderly. Ukraine condemned them to a life without money, without pensions, without food, without all the possible facilities. "

    And Ukraine, meanwhile, once again enlists the aid of the West. Foreign partners are probably disappointed in the ability of the Kiev leaders to run the country and took everything into their own hands. Responsible for economy, finance and medicine in Ukraine are now foreigners. So at Donbass no turning back, it is impossible to forget the pain of losing loved ones, hunger, cold, devastation and betrayal! Because the ancestors bequeathed "Arise, great country, stand up fight to the death, with dark fascist force, cursing horde! Black wings do not dare to fly over the homeland, its spacious fields dare not trample the enemy! "It was, is and will be ...

    Lara Seagull

    Central News Agency Novorossia


    Tonight at the airport in Zaporozhye landed four aircraft of NATO.

    First came to the airport two transport aircraft belonging to the North Atlantic Alliance. Two hours later, there came two more aircraft. Currently we are unloading aircraft. All the goods are in boxes.

    In late November, it was reported that the protection of the Zaporozhye airport reinforce defensive towers. Work to install towers ended only recently.

    Military experts believe that we should expect the arrival to Ukraine and new military advisers.

    We also learned that the meeting Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry, scheduled for December 15, urgently transferred to Sunday, December 14, according to epochtimes.ru.

    According to the materials prepared by the media

    Tatiana Dobrodeeva.

    Central News Agency Novorossia



    Territorial Battalion "Sich" tsokaya languages ​​and enthusiastically shaking their heads, crowded around a brand new German tank "Leopard 2".

    - A hde his hatch, Schaub climb? - Someone asked.

    One soldier said "mean the SchA!" Resolutely opened some side door and climbed into her head forward. Something cracked deafeningly, flashed brightly, and the air smelled of fried.

    - So ... Transformer bay we found ... - noted with satisfaction the battalion commander Mykola.

    He looked at the body of the prospector and ordered the battalion blogger-chronicler:

    - Write that he died as a hero - in the attack, his head rammed Russian tank.

    - What attack? - Did not understand the chronicler.

    - In the front, you fool! - Angry commander. - Try forehead armor and shouting "Glory to Ukraine!" Killed the teeth of the driver.

    Blogger nodded and took the plate.

    - Luke should be somewhere above! - Authoritatively said some of the fighters. - I saw the movie when we Zhinkov in Lviv went bacon sell.

    Mykola approvingly looked at the scholar, straightened his napopnik "la-la-la" and climbed the tower.

    Inside the tank was interesting. Mykola surprise looked at one hundred multicolored buttons, joystick and touched lightly pushed it to the right.

    Outside something in a low voice thundered and heard muffled screams.

    Mykola pressed the big green button. Tank rumbled softly and moved back. Outside, something snapped.

    - Yes tse, yak in the "Word of-tank" to play! - Mykola laughed happily and began to press all the buttons in a row.

    Plenty poked into everything, how he was able to reach, Mykola climbed out.

    - Boys! - Mykola announced from the tower. - I figured out all over! Moskal now over!

    Answer to him was silence.

    Quietly burning out just built a dugout and three trucks.

    Around the tank in a bizarre and different poses were boys.

    Boiler field kitchen legs sticking battalion cook. Smelled nourishing soup with dill.

    On a branch burnt aspen rocked blogger with a tablet in her hand.

    Territorial battalion "Sich" is not.

    Mykola jumped to the ground, yelled "klyatyh nimtsy !!!" and struggled kicked foot tank.

    Something hissed.

    So Mykola found more and built a flamethrower with touch-driven.

    But he had not heard about it.

    Source: "pirotir"

    Central News Agency Novorossia



    Chernobyl, who live in Lugansk proclaimed the People's Republic, to provide benefits to pay utility bills, Minister of Labor and Social Policy Svetlana LC Malakhov.

    "At Chernobyl liquidators, their widows were previously benefits for payment of utility bills. While this question in the present circumstances was not considered. But we have already asked the company to provide them with housing and communal services, these benefits, so they pay benefits based on the old" - she said. According to her, now living in the LC 8 thousand. 892 of Chernobyl. On the territory of Ukraine action similar benefits are suspended as a relic of the Soviet Union with 01.01.2015g., In other matters, like all others, to date, the current benefits of the Soviet period.

    The government LC noted that Chernobyl is now, like all recipients and pensioners receiving 1,800 hryvnia financial assistance. "When in the country will be organizing the work of the pension fund will be recalculated pensions - Set each its tariff charges. If it is less than 1800 USD, then the person will keep the difference, if more - Surcharge", - explained in the government.

    According to media prepared matarialam

    Vladimir Batkovich

    Central News Agency Novorossia



    The workers of Odessa Portside Plant (IPF) went on strike today. More than 600 people took part in the event, which was held at the walls of the plant in the South, according to Public Information Center of Odessa.

    Participants strike demanded from the president of Ukraine Poroshenko primarily to abandon the economic blockade of Donbas.

    The workers chanted: "Let us work with the Donbas." As a result of military operations in the Donbass, the plant lost economic ties with the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as with Russia, and operates at 30% capacity.

    Information Center notes that hundreds of workers were laid off, current employees are not paid wages, some of them were sent to temporary leave. HMOs require workers to recover illegally dismissed employees return from vacation time workers, and also to pay arrears of wages.

    In addition, the strikers demanded to stop the privatization of the SCR structures Igor Kolomoisky.

    "We came to share with the requirement to prevent the illegal privatization of our factory and give the oligarchs to plunder acquired by our grandfathers good. We hope that the authorities will be at least a drop of prudence, to hear his people", - said Alexander Novikov, a spokesman for the group monitoring the privatization of IPF.

    Source: TASS

    Materials prepared media

    Victor Papin.

    Central News Agency Novorossia


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DONETSK, December 14. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s pledges to ensure heat and electricity supplies to eastern Ukraine are “meant for foreign consumers,” and have nothing to do with the actual steps taken by Kiev, speaker of the People’s Council (parliament) of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Andrei Purgin said on Sunday.

“This statement is meant for foreign consumers. It was said for those who are not here, who are not in Ukraine and have a poor idea of what is going on here,”

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Near Slavianska frequent skirmishes around the pontoon bridge across the river Kozenyi Butt told voenkor "Russian Spring" Samur. This bridge Ukrainian military paved in the summer on the motor road Kharkov - Rostov-on-Don, between the villages and Seleznevka Semyonovka instead of the bridge was blown up by militias in the care of the Slavic.

Acting in the woods near Slavonic guerrillas do not stop trying to bring down the bridge, it will explode or port device that connects individual pontoons, says the agency Voenkor.info. Ukrainian military are forced to increase security pontoon ferry: in addition to guard posts, bridge cover also ambushes on the flanks. But the guerrillas come into battle and skirmish with these apart "secrets", the agency said.

"The curfew imposed on the motorway section Raisins - Debaltseve from 18.00 pm to 06.00 am, according to the Ukrainian command is designed to ensure the safety of bridges and other important communication facilities, and should serve as a decrease in the activity of partisans. But reports of guerrilla raids in the area Kramators'k - Slavic - Red Lyman over the past few days was just more "- said voenkor Samur.

Source: "Segodnya.ru"
Central News Agency Novorossia


DNR intelligence reports that Ukrainian Donetsk occupiers applied to the state symbols of the Russian tanks.

This occurs in the area Krasnogorovka (13 km west of Donetsk), where observed two Ukrainian tank with Russian identification signs.

There is no doubt the agency Voenkor.info, that it is nothing like preparing for a provocation aimed against Russia, and that needs to "prove" the presence of Russian troops in the New Russia, and which should disrupt the so-called truce, under the pretext of non-compliance with the cease fire by the militias. At the right moment for Kiev.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


On Friday, December 12 broadcast of the Kazakh media reported early trial of 30-year-old Eugene Vdovenko. According to investigators, he fought on the side of Luhansk militia in eastern Ukraine.

As we found out investigators Eugene guarded checkpoints patruriroval Lugansk and participated in the fighting. According to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a criminal offense, as part in the hostilities in a foreign country is prohibited.

Vdovenco went to Donbass after the bloody events in May 2014. His situation is excited with murder in the House of Trade Unions, and the cynical actions of the Ukrainian authorities, cover-fascists Bendera behind this.

The accused partially admitted his guilt. In this case, at the hearing, he denied any intention of committing a crime.

"Do not kill, do not explode. Skirmishes were, but I'm far from it, even in the army are not served. I was scared," - he said.

In this case, the decision to protect civilians Donbass Eugene, according to him, took their own. How could it be otherwise? People traveled by train several thousand kilometers, crossed the border illegally, passed the "course of the young fighter."

Vdovenko notes that in Luhansk he delivers humanitarian aid from Russia, putting out fires that occur after the shelling, helped catch saboteurs. According to Eugene, he was in the Ukraine about 70 days, after which ill with bronchitis and decided to return home.

According to article 163 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan, with the mercenary can get a prison sentence of up to life. For unlawful participation in armed conflict or military operations in a foreign country can get a sentence of imprisonment for up to seven years.

So that? Now volunteers who want to help the Donbas and New Russia will be caught and destroyed? The situation in Kazakhstan is increasingly reminiscent of the conflict between East and West Ukraine. Just Kazakh fascism could be even worse. Will the mind of the judges to justify man, who wished to put an end to fascism?

But Kazastan - is not Ukraine. And the abyss of fascism, he must not fall.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Emergencies Ministry convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Donbass collected in the North Caucasus, went to the Rostov region, told RIA Novosti, the representative of the North Caucasian Regional Emergency Center of Russia.

On Monday morning, the Russian rescue agency informed that started forming the tenth column for the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. According to the MOE, the regions of the Urals, Volga, North-Western, Southern and Central districts of Russia began shipping with load in the Rostov region, where it will form colonies. It was noted that in the Donbass is scheduled to deliver food, building materials and Christmas gifts.

"From the town of Mineral Waters in the Rostov region went motorcade North Caucasian Regional Center (SKRTS) Russian Emergencies Ministry carrying humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine, where food, daily necessities, warm clothes for children and Christmas gifts," - said the agency.

According SKRTS, the total weight of the load, which deliver a summary column in the Ukraine, more than 42 tons.

"We are always ready to provide the necessary assistance to the brotherly people, is today in difficult times. Ukrainian citizens do not have to feel alone in trouble "- leads the agency words of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Nikolai SKRTS Lityuka. Active participation in the collection of humanitarian aid received as individual citizens, as well as various organizations and companies, said the ministry. .

Urdinets Nikita
Central News Agency Novorossia

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According to reports the militias, the night of December 16 as a whole passed quietly, information about clashes and shelling have been reported.

Meanwhile, intelligence VSN states that the formation of Ukrainian heavy weapons from the confrontation line is not withdrawn, despite the cease-fire agreement. And no sign of preparation for the objection is not fixed, the agency Voenkor.info.

The Agency reminds that the leaders of the DNI and LC warned that in case of failure of the junta troops armistice conditions, heavy artillery Novorossia already allotted to the front line, will be returned to their original positions.
Central News Agency Novorossia


"We need to go to the border of the Donetsk region. If Ukraine does not agree to resolve the issue through political means, will defend the military "- as the press center of the People's Republic of Donetsk, about December 15, said Security Council Secretary Alexander DNR Khodakovsky during a meeting with students of Donetsk Academy of Music, the correspondent of IA REGNUM.

According Hodakovskogo, militias DNR does not make sense to capture the airport of Donetsk. "Protect and defend the city we have the strength. And Donetsk airport is more political point, so grab it makes no sense. Fight for it will only lead to the loss of a fighter "- says Khodakovsky.

He assured that the territory of the DNI nobody has handed down a sentence of death. "We have not had a single sentence, which would be enforced and would sound like" the death penalty "," - said Khodakovsky. The head of the Security Council DNR noted that while in the country there is no appropriate legal framework. "She's just created and will take place in stages. As an example of this is the recently passed the first reading of the People's Council Act, "the Ministry of State Security", which is now being finalized "- reminded Khodakovsky.

He also admitted the possibility of bringing the matter of the death penalty in the territory of the NPT "for everyone to public discussion."

In August guide DNR adopted the Regulations on Military Courts and the Criminal Code providing for the death penalty for serious crimes. The documents were developed on the basis of Russian legislation, say the leadership of the republic. However, unlike in Russia, a moratorium on the death penalty to introduce power DNR did not. The death penalty in the country through execution.

As the former Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Antyufeev DNI, the death penalty is "not a place, and a higher degree of social protection." "The demand of the people - to stop criminal activities. To do this, you must take drastic measures, which would be based on legal provisions, "- said Antyufeev.

Source: IA REGNUM.
Central News Agency Novorossia


Question of decommissioning project and the New Russia "surrender" the interests of the DNI and the LC can not be. This was in the program "In fact," said the deputy chairman of the People's Council DNI Dennis Pushilin.

According to him, says "PolitNavigator" talk about this play into the hands of the enemy.

"Some of our supporters pour oil on the fire and play into the hands of our enemies. Now we can not in all of our actions and the actions of many things open in public. But this does not mean that any of us can imagine that it is possible to" merge "New Russia , republic, to betray the ideals for which we all started, "- said Pushilin.

Victor Papin
Central News Agency Novorossia

1. Strengthening the US military presence and NATO in Ukraine continues. Over the last 4 days in the territory of airports in eastern Ukraine village 32 military transport aircraft. Not only loads discharged with anti-systems, systems EW drones with the necessary equipment, body armor class 5-6, various optics and special equipment, but also several mobile systems counter-battery fire, several BMP, and 10 artillery systems. There's also a source of information for leadership positions in the port of Odessa, that the day before yesterday in the port shipped 10 3 infantry fighting vehicles and howitzers. For a week in the Ukraine just gone 2 ended with APCs and IFVs from Eastern Europe. At the current pace of recovery backup technology and capacity-aid from abroad, the restoration of combat troops junta before the July state can be expected in the first half of January.

2. VSN actually spent withdrawal of heavy equipment on two secondary sites. The depth of the waste was from 10 to 20 kilometers, the front as well as the previously held mainly infantry and infantry fighting vehicles, artillery of the first line can be found mortars and anti-tank "Rapier" diverted "Grad", howitzers and a few tanks in these areas. Column flashed the words "In Mariupol" is now located at the front between Telmanovo and Novoazovskiy. The enemy continues its part in this area as well to strengthen the defense, in addition to mining the coast, on the tank hazardous areas continue to put minefields, to develop a system of company strong points, bringing them under the appropriate engineering, which still rests on the catastrophic lack of engineering and construction machinery, after the summer losses. Voyentorg last week increased the activity of several of his works, which is obviously a response to the US military preparations.

3. The humanitarian situation remains very serious, called at Novorossia funds and human resources made it possible to begin the process of mitigating the effects of the disaster already. DCC social commitments abandoned Kiev, but we must understand that these payments are partial. In Donetsk and Lugansk now with products more or less, nevertheless can be found in the markets is sold humanitarian aid from Russian supplies and goods Akhmetov, who have recently started to block Kolomoysky.

Author: CassadGroup
Source: "Today"
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukraine. War. The battle for the airport in Donetsk.

DNR militia clashes and Ukrainian invaders during intense clashes in the old terminal.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

"This" truce in the Donbas has dragged on for a week and the date of the new round of talks in Minsk with the Kiev authorities, originally scheduled for December 9, 2014, all deferred. The reason is that the talks merely make public the details and make out already reached agreement in advance. This decisive preliminary stage is delayed, and negotiations will not begin until after bargaining on several key issues, one of which is the transmission conditions Mariupol DNR.
The question of Mariupol is one of the most important DNR. This city with nearly half the population is on the territory of the former Donetsk region - the center of metallurgy and engineering, a major seaport. There now is "regional administration" according to the Kiev authorities. Return Mariupol DNR is important for several reasons. This is one of the necessary steps to restore the "territorial integrity" of Donbass and in the future, creating a "land corridor" Russia - the Crimea.
Kiev authorities for now, at the beginning of winter in the first place is important not so much the Donbass as Donetsk coal. The region is extracted 70% of all coal produced in Ukraine, it is on it can work Ukrainian CHP. Reasonable alternative Donetsk coal does not exist: buy analogue only in Russia that "Kiev" is probably even less acceptable in South Africa or Australia. By anyone, supplies from distant countries is more expensive, takes longer require large amounts of sea transport: the weekly needs of Ukraine in the coal amount to 2 million tons per week.
Even symbolic trial purchases of 1 million tonnes in South Africa turned into a scandal: the non-payment of money and a large part of the criminal case against the Ukrainian Energy Minister. Given the reputation of the current leadership of Ukraine and the critical condition of the state budget, potential suppliers of the required kind of coal demand advance payment for which money in the treasury, consider, no. Agree on an amicable with DNR on the supply of coal - that's the real way to Kiev authorities to solve this problem.
Mariupol for them, and so is the "cut lomtёm", given the mood of the people, as well as the recent relocation of militia DNR. Eventually Mariupol acts subject of bargaining is not the first time: in June, Ukrainian troops occupied it not as a result of brutal bloody battles, and behind the scenes according to agreements with Rinat Akhmetov. However, at that time secret diplomacy took place against the background of the threat of actual combat.
Now the situation escalates again: December 12, appeared on the Internet video of moving south to the front under attack Mariupol large column of armored vehicles and crews "Hold" battalion "Somalia" and a detachment of Motorola. In memory of recent events the end of August, when a massive counteroffensive militias have almost taken Mariupol. However, DNR also completely unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice, which can be avoided. Just Kiev authorities to be more compliant, are reminded that they may lose the city and for "true."
Peter Poroshenko - pragmatic and very cunning man, otherwise he would not have any one of the richest oligarchs in the country, nor the President of Ukraine. As a pragmatist, he can not understand the advantages of "accountant", "exchange" of Mariupol on the Donets coal. As a politician, he understands the enormous political risks of this "deal", which is due to careless "design" could cost him and the government, and business, and freedom.
Radical nationalists, as well as temporary allies among the more moderate sleep and see how to replace Poroshenko to someone of their own. Yes and moderators of Ukrainian crisis in the US it on the head for not pat it, so you can fall out of favor and ... Solving the problem of "Mariupol in exchange for the Donetsk coal," the President of Ukraine wants to eat fish, and stay in the boat. That's something that will have to use him and his remarkable talents in political combinatorics.
To understand how this can be done, it is enough to analyze the statement of the President of Ukraine Poroshenko: "I am with his presence, his words and his presidential presidential actions ensure that this city we shall never surrender", made on September 28, after which he added: " war with Russia and militants "can only win the world.
Of course, well, why did "pass" if it is possible to exchange, in addition to the benefit, which of course, is another matter! In addition, you can arrange everything so that this city has departed DNR on someone's fault, it's best - the most dangerous fellow opponents Poroshenko. Or because of the provocation of any unsafe "Right sector", it's time to write off the scrap. What artful combination of provocation and somersaults able policy of "nezalezhnoy", among which Peter Poroshenko is now the first number shows the history of the downed Malaysian "Boeing".
Do not we teach Poroshenko how to deal with such complex, risky, but promising major political dividends task. Ukraine's fault "euro-nationalists" loses one area after another: Crimea reunited with Russia, in fact, become an independent DNR and LC, so that more Mariupol Mariupol less to fear. What happened was applied as a "Peremoga" after another, so what, then, another "Peremoga" will be more.
When actually held "exchange", and in what form, few people today can say. Perhaps in the most unexpected. Indirect indication may be the actual resumption of the Donetsk coal in Ukraine, even under the guise of "Australian". It is too early to talk about the specific mechanism of the return of Mariupol DNR. What is clear is that a new round of talks will begin Minsk when Peter Poroshenko will decide the most profitable and secure for themselves on the exchange Mariupol Donetsk coal. Of course, the preliminary agreement with the DNI and their supervisors by that time had to be achieved.

Lara Seagull
Central News Agency Novorossia


In the cities, Ukrainian and regional center Selidovo occupied Ukrainian army forces SBU and mercenary battalions December 16 held punitive operation.

For "aiding and abetting the separatists' arrested 120 local residents. According to reports, they are sent outside the region, which will be scattered in different places, intended for pre-trial detention of prisoners.

There is evidence that part of the captured residents of Ukrain sent to Kiev, where it will be subjected to interrogation and torture.

Voenkor Samur.
Central News Agency Novorossia

Voenkor militia "Borisych" said "terrible" about the details of today's battles in Nikishin.

"Hello again ... Last day, because there is some news ... in Nikishin unexpected happened.

Today the most brazen and cynical way ukrovermaht violated the truce by opening fire on positions ... ukrovermahta! What actually happened is not clear, but yesterday was on the positions ukrovermahta explosions, then roll away from them, "box" and "Ural", presumably with manpower ...

Today from Redkodub (controlled APU) was an attack on the position of the Wehrmacht in Nikishin. The attack was carried out with the use of armored vehicles and small arms. Fight walked half a day, the army DNR did not participate, for a truce! Ukrovermaht in this battle won a landslide victory, breaking the resistance ukrovermahta! The number of dead and wounded, as well as what kind of grass used ukrovoinami, please wait ...

The conflict is likely arose against the backdrop of a dispute about what exactly stimulants should be used in the winter ... alcohol or drugs. If we assume that this assumption is correct, then alcoholics clashed in a heated debate with drug addicts.

And then there is no doubt, in which way Nikishin extracted information about the presence of Russian special forces! "

Central News Agency Novorossia

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Dec 17 06:51
Bloomberg Foresees Russia's Demise? (CLICK LINK)

Bloomberg was in full cry last night regarding a failing Russian economy. We've never seen anything like it on Bloomberg: The front page of the website carried a box on the top left hand corner filled with blaring stories.

The Collapse of Putin's Economic System
U.S.-China Economic Role Reversal Roils Emerging Markets
Russian Crisis Hits Pimco Fund Wipes Out Options as Ruble Sinks
Apple Stops Online Sales in Russia Over Ruble Fluctuation
Is the Russian Collapse Wrecking Your 401(k)?
Rate Jump Fails to Stop the Ruble Crash
Russian Stocks Drop 12 Percent
View: Russia's Problems Are Everyone's Problems


Webmaster's Commentary:

Of course, corporate media has been telling us that Iran and North Korea's economies are on the verge of collapse for the last twenty years and it hasn't happened yet.

This economic turmoil was started with the US-backed overthrow in Kiev last January, and accelerated by the US sanctions, and now that everything is about to implode, the rush is on to convince the world that this is all somehow Russia's fault!

Read more: whatreallyhappened.com http://whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz3M9FdFTJf
Edited by Steven Gaal
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It needs to be anybodies fault except for the system that creates it. It is a used tactic to dispose of economically unviable units of humanity and destroy industries in order to kick start a recovery. It is why capitalism is ultimately doomed. It is a lie. It is built on lies. It absolutely depends on workers fighting each other across nations rather than all workers uniting to firht the real enemy at home.


In Kharkov NATO troops arrived. At the moment, the airport is open for civilian flights. The NATO mercenaries in the Polish form seen in the area, the so-called ATO near Kharkov.

Residents of Kharkov in Russian invasion do not believe and do not understand why NATO troops arrived on the territory of Ukraine. People realize that the so-called Kiev authorities to wait for something good is not necessary. On this basis, the level of dissatisfaction is growing every day. When your country has officially run by foreigners, then fall away all doubts that Ukraine - a colony of the United States. If things will develop in this vein, the Ukrainian government will soon receive a new Maidan. Keep the people using false ukroSMI no longer work.

The most dangerous thing that just happened to New Russia - it is shutting down civilian aircraft sky over Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye. According to military experts, these airports embarkation US aircraft rolled oats and eject the troops, equipment and machinery. "As for the troops - a soldiers military companies. Brought about 10-15 thousand. People. This quantity can be delivered without any problems for 3 days. All this testifies to the establishment of NATO bases near Kharkov, which threatens both of New Russia, and for the Russian Federation ", - says Vladimir.

According to media matertalam

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

Volunteers from the Donbas face prosecution at home. In particular - in Kazakhstan. The district court sentenced Astana on the eve of 30-year-old Eugene Vdovenco to five years' imprisonment in a penal colony for "naёmnichestvo." He was charged with involvement in armed conflict in the Ukraine on the side of the militia in the People's Republic of Lugansk. The investigation believes that Vdovenco after the tragic events in Odessa on May 2 went to Ukraine to help the Russian, crossed the border, took a course of basic military training, and then within two months took part in the fighting.

Vdovenco himself does not deny its assistance to volunteers, but presses on the humanitarian nature of their activities. "Spacing humanitarian aid, put out fires, catch saboteurs" - he said in court. However, the court did not believe him. Against him were witnesses whose names were classified in accordance with Article 100 of the local CPC. Apparently, relying more heavily on their testimony, and the court ruled.

The stark nature of the punishment - five years, "ceiling" in the seven and a strict regime due to the fact that this is not the first conviction Vdovenko. In 2009, he was convicted of arms trafficking and robbery. Restless guy. So it is difficult to keep within the limits of what is permitted, especially at the time of major social upheavals. This type of people were historical and Cossacks, whose efforts are not just enemies of Russia there were bits and expanded its territory. Perhaps this circumstance also somehow affected the verdict of the Kazakhstan court.

It is known that from the beginning of 2014 the Kazakh authorities actively opposed the participation of its citizens in volunteer units in the Donbass. In March the Senate of Kazakhstan worked on a bill establishes liability for foreign participation in armed conflict. Experienced politician Nazarbayev realized how far can the struggle for Novorossia. Not surprisingly, the process is similar to Vdovenco demonstration. Now and other volunteers, participants in the struggle in the Donbass, you should consider, and if they return to their homeland? Even if this is not the Motherland Kazakhstan.

It is known that most of the volunteers who came to support the uprising in the Donbass, a native of Russia. However, there are many representatives and other countries. This allowed to call them divisions Brigade. People of Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Serbia, France, etc. fought for the Russian world shoulder to shoulder, just like once in Spain. They each had their own reasons, but most of all understand the motives of those who come from countries with a large share of the Russian population. They fought for their "own".

Paradoxically, the power of the majority of these countries reacted to the expedition of their fellow citizens in the Donbass negatively. The paradox is that the alleged pro-Russian Lukashenko and allegedly pro-Russian Serbia and known for its Russophobia Latvia equally undertook to pursue them. Obviously, the fact that independent decisions and actions of the citizen is perceived as a threat to national administrations. What if he and we, in Minsk (Riga, Belgrade), is "muddied", I think, probably, the leaders of "friendly" countries.

But if Belarus harassment volunteers while rare, in Latvia literally hunted to militias. Security Police opened a criminal investigation into the involvement of citizens of the republic in the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. And the article on publicly calling for "terrorism, acquisition, possession and carrying of firearms." In this case, law enforcement officers already have a claim to the three local activists, participants of Russian resistance. And the author of "Free Press," party leader "For the native language" (Dawn), Vladimir Linderman was searched. He is charged with Article 88.3 of the Criminal Code of Latvia - "Recruitment of volunteers to carry out terrorist attacks." He now has the status of a person against whom criminal proceedings are.

Thus, from the former Soviet republics in Russia Donbass militias have so far avoided prosecution. In the end, we know that through Novorossia held not less than thirty thousand men. Plus factor Strelkov. Massively planted for this - it's too much for any one of the protective power. Such people will not forgive betrayal.

"Free Press"
Central News Agency Novorossia


Fuel and Energy Minister Dmitry LC Liapin and his deputies Yuri Emelianenko and Aleksander Emelianenko briefly told special correspondent "KP" Nicholas Varsegova the status and prospects of the energy sector of Lugansk Republic

- Now in many homes Lugansk plywood instead of glass inserted. It requires a lot of electricity for lighting. Yes, and also for heating. Not all batteries warm. How and where current wrest? - I asked the interviewees.

- At the moment, the issue of electricity supply, thanks to our senior Russian comrades, practical solutions.

- This is a line from Russia through Krasnodon, which finally restored?

- Yes I Am. Now it goes to 50 megawatts, but soon she can give us up to 600 megawatts.

- I see that the residents of Lugansk almost all electricity is already provided, except for some small areas, but we know that electricity companies are sorely lacking, and they work only half-heartedly. That is why unemployment in the city. With them, then what?

- It all depends on the events at the front. It so happened that front line runs almost the power line.

- I do not understand. A line drawn from Russia, she is on the rear of your deep goes straight to Lugansk. What's the front?

- This is true, but they're connecting substation near the front lines.

- What to do?

- Just push the front kilometers to 10 - 15. And this is a question to the military.

- Is it possible that if you take energy from the DNR? The local energy say that they have a large surplus of this energy, because three powerful power plant work there.

- The fact that the electric line between ourselves and the DNR strongly Porush, it will not soon recover.

- A Russian demands money from you for the electricity?

- With the Russian electric power market can be calculated only in Ukraine.

- And Ukraine, of course, behind you does not pay?

- Why? Pays.

- I'm surprised! They are for Russian gas, which is to take yourself, do not want to pay. And for the Russian electricity that comes to you pay?

- The fact that electricity is far more difficult than with gas.

- And yet, they can take and stop paying your energy needs?

- Of Course!

- What is stopping them?

- Network. Can do without electricity in part to stay. There's all so complicated. All Ukrainian region, which borders with Russia, they are tied to the Russian power grid since the Soviet times. In Ukraine, in time of peace was a surplus of electricity. Her partially sold to Europe as well as in Belarus and in Russia. Even on the line that is now current from Russia to Lugansk, before he went on the contrary - from us in Russia. But Ukraine itself harmed by destroying power lines from the DNR and a number of substations. Because now she is forced to buy the current in Russia. We're no one to pay for electricity can not, because the Ukraine, again to their own detriment, disconnect here the entire banking system. You will not be confused in complex circuits, but take my word, if Ukraine will destroy the power lines supplying the Lugansk, thus depriving it of electricity all occupied Kiev Lugansk, and not only territory. And to go for an independent Ukraine electricity from us, even in peacetime will need a couple of years and tens of millions of hryvnia.

- Let's talk about your coal. It is sold in Russia?

- Currently not available for sale. While before the war was sold, but in very small quantities. I think that soon again'll take our coal in Russia and in large scale. Here now to us just arrived Russian colleagues to poreshat this question.

- I just do not understand why coal from Russia when its bulk, when in the neighboring Rostov mine preserved - no sales.

- You have the wrong information, - said the minister. - Coal Russia needs. But when and to what extent will start selling until I can not say.

- Well, the sale of coal in Ukraine is possible?

- Yes, we consider this issue. And we have not only produced anthracite coal and gas, which Ukraine desperately needs.

- All your coal industry belongs to the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov?

- Again, the wrong information. On the territory of the LC eight associations, five of them state - that is, belonging to the People's Republic of Lugansk.

- As with salaries in the state mines?

- Simple question. We have agreed with the Ukrainian party payment products shipped in June, July. In part, they already have paid. We are waiting for the full payment to pay off our debt to the miners.

- On the front line Ukraine increases and increasing its military forces. You do not fear that they will attack again soon begin in the summer, beat around the Lugansk?

- I assure you, - said the minister - has no attack on their part will not be due to our already very strong on this day their armed forces. I hope that soon the whole territory of the People's Republic of Lugansk will be under the protection of our army, our police. And now, I'm sorry, we have regular talks with our Russian colleagues.

Nicholas Varsegov
Source: "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Bandera and Nazism are outside civilization

Internet resource "Mainland" already told that under the pressure of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio guide Belarusian State Television removed from the air the popular TV show human rights " Human Rights: A look into the world . "

"Mainland" talks with the author and presenter of the program as a journalist and human rights activist Evgeny Novikov:


- Your television program "Human Rights: A Look into the World" for over ten years through various channels of the Belarusian State Television and enjoyed not only the constant interest of the audience, but also had powerful enemies inside the Republic of Belarus and abroad. How was born the idea of ​​the program and the reason is often a painful reaction to its release?

- The idea of ​​the program was personally mine. "The main goal of my program - not to give Belarus the West" - these were my words in one of the first release in 2001. But I believe that Belarus - is an independent state, provided that the country is not put under any Bandera, but the Belarusian "filling" as it happened in Ukraine. Belarus has always been and must always be an outpost of Russia and other CIS countries in the western direction, as soon as against our brotherly countries goes so fierce centuries of aggression from the West.

Program someone called even legendary, excuse my immodesty. For example, one of the issues has 290.000 views on just one site. If the program has become obsolete or not relevant, it would not be banned, and there would be so many views. In "Yandex" in general, there is a selection of the best releases of the program. Is called. I do not know who did all this, format, etc. Some of my associates.

The result of my program - a highly positive. And chief among them - the Republic of Belarus, as an independent country, has learned to take a punch in the most severe of information and ideological war. Except, of course, the last historical period associated with the Ukraine, the Crimea and the Donbas, when the Republic of Belarus was, in my opinion, it is not the right attitude. And who loses the war, he loses sovereignty (examples are numerous: the USSR, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine and others.). It is a pity that the Belarusian officials responsible for these strategic areas of life of our state and society do not understand, and such a patriotic program block or even prohibit, on the basis of short-term political expediency. Or maybe understand and then everything becomes clear as day.

I had the opportunity to speak with many high European stands and engage in dialogue with Western politicians and public figures there in their places: in London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Strasbourg, Rome, Ljubljana, Copenhagen, Prague, Warsaw, Vilnius, Rome etc. It's not listed. So, I'm all of them, even in the House of Lords in Britain, said the same thing - Gentlemen, let's negotiate. Republic of Belarus - still too young state to humiliate him so, and the people so offend some sanctions, isolation due to human rights violations. As now, by the way, they come from Russia. You have, I told them, violations of human rights and democracy can also more than us. They are all nice to me smiling, they say that there is some of the Republic of Belarus himself thinks about what dialogue can we talk ... and continued to strangle our country resolutions, statements, threats of sanctions.

And then I told them verbatim (such an opportunity was then) if you do not want to negotiate and talk to us, with the Belarusians, on equal terms, including on the subject of human rights and democracy, then I'll show you yourself, that you really occurs in this region. And the car spun. And information during my trips to the West, I already had a huge reservoir. That's how this program was born.

If they did not touch us, and not strained, and would give us easy to grow as people and the state, it would be no program "Human Rights: A look into the world" simply would not be for lack of need. And I probably would vernulcya in his profession - medicine. But everything turned out the way things are.

From the very first issue, and then literally in every subsequent edition of "Human Rights: A look into the world," I have repeatedly stressed that no take "from the air", and is always displayed on the screen or screenshots or videos taken in the western sources to confirm his words, statements, conclusions, etc.

At the time, my program would prohibit to broadcasting in their countries the governments of Poland and France. It would be a shame, because the citizens of the two countries, which are themselves the most democratic and extremely civilized, could not see and do not know the whole truth about the most severe violations of human rights and democracy on the part of the states.

But then nothing happened. But right now in Ukraine and in my native Belarus has not done, and the program taken off the air. And Ukraine has the whole channel "Belarus-24" blocked on its territory. It is this channel and spread my program. Ukrainian officials and said - close the channel because of one program Evgeny Novikov "Human Rights: A look into the world." And what is that in this case for the state if frightened a single TV program?

The main reason - my principal open position in Ukraine, my rejection of Bandera and neo-Nazism. They are all for me are beyond civilization. And play with them in politics, to flirt - it betray our fathers and grandfathers, who smashed the fascist vermin in the tail and mane. And she drove a stake in Berlin.

- 2014 has already gone down in history as the year of the return to Russia of Sevastopol and the Crimea, and as seen in Belarus is a historic event? Are there any differences in its estimates of the Belarusian society and the official Minsk?

- Differences, unfortunately, there is. I am deeply convinced, Crimea to lawfully owned and belongs to Russia. And here's why. Crimea was conquered by Russia in just wars centuries ago. During Soviet times, the Crimea and no one ever passed into the ownership of Ukraine. Khrushchev "gave" Crimea to Ukraine as part of the Soviet Union and in the USSR, and "transferred" only in the economic use. A right to use and ownership - is a big legal difference. The fact there are relevant documents. They, incidentally, is published. This is Kiev, of course, does not say such legal facts and not commented.

In the vast majority Belarusian nation has welcomed the reunification of the Crimea and Russia. But the official Minsk is not currently recognized Crimea part of Russia. Did not recognize this so-called "Belarusian opposition", funded by the West. Did not recognize the legitimacy of this fact and state media in Belarus. This is called an attempt to sit on two chairs that history never did succeed. Anyway - comments in the state media have been very vague. And, of course, this position is growing confusion among the Belarusian public.

As for the so-called Belarusian opposition media, they pour out daily flows for the false materials to the Crimea, distorting the essence of the referendum, accusing Russia and the Crimean people in all the most unimaginable sins before history.

Unfortunately forced to emphasize that the Republic of Belarus is losing the ideological struggle, giving opponents the opportunity to shatter our history, our historical memory.

- How do you assess the fight republics of New Russia, what is the attitude to Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic in the Belarusian society, the leadership of Belarus?

- It is a struggle against neo-Nazism and Bandera continuing to revive the former Soviet Union. First, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and then shipping time Saakashvili and now already Ukraine. It was under these banners Kiev junta coup, and that their calls for help now to remain in power. Today Donbass protects and Belarus, and Russia from entering our republic this plague of the 20th century, which reached its bloody tentacles already in the 21st century under the direct supervision of Western puppeteers.

It is very unfortunately the current official Minsk waits where the balance will tilt, does not condemn the bloody regime in Kiev, but only provides a platform for negotiations. But as the events, talks in Minsk Banderovites only need to regroup their punitive troops in Donbass, replenish their manpower, new weapons and ammunition. That is, the junta uses Minsk negotiations only as an opportunity for respite.

As already known, at present Belarus is not transferred to civilians Donbass single pound of humanitarian aid (no flour, no salt, no grains, no sugar, no one liter of water). I think that says a lot.

But when Belarus lay in ruins after the liberation from the Nazi invaders, Donbass trains for days without stopping drove his charcoal for the revival of Belarusian towns and villages, to revive the economy of the republic. And now, when the Donbass in trouble, Belarus pays miner edge of ingratitude.

And more. I am deeply convinced, in connection with the fight against the New Russia showed bloody fangs Nazism and Bandera in Belarus as quickly as you need to create nation-wide anti-fascist movement. It must be massive. Starting from kindergarten, then in schools, other educational institutions should immediately raise the patriotic education. It should be lectures, political information, the anti-fascist orientation seminars. Must be issued in huge circulations relevant literature, which should be delivered free of charge to businesses to schools, military units, and so on. D. All of this work should be coordinated by government agencies responsible for ideology. But, unfortunately, at this point in Belarus similar ideological work is not done, nor public authorities, nor even state media. And this is the path to the Ukrainian scenario.

- Fifteen years since signed a treaty establishing the Union State of Russia and Belarus, what do you think has been achieved, and whether the project prospects for development?

- Made a lot, but could do more. Need in a hurry. Because the situation is heating up in his eyes. Elites urgent need to stop the demolition and stop coming up with all sorts of reasons for non-compliance arrangements. If there is no political will, say so. Today, Russia is exposed to an incredible shock from the West. I am referring to economic sanctions as well. In this situation, the Allies CIS Customs Union, CSTO could lean on Russia, clearly express its support, but not to wait. After all, Russia has always come to the aid of the fraternal republics and peoples. It has always been in history.

There was a very ugly picture: When an ally of Russia in the CIS skidochka need for natural gas or oil, all rushing to Moscow, help, say, Mother Russia, you're kind and clever, you all know, little things do not become difficult to us , that help skidochku USD 150 per thousand cubic meters. What Russia needs support at the international level, all allies sat quietly in the corners, and watch what happens next. Hope that the West will appreciate it. Not appreciate, do not hesitate. And this applies to the Republic of Belarus, too.

Therefore an urgent need to raise the allied relations on a fundamentally higher level, not glue labels on boxes of Polish apples, or on the packaging with the Lithuanian milk. Otherwise, just smash all alone. And again find ourselves with nothing, as it was in the early 90s. But we assume have no right.

That's what I detailed in my network video program "News of the Slavs" who am more than a year. Everyone can easily find them in Youtube. They laid out by the numbers.


Evgeny Novikov graduated from Minsk State Medical Institute and the Faculty of Law of the Belarusian State University. In 1990 he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR, having won the election contest nationalist deputy chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front, Mikhail Tkachev. As deputy actively opposed the introduction in Belarus presidential institution, as believed that society was not ready for the introduction of the presidential system due to lack of democratic institutions. In the 1990s. was a member of numerous international conferences in European countries on issues of international politics and human rights.


Sergey Baraza
Central News Agency Novorossia


The tragedy of Ukraine is that in Western projects she plays the role of the military and political bridgehead US directed against Russia, in a precise sense, against the all-Russian world, all-Russian civilization.

Such a setup for Ukraine articulated Polish American Zbigniew Brzezinski, who said that "Russia must clearly and unambiguously recognize the separate existence of Ukraine", in the language of American geopolitics means recognizing Ukraine possession USA. It is this anti-Russian goal and covers the political rhetoric of American diplomats, when they talk about the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Of course, the implementation of the US mission in Ukraine aimed against Russia, assumes that the relevant political and economic elite, in other words, managers. The fact that Bandera selected as the main 'managers' implementation of the "American dream" or "American peace" in the Russian space of the world - it is no coincidence. Due to this choice by the fact that Bandera - the most striking embodiment of degeneration, ie degeneration.

Degeneration of historical sights - Bandera when historians try to compose some own national history of Ukraine, and in fact demonstrate their understanding of the historical degenerative process.

Degeneration of ethnicity - when Bandera ethnographers and archaeologists are trying to bring the ethnogenesis of Ukrainians from the so-called ancestor of mankind - was stolen.

Civilizational degeneration - when Bandera thinkers invent some samostiynost Ukrainian civilization, which supposedly has nothing to do with Russia.

And the most important thing that is overlooked - is physiological degeneration, bodily. Again not a coincidence that the symbol is Bandera Stepan Bandera, who combined the above symptoms is a personification of degenerative person. That is why it is important to understand that the United States and the European Union in the implementation of their anti-Russian policy in the all-Russian civilization need not just counterfeiters, but need it degenerates.

To verify the correctness of this conclusion, it is necessary to compare the two representatives of the national liberation movement in Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia in the interwar period - Stepan Bandera and Sergey Pritytskogo. Formally, their work is identical: they both fought for the independence of their land from the Polish gentry. Even their personal lives during this period are similar to each other. Stepan Bandera for the organization of a series of murders of the Polish authorities, including Interior Minister Bronislaw Peratskogo, was sentenced in 1935 to death that he had been commuted to life imprisonment. With the onset of World War II was released.

Sergey Pritytskogo in 1936 at the trial, hosted by the Polish authorities against the Communist Party of Western Byelorussia (IPPC), shooting Jacob Strelchuk provocateur, he was seriously wounded. Polish court sentenced to death, which in February 1937, commuted to life imprisonment. September 1, 1939 Sergey Pritytskogo fled from the Polish prison.

Outwardly, it would seem, all the same. But how very different the content of their political activities. Stepan Bandera - an ardent hater of all Russian, zoological anti-Semite. During World War II it degenerates Bandera atrocities against the Red Army, Ukrainian partisans, civilians. After the end of World War II his gang terrorizing the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia. He is not Ukrainian nationalist, trying to qualify it as some researchers, but a real degenerate, ie, vyrozhdenets - vyrozhdenets civilizational, ethnic, historical, has nothing in common with any Ukrainian mentality nor with Ukrainian history. Sergey Pritytskogo same - a sincere supporter of all-Russian unity, friendship and brotherhood Belarusians and Russian. He does not accept any historical, ethnic, civilizational distortions, which are so characteristic for Bandera. He's really a national hero of Belarus.

Again, the most important thing. Look at their faces. It is evident that physiologically Stepan Bandera - degenerate, his face is unattractive, repulsive, there is nothing good, humane. And quite the opposite impression Sergey Pritytskogo. View open, good-natured, cheerful. It is clear that this is a person, not a vicious biped.

And now look at modern Bandera. Again accidental war with their Russian, Soviet monuments. They are fighting so furiously with the monuments because these monuments to their human, humane appearance are a kind of reproof current Bandera, which recognizes only degenerates. Compare Novorossia leaders and rulers of today's Ukraine? Is not it obvious which side of the historical truth, kindness, humanity, and what Bandera degeneration? Compare leaders of Donetsk and Lugansk militia leaders and Bandera battalions, many of whom became Ukrainian parliamentarians? Is not it obvious that the militias are fighting for their country, including Ukraine, and Bandera degenerates - in the interests of the Western oligarchs and bureaucrats?

Consequently, the New Russia saves not only civilization and culture in Ukraine, it saves the gene pool of the Ukrainian people by their physical degeneration. Similarly, as the Belarusian and Ukrainian partisans during World War II saved the gene pool of their peoples from the German fascists and their Bandera degenerates.

Leo Krishtapovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (Belarus)
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The president of Russia had an interview yesteday (annual) the transcript is at : http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/23406

He said many important things. among them this :

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Regarding a palace coup, I can assure you that we don’t have “palaces,” so a palace coup isn’t really possible. The official presidential residence is in the Kremlin, it is well protected, which is an important factor for the stability of state institutions in Russia.

But this is not what stability is all about. It’s actually based on… There is no other stability as solid as the support of the Russian people. I don’t think you have any doubts as to whether our key foreign and domestic policy initiatives benefit from such support.

Why is this happening? Because people feel deep down inside that we, and I in particular, are acting in the interests of the overwhelming majority of Russians.

As for the question of who is to blame and who is not for the developments in Ukraine that kicked off the series of cataclysms we are currently witnessing, you know very well what I think.

I have on many occasions said that a coup was committed and that it was a big mistake.

Eastern Europe, our neighbours, including Ukraine, is not a banana republic, not even North Africa or Somalia, where you can stage a coup using some special tools, militants, or people who are unhappy with government policies. You are saying that I’m accusing someone. No, I’m not accusing anyone, I'm just stating a fact.

Without going into details, I will say a few words about our discussions on this account with our partners. You may be aware of the agreement between the opposition and the Ukrainian government of 21 February. The agreement was signed by the three foreign ministers of Germany, Poland and France as guarantors of the agreement. Do you follow me? We had talks with the leaders of the United States, who kept telling us, “Yanukovych should not use force no matter what.” He didn’t and what he got was a coup. We are now being told, “What could we do? The situation got out of control, which is called an excessive act in criminal law.” I beg to differ. If that’s an excessive act, then what were you supposed to say, even if you weren’t able to stop these radicals who broke into the presidential administration and took over the Government building? You should have told them as follows, “We do want to see you in Europe, we do want you to sign and ratify the association agreement, you are indeed part of the European family, but if you act this way, you will never be part of Europe, and we will never support you. Go back to the agreement of 21 February, form a national unity government and start working together.”

I'm sure that if that was their position, there would be no civil war in Ukraine with its many casualties. Our colleagues have adopted a different stance. From giving out cookies during the Maidan protests, they moved on to political and economic promises. By the way, the Ukrainian people need the money, but no one is going to do this on their own, only through international financial institutions. Therefore, I believe that our position was completely justified and objective from day one.

Now about the elites. You know, there is elite wine, there are elite resorts. There are no elite people. You know what the Russian elite is? It’s a worker. A farmer. Someone who carries our entire country on his shoulders. Has been carrying it for centuries, and will carry it for centuries to come. All other levels, including elites and others, are absolutely groundless. There are rich people and poor people, sick people and healthy people. But they are all equal before the country and before the law."

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Despite the fact that international organizations do not recognize the existence of a humanitarian disaster in the Donbas, the situation in the region every day it becomes more and more difficult.

The most difficult situation is in the social sphere.

December 18, 2014 aboard the aircraft IL-76 delivered in Rostov-on-Don (for further transportation to the New Russia) is an important cargo: 20 tons of drugs. Together with 1500 tons of other goods - food, things, plants, etc. - and 470 tons of Christmas gifts for children of New Russia.

The column, which is now being formed in Rostov-on-Don will consist of 170 cars. In Donbass it should come before the New Year.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia


The Great Patriotic War ended nearly 70 years ago. It has long subsided passion, fears have been bombed, not hear about the atrocities of the commissioners supporting the Germans.

Increased not only children, but also grandchildren of those who gave their lives for their country. Those who survived those years, said: "If only there was no war" ...

But war again knocked on the door of ordinary residents of Donbass. Again, they are threatened by the Nazis. Now - nurtured in Ukraine itself.

Thus, the 87-year-old resident of Pervomaisk during the Great Patriotic even got into a concentration camp. But was able to survive and return home.

In early December, the projectile "Grad" Ukrainian punitive it was just in her house. Hope M. died on the spot.

Attacks on civilians continue today. Today, as more than 70 years ago, when the front was at their doorstep, crumbling infrastructure and killing ordinary people - the elderly, women and children.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case against the chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Valentin Nalyvaychenko. He is suspected of committing crimes under hh. 2, 3, 5 st.128-1, p. 3 art. 33 h. 1, Art. 356, p. 3 art. 33 p. 3 art. 144, p. 3 art. 33 n. "And" h. 3 Article 126 of the Criminal Code (defamation organization banned the use of means and methods of warfare, obstructing the lawful professional activities of journalists, kidnapping).


In LC militia attacked in many parts of the front, going strong artdueli

Army militia LC with the callsign "Cadet" reported attack Ukrainian occupation troops on the defender Lugansk People's Republic.

"The militia was attacked and fired today in many parts of the front. Shelled positions in Mount Gay, Prishib, Slavyanoserbsk, Valuisky under Kolesnikov In Nizhneteplom under alder.

Going strong artdueli using ACS, howitzers, mortars and places of MLRS "Grad".

Militia forces ordered to destroy the enemy firing points. Powered artillery that was in the militia in the area Stanichno Luhansk region - SAU "Acacia", "carnation", "Nona", "Peony"; MLRS "Grad" mortars "Cornflower" ..

At the position moved howitzers MSTA-C and D-30. "

Central News Agency Novorossia

According to intelligence DNI, in the occupied territory near the dam of the reservoir of Charles (Donetsk region Yasinovatskiy Republic) noted the arrival of trucks tilts heavily guarded by the National Guard.

The area is cordoned off by the arrival presumably punishers conduct mining dam reservoir.

Meanwhile, despite the agreements reached on the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of contact between the armed forces of the Republic of Donbass, during the day features performance items Memorandum by the punishers are still not observed. Noted 9 cases of Bandera mortars and small arms on the positions of the national militia of New Russia:

10.55 in sniper fire exposed checkpoint defenders Donbass on the southern outskirts of the village Stanichno Luhansk;

at 14.05, at 14.20 and 15.10 from mortars and small arms (including sniper) from the Mallorcan village, and 15.20 and 16.00 of the same weapons, but on the part of the village Noise - fired militia positions near Gorlovki ;

at 14.30 from the village of Sands mortars, and 16.05 and 16.10 of small arms shooting was carried out by militias blocking punitive in Donetsk airport.

Based on materials from the Internet Media

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia

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