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Oliver Stones take on the records.

Cory Santos

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Agree completely Kirk. But what about the point that it's a stretch to think that today's reporting on the Russia hack is entirely truthful.

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Paul, Your question is probably worth a thread and I'm the only one who would take on even part of it. That's a very complicated question, and I don't have all the answers, but I can try to give my take on it, but I can't all at once now.

But about the central question. In the next 6 months, the JFK conspiracy advocates should stop crying about their lowly status in the mainstream media or how they got there and start making specific demands and let the MSM know exactly what they want..




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On 10/29/2017 at 10:54 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Agree completely Kirk. But what about the point that it's a stretch to think that today's reporting on the Russia hack is entirely truthful.

Entirely truthful??, I think you're  losing track of what's important Paul.
As I said I don't have all the answers.I won't say I'm a completely impartial filter. And don't think I'm asking these questions just of you.(unless I specifically am)
Did the Russians interfere with our Presidential campaign? Don't be naive. Of course they did. Why wouldn't they? We're doing  stuff to them all the time! Paying 100-150K to Facebook,  for the newest estimate 80,000 election posts going out  126 million people.? If you don't believe that.  Is it that you think the Russians are morally above that? Why should they be? They're not going to be thrown in jail! That's money very well spent!
So Paul, If you're not sure the Russians are hacking,what is the source of those emails that the Russians offered to Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner in Trump Tower?. Or do you believe that whole assemblage was all  just about adoption?
Ok, so from what source, did  the Russian e-mail dirt on Hillary that Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to offering to the Trump campaign come from,other than through hacking?
If all this is part of a media and or gov./intelligence conspiracy,   please explain it to me. Are Manafort, Papadopoulos, Flynn,----TrumpJr. all just patsies with a spy in there  in this master scheme?
What's the prevalent "Deep State" theory?
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Kirk - I've no doubt that Russian trolls and bots hacked the election. The point I'm trying to make is whose idea was it? Have you looked into Cambridge Analytica?

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Any "Deep Red State" theories on this "Trump/ Russian Hack Hysteria?"
It got me thinking....Who is this Papadopoulos dude? I've never heard of him.
Is he even from here? Is he even an American? Trump should look into this guy, he's good at that.
Then it came to me..With all the vast resources that the Deep State has at it's disposal, Why didn't I think of this before?
There is no George Papadopoulus! He's a robot! Look! He looks pleasing, they even puts blemishes on his forehead!


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Paul, I'm sorry I've been gone, and I didn't see your post..Here's the question you asked.

"But what about the point that it's a stretch to think that today's reporting on the Russia hack is entirely truthful."

Be specific, What is the nature of your issue with today's reporting on the Russian Hack? "Entirely truthful", what are they hiding?

Now you're talking about Cambridge Analytical. All I know about Cambridge Analytics is that Banon and  Murcer   have millions in it and have sat on the board and. it is a target of the Russian investigators.If you you'd like to tell me what you know beyond that please do. These seem to be in 2 different directions. Tie that that in to your  fear that today's Russian hack reporting."isn't entirely truthful."

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Sure Kirk. We are being told that Russia was posting fake news on FB having somehow analyzed the swing state demographics in order to target their ads. We also know that Cambridge Analytica was doing exactly that. We know that Mercer (and his weird daughter) supported Trump with big money, and now, today, we hear that he is stepping down as leader of his Renaissance hedge fund. We have been told by multiple sources that Eastern European bots and trolls were actively seeking to destroy Hillary Clinton. We also know that Trump and his operatives were doing the same. How do we know who hired the xxxxx operatives in Eastern Europe? Who was clearly trying to hurt Clinton? Obviously Trump. Maybe Putin. Combine that with 70+ years of Russia bashing and Cold War politics, geopolitical warfare, Project for a new American Cenrury - you know the history. It's been the heart of US foreign policy since before WW2 - Russia, or the former Soviets, and China, are our enemies. Early attempts to change that formula were destroyed. State Department liberals were thrown out. The Dulles vision (and those behind him) became our policy, and the media sang the same tune. JFK came along, saw what was going on and realized how entrenched in war his CIA and JCS and military contractors were. Isn't that why we care? Did our media cover any of that? Cronkite finally, way too late, begins to question Vietnam. Media victories for peacemakers are rare indeed. Now we are supposed to think they are finally reporting truth, when the very same outlets are so obviously lying, or at least woefully uninformed, about the JFK document realease. 


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Ok Paul, understood. If you could please answer a couple of questions for me.

1) Did the Trump campaign "collude" or conspire with the Russians in the 2016 campaign?

2)If yes, do you care?

An auxiliary question which involves an opinion because it is one man's word against another. On one hand we have "Honest Abe #45's" word against some guy we don't know from Adam.

3) Did the President of the United States knowingly "collude" or conspire with the Russians in the 2016 campaign?

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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First Kirk, I care very much.

i can first dispel one thing - whatever the Trump campaign did, Trump did.

as to the basic question, if there was collusion, I think the jury is out as to who initiated it. So to me there are three possibilities, the least likely of which is that Putin decided to interfere and found a willing partner in Trump. More likely in my opinion is that Trump looked for a way to defeat Clinton and found a willing partner in Putin and his little helpers. But there is a third possibility, which is that Trump outsourced directly to Eastern European trolling armies without Putin's involvement. 

To me, the way you ask the questions seems to suggest that you see Russia and Putin as deciding to interfere in our election and finding a willing fool in Trump. That may be true, but I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't trust our liberal media so much. Their track record does not inspire confidence. The overriding point I would hope we could agree on is that Trump and his people stole an election by cheating, using sophisticated data mining techniques and targeting specific states, counties, and socioeconomic groups. Did Russia help them? Quite possibly.

I have to ask you the same question you asked me - is it your opinion that Trump didn't know what his people were doing? 

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Paul Brancato said: i can first dispel one thing - whatever the Trump campaign did, Trump did.

You may know this, and I may know this, but proving it in a court of law could be something else entirely.  Trump has at his disposal an army of lawyers who will twist everything around to give Trump plausible deniability.  And then we have Putin, waiting in the wings, who will do the same thing.  The Russians have historically been more sophisticated than we are in areas of intelligence.  

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Paul said:

is it your opinion that Trump didn't know what his people were doing? 

I don't see how you would have assumed that from what I've written.

 I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't trust our liberal media so much.

I'm not sure what the liberal media has to do with this? Aren't these releases of the first charges filed in the Mueller investigation?, if you want to take someone on, take on Mueller.

The overriding point I would hope we could agree on is that Trump and his people stole an election by cheating, using sophisticated data mining techniques and targeting specific states, counties, and socioeconomic groups. Did Russia help them? Quite possibly.

I don't care who approached who. Of all the charges you've made here,  I would say you're quite possibly right (stole the election, I'm not sure anyone can say for absolutely sure) but if you believe, not the liberal media, but  the Meuller charges, there was a mutual attempt between the Trump campaign and the Russians to collude in the 2016 campaign. And that is the charge that has the greatest possibility of impeaching a President. I realize, easier said than done.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Pamela - of course you are right about Trumps lawyers who are complete sleazebags. That's how the powerful protect themselves.

Kirk - if the result if the Mueller investigation is that certain members of Trump's circle are charged with taking the bait offered to them by Russia, but that no Trumpers are charged with initiating the contact, will you believe it? Would such charges accomplish anything other than convincing the public and the government that Putin is the prime mover? Why do you trust Mueller? I hope he gets to the bottom of it, but I'm uncomfortable with trusting the FBI 

Have you looked at Cambridge Analytica?

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