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Peter Dale Scott -- Dallas '63

Tom Neal

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I have and I found it delightful! Some of it is a rework and update of PDS' previous work on Oswald/Mexico/Kostikov/DFS/Staff D/ZR Rifle, and Oswald in Russia with an analysis of ONI, Popov, and Otepka. There are three new chapters on Milteer/Paulino Sierra Martinez/Del Valle/Giannettini, and Pawley/Bayo/Luce/Bringuier and activities of the deep state from JFK to 9/11.

What I love about Peter Dale Scott's work is his deep scholarship and ability to tie small stories (like the Bayo Pawley affair) into a much richer context. The book is a work to be studied and read several times; it's not a quick read.

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I've read much of his work and have met him as well. I agree with Ollie completely. Pawley, Otepka, and the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee are subjects he connects and shines much light on. He has influenced many researchers and broken much ground.

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Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush,

Chapter 8b.


<quote on>

During the years after the failure of the Bay of Pigs, [JM/WAVE] had as many as

3,000 Cuban agents and subagents, with a small army of case officers to direct

and look after each one. According to one account, there were at least 55 dummy

corporations to provide employment, cover, and commercial disguise for all these

operatives. There were detective bureaus, gun stores, real estate brokerages, boat

repair shops, and party boats for fishing and other entertainments. There was the

clandestine Radio Swan, later renamed Radio Americas. There were fleets of specially

modified boats based at Homestead Marina, and at other marinas throughout the

Florida Keys. Agents were assigned to the University of Miami and other educational


The raison d'être of the massive capability commanded by Theodore Shackley was

now Operation Mongoose, a program for sabotage raids and assassinations to be

conducted on Cuban territory, with a special effort to eliminate Fidel Castro personally.

In order to run these operations from US territory, flagrant and extensive violation of

federal and state laws was the order of the day. Documents regarding the incorporation

of businesses were falsified. Income tax returns were faked. FAA regulations were

violated by planes taking off for Cuba or for forward bases in the Bahamas and

elsewhere. Explosives moved across highways that were full of civilian traffic. The

Munitions Act, the Neutrality Act, the customs and immigrations laws were routinely

flaunted. Above all, the drug laws were massively violated as the gallant

anti-communist fighters filled their planes and boats with illegal narcotics to be

smuggled back into the US when they returned from their missions. By 1963, the

drug-running activities of the covert operatives were beginning to attract attention.

JM/WAVE, in sum, accelerated the slide of south Florida towards the status of drug

and murder capital of the United States it achieved during the 1980's, when it became

as notorious as Chicago during Prohibition.

<quote off>

Henrik Kruger, The Great Heroin Coup, pgs 191-2:

<quote on>

In my opinion the central manipulator in the whole narcotics scheme was the CIA,

or rather a faction within it. It is erroneous to treat the agency as a monolith. Various

lobbying groups have their own agents in the company, generating internal power

struggles that reflect political polarizations external to the CIA.

<quote off>

Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, ppg 299-300:

<quote on>

There are those who object that no conspiracy, of the scale contemplated

in this book, could have remained a secret for so long in a society as open

as America's. Admittedly, the open surface of our society is no mere facade.

However, as I suggested at the beginning of this book, beneath the open surface

lie connections and relationships of long-standing, immune to disclosure,

and capable of great crimes including serial murder.

The postwar international alliance between intelligence and drug traffickers

is perhaps the best-documented instance of such a connection, one where

denial persists despite limited revelations about the 1960-63 plots to

murder Fidel Castro. It is not the only such connection, and indeed merges with

others, notably unassailable networks responsible for gambling and prostitution in

the United States.

There are two other special reasons for suspecting the intelligence-sanctioned

drug networks in particular. One is their role in connecting so many disparately

centered different networks, from FBN to FBI to foreign casinos to local corruption

in Dallas and elsewhere. The other is their key role in transnational connections

to the deep politics of Mexico and Nicaragua, two countries clearly involved in the

assassination story.

<quote off>

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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