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Roger Stone: Will Bill Moyers ever tell the Truth about Lyndon Johnson?

Guest Robert Morrow

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Bill Moyers in the past decade has been terrific in attempting to expose publicly how America has gotten off on the wrong track. However, as Roger Stone points out he has studiously avoided talking about the role of LBJ in JFK's assassination, which was the principal starting point when America got off on the wrong track.

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You're exactly right, Doug. Moyers seems to be open minded about a lot of issues, except for the Kennedy assassinations. In this respect, he is much like former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Regarding Bill Moyers and Ramsey Clark. If you had helped to cover up the most notorious political murder in WORLD HISTORY, would you be so willing to say "Boy did I screw up on that one. LBJ (or CIA) murdered Kennedy after all." ?

The truth is so discrediting that the remaining 6 members (guess) of the Warren Commission staff all whom have graduate and undergraduate degrees from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford and Amherst will sit in a room collectively at SMU in fall 2013 and 1) deny that the Zapruder film shows a head kill shot from the front 2) and give full throttle support to the beyond absurd Magic Bullet Theory.

All these men's reputations - really a work of a lifetime - are on the line. To admit the truth would be pretty much like accepting a justifiable F for life as a human being for the past 50 years.

I have no sympathy for all of the above: Moyers, Clark, Warren staffers. They deserve ridicule, scorn and an "F" for FUBAR stamped on all their foreheads.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Roger Stone ". . . served as a senior staffer in eight national Republican Presidential Campaigns including those of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush." (From his truncated bio.) Perhaps, just perhaps, Mr Stone has an interest in deflecting suspicion from Nixon—and his sponsors—and their possible machinations in JFK's murder. Nixon's actions and utterances certainly deserve as much scrutiny as that currently being focussed on LBJ. Mr Stone's strident insistence on LBJ's complicity along with his dossier as a Republican operative casts considerable doubt on his impartiality.

Edited by Steve Cearfoss
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Steve makes a good point, one that I have wondered about. But there is more to it. Moyers seems to treat LBJ with kid gloves. Am I mistaken? Also, there is so much damning info, not quite evidence perhaps, of LBJ's craven desire to be president, of the trouble he was getting into as a result of his nefarious career. So I would not dismiss Stone just because he is a long time Republican operative.

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Good article, thanks Mr.Morrow for the linkage.

Seems to me that the hand of LBJ reaches beyond the grave even some 40 years later.

I think Moyers is one, afarid of the Johnson family still if he ever decided to go against them. Also, I think the way the MSM has viewed him, he has a pretty positive intact reputation/legacy which he's happy with. Why mess that up by writing a tell all book?

For someone of my generation, he's know for being MR. PBS than LBJ's crony. Historically, he's somewhat like LBJ's version of what Sorensen was to the JFK mythology. And it seems he's made a pretty good living being that for the last 40 some years.

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Guest Robert Morrow

Maybe there are Democrats who just can't choke down the bitter pill that one of their favorite socialists Democrat Lyndon Johnson blew off the head of fellow Democrat John Kennedy. The Democratic governor of Texas Allan Shivers was the first person to call LBJ a murderer and it did it straight up and to his face over the Sam Smithwick prison murder.

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"The public must be satisfied that Bill Moyers and Ramsey Clark now know nothing about the political dealings of LBJ, and that they are not now or ever were confederates of LBJ still at large; and that evidence put forth by the main stream media is such that if Moyers and Clark knew of the vast cover up of JFK's murder they would never be convicted in the court of public opinion"

Will call it the Moyers Memo

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