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Robert Oswald on "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?"

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Hmmmm..."I LED THREE LIVES--he [Lee Oswald] became really engrossed in that particular TV show, and he was still watching it when I left to go into the Marine Corps in 1952."


"I Led Three Lives (also known as I Led 3 Lives) is an American drama series which was syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from October 1, 1953 to January 1, 1956."

So it had never been on TV in 1952...And Lee Oswald never watched a single episode in 1952.

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If any one individual's behavior supports John Armstrong's basic thesis, it's Robert Oswald.

If you ask me why I think Robert Oswald produced the Imperial Reflex camera in early 1964, I'll say I think [1] he was scripted to do so, and doing so did not harm his biological brother.

Robert Oswald appears to have shed no tears over the demise of Marina's husband.

This comment is not intended to derail this thread. This comment is merely intended to offer certain opinions as to Robert Oswald.

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Hmmmm..."I LED THREE LIVES--he [Lee Oswald] became really engrossed in that particular TV show, and he was still watching it when I left to go into the Marine Corps in 1952."


"I Led Three Lives (also known as I Led 3 Lives) is an American drama series which was syndicated by Ziv Television Programs from October 1, 1953 to January 1, 1956."

So it had never been on TV in 1952...And Lee Oswald never watched a single episode in 1952.

I Led 3 Lives was first aired in late September 1953 (when Oswald was in the last months of his roughly 18 months in New York City).

It became the number 1 (or #2) show in America, alongside such classics as Highway Patrol and Mr. District Attorney.

There were 117 episodes in all, and the show ran for three consecutive (television) seasons –i.e., from September through June each year.

LHO moved to New Orleans in January 1954.

Marguerite said that she (and Lee) watched the show together every week. (See her testimony; also her statements on file with her papers at a Texas library). I verified that the show was on one of the local New Orleans TV stations.

The last show (of the 117 show sequence) aired in late June 1956 (so the three seasons it was broadcast were: 53/54, 54/55, and 55/56).

Some of the shows are now available on YouTube.

Robert Oswald knew all about I Led 3 Lives, and Lee’s intense interest in that show, but did not volunteer any of his knowledge to the FBI or to the Warren Commission. In other words, he watched as his brother was, in effect "hung out to dry", without saying a word about his interest in this program. The first time he mentioned it was in his book LEE (published by Coward-McCann in 1967).

Years ago (in the early 1990s, and before the advent of the modern Internet) I researched this area thoroughly. FYI: The rights to the show at the time (and perhaps now, too) were owned by Ted Turner. I traveled to a distant location, and made arrangements to watch copies of as many of the shows as I wished. (I watched about half of them). I also obtained copies of all 117 scripts; plus much other material relevant to the production of the shows.

Bottom line: The most significant thing about Oswald’s interest in I Led 3 Lives is that his hero (or even role model) was a fake communist, an undercover agent for the FBI.

This alone makes a mockery of the sophomoric thesis (promoted by Jean Davison, and other true believers of the official version) that Lee Oswald was a genuine Marxist, in part because (a) he behaved like one and ( b ) he stated (on a number of occasions): “I am a Marxist.”

As I stated in another post on the London Forum (“Phil Shenon’s “Castro-did-it” theory—Anesthesia for the Mind”, which I posted about a day ago), Oswald was a counterfeit Marxist; and this behavior (and possible early affiliation with an intelligence agency) go back to a fairly early age.

I’ll have a lot more to say about all of this in Final Charade.


10/11/15 - 8 p.m. PDT

Los Angeles, California

Edited by David Lifton
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Robert Oswald knew all about I Led 3 Lives, and Lee’s intense interest in that show, but did not volunteer any of his knowledge to the FBI or to the Warren Commission. In other words, he watched as his brother was, in effect "hung out to dry", without saying a word about his interest in this program. The first time he mentioned it was in his book LEE (published by Coward-McCann in 1967).



10/11/15 - 8 p.m. PDT

Los Angeles, California

David, this makes it sound like you don't buy the Harvey & Lee hypothesis. Is that the case?

I've only just begun reading (the free version of) Harvey and Lee. But some posts I've seen made by David Josephs, where Oswald was in two places at the same time, look rather convincing.

If there are some compelling facts that argue against the theory, Id like to hear them. In particular, facts that essentially disprove the theory.

(BTW, at the moment I see the "Harvey & Lee" concept as being distinct from "the other Oswald was in the TSD" and "the other Oswald shot Tippit" concepts. I haven't studied enough to form an opinion on any such connections.)

what is final charade and when will it be available? sorry if you've answered this before

Martin: please email me at dsl74@cornell.edu Thank you. DSL

I have the same question that Martin Blank posted. Well, the part about when Final Charade is expected to be published. Have you answered this question anywhere? I'm anxious to read the book, having already been convinced of what you put forth in Best Evidence.

BTW, I spent a month debating Best Evidence conclusions with a friend of mine who is an LN. By the time the debate ended, I had him reduced to claiming that virtually no eye witness gives useful testimony, compared to photos and x-rays which are undeniably accurate. He even had to concede that both the Ida Dox drawings and the(alleged) autopsy photos trump the Humes autopsy results and testimony. (I don't think I would be amiss in labeling him an ideologue rather than a truth seeker.)

I had to do an awful lot of studying and fact checking in order to participate in that debate, and it is because of this that I became absolutely convinced that you are, at the very least, mostly right. I wish that those researchers who disagree with you would do the same. Or remain neutral on the subject.

Edited by Sandy Larsen
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