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The Larry and Phil Show: i.e. Sabato and Shenon

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This entire thread and it's accompanying links ( Peter Dale Scott - Slawson interviews  ) is one of the most enlightening pieces I have come across in all my forum readings. Scott's reportage on the world and domestic drug trade highlights my often stated points of how corruption ( largely the marriage of organized crime with our elected and non-elected secret government ) on levels the great majority of American citizens for generations could never have imagined,  has been one of the most powerful guiding and controlling influences in our nation's domestic and foreign policy history for the last 80 years.

Until we collectively allow ourselves to acknowledge and face this reality  ( LBJ/Nixon/Hoover etc. ) in any way close to it's totality ( no matter how upsetting it may be to our comfort zone senses ) we will continue to live in a world of misconception, misguidedness and mistrust.


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