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Informal Poll: The Martin and Hughes Clips Showing Lovelady In Front Of The TSBD Were "Abnormal" or "Normal"?

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I don't trust the integrity of any photographic record that came into the hands of the FBI, the SS, the DPD, or any other government agency.

Dear Jon,

I'm only talking about the Martin and the Hughes clips which show Lovelady in front of the TSBD after the assassination.

Do you think it was possible for the bad guys to photographically insert Lovelady into both clips and synchronize his movements in them?


Do you think it was possible for the bad guys to "stage," at a later date, the TSBD / Lovelady scene in Martin's and Hughes' film clips, and get away with it?

Do please try to be all inclusive.

But only about these two clips and the circumstances under which they might have been altered or staged...

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I draw no conclusions.

Are you saying the individual in the plaid shirt [in the Martin and Hughes clips] is Billy Lovelady?

Dear Jon,

I figured you'd try to avoid my difficult questions by asking me a question.

Yes, Jon.

I do indeed believe that the guy with the bald spot and wearing a whit t-shirt under his long sleeved, mostly-red "plaid" shirt is Billy Lovelady. Please bear in mind that he is jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth, thereby distorting his face. Also notice that he was overdue for a haircut and looked like he'd been pigging out and / or drinking too much beer (overweight) I know that his presence in front of the TSBD at that time might conflict with other "evidence" in the case, or might be a "spanner in the works" for some "researchers."

Tough beans.

I also believe that Lovelady was "captured" in another film while he was sitting in a chair in the police station and Oswald was taken past him, and I note his bald spot and how it also appears on the "Lovelady character" in the Martin film clip. I do not believe that the individual "captured" on film in the police station was a dwarf actor wearing Lovelady's shirt...

That's what I believe, Jon.

Please try to talk me out of it.


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I draw no conclusions.

Are you saying the individual in the plaid shirt [in the Martin and Hughes clips] is Billy Lovelady?


I figured you'd try to avoid my difficult questions by asking me a question.

Yes, Jon.

I do indeed believe that the guy with the bald spot and wearing a whit t-shirt under his long sleeved, mostly-red "plaid" shirt is Billy Lovelady. Please bear in mind that he is jutting his chin out and exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth, thereby distorting his face. Also notice that he was overdue for a haircut and looked like he'd been pigging out and / or drinking too much beer (overweight) I know that his presence in front of the TSBD at that time might conflict with other "evidence" in the case, or might be a "spanner in the works" for some "researchers."

Tough beans.


I also believe that Lovelady was "captured" in another film while he was sitting in a chair in the police station and Oswald was

taken past him, and I note his bald spot and how it also appears on the "Lovelady character" in the Martin film clip. I do not believe that the individual "captured" on film in the police station was a dwarf actor wearing Lovelady's shirt...

That's what I believe, Jon.

Please try to talk me out of it.


--Tommy :sun

PS Why do you ask?

edited and bumped

Could that be Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood, top left of steps, wearing the fedora with the wide black band?

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I say the guy in the plaid shirt alleged to be Lovelady is not the same guy shown seated in the DPD as Oswald walks by.

I say the guy seated in the DPD as Oswald and cops walk by is pasted into the film, isn't really there.

I say the guy in the plaid shirt isn't Lovelady. Lovelady had a clean-shaven look and a bony-structure to his face.

Just wanted to cast my votes.

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And no, that's not Rufus Youngblood. He was at Parkland, and then AF1.

Thanks Pat,

I meant to say Forrest Sorrels, but that's probably wrong, too.

The guy I'm talking about in the Martin clip is wearing a fedora with a wide band and he appears (to me) to be wearing glasses, just like Forrest Sorrels.

--Tommy :sun

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I can't vote until I'm pretty sure [a] neither the FBI nor any other government agency got its hands on the originals of these films, and the clips shown here are originals.

Jon G. Tidd,

You seem to be suggesting that the bad guys either photographically altered both the Martin clip and the Hughes clip to make Lovelady appear in them, or that the scene was staged at a later date.

Update: Taking your most recent post on the subject (#23, this thread) into consideration, do you think that the guy who at least resembled Lovelady and was wearing the mostly-red "plaid" shirt in front of the TSBD was wearing a shirt like Lovelady's by sheer coincidence, or do you think that this TSBD scene was staged at a later date with someone who at least resembled Lovelady but intentionally distorted his face by exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth (opening his mouth and jutting his chin out in the process)? Why would an actor so critical-to-the-staged-scene, the "center piece" if you will, intentionally distort his face during the brief time he was being filmed? To try to make himself resemble Billy Lovelady a little less?

That's a contradiction which defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

Why wear Lovelady's shirt then? Why stage the scene at all?


--Tommy :sun

updated and bumped for Jon G. Tidd

Also: Updated Informal Poll results!

"Abnormals" (2) -- Robert Mady, JON G. TIDD

"Normals" (11) Tommy, Carmine, Vanessa, Paul B., Bob P., Gary, LARRY HANCOCK, Roger, Ray, Randy, Pat

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I can't vote until I'm pretty sure [a] neither the FBI nor any other government agency got its hands on the originals of these films, and the clips shown here are originals.

Jon G. Tidd,

You seem to be suggesting that the bad guys either photographically altered both the Martin clip and the Hughes clip to make Lovelady appear in them, or that the scene was staged at a later date.

Update: Taking your most recent post on the subject (#23, this thread) into consideration, do you think that the guy who at least resembled Lovelady and was wearing the mostly-red "plaid" shirt in front of the TSBD was wearing a shirt like Lovelady's by sheer coincidence, or do you think that this TSBD scene was staged at a later date with someone who at least resembled Lovelady but intentionally distorted his face by exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth (opening his mouth and jutting his chin out in the process)? Why would an actor so critical-to-the-staged-scene, the "center piece" if you will, intentionally distort his face during the brief time he was being filmed? To try to make himself resemble Billy Lovelady a little less?

That's a contradiction which defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

Why wear Lovelady's shirt then? Why stage the scene at all?


--Tommy :sun

updated and bumped for Jon G. Tidd

Also: Updated Informal Poll results!

"Abnormals" (2) -- Robert Mady, JON G. TIDD

"Normals" (11) Tommy, Carmine, Vanessa, Paul B., Bob P., Gary, LARRY HANCOCK, Roger, Ray, Randy, Pat

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I can't vote until I'm pretty sure [a] neither the FBI nor any other government agency got its hands on the originals of these films, and the clips shown here are originals.

Jon G. Tidd,

You seem to be suggesting that the bad guys either photographically altered both the Martin clip and the Hughes clip to make Lovelady appear in them, or that the scene was staged at a later date.

Update: Taking your most recent post on the subject (#23, this thread) into consideration, do you think that the guy who at least resembled Lovelady and was wearing the mostly-red "plaid" shirt in front of the TSBD was wearing a shirt like Lovelady's by sheer coincidence, or do you think that this TSBD scene was staged at a later date with someone who at least resembled Lovelady but intentionally distorted his face by exhaling cigarette smoke through his mouth (opening his mouth and jutting his chin out in the process)? Why would an actor so critical-to-the-staged-scene, the "center piece" if you will, intentionally distort his face during the brief time he was being filmed? To try to make himself resemble Billy Lovelady a little less?

That's a contradiction which defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

Why wear Lovelady's shirt then? Why stage the scene at all?


--Tommy :sun

updated and bumped for Jon G. Tidd

Also: Updated Informal Poll results!

"Abnormals" (2) -- Robert Mady, JON G. TIDD

"Normals" (11) Tommy, Carmine, Vanessa, Paul B., Bob P., Gary, LARRY HANCOCK, Roger, Ray, Randy, Pat

highlighted and bumped

Doesn't anyone else have an opinion on this?

Just eleven "normals" and two "abnormals"???

Don't be shy!

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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It took me 5 months to enter my new password, and before it expires, I want to do my civic duty and vote: NORMAL. :peace:help

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It took me 5 months to enter my new password, and before it expires, I want to do my civic duty and vote: NORMAL. :peace:help

Thanks, Ray Ken,

Your vote makes it --

Twelve "normals" to two "abnormals".

--Tommy :sun

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