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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Summaries of militia Novorossia from the field as of November 22, 2014. Chronicle "truce."

11.22.14. 00:05. Message from journalists.
"At 22:25 by Nikolayevka multiple rocket launchers was shelled northern outskirts of the village of Peter. He was killed civilian."
11.22.14. 00:15. Summary of militia Gorlovki.
"During the day was done pre-emptive strike on positions APU because in a few days they broke Minsk agreement.
This afternoon at the Ukrainian punishers around Dzerzhinsky district was destroyed SAU "Acacia", the locals of Gorlovki observed thick black smoke near the checkpoint, she burned it. At APU 8 - "three hundred", 3 - "two hundredth."
In the evening there was a direct hit at checkpoint near Dzerzhinsk - severe burns, loss unknown.
Also there is information that the APU during the shelling of the checkpoint with BP South mine produced shelling of the private sector of the city of Dzerzhinsk of 120 mortars. Were fired and also Gorlovki margin. "
11.22.14. Evening Post News Novorossia militia.
"During the day, setting the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic remained tense. Avengers continued to ignore the agreements for an armistice. It was noted 17 violations of the ceasefire:

- From 10.35 to 14.55 from settlements Avdiyivka, experienced and sand using -orudy artillery and mortars, at least five times shelled residential areas and infrastructure Donetsk. Damaged two houses, four residents of the capital DNR received injuries of varying severity;

- At 12.25 on the part of the village peaceful artillery fire undergone Pershamajski residential areas. Damaged two outbuildings;

- At 12.40 by Debaltseve using cannon artillery shelled the village Nikishin. Damaged house, wounding two civilians;

- At 13.25 and 14.00 on the part of the village Granite using multiple rocket launchers fire attack committed on Human Settlements and Pervomayskoe Telmanovo. Killed two and injured three civilians;

- At 13.25 and 14.00 by Olkhovatka produced bombardment of residential districts Shahtersk, and at 13.30 from the same positions, artillery fire undergone Stozhkovskoe village. The shelling destroyed two houses, three residents were injured Miner;

- At 13.50 and 14.10 by using Debaltseve cannon artillery shelled the village Mihailovka. Damaged house, killed two civilians;

- At 13.55 on the part of the mine Enakievskiy, and at 15.00 from the Olkhovatka committed shelling residential areas of the city Kirov. Damaged power substation and two outbuildings, seriously injured two residents of the city;

- 14.20 in perfect tank shelling Nikolayevka. Damaged Private household. "
11.22.14. Summary of military events in the DNI and LC from military analyst Boris Rozhina.
"In the New Russia continue fighting and killing civilians. There is some reduction in the intensity of the fighting, possibly in connection with the visit of Biden Ukrainian command decided not to escalate the situation. In general, the areas where the company is actively fighting, have not changed. Only the fighting between populated Happiness points and villages Lugansk become increasingly savage nature. It is likely that the militia still accelerate action on the environment of these two cities.

Military events in DNI

During the night from 20 to 21 November by locality Avdiyivka and the new terminal of Donetsk airport were shelled residential areas in the north east of Donetsk. Fire strikes multiple rocket launchers. Information about the loss and destruction clarifies. Morning in Donetsk began relatively quietly. Major clashes were, as usual, in the vicinity of the airport. In the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk day there were three powerful explosions that brought considerable destruction of houses, gas and electricity networks. At the scene, emergency crews were working, there are wounded.


According to the statements of the Ukrainian side, positions near the APU NP Glorious, Avdiyivka, Krasnogorovka, sand and Verhnetoretskoe were fired from artillery, mortars and small arms.

Gorlovka from morning till 12:30 (hereafter time - Moscow) was heard the artillery work. By Area Dzerzhinsk-Gorlivka gunners VSN and MAT arranged mutual gunfight with a hit in residential neighborhoods in both cities. There is evidence that as a result of the shelling destroyed Ukrainian checkpoint on the highway in Dzerzhinsk Gorlivka-Donetsk, Ukrainian military suffered losses in manpower and equipment and left the location of the checkpoint.

Around 15:30 Enakieve work was heard the artillery militia probably firing was conducted toward Uglegorsk.

Around 18:10 with artillery positions APU located near Mound Tomb Acute, shelled positions of army units in the area DNR Peter and Paul. Killed one militiaman.

On the part of the settlement Volnovaha at 17:50 and at 19:00 MAT applied artillery strikes on Dokuchaevsk. Destroyed three houses.

At 22:25 by Nikolayevka multiple rocket launchers was shelled the northern outskirts of the village of Peter. Killed civilian.

Morning near the settlement Kalchyk and Dawn (between Mariupol and Volnovaha) were heard the guns.

Military events in LC

Ukrainian military of MLRS "Grad" fired NP Kemerovo, militiamen fired back at APU in the locality Gold and along the route Bahmutka. APU fired artillery fire from Lysychansk.

On the night of November 21, the militia continued shelling Ukrainian checkpoint number 31, shelling continued throughout the day. Also the position of the APU were fired at the settlement Top alder.

By lunchtime, November 21 Ukrainian law enforcers began shelling militia positions in Day, in response to the militia opened fire on the positions of the APU in the locality Popasnaya. Fire from the Ukrainian security forces have also undergone neighborhoods Pervomaisk and Stakhanov.

Around 18:00 by Kondrashevska mortar bombardment position MoD LC near Green Grove.

Heavy artillery slung under the Cossack village on the eve of Luhansk, Ukrainian security forces began shelling the outskirts produce Lugansk.


The city Rubejnoe (controlled Ukrainian security forces) soldiers volunteer battalion "Aydar" during a patrol shot the driver, "Lada" for failing to stop the car. It is reported that four soldiers of the battalion tried to stop the WHA. The driver of the vehicle does not comply with the requirement, so one of the "aydarovtsev" shot the car out of the machine. As a result, the driver was killed and two of his passengers were arrested. Investigators are conducting an investigation under article "deliberate murder committed a dangerous way of life for many people."


As part of the rotation in the area of ​​so-called ATO went another squad of fighters of special militia company of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Mykolaiv region. "
11.22.14. 1:17. Message from a local.
"In the area Debaltseve going strong fight. I'm from Alchevsk very well heard explosions and volleys with Debaltseve hand."
11.22.14. 1:46 MSK. Night summary of volunteer Prokhorov.
"I am glad that the information about Sands confirmed (militia took most of the village).
But the war in other areas was and is now.
On the night working on the dill on the 31st (the work is still) and the top alder. Closer to lunch dill began firing positions in Pervomaisk - in response to the charge over Popasnaya. Dill responded by PERVOMAYSKIY and Stakhanov (dill used MLRS even from Novoaydar).
Dill Grad newly covered Kemerovo - there responded by gold and Bahmutke, dill fought artel in Lysychansk.

From the village, Luhansk dill began firing heavy weapons outskirts of Luhansk.

Initiation of ART-shootout near Avdeevka.
Now comes the art skirmish near Debaltseve.
During the day and recently shelled residential areas dill Dokuchaevsk - otvetka went on ukropskim positions in the Steppe.
Dzerzhinsk Gorlivka-arranged mutual gunfight. Blockhouse dill Dzerzhinsk (route Gorlivka-Donetsk) razbabahali, dill retreated, leaving the wounded - they are now in hospital Gorlovskiy identified.
Meanwhile, in the area of ​​happiness and Villages-Lugansk now (1:03 MSK.) Start nehily disco.

Incidentally, Dill says that they at the approach to the airport on a land mine blew BBM - 1 killed and 2 wounded.
Under Debaltseve when trying to remove the bomb fired Ukrainian engineers (the number of victims is not known), and in Mariupol and pos. Lomakin blown 2 units. military equipment (dill recognized 4 injured).

As reported in the media, the US passed the Ukraine three radar to detect mortar calculations. Well, if LCMR Counterfire Radars (example pictured), the need for it and the Americans operators. Complex thing, the more - the data outputs is not metric. "
11.22.14. Message from the militia.
"From 01:00 to 05:00 the artillery militia beat the district Sands. At 07:00 long artileriya APU by Avdeyevka said the airport and the October MPH. APUs are firing with 152-mm artillery and MLRS" Grad ". In 7: 30 was a blow MLRS "Grad" two complete package. from 08:00 in Donetsk lull. at 09:20 ukrofashisty began working with single (harassing fire) in the district Vzlёtki. That night was shot suburb Kirov (mine area) and n.p.Stazhkovo . The destruction and the number of victims to find out. Gorlovka Currently, the situation is calm, yet quiet. In the morning, in the area n.p.Kalchik and Dawn (between Mariupol and Volnovaha) had heard the guns. "

"In Kharkov, on the night of November 22, near the train station Bezliudivka guerrillas was carried undermining tank. According to eyewitnesses, the blast was heard in various parts of the city, in the surrounding neighborhoods was visible smoke. A law enforcement source confirmed that the explosion occurred in one of the Depot Bezliudivka station. It is a diversion. "

11.22.14. Morning News militia Novorossia message.
"The situation on the frontline with troops Novorossia junta remains tense. The enemy continues to increase the striking force at the Donetsk area. According to the Army Intelligence DNI, November 21 in The thin area of ​​the village (11 km north-west of Donetsk) carried out the relocation of two tank companies . In the technique applied to identification signs DNI.

It is assumed that these units are designed to commit provocations near Donetsk airport.

Punishers still violate previous agreements on ceasefire. Theirs was made at least eight attacks settlements Novorossia and militia positions:

at 18.10 from Avdeyevka Bandera were fired artillery positions of the national militia in the suburban area of ​​Spartacus. Information about the loss and destruction are specified;

19.30 mortars were fired Steppe. Wounded civilians;

at 02.30 from the mine "Enakievskiy" and 04.55 from the mine "Poltava" makes shelling positions MoD DNR offices are located in the district of Kirov. Wounded one militiaman;

at 04.50 by Debaltseve bombardment territory mines №2.Povrezhdeno two administrative buildings;

three times (at 18.30, 23.30 and 01.45) by Nikolayevka and Volnovakha shelled Dokuchaevsk. One civilian was killed and two were injured. Damaged two houses. "
11.22.14. 10:59. Message from the militia.
"From the Orlovka ukrofashisty now [10:45] are firing in the direction of" Metro ". At the airport too restless. Ukry beat heavy fire in the area of ​​the tower (Mission Control Centre), the work can be heard tank ukry shoot in the direction of the October. The militia is [ 10:59] retaliatory shelling positions punitive towards Avdeyevka. Near the Donetsk airport early in the morning on a land mine blew three Ukrainian soldiers, one of them died. From what they APU units - to be confirmed. In the morning, in the area n.p.Severnoe (DNI) were local fights. "

Message from the militia from Gorlovki.

"At night, shot out perfectly! For this night blew not a small fraction of the forces surrounding us. Patted unit APU Olenovke (the one under Enakieve) and germinated in soil dill in all directions. Send lossless."
11.22.14. Message from a local.
"In Rubezhnoye Battalion" Aydar "during a patrol shot the driver of VAZ for refusing to stop the car."

Prepared according to the online media
Central News Agency Novorossia

US armed forces yesterday handed Ukraine protivominometnye three lightweight radar systems.

This was announced by Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren.

This is the first of 20 radars, which is planned to transfer the Ukrainian army, the rest will come in the next few weeks. Later, in mid-December, US military personnel will train military APU.

"Radar system captures mortar fire and quickly calculate the origin of enemy mortar fire, allowing friendly forces to react accordingly," - said Warren.

The representative of the US Defense Department said that the Ukrainian military themselves will determine where, when and how they will use these radars.

It is noted that the delivery of these systems is part of the United States to provide equipment and training of the APU, the total amount of 118 million dollars.

Washington decided to increase the supply of non-lethal weapons Ukraine, on the supply of lethal weapons it does not go.

Based on materials prepared media

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia

"On 21 November, about 22.30 in Kharkov explosion. Sound heard residents of Odessa, Bavaria, new homes, cold mountains and other areas. From the blast shook many windows. From their own news sources ATH was able to learn that the explosion occurred on the railway near the station basis, "- said the ATN. The report Tsenzor.NET states that "according to different versions sounded two / three explosions. At the beginning of Poltava and near the airport"

Later Ukrainian TV channel "Public TV" with reference to a law enforcement source said that "in a railway depot near Bezliudivka tank exploded, no casualties", reports Tass.

On Thursday, about 18 hours, the explosion occurred at the urban power substation at a military hospital. Prosecutors Kharkiv region to establish this fact as willful damage to property. "The situation in the city under control. If the blast was the handiwork of man, it turns out that today the experts, it is possible to estimate the explosion as a terrorist attack aimed at intimidating and destabilizing the residents of Kharkov, and to create a tense atmosphere in convalescent soldiers and officers" - said Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko
He also assured that this crime will also be disclosed, as well as an explosion in a cafe "The Wall", "perfect saboteurs trained in Russia."

Earlier, Ukrainian media reported that the SBU detained 12 people accused of involvement in the bombing in Kharkov pub "The Wall".
SBU claims that operates in Kharkov 10 guerrilla groups.

Based on materials from the Internet media prepared

Alexander Ross
Central News Agency Novorossia

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According to sources, "information front" in Mariupol city morgue literally overflowing with dead Ukrainian punitive. After fighting intensified in November Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses in a number of ways.

Most of the victims sent to Mariupol and Volnovakha. In this case, all data on the number "200's" deliberately hiding the Ukrainian side, most of the punitive recorded in the "missing". It should also be noted that hospitals Mariupol filled with hundreds of wounded executioners, who often do not receive the necessary medicines and proper care.

Prepared Materials Online Media

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia


Extremists in Balaclava attracted unidentified business solutions for the construction dispute.
Feel their own impunity thugs in a fit of labor enthusiasm burned fence surrounding the construction site, beat several passers-by. Got "nut" and pulled up to the scene police patrols.

Deputy Head of District Branch of the Ministry of Interior Darnitsky miraculously survived after he tried to talk to the rioters.

"In the fire, the fire! Kill! Rubbish! "- Chanted uncontrolled crowd.

Tried to flee the unrest elderly policeman sprayed in the face with tear gas, were not allowed to go to the doctor, and then completely blocked the ambulance with law enforcement officers. The latter became ill, doctors suspected heart attack.


"We left the operatives, just check out the situation, and here's the result: beaten by police, gas poisoning, is in the hospital. Beaten by two citizens, just passing by. They were attacked with cries of "traitor"! Is that normal? "Protested the head of Research Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev Alexander Tereshchuk.

What is characteristic of many local residents supported the rioters, saying that "the only way it should" talk to the Kiev authorities.

Prepared Materials Online Media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia


Ukrainian security forces fired plants "Grad" street Izotova in the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk. The bombardment severely damaged homes in the private sector, some of them completely destroyed. In addition, the pipeline caught fire.

In the ruins were a few private houses. In this part of the city, none of the residents did not evacuate because the shells did not reach here. According to preliminary data, fortunately, no one was hurt today - people heard explosions and managed to hide in basements.

According to local residents, at least seven shells hit the homes. And one of them damaged gas distribution equipment, fire.

The situation in Donetsk remains extremely tense. Recently, the National Guard under the shells hit the area, where several teenagers were playing football. Two died on the spot, four others seriously injured.

Summary of volunteer Prokhorov. Evening of November 22
The war in the direction of Donetsk after the capture of the village Sands moves towards Avdeyevka (which today fired projectiles) and Marinka (recently fired at the enemy, "the City").

And worked with Karlovka Krasnogorovka.

But on debaltsevskom direction Ukrainian troops intensified - now they shelled Nikishin and Peter and Paul, in response to Chernukhin worked.

Mariupol on the direction of the enemy fired at roadblocks and Chermalyk Nikolayevka.

In Severodonetsk drunken Ukrainian soldiers from the battalion "Lugansk" (Guard G. Moskal), washing salary, opened fire in a bar "Chalet" - shot one visitor and one wounded.

Posted by militias DNR about the situation in Donetsk

As at 22:30 on November 22 in Donetsk remains tense. During the whole day in the city do not cease sounds gunfire and explosions. Especially restless in Petrovsky, Lenin, Kiev and Kuibyshev district. Because of hostilities energized Donetsk state factory of chemical products. As a result, without electricity were 19 transformer substations, supplied the Kuibyshev district of the city. Shells fell in the city boiler, without central heating was a row of houses located on the streets Zhukova, Velikoanadolskiy, Petrovsky, 40 years old Ukraine Privolnaya. Also without hot water and central heating was 81 houses in the Kiev region.

Prepared according to the Internet media.

Victor Papin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukrainian security forces fired plants "Grad" street Izotova in the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk. The bombardment severely damaged homes in the private sector, some of them completely destroyed. In addition, the pipeline caught fire.

In the ruins were a few private houses. In this part of the city, none of the residents did not evacuate because the shells did not reach here. According to preliminary data, fortunately, no one was hurt today - people heard explosions and managed to hide in basements.

According to local residents, at least seven shells hit the homes. And one of them damaged gas distribution equipment, fire.

The situation in Donetsk remains extremely tense. Recently, the National Guard under the shells hit the area, where several teenagers were playing football. Two died on the spot, four others seriously injured.

Summary of volunteer Prokhorov. Evening of November 22

"The war in the direction of Donetsk after the capture of the village Sands moves towards Avdeyevka (which today fired projectiles) and Marinka (recently fired at the enemy from" Castle ").

And worked with Karlovka Krasnogorovka.

But on debaltsevskom direction Ukrainian troops intensified - now they shelled Nikishin and Peter and Paul, in response to Chernukhin worked.

Mariupol on the direction of the enemy fired at roadblocks and Chermalyk Nikolayevka.

In Severodonetsk drunken Ukrainian soldiers from the battalion "Lugansk" (Guard G. Moskal), washing salary, opened fire in a bar "Chalet" - shot one visitor and one wounded. "

Posted by militias DNR about the situation in Donetsk

As at 22:30 on November 22 in Donetsk remains tense. During the whole day in the city do not cease sounds gunfire and explosions. Particularly restless in Petrovsky, Lenin, and Kuibyshev district of Kiev. Because of hostilities energized Donetsk state factory of chemical products. As a result, without electricity were 19 transformer substations, supplied the Kuibyshev district of the city. Shells fell in the city boiler, without central heating was a row of houses located on the streets Zhukova, Velikoanadolskiy, Petrovsky, 40 years old Ukraine Privolnaya. Also without hot water and central heating was 81 houses in the Kiev region.

Based on materials from the Internet media prepared

Victor Papin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The village Frunze Slavyanoserbsk district is near the road Bahmutka - one of the hottest spots Lugansk People's Republic and the whole of New Russia.

At 10 km from the checkpoint number 30, for which there are fights between the host LC and punitive troops Kiev. Tanks and mortars Ukrainian invaders constantly shelled peace settlement. Destruction of homes, infrastructure of the village, the church, the people talk about their hard life and crimes of the Nazis.


Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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The three countries that have gone against the entire world community. A lot or a little? Probably not very much. But if you take into account when making a decision that was made, it is scary.

Actually, the desire of these states is clear. First of all, Ukraine. There have always been manifestations of nationalism. And the most brutal massacres during World War II the Germans carried far and Ukrainians themselves. More precisely, it came from the western regions. All the more surprising that the birthplace of Nazism - Germany - abstained during the vote, making it clear that no one dares to go against the United States, but also with the position of Russia agree.

After voting has begun discussion. Concerned policy around the world. And it is not only in the position of the United States, which never recognized the nation. Anyone who becomes a citizen, loses the ability to be called Russian, Chinese, Mexican. He becomes just an American. First of all, all fear of a new outbreak of Nazi sentiment in Europe. Let no one in the center and on the outskirts. But the essence of the matter does not change.

Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly last week, is designed to make the world to fight the glorification of Nazism and other forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

Particularly concerned at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. As the commissioner for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov, "will not have to answer, as well as the implementation of this Resolution until Nazism flourishes in Ukraine. Soon Nazism perehlestnet borders of European countries, sweeping away everything in its path!"

All countries should have its say, condemning Nazism in Ukraine. Especially because of its manifestations has killed thousands of civilians in the region. Director of the Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Anatoly Viktorov, in turn, said:

"Adoption of Resolution condemning Nazism - it is the duty of the UN to future generations. It is for this and created the organization itself."

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Donetsk city council reports on the operational situation in the city:

"The night of 23 November 24 in Donetsk passed the stress, especially for residents of Kuibyshev and the Kiev area. All night heard powerful explosions and bursts of heavy guns. As a result of falling shells damaged houses number 62, 64, 149 on the street. Velikonovoselovskaya also burned down a garage on the street. Velikonovoselovskaya 160.

Over the weekend received shrapnel wounds of varying severity 12 people. All of them were hospitalized and are in the medical institutions of the city.

As a result of heavy shelling, November 23, recorded numerous injuries gas networks. Fires broke out at gas pipelines of high and medium pressure in the area of ​​the cemetery next to the street. Velikonovosёlkovskoy in the Kuibyshev region and Putilov grove in the Kiev region.

As of 11:00 (MSK) in Donetsk relatively quiet, reported shooting in areas not coming.

Life support systems for city work. Emergency crews utilities continued to work on the damaged networks. On the morning of November 24 74 de-energized transformer stations and 25 boilers city.

The number is disconnected from the gas subscribers exceeds a record number - more than 5,000. These are specified. PJSC "Donetskgorgas" take the necessary measures to stabilize the pressure in the gas networks. "

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

The survey of 100 militia rescued from captivity Ukrainian during the operation to the mutual exchange of specialists Public Chamber of Russia were able to figure out that the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Security Service and the Interior Ministry is actively and systematically use measures that are prohibited by international conventions.

Member of the Public Chamber Maxim Grigoriev gave a report based on the identified data to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The organization has said that Kiev should comprehensively monitor and investigate all cases of such crimes in the south-east of Ukraine - theft, torture, arbitrary detention.

In OP Russia believe that the scale and systematic torture suggests a deliberate policy of the security forces, as well as the awareness of the country's leadership.

Of respondents said that they were not just beaten, but also threw into the pits with corpses, burning torch, hammer smashed fingers and joints of the feet, pressed backhoe, used electricity and gas. Some methods are not even suspected workers of the Nazi concentration camps.

The majority of respondents passed the Ukrainian side during the exchange, not only come from the DNR and the LC, but did not take part in hostilities, and lived at a respectful distance from the front line.

A little earlier international NGO Amnesty International, based on the facts of torture carried out by Battalion "Aydar", has called Kiev to comply with international law.

However, what about torture if Kiev still actively using phosphorous and cluster munitions as prohibited for use.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

In the Second World War against the Soviet Union worked as a strong German economy and almost all of Europe, the Nazis seized (the same as the EU). But in spite of this the USSR, having destroyed half of the country, during the war produced products almost twice that provided a complete victory over Nazi Germany. At the same time the Soviet Union had no foreign investments, using only their own funds and resources (supplies from the Allies were only 4% of total production). This shows the enormous potential of the socialist planning system.

Conclusions: Without a reliable supply of armed militia forces defenses will be in doubt. On that also mentioned Shooters II, saying that it is extremely important to have a reliable rear (in rear politicians only chatted and shared portfolios that in time of war is absolutely unacceptable). It is also important to note that the need for fair and equitable supply units.

So, on the basis of the above, we can recommend the Parliament of New Russia (DNI, LC) to establish a joint committee of Defense to promptly solve all the problems related to defense, control, organization, management of the economy and build a peaceful life. To help it needs to create a State Commission for planning and management, which should take full control of all large enterprises of Donbass.

To create these organizations and work management and Parliament should invite experienced professionals. For example, in the Defence Committee may invite Parliament now quite legitimately Strelkova II as an advisor. He distinguished himself as a reliable, fair and honest man, a competent military expert who knows what need armed militias.

It is important to note that the Defence Committee and the Commission for planning and management should be based on work collectively to make decisions on important issues, according to the principle "one head - well, while two - better."

Further, the National Council on Economics of New Russia (DNI, LC) to take a fundamental decision: which way should develop the economy of New Russia in the future, at the same time take into account that oligarchic economy completely discredited.

For decision-making is best to pay attention to the experience of other countries.

At the moment, one country shows a stunning success in the economy and has every reason to believe that is one (first) economy in the world. This PRC - People's Republic.

Let's look at what lies behind the phenomenal success of the Chinese economy.

In 1978, the Plenum of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping adopted a decision on the development of the economy through a combination of planned and market systems. Apparently, this decision Chinese leaders familiar with the theory of convergence, which involves the use of planned and market economies. One of the founders of the theory J. K. Galbraith was invited as an adviser to China in 1994-1997. As a result of decisions made China's GDP has increased almost 77 times: in 1978 China's GDP - 214 billion. Dollars, in 2014 China's GDP expected - $ 17 trillion. 632mlrd. dollars (IMF data).

The development of China's economy is based on five-year plans, which are developed by the State Committee for Planning and Development, that is, the State Planning Commission. All major large enterprises under state control, while medium and small private enterprises is given full play.

Government regulation and control is given serious attention.

For example, in the late '90s in China issued a decree on improving the quality of products, and, apparently, it has made a significant contribution to improving the GDP - high quality products is always a demand for both external and internal, and this is one of the main factors of economic success . In general, we can say that China's economic experience provides a good example to learn and use.

Thus, the construction of the economy can give priority to governance and the promotion of large enterprises to small and medium-sized businesses, subject to the present democratic government of the people, which will create social security, justice and welfare.

Inevitably raise the question of ownership. It should be noted, ownership of property ownership is real power. If the people will not have the property, it will not be the real power. To address the issue of property need to rely on the following facts: all large enterprises of Donbass were created during the Soviet labor of the whole people. The USSR Constitution reads: the entire state property is nationwide and belongs to all people. So, initially the present owner of large enterprises of Donbass is the people. The decision on the privatization of Soviet enterprises was taken behind the scenes, persons who have no authority to do so from the people, by the people of criminal fraud. In fact, the property was illegally taken away from the people - the present owner.

Liberal market economists argue: "Private property shall be inviolable." In this case we can rightfully assert that public property (state) shall be inviolable.

The question of their own money is this: if the New Russia strives for independence and recognition, it is necessary to introduce his own money, even though temporarily, you can use the card and rubles. For the New Russia (DNI, LC) currency should be unified. Different currencies will create unnecessary barriers between them.

DNR and LC should strive to remove bureaucratic contradictions between them. The situation requires that the DNI and LC interacted together cohesively together, helping each other. "The division of portfolios" will have a negative impact on the defenses.

To solve all the very difficult problems Novorossia leadership will need to rely on the support of the people, and that means it is necessary to take into account his opinion, it is necessary to be with people at all times.

Sergei Ivanov,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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From whom and why hide their faces self-titled himself "Hero of Ukraine", all these armed activists, supporters of "European values", the defenders of the "independence" of Ukraine? They are hidden behind masks face suggests that they fear will sooner or later be responsible for all committed by them personally or gang crime! They understand that to dock hardly reaches deal, because too much bench need, and as a lawyer made the entire world anti-Russian bloc, which is ready to justify any crime or any crime if they directly or indirectly, against Russia and her allies sympathizers .

But these psevdogeroi still afraid, afraid of how they will look in the eyes of people with a conscience and common sense, understanding and practicing the values ​​of humanism, according to which the murder of people, and even - especially civilians, children and the elderly, has no justification . And those who hide their faces behind masks, understand this very well, and that's afraid to be identified by whomever and whenever that may be.

No decent person in the world, whoever he was an ethnic and nationality, never will give hands of the Nazis or their minions. Even those who served the Nazis for fear of being repressed, not to mention the Inhumans, who went to kill his countrymen for the sake of some promised to them and their family benefits and privileges.

So if you are afraid of, why not follow this unjust and dangerous path? Most likely, they are still more believe in their "success" in that they will be able to suppress the resistance to Nazism, their great-anti-human ambitions. And already there - everybody loves a winner, there are traces of past crimes zatrut, obnesut fence information blockade fence "internal national interests", what is their active support and support in the future "civilized world community." And then they jointly built on the ashes and bones of dead soldiers in antifascist resistance and innocent civilians killed (though for them innocent civilians in the Donbass can not be) their happily chanted Nazi slogans, dancing and mummers in motley garb brighter European future.

They still believe in it, but just in case, somewhere in the depths of his soul residues they doubt the success and his righteousness, "activity", understand and see that not everyone shares their anti-human Nazi frenzy and feel responsible for each killed them resident of East Ukraine. They understand and feel that they can ask and punish directly punish the person, by any chance, do not let them theirs God (or Satan) will have to come face to face with those who survived the horrors of war and the Nazi pogroms in the Ukraine.

Therefore masks on their faces punitive and their lackeys - confirmation of the correctness and fairness of the anti-fascist liberation movement in Ukraine. Although the anti-fascist self-purification Ukraine is just beginning to ripen, the anti-fascist resistance to the south-east of Ukraine and a large number of Ukrainians do not support the Nazi power (look at the election results), allows us today to maintain a sense of respect and pride and compassion for brotherly for us Russians, Ukraine (with the that Ukrainian roots have almost half the population of Russia, not to mention ancient history).

In other words, the root of evil is outside Ukraine and Russia. And when the "Ukrainian patriots" (and many of them - really sincere patriots, however, have forgotten about the principles of humanism and respect for different view) understand that it is impossible to build his happiness at the expense of other troubles, due to hatred, violence, murder, treachery, schadenfreude and lies; when they realize that Ukraine has its own destiny, their own future, their own interests and their own unique features; that you can not trust your fate no relatives or neighbors, let alone overseas traders hamburgers; when the Ukrainian people will be able to recognize enemies and thieves in their own home, while in Ukraine will cease to pour blood and subside nationalist slogans, and Russia will cease to be used as a scarecrow and image of the enemy. Then, perhaps, history will repeat his turn, and we will see a new union of Russia and Ukraine. No absorption of Ukraine by Russia, is trying to speculate on what Washington and Bandera Regional Committee, namely unity based on common interests, cultural and historical community.

By and large, Ukraine and Russia have nothing to share. All property disputes are resolved by the family council, and not in the courts and the trenches, and this whole family provoked a fight historical enemies of both Russia and Ukraine. But while there is a fight, unless someone hears someone? Understanding of who is right and who is wrong, who - friend and who - the enemy, what are the reasons - all of this comes after the fight.

That's it this time thinking subconsciously waiting and fear present punishers and their servants. Apparently, they hope to hide their Nazi past and stay in the win whatever the outcome of events. And the fact that they do not take off their masks yet, says that their Nazi time, as if they wanted to, and that no matter how much they may have blood shed, still did not come. They do not believe in what they are doing, fear and anticipation of the inevitability of defeat.

But in itself the Nazi madness and permissiveness will not stop killing and violence. They - like a virus, with the weakening of immunity right there, ready to death to destroy all life, it is unable to resist. Hence, the victory of anti-fascist forces in Ukraine not only on the basis of appeals to conscience, humanity and common sense. Without a strong and reliable military, economic and moral foundations of anti-fascism in Ukraine not resist.

Have anti-fascist resistance and anti-fascist front of Donbass Ukraine durability and speedy victory, with the support of all honest and sensible humanists around the world.


Novorossiysk identity


Photo: Konstantin Sazonchik / TASS

Andrei Smirnov,
Central News Agency Novorossia

The term "Great Patriotic War" appeared after the famous radio address of Joseph Stalin 3 July 1941. And since 1942, he has been actively used in the Soviet Union.

Today, every citizen of the country, once part of the Soviet Union, knows that the Second World War (22 June 1941-9 May 1945) - a grand part of the Second World War (1 September 1939-2 September 1945), which turned the world, led to the final victory over the Third Reich. In addition, the Great Patriotic War - is also one of the most difficult periods in the history of both Russia and Ukraine, Belarus and others., Expressed not only in the enormous devastation and loss of life, but in the union.

Today Ukraine following Georgia intends to abandon even the memory of Oneness. Blow at the same time decided to make the students. After all, since school years lays the knowledge of historical processes, the place of a country in historical events.

However, is it any wonder the decision of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine after the country voted for the glorification of Nazism and fascism, and disown connection with the Soviet past?

As explained in the department, other than the head about the Great Patriotic War, as well as any mention of it - it is a conscious choice. Director of the Institute of National Remembrance Vladimir Vyatrovich noted that for Ukraine the term "World War II" is much more important than the "Great Patriotic War".

Note that in Russian textbooks combines both terms. Yes another and can not be, because the Great Patriotic War - is part of the Second World War. And it concerns only the involvement of the army in a bloody war of the Soviet Union, as well as the opening of a second front. In war, as part taken and other countries.

In the meantime, one thing is clear. Ukraine is trying to get rid of any links with the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation today. Where it will lead such a choice - time will tell. Actions of Ukrainian politicians have only one definition - "mankurtism."

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Moscow, on November 24 (Sputnik).

The denial of the USA, Canada and Ukraine to support a Russian resolution in the UNO that condemns the exaltation of the Nazism is "an authentic shame", said to Sputnik Juan Manuel Olarieta, Spanish political analyst.

"I believe that at a height of the XXIst century not to show and not to express in a clearest, more direct and more forceful way the rejection towards what it has been and is at present the Nazism is an authentic shame for all the peoples of the world", expressed the expert.

Also member of the directorate of the University Euro-Mediterranean Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid warned that Ukraine can turn into a "focus of attraction" for very important "nuclei of radical groups and extremist Nazi" who "still exist in the countries of Central Europe".

Azov, Donbás, Pravy Sektor: the symbols of the SS are reborn in Ukraine>>

On having commented on the increasing presence of the Ukrainian Army in the separation line in Donbás, the expert, he proved to be convinced that Kiev prepares "an important military offensive" against the pro-independence ones of this one.

"With the current Ukrainian Government that comes all at once from the State the solution (of the conflict) is going to be very complicated", it indicated.

With regard to the western sanctions against Russia, Olarieta thinks that its imposition "was an error from the beginning".

"The above mentioned sanctions do not come from a collective will on the part of the European Union and I believe that they were imposed by pressures of the USA", it pointed.

Olarieta expressed the hope that the European countries should be going to "to break mooring ropes" with Washington and should try of "to maintain the best possible relations" with Moscow, since "the future of Europe is in this understanding with Russia".

Ukraine's anti-government CyberBerkut hacker group published documents allegedly showing Kiev's detailed demands for money from the US military, and Washington agreeing to giving them support.

According to hacktivists, who made the documents public on Tuesday, the Ukrainian military have recently been asking for and being promised financial support from the United States, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The hackers claimed they obtained the confidential State Department documents by breaking into a mobile device belonging to one of the American delegation's members, who had traveled to Ukraine together with US Vice President Joe Biden. The US politician visited Kiev on November 20-21.

"After examination of just some of the data, there is an impression that the Ukrainian army is a branch of the US Armed Forces," CyberBerkut said, publishing copies of allegedly official documents, some carrying signatures of top US officials, including what is claimed to be the signatures of president Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

In an alleged White House document, dated September 24, in a memorandum for the secretary of state, Obama delegates Kerry "to direct the drawdown of up to $5 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense and military education and training to provide immediate military assistance for the Government of Ukraine, to aid their efforts to respond to the current crisis."

The US president also allegedly authorized the drawdown of up to $20 million in nonlethal commodities and services, with John Kerry later determining such assistance as being "important to the national interests of the United States."

Other documents published by the hackers suggest that Washington is ready to provide Kiev with arms and ammunition.

A leaked supplement to an unspecified document in Ukrainian, catalogues a list of weapons and military hardware, allegedly requested by Kiev, including 2,000 units of assault rifles, 720 hand grenade launchers, nearly 200 mortars and 420 anti-tank missiles.

Edited by John Dolva
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The English journalist of RT TV channel Graham Phillip receives medical treatment in hospital of Donetsk, after the got wound at the time of shootings.

Graham shared the impressions about the provided treatment and told about the plans for the future: "The most important that doctors and nurses here remarkable, I receive excellent treatment here. Mood good, I want to work still.

The doctor told that a week more here, I of course want less. At the time of receiving wound I made too dangerous shooting, next time I will be accurater. My plans don't change, I will continue work here, I only need to understand how to remove such shots future and not to get wounds"

At the end of interview the Englishman added: "Serving level for me here — the best in life".

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The growing tension between the United States and the Russian Federation was the reason for concern specialists from the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation of our. Military espionage fear on the part of the aggressor State, which can carry a total espionage using mobile devices. Recruits with phones from the company Apple, asked to provide your gadgets on the assembly points. At the moment, the ban - a secret and refer to any official documents of the military can not, this problem is solved by the Ministry of National Defense.

Experts confirm that the "apple" devices are equipped with special software and systems that allow us to calculate the location of the phone owner. In addition, there is little that the location of the military units of the Russian Federation may be disclosed to a potential enemy, the enemy can get an approximation of the indoors. Special systems can calculate the trajectory of the owners of gadgets and from this get about the room, even the location of indoor furniture. All this is made possible through the use of devices in a foreign company of a large number of hidden systems.

The experts, in turn, believe the military fears more than justified and recommend future soldiers to bring the service any device except those from Apple. In addition, experts have proposed, according to which it is necessary to develop a system of information security, which touches the soldiers of the Russian Federation, as conscripts and officers.

The relevant amendments to legislation are under preparation, but completely restrict military communication with family and friends officials do not plan to.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


In August 2014 the junta arrested naschego friend Sergey Anatolyevich Pevruhina .I know under the name of Sergey Sergey Korneev social network Makspark (former. Hydepark) for a long time. Friendly with him very often productively communicated with him.


Sergey - a citizen of Ukraine, a retired officer who served in the KGB, now known as the Foreign Intelligence Service, is in the detention center in Poltava from 20 August 2014. Account on Sergei Maxpark, http://maxpark.com/user/11492 was removed at the end of September. It seems to have removed the SBU seized computer Sergei. Is under investigation under Article 258 of the Criminal Code - "terrorist act", from 8 to 15 years in prison. Is charged with the creation of a terrorist group operating in favor of New Russia, the Russian special services.

When they searched the house they found nothing, but the search report was written that he was preparing for terrorist acts and store houses a large number of explosive devices and firearms, in fact, was arrested on the basis of data on phone tapping. Confiscated a computer system, laptop, mobile phones, notebooks.

The lawyer came exactly 14 days - said that his health required to receive medical treatment in a sanatorium. Wife of Sergei, Anna A. Perepelytsya, made ​​a deposit for a full month of his work at $ 300 Twice he visited his defendant, did not answer. Perhaps he is under pressure. Anna has a feeling that fate itself over it just laughs ...

Anna appeals to Russian compatriots and fellow Russian people:

"Please help:

Need assistance, qualified lawyer to protect and the means to pay.




Or through money transfer system "Golden Crown"

Gold Crown Gold Crown - Money Transfers

Information center: 8 800 200 7075 (free of charge, around the clock). "

"Golden Crown" works in any point of cellular communication, and is a more reliable way to send money than WEB- money. In Ukraine problematic, time consuming and expensive interest to get money from cash purse.

SBU is still working, because your phone number and name, required for the "Golden Crown", Anna will give a personal message. Please - inform your city from which you want to transfer the amount. Upon receipt of the transfer for some reason need to call the city. A knowledge of the amount needed for a bunch of concrete translation of the town.

E-mail Anna: romashka_anna777@mail.ru
Phone Anna can be found by writing to her via e-mail

Our main goal:

New Russia should include Pevruhina Sergei (Sergei Korneev blogger) in the list for the exchange of prisoners of war.

I ask all on whom the solution to this problem, help!

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


How many guerrilla groups in Kharkov - is not precisely known, but the SBU reported that there are at least a dozen. And if they are active in Kharkov and other cities in the South-East of Ukraine still quiet, then it's not for long. Guerrilla movement will grow. People will not touch, touch their partisans will not. Beats point - draft boards, hospitals with "heroes ATO", railways, factories.

According to the Ukrainian security services, the organization's leadership lives in the Russian city of Belgorod, but the backbone of the strike group consists of Kharkov "antimaydanovtsev." In SBU believe that in Kharkov are about 10 sabotage groups.

Yuri Paliychuk, political expert: "acts of sabotage in Kharkov have a feature. They are not directed against the people, they are directed against infrastructure, so - against the state. This means that the purpose of these acts of sabotage - not so much to spread panic, because for this would be enough to organize another explosion in public transport, how much effort dissatisfaction with the actions of government. "

The current week in Kharkov started with another explosion.

November 24 , on Monday, late in the evening at a military unit in the street Poltava Way (exit at Kiev, 10 minutes from downtown by car) detonated an explosive charge. Fortunately, no one was hurt. But in the fence of a military unit formed two-foot hole in the surrounding houses povybivalo glass. Security forces opened criminal proceedings under article 194 - intentional destruction of or damage to property. This explosion was the last (so far last) in a whole series of explosions in the first capital of Ukraine.

21 November. The explosion at the railway station "Base" near the entrance to the tank farm. According to Kharkiv Governor Igor Balut, the explosion occurred over the tank with fuel. "According to witnesses, employees of the plant, an explosion was heard over the tank with fuel and lubricants", - said Balut.

November 20 . At the military hospital on the street Trinklera (city center) and an explosion. The incident occurred about 18 hours, power substation exploded, which supplies energy to the hospital. Affected again not in the surrounding buildings povyletali glass. After the incident, the protection of the hospital, which treated Ukrainian soldiers wounded in the zone "ATO" intensified. Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko said: "If the explosion was the work of human hands, it turns out that today the experts, it is possible to estimate the explosion as act of sabotage aimed at intimidating and destabilizing the residents of Kharkov, as well as to create a tense atmosphere at the convalescent soldiers and officers, "- he said. However, today there is only opened criminal proceedings under "destruction of property."

November 9th. In the rock-pub "The Wall", which is a gathering place for fighters right quadrant, in the city center, on the infamous street Rymarska (in April here skirmish with the participation of right-wing elements, which killed several of Kharkiv), an explosion occurred as a result of injured 13 people.

In the Security Service of Ukraine stated that the commission at least explosion in "The Wall" suspected members of the group "Kharkov guerrillas." "The members of the organization involved in the commission of the known 12 terrorist and subversive acts, including such as the explosion of electricity towers near pos.Bezlyudovka Kharkov region, an armed attack on Lozovsky draft board and an explosion in a rock pub" The Wall ".", - Said the regional prosecutor Yuri Danilchenko.

Based on materials from the Internet media prepared

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia

Army of Ukraine receives direct financial assistance from Washington. This is evidenced by the documents that participants managed to intercept the hacker group "CyberBerkut." This photos of secret directives signed by the first persons of the United States. Judging by the leak, the White House has financed Ukrainian military, bypassing official organizations - funds goes directly to the commanders. However, from the United States came not only money.

Ukrainian military did not get used to line up on the parade ground to the sound of the American national anthem. Now they can get even deadly American weapons. This sure hackers from the group "Berkut", which, according to their statement, managed to crack the mobile device of one of the members of the delegation, Vice-President of the United States. Biden visited a few days ago Kiev and the Ukrainian authorities, no doubt, "CyberBerkut" handed him a list of their requests.

400 units of sniper rifles, assault rifles in 2000, 720 hand grenade launchers, mortars, and nearly 200 more than 70 000 min. And this is just the easiest weapon that Kiev is going to get from Washington.

According to "CyberBerkut" in the list and even more formidable weapons. American portable anti-aircraft missile system "Stinger": very light and easy to use, the shot can be done by one person. From a distance of 5 kilometers, he can attack any aircraft, located at an altitude of 4 km. And these devices Kiev ordered 150 pieces for themselves. What are going to shoot down planes Ukrainian military? After all armed militias in aviation is not.

The complex anti-tank missile javelin, translated as "dart" - another order of Kiev. Is also very effective and dangerous weapons - from it can shoot armored vehicles, bunkers, pillboxes, helicopters, drones. Ordered 80 systems and 430 missiles for them. 280 armored vehicles with heavy duty mine-protected. List of deadly weapons that Kiev is going to get from the United States, has 16 points.

"All this is nothing but pouring gasoline on the fire Ukrainian conflict - says military expert, chief editor of" National Defense "Igor Korotchenko. - Of course, this tip of the iceberg, because the parallel US actively promote the delivery to Ukraine of heavy weapons from the the former Warsaw Pact. "

In the disclosed materials can be seen and the documents signed by the Secretary of State Kerri and even President Obama. "Highlight of $ 5 million to the Department of Military Training for immediate military assistance to the Government of Ukraine and $ 20 million in non-lethal support," - said in them.

On the supply of non-lethal, weapons were known before. But now, according to the released documents, the parties are discussing the purchase of a deadly weapon. Moreover, the amount of financial support for Ukraine will increase by several times. Files hacked "CyberBerkut" show: Kiev may be listed more than $ 137 million for the purchase of a variety of weapons.

Ukrainian military, concludes "CyberBerkut" already become a de facto subordinate Pentagon. Even the conduct of joint Ukrainian-American exercises "Rapid Trident" was paid for by the United States. At the elementary costs, such as travel and travel, Ukraine has no money.

Command of the naval forces of Ukraine requests financial support for participation in the exercises - per diem for 24 people: 17 days = 534 480 hryvnia 1310 hryvnia. Transportation between Odessa and Lviv: 24 people 600 hryvnia = 14,400 hryvnia. Total: 548,280 hryvnia. Please send the money to the card account Denis Stupak ... "Money is somehow asking to translate into personal accounts. Trying zakumuflirovat transfers or attempt to earn extra money?

US military in Ukraine greeted as honored guests. Those American weapons that can be delivered to Ukraine, had previously been crammed with Afghanistan, Angola, Iraq and Syria.

Source: BBC News
Central News Agency Novorossia

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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

"Thanks to Peter Poroshenko for the war!"

Just so you can understand what happened a few hours ago. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, created after the devastating Second World War to prevent further military clashes, the manifestations of Nazism, fascism and intolerance, addressed to the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with ... Thanks to the continuous, ongoing efforts for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the south-eastern Ukraine.

Such hypocrisy is not even dreamed of American and Baltic leaders. After all, on the orders of Poroshenko and began a military operation, during which already killed about 5,000 and injured more than 10,000 civilians in the region. And this despite the fact that the Minsk agreement according to the secretary general "open a clear path to the world, and their implementation is essential." In the meantime, on the implementation of commitments to speak early. For the last day of shelling by the APU has suffered a few dozen people, some of the buildings destroyed, damaged gas and water lines.

As the press service of the UN, during a telephone conversation, Ban Ki-moon also promised that the visit Kyiv Deputy for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman.

At least now we know that Ban Ki-moon said the destruction of civilian peace settlement.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Photo: Konstantin Grishin / EPA / TASS

At Donetsk from Kharkov is the largest colony of Ukrainian security officials accompanied by Mi-24 helicopters, according to reports militia Novorossia citing eyewitnesses. The column was past slavic. One of the helicopters escort turned aside Raisins, the second moves over the column, reports "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

Meanwhile, the militia report of tank battles in Donetsk. So, the battle with tanks and anti-tank guided missiles in the area is the 21st of mine. Another tank battle took place in the Petrovsky district.
There are also reports that the attack on the airport Ukrainian security forces managed to destroy the militia Ukrainian tanks and APCs. In addition, during the battle Ukrainian artillery mistakenly fired at the airport building, which were also Ukrainian soldiers. As a result, the building caught fire.

Meanwhile in Donetsk launched an operation to identify the saboteurs involved in the commission of terrorist acts.

From mid-April Kiev authorities carried out in the East of Ukraine "special operation" to suppress the protest movement in the Donbass. Security officials are actively using heavy artillery and combat aircraft. Reported numerous civilian casualties and destruction of homes and infrastructure.

Based on materials from the Internet media

Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Another Russian convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for citizens in eastern Ukraine has departed from Noginsk, near Moscow, for southern Russia’s Rostov Region, a Russian Emergencies Ministry official said on Thursday.

“This morning, around 60 trucks left Noginsk, in Moscow Region, for Rostov Region. They carry glass, roofing materials, as well as sugar, canned goods for the Donbass citizens,” said Oleg Voronov, a deputy head of the ministry’s National Crisis Management Center.

Over the past several days the trucks loaded with cargo have been heading to Rostov Region where a joint convoy is to be formed to deliver humanitarian aid to the affected areas of Donbass, Voronov said.

Russian Deputy Emergencies Minister Vladimir Stepanov told journalists earlier this week that the eighth convoy is expected to deliver 1,000 tons of cargo on November 30.

Since mid-August through mid-November, seven Russian convoys delivered more than 8,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Luhansk. The cargo consisted of food, bottled water, bed linen, electric stations, water filtering stations, medicines and fuel.

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In today turned once freedom-loving United States?

Third of a century ago, the American actor-president called the USSR an "evil empire." And for what? For the fact that the Union then banished dissent, sent some of them in the "loony bin"? So it was these "dissidents" not more than a thousand on the sixth of the land. Or for the fact that the troops entered Afghanistan? By today's standards these "crimes" are not worth a jigger ...

This "evil empire" from the date of disembarkation of the Anglo-Saxons in New England - America. Nor could it be otherwise in a country formed as a result of the genocide of the indigenous population. Nowhere, except in North America, European colonization did not pass by the total extermination of the natives. Any Yankees, admiring the sunset somewhere in Miami, must remember that luxuriates on the bones of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (if Florida - Seminole on the bones).

Capturing the territory of the United States today, herded the pitiful remnants of the Indians in the first concentration camps in World History (reservation), the Americans were almost a year and wage wars of conquest throughout the world. The whole planet is covered by a network of military bases, all of it is the sphere of their "vital interests", and now even its president (not African-American - a descendant of slaves, and the son of a Jewish strippers and threw her with a baby Kenyan student), especially unashamedly declares that America should rule the world. Such statements anyone you do not like?

An excuse, as always for America - the protection of "democracy". Someone has calculated how many millions "otdemokratizirovannyh" corpses left behind States in Latin America, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine? A civilians killed Yankees Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, destroyed American puppets Arab and Donetsk cities and towns? Than they were guilty before Uncle Sam? "Democracy" is not to be? It's that - a crime? Who judge them? What guilty before cannibalistic shot by western power, udushёnnye gas and burnt alive unarmed supporters of federalization of Ukraine and the second state language in Odessa? Even under Ukrainian law their demands referendum on these issues - not a crime. And the death penalty, like, canceled ...

Now, dear reader (doubly respected because he reached the these lines), let's try to ignore the fact that we daily broadcasts zomboyaschik and independently comment on the fact that sometimes we see on television. Conclusions every man for himself does. After all, you can always improve commentator in the right direction (or change) a picture that does not always work (though technology on the site are not). The paradox - we often believe what the speaker says, not what we see on the screen simultaneously.

The most obvious example - events "11.09.01". See - the plane without windows hit the tower Trade Center (speaker - a passenger plane). See - the effects of explosions at the Pentagon and in the woods without debris and corpses (speaker - it crashed passenger planes). See - a few hours after the collapse of the towers collapsing skyscraper third (announcer - Jets are the consequences of attacks on the towers). See - steel support towers "cut" directed explosions (announcer - support the melt). See - from aircraft to ram the tower, leaving only ashes, photos terrorists who hijacked the plane, the passport of their leader, allegedly survived in the ash. Later we learn that one-third of these "terrorists" are still alive (announcer here really have nothing to say). See the guy with the beard (beard - the only thing that is in it similar to Bin Laden), broadcasting, it is Bin Laden and his "Al-Qaeda" attacked the New York skyscrapers. Speakers excitedly repeating his words and concludes that in the United States need to severely limit civil liberties to fight terrorism, including to abandon the secrecy of correspondence and conversations. Well, of course, need to attack Afghanistan, where bin Laden is hiding with "al-Qaeda", and grab without trial around the world people only suspected of "terrorism", keep them indefinitely in secret prisons.

The result is obvious - the US is now in the lead among the "police" of the world. Privacy destroyed not only in the United States, but everywhere. The Yankees have a constant excuse for military intervention in the Middle East, an opportunity missed without trial not only its citizens but also foreigners all over the planet to do with them anything! That's how the "free world"! Yes, neither Stalin nor Mao of such "freedom" and could not dream !!!

Or out philistine, even if seen as Kiev demonstrators were beaten and burned police still believe the speaker said that these demonstrators "peaceful". And now believes that the militia Donbass destroy themselves under their control settlements of all types of weapons (including the forbidden). Amazing - a simple question: "Why do I need to convert militia Donbass a scorched desert, killing their loved ones?" In otzombirovannyh brains do not even arise. Yes, even seeing that on the streets strewn wreckage missiles "Tochka U" (whom he has never had the militia), brainwashed everyman (fit to introduce a new term - "obolbyvatel") this obvious fact does not negate vnushёnnoe his conviction of guilt "separatist terrorists" in thousands of civilian deaths Donbass.

Manipulation of the mass consciousness - a very popular now a sphere, it employs crowd PR, "media people" scouts counterintelligence, agents of influence and so on. and so on. Recall, for example, the NATO aggression in Libya. First - the picture of the protesters: "the people rose against the dictator." Then - a picture of some obscure militants in the wilderness, "the people took up arms." Then - the picture being killed Gaddafi: "the people dealt with the dictator." But behind the scenes there are NATO aircraft and special forces. Behind the scenes is a direct correlation ads Gaddafi to replace the dollar "gold dinar" and started a "revolution".

In Egypt, began to disperse a student demonstration. The same scenario in Ukraine (even printed instructions protesters, one to one, only different languages). Janek slowed down a bit with the "European integration" - Western agents of influence (the same as the head of his administration Zionist Liovochkin) organize on camera crackdown does not hinder anybody student rally. And then any assignment of authority and any excuse used for the next escalation. For example, the majority of deputies in the parliament not physically give the press a button. They vote hands (it is not prohibited) the so-called "Draconian laws". And that is in them "draconian"? Budget "draconian"? Or ban rallies in helmets and face covered? So in all of "democracy" so and so today in Ukraine de facto. Or "draconian" - the requirement to disclose the legal entities of foreign sources of funding? And it is almost everywhere in the world ...

The main thing - to drum into their heads that the deputies something there or not is not voted, and incite the crowd. And in most of the crowd is really peaceful demonstrators are gradually being replaced in good time trained fighters who beat to start and set fire to police, then shoot them. Then snipers shooting and the police and demonstrators (A recent study - Canadian of Ukrainian origin Ivan Kachanovskii convincing and reasonable, based on hundreds of documents, proving that the shooting of "hundreds of Heaven" and "Golden Eagle" - the work of the organizers Euromaidan).

Most interesting is that no one has it all by themselves, and does not contest - "winners are not judged." The same the next Zionist Pashinsky (after winning Euromaidan - acting head of the presidential administration) caught on the Maidan with a sniper rifle in a network of European officials laid talks about snipers Maidan - no conclusions. Who stood and stands behind all these "evromaydaunov"? It's no secret (hide not possible) - "Fashington." In a network the same negotiations with the Europeans Americans about the alignment of people in the new Ukrainian government. Who pays the "music" orders. That's how "Ukrainian national revolution dignity" - the US right through the Zionists (or vice versa). Bloody "laugh or cry." In this way, by the banal coup States got another "banana" colony, a native whose administration and peep suprotiv host afraid.

Why fear the US? The world for over 10 years "eats" primitive legends about four attack aircraft captured by Arab terrorists. Or someone seriously troubled multimillion bombing Iraq aggression against tens of thousands of victims? Well, did not find any "weapons of mass destruction," Well, it was not, it appears, at least some reason for military intervention, and even without a UN mandate. The same UN "Keeping Mum". It is in fact the same States generally and is contained therein and is the same. In addition, any international official change - "trifling" case. Recall head of the IMF accused of sexual harassment hotel maid. It soon became clear that all these accusations - linden clean water. But in the chair of the main financial institution of globalization was "own" for the world's rulers, in all obedient to them "pop." A majority of countries object to America - a more expensive, and look fly "democratizers" liberate. The fact that many thousands of "free" from life itself - it does not matter. "Chop wood - chips fly" ...

Or out in the Ukraine-US lackeys dropout "Boeing" shot down, tried to put the blame on "separatists". Well, did not work - ah-ah-ah, no problem! Negotiations which sent a crew to the usual route to the zone of fighting, "pinched" pictures from space, proving support combat aircraft airliner - ignored evidence-unmasked fakes negotiations militia (prepared in advance - for the time immediately after the occurrence of the disaster) - forgotten (and in fact "thief in the cap off"). In general, world gendarme months can gloss over the death of three hundred passengers - "no harm in trying," there are failures and our "leader of progressive humanity", and in fact - of this evil empire!

At the same time some revelations Snowden are worth !!! Yes, a real "free world" should put a monument to him for disclosing indiscriminate global total espionage United States, including spying on its allies and their leaders. After all, America has destroyed the right to privacy of all people on the planet! The planet is controlled by customers all-embracing surveillance, silent ... Can you imagine what the world's howl rose would be if in something like that (or a similar American intervention in the Ukrainian case) caught Russia? And imagine - something like Ukrainian Russian coup would suit somewhere in Mexico, dropping legitimate president and unleashing the borders of the US war in passing surrounding these US military bases under the pretext of fighting for freedom. How do you like this script? Or "what is necessary to Jupiter is not allowed a bull?" If so, recognize that there is no international law no longer exists, and the world is ruled American brute force. For this malevolent force - military power - and "love" American "goats" allies, neighbors and all other who hamstring before the "beacon of the free world" shaking. And it turns out just right pereinachenny saying "America is evil - and fall in love with a goat."

Do you still think the US "bulwark of democracy", a country to which the present rulers of human life, no matter whose, and where (remember American casualties 11.09.01) that mean something? Or maybe it will name at least one country, the US aggression in which the last half century (successful South Korea with anecdotal North - This term does not fit, besides there are no rules without exceptions) brought democracy (in the sense narodopraviya, not split on warring groups) and wealth? Sorry, but I honestly think if you sick person. It's not your fault. Wonder whether States are spending billions on propaganda and psychotropic weapons? Where billions ask? Al difficult paper to print on any needs and whims? Due to its evil force - unparalleled military machine - States and make the world work for themselves for the virtual fiat money. If the world economy will move from the dollar to other storage means (for example, the gold that dares lately implement Russia), America is like death.

This brings us to the answer to the question of why US Ukraine, and the overthrow of Yanukovych Euromaidan (among others "exploits for the glory of democracy"). Neither Ukraine nor the more Yanukovych as such rulers United States (and the West) are not interesting. The same Janek with his entire psevdopartiey embezzlers proclaimed "evrokurs" and went to the same notorious "European integration". The same North Africa for decades "evrointegrirovana", but good? Yes, even new full members of the EU, Romania and Bulgaria lost in it industry and youth unemployment drapanuvshey from home to the West rotten. And the situation in Ukraine was like Libya. There, too, the governor finally lay beneath the West, even the French presidency Sarkozy financed. Here are just dreaming about the "gold dinar" for Africa instead of paper dollars. The punishment followed immediately, the same France mercenaries sent. A picture "perturbed people" extras provided. After such "color revolutions", explicit or implicit intervention west rage, bleed, crumble. Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Georgia, Syria ... now Ukraine.

So Ukraine a US Why? It's no longer a secret that almost all the wealth of America - virtual and paper dollars, performing the role of world currency (yes, there's Silicon Valley and other scientific achievements, but they are a tenth of Americans are not able to provide the current level of life). That is not so easy States during its short history managed to keep most of all wars - the wars and financial speculation Bilderberg (including the ancestors of centuries of its members) consolidated the "buck" unconditional and unequivocal world leadership in its utter insecurity. That is, the "buck" is by no means assured stagnant North American economy with a fantastic public debt, and related corporate globalized world economy.

Ukraine - only part of the (far from home) American campaign against Russia. Much more important (but often hidden) events take place in the race nainoveyshih arms, intelligence, diplomatic "battle" for the Allied war sanctions and restrictions in the economy and other areas. For example, States, risking their Arab allies, and its oil and gas production industries are forced to lower the world price of oil. Russia's response is adequate brilliantly - she buys desheveyuschey with "black gold" ordinary gold and gold equivalent even win ...

The emergence of another world units of account (the main thing - money savings) for the US economy fatal (again remember the "gold dinar" Gaddafi and his public, deliberately cruel to frighten death). At the same time the actual appearance of such currency is not far off. BRICS countries have openly planned in the near future, such a move. And who is there so brave? Brazil, India, South Africa? Yes no. Still, the main opponents of the unipolar world and its monobumazhek - China and Russia.

Well, as long as the US, China is better not to touch - he virtual "bucks" scored instead of their real goods produced in North America (remember, my friend - Long distance from the United States, which carries across the Canadian border goods back and forth, and then all the products «Made in China »). China needs a lot of dollar gradually later, if quickly begins to get rid of, Pohorje with America bankrupt.

But in the Russian president openly calls throws, do not like him, you see, "unipolar world." What kind of country do so, in silence prevents money do? Poverty, necessity is erratic, and lo-ka - rock the boat. Almost no economy - well, that in the 90s our guys Democrats have taken away almost everything. It is a pity, however, that all hydrocarbons do not have time to deflate. Do not worry - in the land of deserts enough for pumping shale gas and not enough - the desert and can be done anywhere under the Slavic ...

For Ukraine will be followed by Western plans, Russia. Believe that emboldened Russia, forgot seen the collapse of the West learned the USSR and Yugoslavia. The same destiny and she prepared for the "free world." The next goal - China against him their plans are developed. Russia so far failed to break up from the inside - "heir Yeltsin" took so unexpectedly "dermokraty" strengthened the power vertical, Caucasian separatists almost isolated from the people and external support, Marsh publicly exposed as a "fifth column", and ratings on a level of statistical error ...

Need a different scenario. Destruction from the outside. And who better for it suitable as no neighbor Russia, another Russia - Ukraine. That there is no Kuchma wrote, in the West, our country not much different, and, by and large, this is true. However, the American scenario creation of Ukraine as an alternative, another Russian to break the "big Russia" came upon the nascent movement in the crucible of war, a new people - Novorossia. Movement building another new anti-Western Russia - New Russia ...

Constantine Odessa,
Central News Agency Novorossia

MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Russia’s Investigations Committee has opened criminal cases over the death of civilians in artillery shelling in Donbass and an attack on Russian woman journalist in Kiev, the Committee’s Spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Thursday.

“The Russian Investigations Committee opened a criminal case on charges of killing two or more persons and the use of prohibited means and methods of war over the artillery shelling of a hospital and two residential houses in Donetsk that killed a woman and a ten-year-old child,” he said.

Markin said that another criminal case had been opened - over an attack on a woman journalist from Russia’s LifeNews television channel, Yevgenia Zmanovskaya, that had taken place in Kiev on Wednesday.

Investigators say she was attacked in the evening on November 26 by Ukrainian journalists and football fans. She was taken to hospital on Thursday with a head injury.

DONETSK, November 27. /TASS/. Another exchange of prisoners of war took place on Thursday between self-defence forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Ukrainian authorities, a spokesman for the DPR committee for the affairs of prisoners of war and refugees told TASS.

“They released six militias. We released to the Ukrainian side six Ukrainian servicemen. One of them had gastric ulcer,” the spokesman said
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Photo: Reuters

Ukrainian military fired mortars passenger bus, who was at the checkpoint near the village of Lugansk (LC). Two people were killed and 14 were injured, deputy chief of the militia of the Republic Vitaly Kiselev.

"When checking the documents of bus passengers at a roadblock near the village of Lugansk vehicle was subjected to mortar fire from the Ukrainian security services. As a result of direct exposure to mine one passenger was killed and seriously injured received eight civilians. One soldier was also killed in the army LC, carry out inspections of documents ", - quotes TASS.

According to Kiselyov, among militias LC and six wounded. "Two mines exploded at a checkpoint after the arrival of the medical emergency," - he added.
Earlier on Thursday, Ukrainian security officials reported 36 fire attack on the militia for the day. In turn, the militia announced the deaths of 13 people per night in the Donbass.

Also, according to them, the 10 multiple rocket launchers "Hurricane" Ukrainian security forces arrived at the village of mining (51 km west of Donetsk).

On the eve reported that on the line of confrontation Ukrainian security forces and militia situation worsened. This was stated by Secretary of the Security Council DNR Alexander Khodakovsky. In particular, he said, did not subside fighting for the airport in Donetsk.

Assessment Hodakovskogo, "the reason is that, according to Ming agreements Ukrainian armed forces had to leave the airport and depart to the village Otradnoe (a suburb of Donetsk), 15 kilometers outside the airport." However, this was not done.

On assurances Hodakovskogo, all mutual violations of the regime of silence at the meeting dealt with the Tripartite Commission with the participation of Ukrainian, Russian and DNRovskih military in Debaltseve.

On Wednesday, the militia Novorossia reports citing eyewitnesses reported that Donetsk from Kharkov is the largest colony of Ukrainian security forces accompanied by Mi-24 helicopters.

Meanwhile in Donetsk launched an operation to identify the saboteurs involved in the commission of terrorist acts.

From mid-April Kiev authorities carried out in the East of Ukraine "special operation" to suppress the protest movement in the Donbass. Security officials are actively using heavy artillery and combat aircraft. Reported numerous civilian casualties and destruction of homes and infrastructure.

Based on materials from the Internet Media

Alexander Ross
Central News Agency Novorossia


Summaries of hostilities by militias on the morning of New Russia 28.11.2014g.

According to militia day passed in bloody battles for Avdiyivka and Yasinovataya.

Militias claim that they managed to destroy two armored personnel carriers, 1 tank, ammunition and 25 military personnel in Ukraine.

In Kuteynikova (Amvrosievsky district) after the attack rebels surrendered 94 natsgvardeytsa.

Thieves (Starobeshevskiy district) - a swift attack militia uncovered large cluster of enemy forces, destroyed 11 armored vehicles, for loss of personnel data are not available.

Amvrosiyivka - Ukrainian military positions are in full ring.

Ilovaysk - completely under the control of the DNI. Tank attack was made in the direction Mospino.

Starobeshevo - after fierce fighting on the eve of the morning on August 28 militia forces voluntarily surrendered 129 military.

In Krasnogorovka (Maryinsky district) destroyed four MLRS "Grad" together with the calculations, 2 tanks and two BMP.

Novoazovsk - tanks militia entered the city and established themselves on the western outskirts. At the headquarters of the militia reported that the border between Russia and the DNI under the control of militia forces along the entire length, on individual parts of the border still are fighting.

Yenakievo - again subjected to mortar attacks Metallurgical Plant.

28.11.14. Evening Post News militia of New Russia.
"Continuing attacks fascists settlements Novorossia units and positions militia. Recorded at least eleven cases of violation of Ukrainian fascists ceasefire:

by settlements Sands and experienced artillery and mortars were fired residential neighborhoods located in the north-eastern outskirts of Donetsk. Fire strikes at 11.30, 12.20, 12.50, 13.30 and 14.40. Losses are specified;

to 09.40 at 12.40 and 13.10 from Avdeyevka made shelling Kiev region of Donetsk. Intense fire undergone vicinity of the mine "October". Damaged eight houses and building of the city hospital number 43;

14.05 in Bandera were fired artillery positions of the national militia in a suburban neighborhood Spartak. Killed two defenders Donbass;

at 14.15 from Makarovo has suffered fire attack on a railway bridge in Stanichno Luhansk;

at 14.40 mortars shelled town waterfront ".
28.11.14. 00:05. Highlights from the 1st Brigade Army of New Russia.
Donetsk People's Republic

"Donetsk - punishers morning began with the shelling of the MLRS" Grad "from the direction of the Kiev region n.p.Avdeevka, Kuibyshev district (mine the" October mine ") and the airport from the direction n.p.Opytnoe and sand. In the area of ​​MLRS dinner "Grad" Avenging artillery struck a powerful blow to the Kuibyshev district and PGT "Nitrogen" (suffered Hospital and School, 2 civilians killed, 6 injured). It also reported that in the Petrovsky district in the anti-tank mine exploded car PJSC "Donetskgorgas" (5 injured civilians).


Avdiyivka - in the city there are fights, but punitive artillery positions are strong and continue to conduct attacks in Donetsk.
Horlovks - night city again came under fire artillery punitive, are destroying homes, for as long as the victims are no updates.
Maryinsky district - has increased tensions in the area n.p.Novomihaylovka, Krasnogorovka, Glorious and birch. Punishers, who occupied these villages have reported shelling of their positions.

Other communities

Dzerzhinsk - near PGT noise under mortar attack hit OSCE observers (no injuries)
Debaltseve - pravdorub Tymchuk reported at least about 19 shelling positions ukrovermahta in this direction.
Kirov - night punishers again made a mortar attack on the city from the direction n.p.Maloorlovka
Amvrosievsky area - the National Security Council reports about the shelling of its positions in the area n.p.Poltavskoe-propelled grenades and small arms (probably the result of DRG militia).
Novoazovs'k area - said the attack on the stronghold near natsgadov n.p.Kalinovka (transient battle).
Telmanovskiy district - in the morning punishers were shelling out SAU n.p.Zamozhnoe with directions PGT Sartana (Mariupol). The militia also fired twice stronghold ukrovermahta near n.p.Granitnoe mortars and small arms.
Mining District - positional battles and artdueli in n.p.Nikishino continue: at midnight from the direction n.p.Kamenka punishers attacked the positions of the ACS militia. Artillery militia, in turn, produced and mortar shelling strongholds near the settlement ukrovermahta Maloorlovka, Orlov-Ivanovka and Kamenka and led fire on the natsgadam that are deployed in parts controlled by them n.p.Nikishino.
Yasinovatskiy area - powerful intelligence ukrovermahta could see the completion of militia forces of 600 kadyrospetsnazoseparatistov with small arms in the region n.p.Yasinovataya. NSDC also reports a repeated shelling of its positions in n.p.Opytnoe Merry, Novokalinovo and PGT Sands. The militia also reported that in the area n.p.Opytnoe are already fighting - apparently retaliatory artillery and try to squeeze out of here.

Lugansk People's Republic

Lugansk - here too natsgady scouts are on the alert (note 24 ACS consisting of two cannon artillery battalions, one will go to n.p.Alchevsk, another - in n.p.Stanitsa Lugansk). Fire from howitzers
Kirov - night punishers again fired long-suffering city, killed two civilians.
Lisicansk - reported on the activity of DRG militias, leading harassing fire on positions ukrovermahta.
Happiness - the militia of MLRS "Grad" and mortars fired ukrovermaht, entrenched in the Lugansk TPP.
Novoaydarsky area - the tense situation in the area n.p.Krymskoe: National Security Council reported that the strong point ukrovermahta located on the track "Bahmutka" near the village was shelled by militias of MLRS "Grad". The militia also reported that during the night punishers fired mortar shelling of residential areas of the village, bringing wounded three civilians. During the fighting also killed four militiamen.
Popasnjansky area - during the day of the militia artillery and mortars SAU inflicted a series of attacks on positions in ukrovermahta n.p.Popasnaya (suburbs), Chernukhin, Golden, Highland. In turn ukrovermaht today made a shot in the firing CTI n.p.Chernuhino (4 prisoners escaped). Punishers is made shelling residential areas of the settlements Popasnaya with directions n.p.Pervomaysk (3 wounded civilians).

Slavyanoserbsky district - the tension on the track "Bahmutka" does not subside, shelling license checkpoints are conducted (especially those near and n.p.Frunze Trehizbenka), but global change no combat situation, the status quo is maintained. Moreover, the punishers even manage to bring up their supplies units.
Stanichno Luhansk region - at night the militia of MLRS "Grad" attacked positions in the area of ​​punitive n.p.Makarovo (damaged warehouse BP). Also fortifications ukrovermahta fired mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms near n.p.Verhnyaya Alder, alder and Predelskoe. Away from the most Villages Lugansk neighbors are fighting, the city is subjected to mortar attacks retaliatory artillery (4 wounded civilians).

Occupied territory

Kramators'k - locals report on the operation near the town of at least three field crematorium (2 between Slavic and Kramatorsk in the field, 1 in the terminal area). "
28.11.14. Posted by Intelligence DNI.
"Ukrainian occupiers continued improvement of the defensive positions of troops (including the installation of minefields), training of personnel and artillery positions for combat operations in the winter, as well as building an active strike force in all directions.

According to the Army Intelligence DNI from the village to the village of Great Novoselka Shahterske (51 km west of Donetsk) arrived ten units fighting vehicles MLRS "Hurricane".

According to intelligence reports on the w / d station Kupyansk sites (90 km south-east of Kharkov) came composition with armored vehicles (up to 20 infantry fighting vehicles), as well as a column of automotive technology (30 units).

According to local residents came Kurakhovo unit of more than four hundred men, reinforced by two tank companies of forty armored personnel carriers.

According to the November 27 occupants continue to increase shock group at Donetsk direction:

in Novogrodovka (35 km north-west of Donetsk) transferred battalion tactical groups of up to three hundred people, reinforced by two tank companies of and mortar battery;

Svatovo relocated in Division MLRS BM-21 "Grad" (9 units). Emplacements placed between the administrative body of "Gorgaza" warehouse and chemical fertilizers. Provides protection specifically bounced National Guard under division, numbering about 100 people. "
27.11.14 Statement Hodakovskogo: We miss the "humanitarian aid" to the airport in Donetsk, do not want to starve Ukrainian soldiers hunger.
Security Council Secretary Alexander DNR Khodakovsky during a press conference said that the militias passed Ukrainian military humanitarian assistance at the airport in Donetsk.
"We miss the food and humanitarian assistance in Donetsk airport. Underway examination of this aid for the presence of ammunition. We do not want to starve Ukrainian soldiers hunger and organize genocide.
In the last two days trying to break the Ukrainian military airport. Today tried to pull one tank, but was destroyed.
In Donetsk airport has ideological enemies and conventional military personnel who are just following orders. We try to reduce the violence. We have the means to destroy them, but do not want to deprive them of life. If the airport they will sit and say nothing, then let it sit "- quoted Hodakovskogo correspondent of" Russian dialogue. "

PS In other words, "We miss the Nazis, killing every day Donetsk, humanitarian aid, in order not to starve them."

Please publicity!
28.11.14. Posted by blogger.
"Pan Lysenko rejoices that LDNR bad and does not understand that Ukraine has thus itself a disservice. Dozens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Donetsk residents will be forced to emigrate to the" Ukraine "to receive social benefits and thus make ends meet. This will simultaneously remove the tension in the Donbas and increase it in Ukraine. Who won?
I'll tell you one case of life.
Summer to Sumy arrived first "refugees" from Lugansk. Priehli only women and children. They were placed, brought food, etc. Take the owner and ask the child: where's your dad? Child with childlike replied: "A war with Dad Bandera." Dumb. "
28.11.14. Posted by a resident of Donetsk:
"Ukry fired Gorlovka on the street. Builders (prim.obstrel November 27), the two high-rise buildings. A man lost his leg, did not get to the hospital died. Just hit a pregnant woman and her children (girls 5 and 7 years). All in fragments, but alive thank God. Man this girl with her third child (son) were in another room, so did not suffer. The family was left homeless. The apartment is on the 9th floor completely bombed. My husband and son are temporarily stay with friends, his wife and their daughters until the left in pediatric surgery. Now with local trying to help this family. Do not they have anything left. "

Based on materials from the Internet media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. Ukraine has begun recalling soldiers from leave, and military buildup in the conflict zone is continuing, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andrey Kelin has said.

In a statement published on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website following Thursday’s session of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, Kelin said shelling in eastern Ukraines continues despite the ceasefire deal reached at talks in Minsk in September.

“Ukraine’s security forces continue attacking residential areas,” Kelin said, adding that on November 25, a shell hit a minibus near Donetsk, killing two people and injuring eight others.

The Russian diplomat praised the work of the OSCE mission in Ukraine, and said Russia also contributes to the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements.

“Our military specialists invited by the Ukrainian side are working to define the contact line. They perform an important task to assist the effort to define the demarcation line on the ground and the schedule for military hardware withdrawal,” he said.

“These are priority measures that are necessary to bring an end to the shelling of Donbass cities, the deaths of civilians and destruction of infrastructure,” Kelin said.

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Summaries of hostilities by militias Novorossia morning November 28, 2014.

Evening Post News militia of New Russia.

"Continuing attacks fascists settlements Novorossia units and positions militia. Recorded at least eleven cases of violation of Ukrainian fascists ceasefire:

by settlements Sands and experienced artillery and mortars were fired residential neighborhoods located in the north-eastern outskirts of Donetsk. Fire strikes at 11.30, 12.20, 12.50, 13.30 and 14.40. Losses are specified;

to 09.40 at 12.40 and 13.10 from Avdeyevka made shelling Kiev region of Donetsk. Intense fire undergone vicinity of the mine "October". Damaged eight houses and building of the city hospital number 43;

14.05 in Bandera were fired artillery positions of the national militia in a suburban neighborhood Spartak. Killed two defenders Donbass;

at 14.15 from Makarovo has suffered fire attack on a railway bridge in Stanichno Luhansk;

at 14.40 mortars shelled town waterfront ".
28.11.14. 00:05. Highlights from the 1st Brigade Army of New Russia.
Donetsk People's Republic

"Donetsk - punishers morning began with the shelling of the MLRS" Grad "from the direction of the Kiev region n.p.Avdeevka, Kuibyshev district (mine the" October mine ") and the airport from the direction n.p.Opytnoe and sand. In the area of ​​MLRS dinner "Grad" Avenging artillery struck a powerful blow to the Kuibyshev district and PGT "Nitrogen" (suffered Hospital and School, 2 civilians killed, 6 injured). It also reported that in the Petrovsky district in the anti-tank mine exploded car PJSC "Donetskgorgas" (5 injured civilians).


Avdiyivka - in the city there are fights, but punitive artillery positions are strong and continue to conduct attacks in Donetsk.
Horlovks - night city again came under fire artillery punitive, are destroying homes, for as long as the victims are no updates.
Maryinsky district - has increased tensions in the area n.p.Novomihaylovka, Krasnogorovka, Glorious and birch. Punishers, who occupied these villages have reported shelling of their positions.

Other communities

Dzerzhinsk - near PGT noise under mortar attack hit OSCE observers (no injuries)
Debaltseve - pravdorub Tymchuk reported at least about 19 shelling positions ukrovermahta in this direction.
Kirov - night punishers again made a mortar attack on the city from the direction n.p.Maloorlovka
Amvrosievsky area - the National Security Council reports about the shelling of its positions in the area n.p.Poltavskoe-propelled grenades and small arms (probably the result of DRG militia).
Novoazovs'k area - said the attack on the stronghold near natsgadov n.p.Kalinovka (transient battle).
Telmanovskiy district - in the morning punishers were shelling out SAU n.p.Zamozhnoe with directions PGT Sartana (Mariupol). The militia also fired twice stronghold ukrovermahta near n.p.Granitnoe mortars and small arms.
Mining District - positional battles and artdueli in n.p.Nikishino continue: at midnight from the direction n.p.Kamenka punishers attacked the positions of the ACS militia. Artillery militia, in turn, produced and mortar shelling strongholds near the settlement ukrovermahta Maloorlovka, Orlov-Ivanovka and Kamenka and led fire on the natsgadam that are deployed in parts controlled by them n.p.Nikishino.
Yasinovatskiy area - powerful intelligence ukrovermahta could see the completion of militia forces of 600 kadyrospetsnazoseparatistov with small arms in the region n.p.Yasinovataya. NSDC also reports a repeated shelling of its positions in n.p.Opytnoe Merry, Novokalinovo and PGT Sands. The militia also reported that in the area n.p.Opytnoe are already fighting - apparently retaliatory artillery and try to squeeze out of here.

Lugansk People's Republic

Lugansk - here too natsgady scouts are on the alert (note 24 ACS consisting of two cannon artillery battalions, one will go to n.p.Alchevsk, another - in n.p.Stanitsa Lugansk). Fire from howitzers
Kirov - night punishers again fired long-suffering city, killed two civilians.
Lisicansk - reported on the activity of DRG militias, leading harassing fire on positions ukrovermahta.
Happiness - the militia of MLRS "Grad" and mortars fired ukrovermaht, entrenched in the Lugansk TPP.
Novoaydarsky area - the tense situation in the area n.p.Krymskoe: National Security Council reported that the strong point ukrovermahta located on the track "Bahmutka" near the village was shelled by militias of MLRS "Grad". The militia also reported that during the night punishers fired mortar shelling of residential areas of the village, bringing wounded three civilians. During the fighting also killed four militiamen.
Popasnjansky area - during the day of the militia artillery and mortars SAU inflicted a series of attacks on positions in ukrovermahta n.p.Popasnaya (suburbs), Chernukhin, Golden, Highland. In turn ukrovermaht today made a shot in the firing CTI n.p.Chernuhino (4 prisoners escaped). Punishers is made shelling residential areas of the settlements Popasnaya with directions n.p.Pervomaysk (3 wounded civilians).

Slavyanoserbsky district - the tension on the track "Bahmutka" does not subside, shelling license checkpoints are conducted (especially those near and n.p.Frunze Trehizbenka), but global change no combat situation, the status quo is maintained. Moreover, the punishers even manage to bring up their supplies units.
Stanichno Luhansk region - at night the militia of MLRS "Grad" attacked positions in the area of ​​punitive n.p.Makarovo (damaged warehouse BP). Also fortifications ukrovermahta fired mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms near n.p.Verhnyaya Alder, alder and Predelskoe. Away from the most Villages Lugansk neighbors are fighting, the city is subjected to mortar attacks retaliatory artillery (4 wounded civilians).

Occupied territory

Kramators'k - locals report on the operation near the town of at least three field crematorium (2 between Slavic and Kramatorsk in the field, 1 in the terminal area). "
28.11.14. Posted by Intelligence DNI.
"Ukrainian occupiers continued improvement of the defensive positions of troops (including the installation of minefields), training of personnel and artillery positions for combat operations in the winter, as well as building an active strike force in all directions.

According to the Army Intelligence DNI from the village to the village of Great Novoselka Shahterske (51 km west of Donetsk) arrived ten units fighting vehicles MLRS "Hurricane".

According to intelligence reports on the w / d station Kupyansk sites (90 km south-east of Kharkov) came composition with armored vehicles (up to 20 infantry fighting vehicles), as well as a column of automotive technology (30 units).

According to local residents came Kurakhovo unit of more than four hundred men, reinforced by two tank companies of forty armored personnel carriers.

According to the November 27 occupants continue to increase shock group at Donetsk direction:

in Novogrodovka (35 km north-west of Donetsk) transferred battalion tactical groups of up to three hundred people, reinforced by two tank companies of and mortar battery;

Svatovo relocated in Division MLRS BM-21 "Grad" (9 units). Emplacements placed between the administrative body of "Gorgaza" warehouse and chemical fertilizers. Provides protection specifically bounced National Guard under division, numbering about 100 people. "

In the last two days trying to break the Ukrainian military airport. Today tried to pull one tank, but was destroyed.

28.11.14. Posted by blogger.
"Pan Lysenko rejoices that LDNR bad and does not understand that Ukraine has thus itself a disservice. Dozens, maybe hundreds of thousands of Donetsk residents will be forced to emigrate to the" Ukraine "to receive social benefits and thus make ends meet. This will simultaneously remove the tension in the Donbas and increase it in Ukraine. Who won?
I'll tell you one case of life.
Summer to Sumy arrived first "refugees" from Lugansk. Priehli only women and children. They were placed, brought food, etc. Take the owner and ask the child: where's your dad? Child with childlike replied: "A war with Dad Bandera." Dumb. "
28.11.14. Posted by a resident of Donetsk:
"Ukry fired Gorlovka on the street. Builders (prim.obstrel November 27), the two high-rise buildings. A man lost his leg, did not get to the hospital died. Just hit a pregnant woman and her children (girls 5 and 7 years). All in fragments, but alive thank God. Man this girl with her third child (son) were in another room, so did not suffer. The family was left homeless. The apartment is on the 9th floor completely bombed. My husband and son are temporarily stay with friends, his wife and their daughters until the left in pediatric surgery. Now with local trying to help this family. Do not they have anything left. "

Based on materials from the Internet media

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Once again, the city Horlovks under fire from artillery Ukrainian occupation troops. The shells came from Dzerzhinsk and hit the houses, people have suffered.

Explosion of one of the shells destroyed the children's room, where they were little kids with their parents.

Another round hit a few walls in the apartment and into the entrance.

Local television reporters interviewed victims and removed the effects of fire fascists city Donetsk People's Republic.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia


Operational Summary of Staff Alexander Bednova (call sign "Batman").

At the evening the construction units of the 4th Brigade LC RRT "Batman" was sounded 11.27.2014 the following data:

"Two days ago, the 13th battalion of territorial defense" Chernigov-1 "suffered serious losses, and now he has to re-form.

According to intelligence militia, November 27 through Makarovsky point drive about 30 pieces of military equipment APU and dispersed in this village Lugansk. Tonight was applied to the area with artudar. Crimea and destroyed "Peony" ukronatsistov working for Kirov.

Was also destroyed enemy detachment (an 8 guns).

According to intelligence militia in Donetsk direction (Debaltseve et al. Settlements) all mortuaries clogged with corpses Ukrainian military, their ship and taken to an unknown destination.

Also, due to the actions of the militia artillery, was destroyed Ukrainian Makarov checkpoint.

Today subversive group ukronatsistov tried to break through the roadblock militia opened submachine gun fire, but was otvetku from the Cossacks and was forced to retreat.

The enemy probes defense, but we are ready to meet him. "

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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