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Yes, David, we all know that Lee Harvey Oswald was on the radio in New Orleans during August 1963, but that was not what I asked you. What I asked you was: "Do you have one of Robert Kennedy holding a meeting of the Special Group (Augmented) with his brother John in attendance?"

It seems that the Occam's Razor evidence points to a Mafia boss in New Orleans ordering the hit on JFK to shut up RFK.

So do you have the audio-visual interviews with this man.

Or shall I seek them out for you?

After all, Lee Harvey Oswald was just a 'patsy', just like Don House.

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My last video posted had nothing to do with your previous question to me, Mervyn. I was merely doing what I've been doing in this thread for years---occasionally posting random JFK-related videos that I think might be of interest to anyone lurking in here.

As for your RFK inquiry, I have no idea what you're talking about, and I've never in my life heard of anything called "Special Group (Augmented)". I haven't the slightest idea what that is, nor do I particularly care.


Edited by David Von Pein
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3 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

My last video posted had nothing to do with your previous question to me, Mervyn. I was merely doing what I've been doing in this thread for years---posting random JFK-related videos that I think might be of interest to anyone lurking in here.

As for your RFK inquiry, I have no idea what you're talking about, and I've never in my life heard of anything called "Special Group (Augmented)". I haven't the slightest idea what that is, nor do I care.


David Von Pein I am astounded!

You have actually admitted how deep your ignorance and brainwashing goes: "I've never in my life heard of anything called 'Special Group (Augmented)."

Then you dare to add: "I haven't the slightest idea what that is, nor do I care."


And YOU are the person who also wrote that it was just coincidence that these assassination lyrics were played just after JFK had his head blown off... 

"You know that once upon a time
I didn't need you so
It would have been so easy then
For me to turn and go
But now there's no leaving you
I know that for a fact
I'm at the point of no return
And for me there'll be no turning back"

There was no turning back for JFK.

He was dead.

He came to Texas because he needed Texas votes and what he got was a death sentence instead.

But you can't even discuss why RFK led to the murder of JFK because you not only don't know anything about the SGA, but you don't care.

Now you have clearly identified yourself as some sort of spokesman for the cover-up.

What you have got out of this I just don't know .... yet.

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Well, Mervyn, I see now that Vincent Bugliosi does talk about the "Special Group (Augmented)" in his 2007 book, "Reclaiming History" (on page 1325), which means I have been made aware of the existence of that group (because I read every word of Bugliosi's book back in 2007 when it came out).

But I must have forgotten all about the "SGA" in the years since I read RH.

Does this lapse in memory on my part mean that I'm now supposed to throw all the evidence against Oswald down the toilet?


Edited by David Von Pein
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Come on David, you have to do better than that to dig yourself out of the greatest blooper you ever made?

Or should I write the greatest admission of truth that you ever told?

You wrote that you didn't care, because you are not operating in the real world but in the nightmare delusional world of psyops. Now pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese, don't tell me that you don't know what psyops means!

I know you might because while everyone else in the world knows that KLIF was a copycat top 40 station tweaked by PAMS jingles, you are under the impression that it was the greatest source of news and information on the Planet.

I am now rolling on the floor in laughter.

Excuse me while I try to regain decorum in your hallowed halls of Warren Wonderment.


Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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The fact that you, Mervyn, seem to actually believe that KLIF Radio in Dallas was part of some kind of "psyops" operation on 11/22/63---complete with Tommy Roe and Gene McDaniels playing unwitting parts in your fantasy via their Top 40 hits---is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard any conspiracy fantasist come up with since I first got interested in the JFK murder case in 1981.

Congratulations on the achievement.


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Just now, David Von Pein said:

The fact that you, Mervyn, seem to actually believe that KLIF Radio in Dallas was part of some kind of "psyops" operation on 11/22/63---complete with Tommy Roe and Gene McDaniels playing unwitting parts in your fantasy via their Top 40 hits---is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard any conspiracy fantasist come up with since I first got interested in the JFK murder case in 1981.

Congratulations on the achievement.


No David, you don't get the meaning of 'psyops', do you?

If you did you would know who Sefton Delmer is in this long-term story of misinformation, misdirection and confusion.

You would know that Winston Churchill, no less, yes, THAT Winston Churchill, was the promoter of the 'Illuminati' nonsense all the way back in 1920 in a full page newspaper article that he wrote under his own name.

In WWII, it was Churchill who took terrorism (yes, THAT kind of terrorism in which people are maimed and die and property is destroyed by means of stealth application), in order to create the SOE.

The SOE began the SAS which begat the Green Beret's and the OSS which begat the CIA.

But good old Winnie also hired Sefton Delmer, and long, long before Herbert W. Armstrong became a patsy for polemical broadcasting, and so a Catholic Priest began making pirate radio broadcasts from England aimed at fooling those nasty Nazis.

Years later, Bobby Kennedy's SGA (the organisation you never heard of - oops!) and Operation Mongoose came up with the idea of a submarine surfacing off Cuba, launching star shells and pretending that Jesus had returned as promise to denounce the anti-Christ known as Fidel Castro.

Religion and politics have always walked hand in hand, but David, you seem to be unaware of any of this.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

What have I revealed about your vaunted collection of JFK icons?

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15 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

No David, you don't get the meaning of 'psyops', do you?

If you did you would know who Sefton Delmer is in this long-term story of misinformation, misdirection and confusion.

You would know that Winston Churchill, no less, yes, THAT Winston Churchill, was the promoter of the 'Illuminati' nonsense all the way back in 1920 in a full page newspaper article that he wrote under his own name.

In WWII, it was Churchill who took terrorism (yes, THAT kind of terrorism in which people are maimed and die and property is destroyed by means of stealth application), in order to create the SOE.

The SOE began the SAS which begat the Green Beret's and the OSS which begat the CIA.

But good old Winnie also hired Sefton Delmer, and long, long before Herbert W. Armstrong became a patsy for polemical broadcasting, and so a Catholic Priest began making pirate radio broadcasts from England aimed at fooling those nasty Nazis.

Years later, Bobby Kennedy's SGA (the organisation you never heard of - oops!) and Operation Mongoose came up with the idea of a submarine surfacing off Cuba, launching star shells and pretending that Jesus had returned as promise to denounce the anti-Christ known as Fidel Castro.

Religion and politics have always walked hand in hand, but David, you seem to be unaware of any of this.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

What have I revealed about your vaunted collection of JFK icons?

Does all that crap above mean that all of the physical evidence that hangs Lee Harvey Oswald for two 11/22/63 Dallas murders has to be tossed in the nearest trash can, Mervyn?

Dammit! Looks like I have to start from scratch! And all because of Sefton Delmer (and Gordon McLendon and Tommy Roe, of course)!


Edited by David Von Pein
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2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Does all that crap above mean that all of the physical evidence that hangs Lee Harvey Oswald for two 11/22/63 Dallas murders has to be tossed in the nearest trash can, Mervyn?

Dammit! Looks like I have to start from scratch! And all because of Sefton Delmer!


You laugh now with an unsure leer, because I know that you are thumbing through books, or more likely scanning with Google to see what comes up about Sefton Delmer.

Might I suggest that you go first to the 1920 doyen of conspiratorialist nutcases, the man on the pedestal called "Sir Winston Churchill"? Read what he wrote about Jews and the Illuminati. He was the man who hired Sefton Delmer and from Churchill flowed the beginnings of the CIA and its Radio Free Europe under advice from 'Mr KLIF', Gordon McLendon.

Yes, David, you have been conned for sure!

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9 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Might I suggest that you go first to the 1920 doyen of conspiratorialist nutcases, the man on the pedestal called "Sir Winston Churchill"? Read what he wrote about Jews and the Illuminati. He was the man who hired Sefton Delmer and from Churchill flowed the beginnings of the CIA and its Radio Free Europe under advice from 'Mr KLIF', Gordon McLendon.

Yes, David, you have been conned for sure!

Does that mean you think all the evidence against Oswald was faked/planted/manufactured/tainted?

After all, you did say this just a couple of hours ago:

"Lee Harvey Oswald was just a 'patsy', just like Don House."


Edited by David Von Pein
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Just now, David Von Pein said:

Does that mean you think all the evidence against Oswald was faked/planted/manufactured/tainted?

After all, you did say just one hour ago that you think Oswald was, indeed, just a "patsy" (along with Donald House).


Ahh, I caught you out David.

You asked two questions but you only want one answer.

So, in response to your question number one about the evidence against Oswald, the key to the answer is in your inclusion of the word "ALL". Therefore I must answer "no". But, if you remove YOUR WORD "all", then my answer is "yes" in the way that it pertains to your second question about Oswald being a "patsy".

Of course he was a "patsy".

But was the record in Japan that was attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald a fake?

Not necessarily if we can determine who exactly was in Japan. Was it the same person who was shot by Jack Ruby?

In any event David, I suggest you keep quiet for awhile and see how someone has obviously groomed you to be yet another "patsy" in posting misinformation.

That's all.


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