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John McAdams and Marquette go to Court

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Fascinating faculty report from a jury of his peers.

I really don't know how he lasted this long.

But anyway check out the background of his law firm to see how connected McAdams is.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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Fascinating faculty report from a jury of his peers.

I really don't know how he lasted this long.

But anyway check out the background of his law firm to see who connected McAdams is.


I am relieved McAdams' history of abusive behavior is at least available at the level of the public and press. He of course ran aaj like the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party". He regularly ridiculed and attacked CTs, myself included. He then laughed at anyone who went over his head to the Provosts, saying that they were already aware that he was dealing with a bunch of loonies.

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Fascinating faculty report from a jury of his peers.

I really don't know how he lasted this long.

But anyway check out the background of his law firm to see who connected McAdams is.


I am relieved McAdams' history of abusive behavior is at least available at the level of the public and press. He of course ran aaj like the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party". He regularly ridiculed and attacked CTs, myself included. He then laughed at anyone who went over his head to the Provosts, saying that they were already aware that he was dealing with a bunch of loonies.

McAdams went after me whole-hog in regard to Judyth, claiming that I 'believed' a note she said had given her asylum. Judyth had, in that case, told me the truth -- that she was going to have to leave Sweden for Turkey and repeatedly told McAdams so, but he refused to accept that, continuing to return to that subject. Truly despicable behavior imo.

McAdams also repeatedly bragged at how no CT could find a 'decent publisher', so he has obviously used his connections, which you reference Jim, to put CTs at a disadvantage.

Edited by Pamela Brown
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I was in the education establishment as an instructor and as a graduate student for a combined 37 years.

I have never seen a record like McAdams' with the instructor not being disciplined in some way. But I have seen instructors get disciplined for much less.

This really surprised me. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that McAdams was running something like a reign of terror on campus.

And you are right it does resemble what he did online. In fact, the report begins his litany of violations with a complaint about using his Marquette computer to insult people in the JFK research community. I think this refers to the complaint Gary Aguilar filed. So we did get in there for a sentence or two.

But its a long, 123 page report, and its really thorough and detailed. They did a good job I think in lifting the veil on this guy.

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Has John McAdams endorsed Donald Trump yet?

I would not be surprised if he is secretly working for him.

Heck, he might get the Secretary of Education job if Trump wins.

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I don't even think Trump would go that far since McAdams is not a lawyer.

But please look at the last three paragraphs of my essay and see how connected this assistant professor from Marquette is.

Once you do you will see a clue as to how that PBS JFK special with the Haags got on TV.

And why McAdams was one of its first promoters on the initial press junket.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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BTW, in looking over my notes, I left out a really rich aspect of McAdams' reaction.

The professor who never saw any case that he thought was a conspiracy, actually claimed that the president of the college, the provost, the deans and the department chairs were all in unison to retaliate against him because he is a critic of political correctness!


In other words, when its him at risk he finally cries, "Conspiracy!"

That is too precious for words John.

But again you are wrong mr professor. Marquette was boxed into a situation you made so bad that it really did not have any choice. When you're tactics force a young graduate assistant to flee for fear of her mental and physical well being, that is pretty bad. No conspiracy there sir--but you will probably see them all over your own case.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I was in the education establishment as an instructor and as a graduate student for a combined 37 years.

I have never seen a record like McAdams' with the instructor not being disciplined in some way. But I have seen instructors get disciplined for much less.

This really surprised me. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that McAdams was running something like a reign of terror on campus.

And you are right it does resemble what he did online. In fact, the report begins his litany of violations with a complaint about using his Marquette computer to insult people in the JFK research community. I think this refers to the complaint Gary Aguilar filed. So we did get in there for a sentence or two.

But its a long, 123 page report, and its really thorough and detailed. They did a good job I think in lifting the veil on this guy.

It is a relief to know that what McAdams has managed to get away with is not typical in the academic world. I found it hard to believe that the provosts just blew his behavior off regarding aaj by saying that he ran aaj from a pc at his desk in his office and he could do what he wanted.

Ironically, I became involved before McAdams in a situation involving Fetzer. This was when I and the Ferguson memo were new to the community and Fetzer was trying to discredit me on the DellaRosa board. He got me kicked off for disagreeing with him. Since he was using UMD websites for his pages at that time and a UMD email address I ran my situation by them. They did do some sort of investigation, but nothing happened at that time. UMD must have taken my situation seriously, however, because some time later one or more other women reported him to the administration and he was quickly 'retired'.

So there is hope in the academic world of justice prevailing. And I am delighted that this is finally happening to McAdams...:-)

Edited by Pamela Brown
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BTW, in looking over my notes, I left out a really rich aspect of McAdams' reaction.

The professor who never saw any case that he thought was a conspiracy, actually claimed that the president of the college, the provost, the deans and the department chairs were all in unison to retaliate against him because he is a critic of political correctness!


In other words, when its him at risk he finally cries, "Conspiracy!"

That is too precious for words John.

But again you are wrong mr professor. Marquette was boxed into a situation you made so bad that it really did not have any choice. When you're tactics force a young graduate assistant to flee for fear of her mental and physical well being, that is pretty bad. No conspiracy there sir--but you will probably see them all over your won case.

This is truly hilarious. We can turn around and call McAdams paranoid, as that is what he likes to label the CTs.

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Qualifications?? We don' need no steenkin' qualifications! ANYBODY can be Attorney General!

Even the old guy off of Duck Dynasty. :)

I do not believe there has ever been an AG who was not a lawyer. The very name implies that one is an attorney.

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