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The Question of RCD

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Don Jeffries just posted a query about whether or not RCD is allowed posting privileges on this forum.

RCD seemed to suggest that he was having trouble doing so a few days ago.

I would certainly request that if its a problem with him that it be solved ASAP.

Anyone who was here when RCD posted previously will attest to how valuable and acute and knowledgeable his postings were. (Well, except Trejo. Which is actually a complement.)

So I hope Don can look into this and communicate with Robert.  If its a technical problem,  then let us solve it.  I think it should be made as easy as possible for Robert to log on.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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If I was unclear, I apologize. 

My password was invalidated, but not by the moderators. 

When one logs in, one is advised that it is not a secure connection.  

My suspicion is that somebody decided to make it hard for me to log on.  Simply asked for a new password, and it's all a-ok. 

Until the next time somebody invalidates my password.   At that point, it will be clear that the cause is not a mere tech quirk, but deliberate targeting.

We'll see.


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28 minutes ago, Robert Charles-Dunne said:

If I was unclear, I apologize. 

My password was invalidated, but not by the moderators. 

When one logs in, one is advised that it is not a secure connection.  

My suspicion is that somebody decided to make it hard for me to log on.  Simply asked for a new password, and it's all a-ok. 

Until the next time somebody invalidates my password.   At that point, it will be clear that the cause is not a mere tech quirk, but deliberate targeting.

We'll see.


Glad to have you back, Robert.

I always have admired your wit and superior writing skills, BTW.

And your grasp of the subject matter, tenuous though it may be.


--  Tommy  :sun


Edited by Thomas Graves
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