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A Question For Jon G. Tidd

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Here's my take on the Martin film. I find it hard to believe the guy in the plaid shirt is Lovelady. He has a bald spot; so do I. His hair is either black or very dark brown. Lovelady's hair was lighter-colored, from what I judge from photographs.

The guy in the plaid shirt is bulky -- has a barrel chest and a meaty left shoulder. Also something of a stomach bulge. The Lovelady I've seen in photographs is more bony, more angular.

The guy in the photograph has a head that thrusts forward on his neck. From what I've seen, Lovelady's head was erect, pretty much.

The guy in the photograph has something of a beard-look to his face. Due to dark whiskers. I've never seen a photo of Lovelady depicting such facial hair.

Do you agree that the guy in the Martin clip is wearing a shirt just like Lovelady's (see below) ?

Yes or No or "Can't Say"?



Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

PS I'm sorry that you have a bald spot. I'm a senior citizen and I don't have a bald spot. Lots of men don't have a bald spot. In fact, more men don't have a bald spot than do have a bald spot. Maybe only Intelligence Agents and gun thieves have bald spots.

edited and bumped

"Yes" what?

"Yes" to both questions?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You write:

"Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?"

Yes, Tommy, I see the guy with the jutting head.

I know Lovelady got a car dealership or some such thing in Colorado, I think, following the assassination. FWIW, I've always thought Lovelady was pliable.

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You write:

"Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?"

Yes, Tommy, I see the guy with the jutting head.

I know Lovelady got a car dealership or some such thing in Colorado, I think, following the assassination. FWIW, I've always thought Lovelady was pliable.

Dear Mr. Jon G. Tidd,

Please try to get it straight.

The Lovelady character in the Martin clip doesn't have a jutting head.

He juts his chin out while expelling smoke through his mouth.

Both of which actions distort his face.

Question: Why in the world would the most important actor in the staged film clip intentionally distort his face like that? To make himself look less like Billy Lovelady? If so, why then even go to the trouble of staging the scene at all?

If you can't answer that question, please just say, "I can't answer that question, Tommy."

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

Mr. Jon G. Tidd's predicted answer:

"The actor intentionally distorted his face (by jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth) so that we would have an even harder time realizing that he wasn't Lovelady."

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You write:

"Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?"

Yes, Tommy, I see the guy with the jutting head.

I know Lovelady got a car dealership or some such thing in Colorado, I think, following the assassination. FWIW, I've always thought Lovelady was pliable.

Dear Mr. Jon G. Tidd,

Please try to get it straight.

The Lovelady character in the Martin clip doesn't have a jutting head.

He juts his chin out while expelling smoke through his mouth.

Both of which actions distorted his face.

Question: Why in the world would the most important actor in the staged film clip intentionally distort his face like that? To make himself look less like Billy Lovelady? If so, why then even go to the trouble of staging the scene at all?

If you can't answer that question, just say, "I can't answer that question."

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

Mr. Jon G. Tidd's predicted answer:

"The actor intentionally distorted his face (by jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth) so that we we would have a hard time telling if he was really Lovelady or just an actor who somewhat resembled Lovelady."


edited and bumped

Also: If it's true, as you suggest in your last post, that Lovelady may have benefited financially from the assassination, and that he was "pliable," do you think that he might have participated in the staging of the Martin and Hughes clips?

If so, do you think the clips were staged sometime on 11/22/63, or at earlier or a later date?

Edited by Thomas Graves
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You write:

"Can you see the guy in the Martin clip expelling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?

Yes or No or "Can't Say" ?"

Yes, Tommy, I see the guy with the jutting head.

I know Lovelady got a car dealership or some such thing in Colorado, I think, following the assassination. FWIW, I've always thought Lovelady was pliable.

Dear Mr. Jon G. Tidd,

Please try to get it straight.

The Lovelady character in the Martin clip doesn't have a jutting head.

He juts his chin out while expelling smoke through his mouth.

Both of which actions distorted his face.

Question: Why in the world would the most important actor in the staged film clip intentionally distort his face like that? To make himself look less like Billy Lovelady? If so, why then even go to the trouble of staging the scene at all?

If you can't answer that question, just say, "I can't answer that question."

Martin / Hughes film sync TSBD doorway Credit: Gerda Dunckel

Give the Gif time to load


--Tommy :sun

Mr. Jon G. Tidd's predicted answer:

"The actor intentionally distorted his face (by jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth) so that we we would have a hard time telling if he was really Lovelady or just an actor who somewhat resembled Lovelady."


edited and bumped

Also: If it's true, as you suggest in your last post, that Lovelady may have benefited financially from the assassination, and that he was "pliable," do you think that he might have participated in the staging of the Martin and Hughes clips?

If so, do you think the clips were staged sometime on 11/22/63, or at earlier or a later date?

It's interesting that Jon G. Tidd doesn't seem to want to answer the question -- "Why would the actor portraying Lovelady in the Martin clip intentionally distort his face by exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth and jutting his chin out?"

--Tommy :sun

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Got a question. In the Martin film, we see a guy smoking. In a plaid shirt. On which feature of this individual do you focus?

I ask because different viewers of the film might focus on different things.

One focuses on what one is pre-disposed to focus.

I focus on his neck angle. And the extent of his chin jut. Long time ago, a girl I was chasing focused on the same in me....

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Got a question. In the Martin film, we see a guy smoking. In a plaid shirt. On which feature of this individual do you focus?

I ask because different viewers of the film might focus on different things.

One focuses on what one is pre-disposed to focus.

I focus on his neck angle. And the extent of his chin jut. Long time ago, a girl I was chasing focused on the same in me....

Jon Jon,

I asked first.

If he's an actor pretending to be Lovelady, why does he exhale cigarette smoke through his open mouth (and jut his chin out in the process), thereby distorting his face?

To make himself look less like Lovelady?

That doesn't make sense. If he's an actor, why would he want to look less like Lovelady?

Wasn't the whole point of "staging" this scene in both the Martin and Hughes clips (implausible "overkill" in-and-of itself) an attempt to "fool" everyone into thinking that Lovelady was "captured" in the Martin and Hughes clips, and that he was wearing his long sleeved, mostly-red "plaid" shirt (not his red and white vertically-striped short sleeved shirt) -- and that all of this was done just to support the bad guy-perpetuated "lie" that "Doorman" in Altgens 6 wasn't Oswald, but Lovelady (in his long sleeved "plaid" shirt), instead?

--Tommy :sun

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Who is the guy in question? Not Lovelady. IMO.


What is the meaning of is?

Why don't you answer my questions?

Too difficult?

I know that you don't think that the guy (wearing the mostly-red "plaid" shirt in the Martin and Hughes clips) is Lovelady. I got that.

It's apparent that you got some special Army Intelligence training in how to survive a "hostile interrogation" without "spilling the beans," and it's equally apparent that you think that I'm a "hostile interrogator." I think that's why you give such ridiculous answers, hoping that I will just get tired of dealing with you and "throw in the towel."

--Tommy :sun

(PS I plan to start a new thread soon, entitled -- "What We Have Learned From Former Army Intelligence Officer Jon G. Tidd")

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Tommy - did Jon say he thought the film was staged rather than actual?


He doesn't want to commit himself.

He probably realizes that I can shoot him down either way.

--Tommy :sun

There are several possible ways to argue the "Lovelady or not Lovelady" issue. Some are more rational than the others:

Possibility number 1 ) It is Lovelady in the Martin and Hughes clips.

1 a) It is Lovelady and it was filmed on 11/22/63, up to one hour after the assassination.

1 b ) It is Lovelady and the clip was staged at an earlier date.

1 c) It is Lovelady and the clip was staged at a later date.

Possibility number 2 ) It is not Lovelady but an innocent bystander.

2 a) It is not Lovelady but an innocent bystander who just happened to be in front of the TSBD shortly after the assassination and who happened to resemble Lovelady (especially the bald spot) and happened to be wearing a shirt identical to the one Lovelady said he had worn on 11/22/63 and in which he was later photographed (by Bob Jackson in 1971 and by Groden in 1978).

Possibility number 3 ) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor.

3 a) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed shortly after the assassination on 11/22/63.

3 b ) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed not on 11/22/63, but at an earlier date.

3 c) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed not on 11/22/63, but at a later date.

Possibility number 4 ) Well, it kinda is and it kinda ain't Lovelady in the the Martin and Hughes clips.

4 a) The Martin and Hughes clips were somehow photographically "altered" at a later date to make it appear that Lovelady had been wearing his long sleeved, mostly-red "plaid" shirt on 11/22/63.

That's enough for now.

I gonna take a break....

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Tommy - did Jon say he thought the film was staged rather than actual?


He doesn't want to commit himself. All he's willing to say is that he doesn't think it's Lovelady.

I believe it is Lovelady and Tidd probably realizes that I can shoot him down whether he says it was 1 ) actual, 2 ) staged or, heaven forbid, 3 ) altered.

--Tommy :sun

There are several possible ways to argue the "Lovelady or not Lovelady" issue. Some are more rational than the others:

Possibility number 1 ) It is Lovelady in the Martin and Hughes clips.

1 a) It is Lovelady and it was filmed on 11/22/63, up to one hour after the assassination.

1 b ) It is Lovelady and the clip was staged at an earlier date.

1 c) It is Lovelady and the clip was staged at a later date.

Possibility number 2 ) It is not Lovelady but an innocent bystander.

2 a) It is not Lovelady but an innocent bystander who just happened to be in front of the TSBD shortly after the assassination and who happened to resemble Lovelady (especially the bald spot) and happened to be wearing a shirt identical to the one Lovelady said he had worn on 11/22/63 and in which he was later photographed (by Bob Jackson in 1971 and by Groden in 1978).

Possibility number 3 ) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor.

3 a) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed shortly after the assassination on 11/22/63.

3 b ) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed not on 11/22/63, but at an earlier date.

3 c) It is not Lovelady but a paid actor in the Martin and Hughes clips, filmed not on 11/22/63, but at a later date.

Possibility number 4 ) Well, it kinda is and it kinda ain't Lovelady in the the Martin and Hughes clips.

4 a) The Martin and Hughes clips were somehow photographically "altered" at a later date to make it appear that Lovelady had been wearing his long sleeved, mostly-red "plaid" shirt on 11/22/63.

4 b ) The martin and Hughes clips were somehow photographically "altered" at a later date to make it appear that a paid actor who "kinda resembled" Lovelady was filmed ...

Wow, I gotta take a break....

--Tommy :sun

Edited and bumped for Paul B. and other intelligent, reasonable, interested members because Tidd won't answer my questions

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Breaking away a bit --

Jon G. Tidd - you may like to view this 2014 Powerpoint lecture, if you haven't already:


Gee thanks David.

But how exactly does this fit in with the question(s) I'm trying to get Mr. Jon G. Tidd to answer on this thread?

--Tommy :sun

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