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Much like Constable Seymour Weitzman who was admitted for having a nervous breakdown after viewing Bernard Barker's photo on TV after the Watergate break-ins. The FBI had attempted to intimidate Sylvia Odio into changing her story about Lee Oswald in Mexico by visiting her so often that she lost her secretarial job and was forced to move to Miami. A few hours before Sylvia Odio was to appear at the Miami FBI for questioning, former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre called the FBI and said Sylvia Odio had attempted suicide a number of times, and was under the care of a psychiatrist. [KAISER], entered into Ferre's office, pulled out a gun, and put it to his head. He threatened to kill him, why? I don't know. [KAISER] was arrested for this incident, and says he doesn't know why he was arrested. He was subsequently released without charge.

This is what the FBI and CIA would do to [living witnesses], or to witnesses who they thought would be beneficial in their testimonies in favor for the agencie(s) working together.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Scott, I believe you mean Silvia Duran who worked in Mexico City at the consulate where a fake LHO applied for a visa to Cuba. She was arrested twice and beaten. Her apartment was tossed. All because she refused to identify the Oswald impersonator (much shorter, maybe Larry Crafard) as the real LHO.

Sylvia ODIO was the far-right Cuban, daughter of a man jailed in a Castro assassination attempt, who lived in a DALLAS apartment in late 1963. She was visited that fall by a motley trio which included one "Leon Oswald" who gave his nom de guerre as "Leopoldo Oswaldo" or some such tripe. Could've been Larry Crafard, the Carousel's live-in handyman, again. He was as busy as his boss Jack Ruby before, during, and after 11-22. I think JR was giving LC some of his Prellies and other speed pills. Even the WARren COmmisioN wouldn't use Odio as a witness because she was hysterical even on her good days.

Silvia Duran's testimony was no good to the War Con because it didn't fit their narrative.

I get the Si(y)lvias mixed up too sometimes. Easy mnemonic device: ODio was the odious one in D for Dallas; Duran was the other, good one in Mexico City.

Edited by Roy Wieselquist
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Scott, I believe you mean Silvia Duran who worked in Mexico City at the consulate where a fake LHO applied for a visa to Cuba. She was arrested twice and beaten. Her apartment was tossed. All because she refused to identify the Oswald impersonator (much shorter, maybe Larry Crafard) as the real LHO.

Sylvia ODIO was the far-right Cuban, daughter of a man jailed in a Castro assassination attempt, who lived in a DALLAS apartment in late 1963. She was visited that fall by a motley trio which included one "Leon Oswald" who gave his nom de guerre as "Leopoldo Oswaldo" or some such tripe. Could've been Larry Crafard, the Carousel's live-in handyman, again. He was as busy as his boss Jack Ruby before, during, and after 11-22. I think JR was giving LC some of his Prellies and other speed pills. Even the WARren COmmisioN wouldn't use Odio as a witness because she was hysterical even on her good days.

Silvia Duran's testimony was no good to the War Con because it didn't fit their narrative.

I get the Si(y)lvias mixed up too sometimes. Easy mnemonic device: ODio was the odious one in D for Dallas; Duran was the other, good one in Mexico City.

Unless, it was Silvia Duran who moved into Miami and not Odio, and the FBI also got the two Silvia's mixed up, then this would be all too interesting, I'll see if I can't find that document when I get back from court today.

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Seymour Weitzman did not have a nervous breakdown after viewing Bernard Barker on TV, he as being treated for schizophrenia in a VA hospital when Michael Canfield brought in pictures of the Watergate burglars and asked if any of them looked familiar. He picked out Barker but later his doctor said the interview stressed him out and he was trying to say anything for Canfield to leave.

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Seymour Weitzman did not have a nervous breakdown after viewing Bernard Barker on TV, he as being treated for schizophrenia in a VA hospital when Michael Canfield brought in pictures of the Watergate burglars and asked if any of them looked familiar. He picked out Barker but later his doctor said the interview stressed him out and he was trying to say anything for Canfield to leave.

I understand it differently, from the other side of the story, his doctor entered the room and said Weitzman's mind is very clear and sharp of that day. Canfield, showed Weitzman a few photos including Sturgis, Weitzman immediately pointed at Barker, and said, "that's him, that's the man"! And, Weitzman was in and out of three other hospitals before Canfield visited Weitzman at the "VA for aging". Weitzman admitted to having a nervous breakdown [after] seeing Barkers photo on TV.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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The use for media, is to not exonerate Oswald, but to make him appear guilty of a crime he didn't commit. The CIA uses the media to disseminate false information, what intelligence calls, propaganda. Can we please established exactly how many stops along the way to Mexico would Oswald's bus have made?

The illusion is, we're to believe Oswald left New Orleans without his wife, and Mrs. Paine, as they both went to Irving TX. and Oswald would travel to Mexico, but there's just one small problem, Antonio Veciana says he sees Oswald, in Dallas, with [Maurice Bishop] aka David Phillips, CIA. If that's not enough to reconsider Oswald's trip to Mexico, then lets take into account what the CIA firmly said, "we have a tape of Oswald calling the Embassy, we have photos of Oswald in Mexico at the Embassy". Now, perhaps, not an exact quote, however, you get the logistics.

You'd think that the single most important piece of evidence, and the nail in the coffin would be Oswald's voice recorded conversation to the Russian Embassy. But, wait a minute, the CIA also has Oswald's photos, and they can prove, without a doubt Oswald was in Mexico. So, the two single most important pieces of evidence are lost, the photos of the mystery man, produced by the CIA, looks nothing like Oswald. And, the tape of Oswald's conversation, well, no one seems to know where it is.

There seems to be a lot of double talk going on in the CIA, I know I heard the tape, but I'm not sure, I seen the tape, but I gave it to the FBI. The FBI has the tape, but I'm not sure where it is. More propaganda.


I've read the work that Mr. Joseph has put out on Oswald, and undoubtedly, some of the greatest work I've read thus far regarding Oswald's "alleged" trip to Mexico.


Edited by Scott Kaiser
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