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"The Dirty Secret of the Secret Service"- article of the century!

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I'm so glad to see you getting some recognition for your groundbreaking research, Vince. I may have missed it, but have you ever asked John Ready-who is still alive (but won't return my phone calls)-about Roberts allegedly ordering him back after he started to actually do his job, and rush the limo?

Thanks again for all the great work.

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thanks! Ready would not go into it with me, either (I spoke to him back in 2005)

As for Hill: he drank the night before and stayed out late and failed to save JFK AND never actually touched Jackie [in the limo- no dirty minds...]- she got in and out of the limo on her own volition. As Arlen Specter said in early 2012, Hill "was carousing to all hours of the morning before the assassination"

Hill almost made it...the Army doesn't give out medals for ALMOST achieving the goal

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Thanks, Vince- I guess I won't feel singled out regarding Ready. Btw, what is the original source for the belief that Roberts stopped Ready from leaving the followup car?

Sorry to ask more questions, but I also have Don Lawton's number- who is alive as well. I haven't tried calling him, but wondered what his explanation was for Roberts stopping him and/or Rybka from staying with the motorcade at Love Field.

Again, I'm very happy for you and the success of your book.

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Roberts openly admitted to the Warren Commission that he ordered Hill and Ready to stay with the car right in the middle of the shooting. He perjured himself, claiming an outlandish distance between JFK's car and and the followup car that did not exist, and then lied again to the commission about the vehicles speeds to try and make an excuse for holding his agents back, (as well as claiming there were motorcycles in the way blocking the agents from being able to reach the Presidential vehicle without getting themselves run over.)

It's really hard to believe Emory Roberts denied the President this most basic protection, and not only kept his job, but got promoted for his actions and for lying under oath- but he did.

Great, great book Vince!

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