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Was Oswald an Intelligence Agent?

Jon G. Tidd

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Thomas Graves @ post #420:

You make an important point.

In 1963, few Americans knew the difference between a communist organization and a progressive organization (e.g., the ACLU). The difference didn't exist in 1963-64 except to those few in the know.

Those in the know included the Warren Commissioners.

They knew Oswald was "progressive" but not a communist. Which is an important distinction, both today and in 1964. In 1964, the Warren Commission took into account Oswald's communist "leanings" (I'm being imprecise) and reached the conclusion he was a lone nut. John McAdams, for example, does the same thing today.

The distinction I'm attempting to draw is as important today as it was in 1963-1964. One can advocate progressive ideas, such as equality of opportunity for all U.S. citizens, but be tarred with a communist brush. Even though one is not a communist.

In 1963 and 1964, being progressive was made equivalent to being a communist by J. Edgar Hoover.

It was easy to frame Oswald (Marina's husband) as a lone nut. He was, from what is the record, unusually progressive in his thinking. It was easy to sell to the public he had communist thinking and therefore was a nut.

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What are we to make of this?

The handwriting sure looks (to me) like Oswald's, but strangely enough, there are no spelling mistakes that I can see.

--Tommy :sun

Check that. It looks like he misspelled "activities," the first word in the second line.

And oh, yeah. He misspelled "trials," too.

BTW, looks like he wrote this letter sometime before or during May, 1963, because, according to to Mary Ferrell Foundation, that's when he closed P.O. Box 2913. That particular P.O. Box was at the main Dallas post office (on Ervay?), not at the Terminal Annex post office, which was situated on the south side of Dealey Plaza, and at which he did not rent a P.O. Box until November 1.


If so, he would have written this letter before he moved to New Orleans and started his FPCC activity in earnest .

It would be interesting to know what Gus Hall did, if anything, regarding Oswald's request to join the CPUSA.

Did Gus run a "background check" on him and decide to not let him join? LOL

Edited by Thomas Graves
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What are we to make of this?

Well, Stephen, regarding the letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall, the leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), I think that the date of the letter tells most of the story.

Insofar as the letter belongs to OSWALD's New Orleans period, at a time when OSWALD was helping to create a Fake FPCC in NOLA, we should probably interpret the Gus Hall letter as a part of that facade -- the action of a real Communist Infiltration, probably controlled by Guy Banister, who hated the FPCC.

We have confirmation of this with The Lopez Report, which shows that OSWALD presented a Fake CPUSA card in Mexico City, to go with his Fake FPCC credentials.

As a part of OSWALD's Communist Infiltration (as planned by Guy Banister) this would include a distinct paper trail to Communist leaders-- like Gus Hall, as well as Vincent Lee of the FPCC, and The Militant newspaper, and so on.

Notice that OSWALD did not have an authentic membership in the CPUSA, nor did he hang around the left-wing in person -- only over the Post Office. That was deliberate. Either OSWALD was making Fake bona fides to kill Castro, or OSWALD was being FRAMED, exactly as Jim Garrison suspected.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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What are we to make of this?

Well, Stephen, regarding the letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall, the leader of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), I think that the date of the letter tells most of the story.

Insofar as the letter belongs to OSWALD's New Orleans period, at a time when OSWALD was helping to create a Fake FPCC in NOLA, we should probably interpret the Gus Hall letter as a part of that facade -- the action of a real Communist Infiltration, probably controlled by Guy Banister, who hated the FPCC.

We have confirmation of this with The Lopez Report, which shows that OSWALD presented a Fake CPUSA card in Mexico City, to go with his Fake FPCC credentials.

As a part of OSWALD's Communist Infiltration (as planned by Guy Banister) would include a distinct paper trail to Communist leaders-- like Gus Hall, as well as Vincent Lee of the FPCC, and the Mlittant newspaper, and so on.

Notice that OSWALD did not have an authentic membership in the CPUSA, nor did he hang around the left-wing in person -- only over the Post Office. That was deliberate. Either OSWALD was making Fake bona fides to kill Castro, or OSWALD was being FRAMED, exactly as Jim Garrison suspected.


--Paul Trejo

The date of the letter?

The date of the letter??

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address.

Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor?


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I got a Google News Alert about it a year or two ago. It looks like Oswald's writing and it is along the same lines as his other letters. As Tommy notes, it contains misspellings and would have been written while he was using that PO Box. If it's genuine, I can understand why Gus Hall concealed it: Look what happened to the FPCC, who folded within weeks of the assassination. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that US intelligence had mail covers on so many minor characters but not on the heads of the CPUSA, which was also riddled with informants.

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The date of the letter?

The date of the letter??

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address.

Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor?


--Tommy :sun

Actually, Tommy, I don't read all of your posts, because your tone is often insulting and unproductive. In that previous post, however, your opinion was useful: that OSWALD "wrote this letter sometime before or during May, 1963, because, according to Mary Ferrell Foundation, that's when he closed PO Box 2913."

Now, that Post Office Box number was written on directly on that letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall. So it seems your logic about the date of this letter is solid -- as far as that goes. HOWEVER, you then date that Oswald's FPCC episode only in "August" 1963, which you qualify by writing, "in earnest."

Your qualifier, "in earnest," is rather subjective. Yet you are trying to separate this letter from OSWALD's FPCC episode by artificially removing May, June and July from OSWALD's FPCC activity.

While everybody knows that Oswald got himself arrested, got his name in the newspapers, got his voice on the radio and got his picture on TV -- all in August 1963 -- your view gives no consideration to any preparation work that was done to plan this, to set this up, and so on, that would have occurred in the previous months of May, June and July 1963.

In my theory, OSWALD went to NOLA in April 1963, only one week after he (allegedly) shot at Ex-General WALKER, and he quickly got a job at Reily Coffee Company -- with easy walking distance to Guy Banister's offices.

By 11 May 1963 OSWALD had a full-time job and a NOLA apartment, with Marina and baby June moving in, and on 26 May 1963 OSWALD wrote to the FPCC headquarters requesting his own chapter. Why May? It seems reasonable to me that OSWALD was told by Guy Banister in late April that the FPCC was the secret "target." (The FPCC replied to OSWALD, rejecting his request for an FPCC chapter in NOLA.)

If I'm right, then April or May, not August 1963, is when OSWALD's FPCC adventure actually begins. It was still May when OSWALD ordered 1,000 FPCC handbills.

In early June 1963, OSWALD rented a local PO box for himself and Alek J. Hidell -- a fictitious person who would be the only fictitious member of his fictitious FPCC chapter in NOLA.

Also in June 1963, OSWALD distributed FPCC handbills at the Dumaine Street wharf by the U.S.S. Wasp. OSWALD also applied for a new US Passport in June.

In the first part of July 1963 OSWALD was fired from the Reily Coffee Company. What was so difficult about greasing gears in a coffee factory? In OSWALD's case, he was often absent from his post. He was reportedly accepting envelopes next door at Alba's parking garage, where the FBI regularly parked their cars.

"Unemployed," OSWALD was now free to begin working full-time on his Fake FPCC credentials. His connections, Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler, had the means and the motivation to assist Oswald in forging FPCC Director credentials for a Fake FPCC using NOLA newspaper, radio and TV.

So, your timetable is half-right, Tommy, by my reading. In my view, OSWALD was slowly building up to his Fake FPCC August antics, starting all the way back in April, when he first located his workplace so very close to Guy Banister's offices in April, 1963. It may have begun before OSWALD arrived in NOLA.

I repeat: OSWALD's letter to CPUSA leader, Gus Hall, was evidently related to the Fake FPCC plot. The dots connect.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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The date of the letter?

The date of the letter??

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address.

Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor?


--Tommy :sun

Actually, Tommy, I don't read all of your posts, because your tone is often insulting and unproductive. In that previous post, however, your opinion was useful, namely, that OSWALD "wrote this letter sometime before or during May, 1963, because, according to Mary Ferrell Foundation, that's when he closed PO Box 2913." Now, that Post Office Box number was written on directly on that letter from OSWALD to Gus Hall.

So it seems your logic about the date of this letter is solid -- as far as that goes. HOWEVER, you then date that Oswald's FPCC episode only in "August" 1963, which you qualify by writing, "in earnest."

Your qualifier, "in earnest," is rather subjective. Yet you are trying to separate this letter from OSWALD's FPCC episode by artificially removing May, June and July from OSWALD's FPCC activity.

While everybody knows that Oswald got himself arrested, got his name in the newspapers, got his voice on the radio and got his picture on TV -- all in August 1963 -- your view gives no consideration to any preparation work that was done to plan this, to set this up, and so on, that would have occurred in the previous months of May, June and July 1963.

In my theory, OSWALD went to NOLA in April 1963, only one week after he (allegedly) shot at Ex-General WALKER, and he quickly got a job at Reilly Coffee Company -- with easy walking distance to Guy Banister's offices.

By 11 May 1963 OSWALD had a job, and apartment, and Ruth, Marina and June arrived at his NOLA apartment. Yet we also find that in 26 May 1963 OSWALD wrote to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee requesting a charter. (I surmise that OSWALD obtained directions from Guy Banister before this May contact, and learned that the FPCC was his target. May, or maybe even April, not August, is when OSWALD's FPCC adventure actually began.)

Also in May, OSWALD ordered 1,000 FPCC handbills. In early June, OSWALD rented his local PO box for Alec .J. Hidell -- a fictitious person who would be the only fictitious member of his fictitious FPCC chapter in NOLA.

Also in June 1963, OSWALD distributed FPCC handbills at the Dumaine Street wharf by the U.S.S. Wasp. OSWALD also applied for a new US Passport in June.

By mid-July, further, OSWALD was fired from the Reily Coffee Company. What is so difficult about greasing gears in the factory? What was hard in OSWALD's case is that he was very often ABSENT from his post. Not on the job. He was accepting envelopes next door at Alba's parking garage, where the FBI regularly parked their cars.

At this point OSWALD was now free to begin working on his Fake FPCC "in earnest." His connections, Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler, had the means and the motivation to assist Oswald in forging these credentials for a Fake FPCC using newspaper, radio and TV.

So, your timetable is half-right, Tommy, by my reading. In my view, OSWALD was slowly building up to his Fake FPCC antics in August, all the way back in April, when he first located himself so close to Guy Banister's offices in April, 1963. It was planned.

I repeat: OSWALD's letter to CPUSA's leader, Gus Hall, was apparently a part of the FPCC scenario. The dots connect.


--Paul Trejo

So you made a mistake when you suggested that the letter had a date on it, didn't you.

--Tommy :sun

PS Why do you appear to play so "fast and loose" with the facts so often?

Are you just too busy lecturing us on your "theory" to do much "fact checking?"

Whatever it is, please keep it up.

It's fun correcting you so often.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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The date of the letter?

The date of the letter??

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address.

Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor?


--Tommy :sun

So you made a mistake when you suggested that the letter had a date on it, didn't you.

--Tommy :sun

PS Why do you appear to play so "fast and loose" with the facts so often?

Are you just too busy lecturing us on your "theory" to do much "fact checking?"

Whatever it is, please keep it up.

It's fun correcting you so often.

No, Tommy, I didn't say that the letter "had a date on it."

I used the phrase, "the date of the letter," which is quite different -- it means that every letter is written on some date, even though some date isn't written on every letter.

The letter has a date -- not written on it, but inscribed within its hermeneutic Sitz Im Leben -- which is to say that the life-cycle of OSWALD's PO Box is the same life-cycle of this letter upon which that PO Box number is written. Conservatively, that would be May 1963.

The real debate, though, must surround how we date OSWALD's FPCC period -- whether only by its "earnest" month of August, or whether the previous months of preparation may be counted as well.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I believe Oswald's 1963 NOLA period needs to be considered in terms of his whole life.

If one believes "Oswald" is John Armstrong's Harvey, as I do, one is considering an unusual guy. A guy who did things that are hard to understand, because it's hard to grasp why he did them. It's easy to create a false portrait of such an individual.

Here's a guy, if one believes John Armstrong, who had no father and was raised by a "fake" mother. He spends time in NYC and North Dakota. His birth parents were Hungarian immigrants who spoke Russian. Wow.

He joins the Marines. The Marines tear you down and then build you back up into a Marine. That's a big life event.

He "defects" to Russia, marries Marina, returns to the U.S. Is met and introduced by educated, sophisticated individuals.

The cast of characters here is large. But there is no plot, no story.

Oswald (Harvey) can't hold his job at Reilly Coffee Company. He apparently hangs around with Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, and David Ferrie (maybe others, such as Mary Bancroft) and then checks out of NOLA and allegedly heads to Mexico City. And then heads to Dallas.

Whoa! Where's the plot line here?

You're a creative person. Your job is to create stories for a client. The client is an intelligence service, domestic or foreign. Your job is to create a story, a believable story, about Harvey. Not Harvey's true life story. But a story that can be sold to a gullible public.

Your job is great. It's to create fiction from reality.

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The date of the letter?

The date of the letter??

I guess you didn't bother to read my earlier post regarding the probable period of time when the letter was sent, based on the return address.

Do you know the exact "date of the letter," Professor?


--Tommy :sun

So you made a mistake when you suggested that the letter had a date on it, didn't you.

--Tommy :sun

PS Why do you appear to play so "fast and loose" with the facts so often?

Are you just too busy lecturing us on your "theory" to do much "fact checking?"

Whatever it is, please keep it up.

It's fun correcting you so often.

No, Tommy, I didn't say that the letter "had a date on it."

I used the phrase, "the date of the letter," which is quite different -- it means that every letter is written on some date, even though some date isn't written on every letter.

The letter has a date -- not written on it, but inscribed within its hermeneutic Sitz Im Leben -- which is to say that the life-cycle of OSWALD's PO Box is the same life-cycle of this letter upon which that PO Box number is written. Conservatively, that would be May 1963.

The real debate, though, must surround how we date OSWALD's FPCC period -- whether only by its "earnest" month of August, or whether the previous months of preparation may be counted as well.

With utmost sincerity,

--Paul Trejo

Nice try, Word Twister.


You did say in so many words that the "date of the letter" suggested that Oswald had written it when he was already living in New Orleans and actively involved in setting up his fake FPCC.

Then I pointed out in so many words that the return address on the letter (P.O. Box 2915, Dallas, Texas) indicated that he very likely wrote that letter before he moved to New Orleans and was still living in Dallas.

And now you're trying to weasel out of the mistake you made, IMHO.


All too often with you it reminds me of Bill Clinton's trying to defend himself by saying, "Well, it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is." But, unfortunately, you're more than willing to take it a step further and try to redefine (according to Trejo) the tenses "was" and "will be," too, if necessary, just to keep from admitting your mistakes and the flaws in your theory.

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I believe Oswald's 1963 NOLA period needs to be considered in terms of his whole life.

If one believes "Oswald" is John Armstrong's Harvey, as I do, one is considering an unusual guy. A guy who did things that are hard to understand, because it's hard to grasp why he did them. It's easy to create a false portrait of such an individual.

Here's a guy, if one believes John Armstrong, who had no father and was raised by a "fake" mother. He spends time in NYC and North Dakota. His birth parents were Hungarian immigrants who spoke Russian. Wow.

He joins the Marines. The Marines tear you down and then build you back up into a Marine. That's a big life event.

He "defects" to Russia, marries Marina, returns to the U.S. Is met and introduced by educated, sophisticated individuals.

The cast of characters here is large. But there is no plot, no story.

Oswald (Harvey) can't hold his job at Reilly Coffee Company. He apparently hangs around with Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, and David Ferrie (maybe others, such as Mary Bancroft) and then checks out of NOLA and allegedly heads to Mexico City. And then heads to Dallas.

Whoa! Where's the plot line here?

You're a creative person. Your job is to create stories for a client. The client is an intelligence service, domestic or foreign. Your job is to create a story, a believable story, about Harvey. Not Harvey's true life story. But a story that can be sold to a gullible public.

Your job is great. It's to create fiction from reality.

So, Jon, how physically similar did Harvey and Lee (and don't forget the CIA's Lee Henry Oswald -- just kidding -- probably just a "typo" or an intentional "marked card" ) look when they were, say, eighteen or twenty-three years old?

Just barely enough "alike" to be able to fool a lot of people?

How plausible is that?

Anticipated Answer:

"It's very plausible, Tommy, because it worked, didn't it?"

"Anyway, Tommy, look at all these different photos of Oswald that were taken at different ages, from different angles, in different lighting conditions, with different cameras, with different film and lenses, etc. See how different he looks in them? Well, that proves it, see Tommy?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I believe Oswald's 1963 NOLA period needs to be considered in terms of his whole life.

If one believes "Oswald" is John Armstrong's Harvey, as I do, one is considering an unusual guy. A guy who did things that are hard to understand, because it's hard to grasp why he did them. It's easy to create a false portrait of such an individual.

Here's a guy, if one believes John Armstrong, who had no father and was raised by a "fake" mother. He spends time in NYC and North Dakota. His birth parents were Hungarian immigrants who spoke Russian. Wow.

He joins the Marines. The Marines tear you down and then build you back up into a Marine. That's a big life event.

He "defects" to Russia, marries Marina, returns to the U.S. Is met and introduced by educated, sophisticated individuals.

The cast of characters here is large. But there is no plot, no story.

Oswald (Harvey) can't hold his job at Reilly Coffee Company. He apparently hangs around with Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, and David Ferrie (maybe others, such as Mary Bancroft) and then checks out of NOLA and allegedly heads to Mexico City. And then heads to Dallas.

Whoa! Where's the plot line here?

You're a creative person. Your job is to create stories for a client. The client is an intelligence service, domestic or foreign. Your job is to create a story, a believable story, about Harvey. Not Harvey's true life story. But a story that can be sold to a gullible public.

Your job is great. It's to create fiction from reality.

Well, Jon, my task is to try to connect the dots of material evidence and first-person witnesses to propose a way to explain the events of OSWALD's life, and to propose a plausible plot-line. I myself have no client -- my interest is only in the TRUTH. I don't want to create a story -- I want to create a THEORY -- which I'll now repeat for you.

(1) Until OSWALD meets George De Mohrenschildt (hereafter, DM), OSWALD's life is little different from dozens of Marine youths who were recruited to go to the USSR as a "dangle" for the ONI or CIA.

(2) Once OSWALD returned to Texas with his Russian wife, it wasn't long before he met George DM, a former society guy reduced to working as an oil-exploration Professor at UT Dallas. His wife was a former ballet dancer. They had plenty of money -- mostly hers. George took an unexpected personal interest in Lee Harvey OSWALD.

(3) George DM helped OSWALD get a good job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, an advanced photographic laboratory.

(4) George DM and some pals including Michael Paine and Volkmar Schmidt worked on OSWALD to "raise his consciousness" with regard to Ex-General Edwin Walker -- a notorious racist and leader of the right-wing in Dallas -- down the street. There was one Dallas yuppie engineer party in particular in which this was done before many observers.

(5) Shortly after this, OSWALD contacted Roscoe White, a former Atsugi Marine buddy there in Dallas, with a plan to make some Fake Backyard Photographs, from one amateur photograph that Marina would take with a cheap camera. (For this game OSWALD wore a black outfit that belonged to Roscoe White. The chin, neck, wrist and stance in the photos are all Roscoe's.)

(6) At Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall OSWALD made (at least) three different Fake Backyard Photographs (CE-133A, CE-133B, HSCA-133C), sent one to The Militant newspaper, one to Roscoe White, and another one, signed on the back along with a note from Marina, was sent to the DM's.

(7) OSWALD also scoped out Walker's house with photographs and maps.

(8) At 9pm on Wednesday 10 April 1963, Lee Harvey OSWALD and one other person, drove in a car to a parking lot behind the alley behind Walker's home. One shot was fired, narrowly missed, and the two men ran back to their car and sped off -- observed by a neighbor boy watching from a nearby fence.

(9) For days the news about Walker rang all over the Dallas morning news, radio and TV; George and Jeanne DM shuddered to think that OSWALD was the shooter. Then, at 10pm on Saturday 13 April 1963, George and Jeanne would enact their plan: they bought a toy bunny and would deliver this "gift" to the Oswald's in celebration of Easter Sunday. They got the Oswald's out of bed, asked for a drink, and George kept Lee busy while Jeanne made a fake "tour" of their apartment -- until she found OSWALD's rifle. Then she shouted the fact out to George. The house fell silent. Then George asked, "Lee, are you the one who took a pot-shot at Walker?" OSWALD remained dead silent, and looked at Marina, as Marina looked at OSWALD. Then George burst out laughing, and then Marina laughed, and Lee laughed and they all had a big joke. Then George and Jeanne left the OSWALD's -- never to see them again for the rest of their lives. (This is from the Warren Report.)

(10) Early on Easter Sunday, George DM visited his Russian Exile friends, Mr. and Mrs. Igor Voshinin, and told them his fears about Lee Harvey OSWALD with regard to Ex-General Walker. Mrs. Voshinin told George she never trusted OSWALD. After George left, she immediately called the FBI to tell them what George said. (This is from Dick Russell, TMWKTM, 1993).

(11) Then (I surmise) somebody connected with the FBI contacted somebody who knew Edwin WALKER with the report about OSWALD. Somebody called WALKER right away -- it was still the morning of Easter Sunday -- and WALKER heard for the first time that authorities knew who shot at him four days ago.

(12) Edwin WALKER demanded to know if the man was still in custody. No. Why not? Because he wasn't arrested? But how was the name known? Nobody knows. WALKER demanded the DPD to hand over all their records about the shooting. They had nothing new, they claimed. WALKER refused to believe them. He had it on good authority (from a person he would refuse to name for the rest of his life) that the FBI and the DPD had OSWALD in custody -- but today they deny everything!

(13) Edwin WALKER decided that RFK was still trying to ruin him -- if RFK couldn't keep WALKER locked up in an insane asylum as he tried on Monday 1 October 1962, RFK would resort to assassination.

(14) But now WALKER had the name of his assassin -- Lee Harvey OSWALD.

(15) So WALKER immediately called his friends on the far right -- especially the nastier ones active in New Orleans, Louisiana, e.g. Kent Courtney and Guy Banister. It was still Easter Sunday 1963. Guy Banister, a fellow Minuteman, John Bircher and rightist politician, volunteered to help with a street crew. His right-hand man, David Ferrie, had known Oswald personally.

(16) WALKER had learned from his Dallas contacts that OSWALD was "unemployed" at the time. Banister and Ferrie then came up with an idea -- Ferrie would call OSWALD and offer him a chance to get hired by the CIA, make a fortune and become famous. He could be the man who killed Fidel Castro. But it has to be strictly secret -- he asked OSWALD, "are you sure you can be a secret agent, Lee?"

(17) This was exactly what OSWALD wanted to hear. He told Marina he was moving to New Orleans. This was a relief to Marina, who was still worried about the repercussions of the WALKER shooting. Lee moved to New Orleans on 17 April 1963.

(18) Lee was told to stay strictly under cover. He moved in with his uncle and aunt in NOLA, but told them nothing about his secret plans. He quickly got a job at the Reily Coffee Company (walking distance from Guy Banister's offices) and soon got his own apartment, and Marina and baby June joined him soon after.

(19) In May 1963 OSWALD wrote to FPCC headquarters, asking to start a new chapter in NOLA. They said no. Still, OSWALD ordered 1,000 FPCC Flyers. OSWALD also wrote to the Communist Party leader, Gus Hall, boasting that he wanted to become a member. (He never joined). In June 1963 OSWALD would pass out FPCC flyers, and secretly built a Fake FPCC chapter using his Fake Alek J. Hidell ID card. In July 1963 OSWALD lost his job at Reily's Coffee Company for problems related to absenteeism.

(20) In August 1963 OSWALD put himself heart and soul into his Fake FPCC, getting recognition in police records, in newspapers, on the radio and on TV (with the help of Media expert Ed Butler and his Anticommunist pal, Carlos Bringuier, who was secretly connected to Edwin WALKER).

(21) In September 1963 OSWALD assembled all his "street credentials" of his Fake FPCC, as well as a Fake CPUSA card, and made a multiple-page resume of himself, purporting to be this big, bad Communist from New Orleans. OSWALD would take this resume to Mexico City, to impress the local yokels at the Cuban Consulate there.

(22) Also in September 1963, Harry Dean attended a secret meeting with select JBS members in Southern California, including Congressman John Rousselot, Edwin WALKER, famous war-hero, Guy Gabaldon, and sundry, wealthy JBS members. At this meeting, claims Harry Dean, WALKER announced that he found the perfect patsy to blame for an assassination of JFK. His name was Lee Harvey OSWALD, the Director of the New Orleans FPCC branch -- a true Communist who had lived in Russia and had a Russian wife. Harry pitched in that he was once a Secretary for the Chicago FPCC, and could vouch for the Communist danger of the FPCC.

(23) Harry Dean adds that with money from Rousselot, Guy Gabaldon hired Loran Hall and Larry Howard to pick up OSWALD in New Orleans, and be his drivers to Mexico City. Nothing must go wrong; tell OSWALD that the "CIA" would give Oswald $500 just for a brief meeting with Guy "Mr. Big" in Mexico. Harry believes they did that, and stopped by Silvia Odio's apartment for support, using their "war names," and introduced "Leon Oswald" to her -- which she would later report to the FBI (though they would ultimately disbelieve her). Hall and Howard drove OSWALD all the way to Mexico City.

(24) In Mexico City, Lee Harvey OSWALD made an utter fool of himself by demanding "instant" passage into Cuba based on his "official" FPCC credentials. (OSWALD was aware that FPCC officers were permitted instant access into Cuba via Mexico City.) The Cuban Consulate just laughed at his Fake credentials, and then told OSWALD flatly that he had to wait at least two weeks.

(25) OSWALD threw a tantrum. He demanded to speak to the supervisor and then to the manager. The Cuban Consulate told OSWALD the USSR consulate might vouch for him. So OSWALD went to the USSR consulate, and demanded to be considered. They said no. The very next day OSWALD returned to the USSR consulate with a loaded pistol. The guards there removed his pistol, then removed the bullets from it; gave it back to him and told him never to return. OSWALD even tried tears -- but they didn't work.

(26) It would seem that all of OSWALD's effort to get past the Cuban Consulate with Fake FPCC credentials was a big failure -- and perhaps all of his work with his Fake FPCC in NOLA had been a complete waste of time. (Nevertheless, a small team of CIA moles in Mexico City did impersonate OSWALD and Sylvia Duran using the wire-tapped telephones between the Cuban and USSR consulates, in a conversation that linked OSWALD with KGB Agent Valery Kostikov. As far as I know, the CIA never found out who did it, or why, though CIA officer David Morales seems to have confessed to some role in the JFK murder, as CIA Officer Howard Hunt openly confessed to a minor role.)

(27) The above Mexico data is all from The Lopez Report. Outside the consulates, OSWALD probably did meet with Guy Gabaldon (for his $500) and probably retrieved predictable instructions from this fake "CIA" officer -- to simply return to Dallas and wait for further instructions. This is what OSWALD did.

(28) On 11/21/1963, Gerry Patrick Hemming (another former Atsugi Marine buddy, and pal of Loran Hall and Larry Howard) called Lee Harvey Oswald and offered him double the market value for his Manlicher-Carcano rifle, if only he would bring it to the TSBD building, 6th floor, early the next morning. An unknown person would retrieve it, said Hemming who guaranteed OSWALD's money. OSWALD agreed to this. (This is from A.J. Weberman.)

(29) On 11/22/1963, OSWALD would be completely FRAMED for the murder of JFK. The murderers and those who framed him were the same people -- working for Edwin WALKER and Guy Banister, including the Minutemen, local JBS members, and select posts in the Dallas Police Department.

(30) Early in the morning after the JFK assassination, WALKER called a German newspaper to tell them that the assassin who killed JFK was the same assassin who tried to kill WALKER back in April.

(31) OSWALD realized only a few hours before he himself was killed, that he had been made the Patsy for the JFK murder.

So, Jon, I think this material uses a great deal of first-hand witness evidence that many people already know -- to connect the dots so that nothing major is left out or contradicted with regard to material evidence or sworn testimony.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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