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FROM 1990 Manuscript/book re; 1962

Harry J.Dean

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1990 Manuscript/book, Chapter 2,`pages 11 & 12

....in 1962 I was made aware of the new Conservative movement, and became a sincere member as did a great number of other Republicans.

The John Birch Society (JBS) was an invention and political extension of the Church (Latter Day saints (LDS),Mormon. The JBS infrastructure

was an exact miniature of the church, designed to serve as it's political arm in reaching where the church was forbidden to go by U.S. laws of

church-state separation.

An extremely costly seizure of the Republican Party was the urgent and powerful first step taken by LDS-JBS for entrance into the legitimate

political scene ( a relentless goal of LDS church hierarchy since it's 1830 founding . Their revival and use of the name "conservatism" was

merely a title , a semantic weapon, to display opposition to the Liberalism that dominated both Republican and Democrat parties, chocking

and limiting both political conservatism and church ambitions. The more important purpose in exploiting this title was it's value to draw-in

the sincere, influential and ideological conservatives to serve our cause in many ways.

Now with those of Mitt Romney George Bush Sr and endless followers are attempting to protect this assassin system that came to total power

over all U.S. politics forever, 22 Nov 1963. Their only threat has been and remains, not Clinton, where the status quo survives, Trump is the

only threat to their survival.

Edited by Harry J.Dean
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Now with those of Mitt Romney George Bush Sr and endless followers are attempting to protect this assassin system that came to total power

over all U.S. politics forever, 22 Nov 1963. Their only threat has been and remains, not Clinton, where the status quo survives, Trump is the

only threat to their survival.

Harry. In a way I agree with you. The pessimistic me sees a long succession of Presidents that have no intention of dealing with any improprieties committed by their predecessors. I've heard both Presidents G.W. Bush and Carter speak about the "sanctity" of the Office of The Presidency. Nixon is a case in point. What makes us think they wouldn't close ranks around a coup to preserve the "sanctity"?

The only thing I don't agree with is your choice of savior.

Edited by Chris Newton
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"...the Liberalism that dominated [the] ... Republican [party] ..."

what the heck does that mean? today's Republican party overall is at the most tolerant state it has ever been. In truth the acceptance of social versatility is more broad than ever; racism is abhorred by and spoken against just as vociferously as the Democrats. Trump's nomination is a glaring example of this, that the Party is willing to nominate against long-held "norms." And yet Republicans, as a whole, are still labeled "[clinging] to guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment..." when this, as a whole, is the furthest from the truth as it's ever been.

From the 60's thru the 90's the Party was far less "tolerant." So I'm not sure what the author means by a Liberalism-dominated Republican Party.

And regarding current political climes, I won't engage in discussing any here, except as any which are affected by the events of 1963. I've worked hard to gain the thimble of respect I have so far achieved; I won't dash it all by stating my own, guaranteed unpopular views here... :)

Edited by Glenn Nall
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right, that didn't sound like any kind of "choice" or "preference," just a statement of probability. A puppet of the status-quo has no intention of tipping the apple barrel. A rebel has a chance, if he's not shot to death first.

Chris, Trump is not the savior if he wins the presidency, but is the Only threat to minimize or destroy
their total control of the satanic religio/politic destructive war making aims against humanity including
American lives used for purpose of religio/politic ideology.

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I will add that I think Harry is also correct about hatred of Trump by the east coast establishment folks. I lived in Palm Beach County, Florida for about 30 years. I was very familiar with the Town of Palm Beach and the south end of the island of Palm Beach. I met my future wife on a public beach about 1 mile south of that town. When Trump bought Mar Lago it was just a mansion and estate on the ocean about 100 feet north of one of Palm Beach's most prestigious and exclusive clubs, The Bath and Tennis Club. Trump could not buy his way in to the "B&T", no amount of money could get him in there and the same thing happened at the most exclusive golf club on the island, The Everglades, which is just a little farther north behind world famous Worth Ave.

Trump was absolutely furious and rumor was that this was the impetus to make Mar Lago a resort and golf club.

Afterward, his warring with the Town of Palm Beach over building codes became daily news fodder.

Edited by Chris Newton
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the impetus to make Mar Lago a resort and golf club

yeah, making money probably had nothing to do with it.

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yeah, making money probably had nothing to do with it.

Glenn, There were years between the closing and when it was decided to create the club. I have no insider knowledge of Trumps strategies but I assumed initially that he'd flip it. It was so heavily leveraged that maybe "the club" was the only way to break even.

Everything "The Donald" did was for money/prestige.

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that was my point. not defending Trump, just "reason."

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