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Ruth Paine IDs March 20 as the Day Oswald ordered the rifle

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Kenneth... in my article I will show that 4 PMO's were "found" within the evidence offered...

One of them in Kansas City in fact.

I hope the article will change how people see the evidence and the FBI/SS's creation of it along with their reports which wind up contradicting themselves.

I introduce a new term... "closed loop corroboration" whereby the evidence corroborates itself, as long as no other evidence related to but outside the closed loop is examined.

When looking at the different items of evidence, look to see if that which is offered to make it appear the evidence is authentic is an example of how it is ALWAYS done or just specific to the item of evidence being corroborated...

The best example? There were 99 other rifles in that shipment in Feb 1963 and Klein's was selling this in one version or another from Feb 1962 to Nov 1963 as C20-T750 (although the "T" was dropped later April 1963)

Have we ever seen any one of these other 99 rifles. Ever. Anywhere? Not a single soul in the entire US bought or has one of these rifles? There is no record of any other C20-T750 rifle sold to anyone, ever?

You wont believe what happened to the "remaining inventory" at Klein's on Nov 25th.

The rifle story had been done up pretty good. I think I've added enough back story to show HOW the items of evidence came to be and why they cannot be trusted.


Yes, I've read that. The FBI/CIA/SS had/have some very creative people. As soon as someone 'speculated' that LHO had bought a rifle, each of them, independently it seems, immediately found/created a PMO to fit the circumstances. Seems as if the normal storage in KC was search, one created in DC, one in Dallas, etc. odd how each one missed some detail or other. for example the one from Dallas had a number obviously from the new stack but several weeks in the future. Not from the past. others didn't have correct endorsements. One should not have been in DC, etc. but they finally seemed to come up with a 'consensus' one, but without adequately 'hiding' the others.

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There's a line from a song which I use to explain DVP and those like him

You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know

So he has FAITH - which has no argument and no recourse... it's faith, which by definition is unnecessary to explain, justify or rationalize since rational thought and faith are mutually exclusive.

Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing or a belief not based on proof.

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There's a line from a song which I use to explain DVP and those like him

You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know

So he has FAITH - which has no argument and no recourse... it's faith, which by definition is unnecessary to explain, justify or rationalize since rational thought and faith are mutually exclusive.

Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing or a belief not based on proof.

You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know very true. and TLD, er, uh, DVP doesn't want to learn anything. His goal is to shout down anyone that does not buy the WCR whole hog. But, he has said that he is not free to believe what he wants to. Whatever that means. I just watched the YOUTube video about the creation of the film of the shooting of LHO by Jack Ruby. I've never even heard of that theory, but I'm sure gonna check it out. Seems possible. Now I realize that someone will tell me that theory has been around 'forever', but I have also, and I have never heard of it.

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It's not even ironic that as enters DVP the thread, so enters conflict.

It's more a given, really.

Gee, there's a surprise. An LNer in conflict with CTers. Amazing, huh?

in fact it IS disappointing and none at all necessary, David. contrary to what appears to be your own experience, there do exist adults who can vehemently disagree and still avoid conflict with mature, impersonal and reasonable discussion, debate. conflict is something different.

what's amazing is that this would need to be pointed out to you at your age.

I think maybe you'd better look up the word "conflict", because in the intense battle between "LNers" and "CTers", this word is virtually impossible to avoid....

CONFLICT (noun) --- A state of disagreement or disharmony between persons or ideas; a clash; a state of opposition between ideas, interests, etc; disagreement or controversy.

CONFLICT (verb) --- To come into opposition; clash.


Edited by David Von Pein
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there you go with your dogmatic adjectives again. conflict may be quite ubiquitous in your own self-described "intense battles," but in the civil debates and disagreements i've experienced in here and elsewhere, there WAS NO conflict, in this sense of the word. Far be it from you to understand, but other people can disagree without it getting rude and personal. i've experienced nothing but good logic and manners from every other non-CTer and alternative theoretician in here, except for you.

it's easy enough to recite the definition of a word (and copy and paste it) for anyone who can read; knowing its meaning in context is what i was referring to.

here's your next homework assignment: go look up "context." don't bother me with it; i already know what it means, too. just read it.

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I had not seen this before either, and probably for good reason. While I will look more deeply into the microphone in some images andnot in others... did you check out his other work?

He claims Gerald Posner is actually Carrot Top... that a Bush brother is Larry Harris JFK author... that JFK is Jimmy Carter based on the veins in his hands!

That Jim Reeves played Oswald in the faked movies.... he's got tons of these "famous actor who looks like the news story person" slides...


Jane Fonda is Nancy Pelosi?


He attempts to use junk science to claim that you can perform biometric measurements on the 2d representation of a 3d image without photogrammetry... which is not possible.

95% BS mixed with 5% truth can sound like truth to many... the microphone anomolie is worth a second look... yet I feel there is probably a realistic explanation for it....

We'll see... yet it sure does seem hard to argue that the mic should be there in the top right image


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I had not seen this before either, and probably for good reason. While I will look more deeply into the microphone in some images andnot in others... did you check out his other work?

He claims Gerald Posner is actually Carrot Top... that a Bush brother is Larry Harris JFK author... that JFK is Jimmy Carter based on the veins in his hands!

That Jim Reeves played Oswald in the faked movies.... he's got tons of these "famous actor who looks like the news story person" slides...


Jane Fonda is Nancy Pelosi?


He attempts to use junk science to claim that you can perform biometric measurements on the 2d representation of a 3d image without photogrammetry... which is not possible.

95% BS mixed with 5% truth can sound like truth to many... the microphone anomolie is worth a second look... yet I feel there is probably a realistic explanation for it....

We'll see... yet it sure does seem hard to argue that the mic should be there in the top right image


Thanks for the info. I'll look into it a little more also. What you describe sounds strange.

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but in the civil debates and disagreements I've experienced in here and elsewhere, there WAS NO conflict...

Impossible. The very nature of a CT vs. LN JFK debate involves some level of "conflict". It can't be avoided. How COULD it be avoided, what with LNers believing in the exact opposite of what CTers believe?

Ergo...there's conflict.

What's amazing is that this would need to be pointed out to you at your age.

Edited by David Von Pein
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pay close attention to this ensuing COMPLETE lack of conflict:

[ crickets... ]

Edited by Glenn Nall
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pay close attention to this ensuing COMPLETE lack of conflict:

I'm with ya Glenn... one thing we do need to watch for though... the "Why would they..." & "it's just not possible that..." type of statements... the incredulous non-believer in human nature and the depravity of self preservation


regarding your evidence blurb...

As a strong proponent for the analysis of the evidence, I'm wondering where the "authentication" part comes into your evidence statement.

Yes, fingerprints on the murder weapon is "real evidence" but if it is not authenticated it's not admitted as evidence or it is, with a caveat, that while "real", whether or not the evidence was part of the crime and not created at some later date has to be established. this is done thru authentication

Just saying it came from a certain place or certain person does not authenticate the evidence - real or otherwise...

I'm sorry if I sound preachy here... this case is chock full of real evidence, virtually none of it authentic... (In my journey the only authentic evidence I've seen is the jacket and shirt yet now that is even being called into question....

To be admissible, real evidence, like all evidence, must be relevant, material, and competent. Establishing these basic prerequisites, and any other special ones that may apply, is called laying a foundation. The relevance and materiality of real evidence are usually obvious. Its competence is established by showing that it really is what it is supposed to be. Proving that real or other evidence is what it purports to be is called authentication. Evid. Code § 1400; Fed. Rules Evid. 901.

Real evidence may be authenticated in three ways--by identification of a unique object, by identification of an object that has been made unique, and by establishing a chain of custody. You only have to be able to use one of these ways, though it is prudent to prepare to use an alternate method in case the court is not satisfied with the one you have chosen.

Funny thing though is all we can hope for is to expect authentication under the assumption that the evidence referred to by DVP would need to be accepted in a court of law to prove his guilt.

When it is understood that the evidence's authentication was completely destroyed the first night for hundred of items of evidence when they magically appeared in the FBI DC labs only to be returned to Dallas and taken again - as if for the first time.

David speaks of conflict between LN and CT... how about the conflict that almost 500 items of evidence have a fraudulent chain of possession... and that's not even getting to the photos, films and statements collected.

IMO, I think it's critical if understanding the evidence for what it is, is desired...

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Kenneth... go back and look at my composite... look carefully at the shadows of the people compared to the shadow of the mike on the wall...

why aren't the shadows at the people's feet headed toward that wall instead of directly behind them...?


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but in the civil debates and disagreements I've experienced in here and elsewhere, there WAS NO conflict...

Impossible. The very nature of a CT vs. LN JFK debate involves some level of "conflict". It can't be avoided. How COULD it be avoided, what with LNers believing in the exact opposite of what CTers believe?

Ergo...there's conflict.

What's amazing is that this would need to be pointed out to you at your age.

DVP thinks the government should be trusted


Conspiracy Fact: How The Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments On The American People




What's amazing is that this above would need to be pointed out to you at your age.,gaal

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Steve... how best to put this...


we're trying to pour water into a bucket that's been turned upside down. The initial splash can be impressive

but ain't none of that water is going to make its way into the bucket.

and it's a rare day and a rare talent getting buckets turned right side up.

Glad to be keeping the water flowing with you.


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