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Homeland tv show

Paul Brancato

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Is anyone else watching Homeland this season. It's following two different plot lines. In one, Israel is trying to prove to the US that Iran is getting around Its no nuke deal with the US by collaborating with North Korea. It appears that their evidence is being faked. The second plot line concerns a terrorist act in NYC that looks Islamic but has actually been planned by a private security firm working for an as yet unknown entity. In this one the president-elect, a woman (guess this was filmed before Clinton lost ) is taken to a secure location and deprived of communicating with her chief of staff. She is held virtually a prisoner, until she escapes, by a Continuity of Government group.

its fascinating and must be pissing some people off - seems to me to be rather too close to the truth.

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I watch it too, Paul. I loved it with Brody. I mourned his passing more than any TV character I can remember, but it couldn't last. The last season with Brody's character was largely without Brody because he was in exile in Caracas. Then the next season I thought lost focus a bit. I came back last year with the antagonist being the woman  CiA/ Russian double agent. She was a good antagonist focus. I love the cast, Danes, Patinkin,Friend (though he's a bit much sometimes),  F. Murray Abrahams,  can cast a sinister shadow pretty well.

In this last episode, I knew that guy was going to die, he was almost too capable and it seemed inevitable he was going to burn out like a meteor, besides he wasn't enough of a heavy to join the permanent cast. The woman who ended up being a chauffeur for the President Elect had a rather quiet, but imposing presence. Do you think she's on the up and up? Is she going to factor in future episodes?

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I'm watching it. But I'm too ignorant and ill-informed to comment.



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