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Declassified: The CIA, Oswald and Mexico City

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If one recalls, Davey did not think that Hoover lying about Hall, Seymour and Howard being at Odio's door was a big deal.

Well, in regards to the large frame of Mexico City it sure is.

Just put the time frame together for Oswald and you will see what I mean.

Therefore, I am inserting two essays on the subject. The first stresses the whole MC vs Odio aspect. And why the WC had to come up with the Hall, Seymour, Howard stuff.

The second is more strategic, as to how the MC scheme worked overall.


No conspiracy? There definitely was.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Hi Jim...

I think it very important to add something I found when researching that 12:20pm bus out of New Orleans...

In Dec MAJOR GREEN does not mention a 12:20pm bus since it does not go thru to Mexico as a part of a single trip... but only the 4:40pm and 8:15pm buses which cannot get Ozzie to Houston in time...

So what does the FBI do? In Sept 1964, 3 days before the publishing of the WCR, MAJOR GREEN is mysteriously interviewed again - and this time there is a 12:20pm bus to Houston.

So the FBI back dates the report and offers it in December as proof the FBI knew about a bus which could get Ozzie to Houston in time...

This is how the FBI starts the trip and "presumes" he left on this bus... why does it assume this... Marina says he left on the 25th... even though she had already left 2 days earlier... and had no contact with Ozzie while on her trip to Irving...

This is the FBI doing their thing... and it only gets worse with the rest of the MC evidence...

Please notice that the original report from 12/16 with only 2 buses and the 9/21 report verbiage are virtually identical...



Nice article Jim... the Chicago FBI office WCDocs virtually all include mention of Vallee and how he and only he was arrested, NOT other gunmen


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Nice one Dave.

The FBI had a devil of a time putting MC together after the CIA dumped it on them.

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David Josephs, you have persuaded me Oswald didn't go to Mexico City.

Even before I encountered your material, I believed Oswald didn't go to MC for one simple reason: the CIA, which appears to have had every reason to place him in MC, blatantly failed to do so.

The CIA created ambiguity, with which the FBI ran.

I don't know the truth. Someone here was playing truth-master.

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I have to agree with that Jon.

To me there are three ways to look at MC:

1.) The WC version, i.e. the Slawson/ Coleman report. Which is: Oswald went and did what they said he did. This can only be credible if you do not read the Lopez Report. Since I did read the Lopez Report (actually twice), and I interviewed Eddie Lopez before I wrote these two essays, I do not think Slawson/Coleman deserves any respect at all. In fact, today I think its almost risible.

2.) The declassified HSCA version : Oswald did go to Mexico, but he did not do the things that Slawson and Coleman said he did. Eddie and Danny base this on the total lack of evidence for what the CIA says happened at the Cuban and Russian consulates. Further, upon the demonstrable perjury by Phillips and Goodpasture. And finally, upon Phillips' attempts to implicate LHO in a plot of communist design. Attempts that were later discredited.

3.) The most current version. In the Lopez Report, Danny and Eddie accept the Slawson Coleman/ FBI version of how Oswald arrived in MC. Through the work of Armstrong, Dave Josephs and Jerry Kroth, this has been slowly but surely chipped away at. And today, for reasons I state in the first essay, Mumford is not a credible witness. And the weight of the evidence says Joe Ball knew this. Yet, she is overwhelmingly the person who the WC used to certify Oswald's voyage down.

Now, with Mumford neutralized, the voyage down is highly suspect. But, IMO, the voyage back is even worse. But as Dave points out, the problem was simple: The FBI had to put LHO on a bus. Whether or not he was on one did not matter.


Because if they put him in a car by himself, then that compromises them saying he did not drive. If they put him in a car with someone else, that means he had accomplices.

This is the dilemma the CIA left for the FBI. Which is why Hoover later wrote that the CIA had dumped a tall tale on them about LHO in Mexico City.

As I have said before, and I say even more strongly now, MC is the key to the plot.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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