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A Question For James Gordon

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On 4/2/2018 at 3:51 PM, Michael Clark said:

Bart, you need to put up or........ as well.

Without making a thesis about it, and trying to stay on topic, make a case against Doyle, Tommy's.... whatever, and Sandy's mistakes.

So, you won a Lancer award. You're  resting on your laurels, sinking low, disrespecting the forum and its membership, and hardly rising above Tommy's antics.

Bart, what you got? Let's see it.




Thanks.  I couldn't agree more.

(Although I probably would have tried to state it a little more diplomatically than you did.)


--  TG


Edited by Thomas Graves
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26 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:




That's an excellent question.

Perhaps, for some "strange" reason, to protect her identity?




--  TG



Buell has already identified the person he spoke to as 'Sarah'. There was only one Sarah on the steps - Sarah Stanton.

So Buell has outed this person but now wants to protect her identity? I'm afraid that doesn't really fly.

I can't think of any reasons that Buell might want to protect Sarah's identity - especially after he's already identified her.

I can think of a lot of reasons why he might not want to identify Oswald as PM.






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17 minutes ago, Vanessa Loney said:


Buell has already identified the person he spoke to as 'Sarah'. There was only one Sarah on the steps - Sarah Stanton.

So Buell has outed this person but now wants to protect her identity? I'm afraid that doesn't really fly.

I can't think of any reasons that Buell might want to protect Sarah's identity - especially after he's already identified her.

I can think of a lot of reasons why he might not want to identify Oswald as PM.









Do you think Frazier conspired with the bad guys in the assassination or its coverup?

If so, how many other TSBD employees do you believe did that, too?

Truly, Campbell, Shelley, Lovelady, Frazier, Dougherty, Reid (?), ...

Am I missing anyone?


--  TG



Edited by Thomas Graves
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7 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:




Do you think Frazier conspired with the bad guys in the assassination or its coverup?

If so, how many other TSBD employees do you believe did something similar?

Truly, Campbell, Shelley, Lovelady, Frazier, Dougherty, Reid (?), ...

Am I missing anyone?


--  TG



In the same TSBD Museum interview you've referred to Buell said his family was threatened. He said he could deal with threats to himself but his family was a different thing. I don't think Buell knew anything else about the assassination except that Oswald wasn't guilty.

Shelley was CIA and I've heard from a reliable source who will soon be revealing his research (ahem) that Truly has intelligence connections. 

Have you read James Douglas "JFK and the Unspeakable'? You need to turn your view of the world upside down. 


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On 4/11/2018 at 5:09 AM, Vanessa Loney said:

In the same TSBD Museum interview you've referred to Buell said his family was threatened. He said he could deal with threats to himself but his family was a different thing. I don't think Buell knew anything else about the assassination except that Oswald wasn't guilty.

Shelley was CIA and I've heard from a reliable source who will soon be revealing his research (ahem) that Truly has intelligence connections. 

Have you read James Douglas "JFK and the Unspeakable'? You need to turn your view of the world upside down. 





Yes, I have.

Eons ago.

At the time it thought it was a good book, but for the parts about the big military plane's landing and taking off from the bank of the Trinity River, and the Yates story, and ...

I need to turn my view of the world upside down?  Haven't you noticed that I've already done just that, Vanessa?  After all, I used to believe (as you and Brian Doyle and Sandy Larsen and James DiEugenio and ... gasp ... Michael Clark ... and ... so many others ... still do) that the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK!

Regardless, I take it you don't think Doyle should be let back on the Forum?


--  TG


Edited by Thomas Graves
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I'm pretty sure The Education Forum was never structured as a democracy, where membership is concerned. So don't look for that to start today.

Or tomorrow.

Or next week.

And Mr. Graves, I congratulate you on your Trejo-esque move to turn this into yet another thread on Prayer Man/Woman. Your "speculate for me so I can tell you how stupid your speculation is, compared to my own speculation" form of questioning other members is so condescending that I'm beginning to wonder if you and Mr. Trejo are in cahoots.

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31 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:




Yes, I have.

Eons ago.

At the time it thought it was a good book, but for the parts about the big military plane's landing and taking off from the bank of the Trinity River, and the Yates story, and ...

I need to turn my view of the world upside down?  Haven't you noticed that I've already done just that, Vanessa?  After all, I, like you and Brian Doyle and Sandy Larsen and ... gasp ... Michael Clark ... and .......... used to believe that the evil, evil, evil CIA killed JFK.


But, uh, ... do we digress here?

I take it you don't think Doyle should be let back on the Forum?


--  TG


Douglas was accurate about the way the CIA operated in other agencies. After all until a few months ago we all 'knew' that Earle Cabell wasn't CIA, right?

Please don't tell me that you now think Oswald did it? You can't possibly believe that.

Doyle's behaviour speaks for itself. The mods made the right decision the first time around.



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On 4/11/2018 at 5:43 AM, Mark Knight said:

I'm pretty sure The Education Forum was never structured as a democracy, where membership is concerned. So don't look for that to start today.

Or tomorrow.

Or next week.

And Mr. Graves, I congratulate you on your Trejo-esque move to turn this into yet another thread on Prayer Man/Woman. Your "speculate for me so I can tell you how stupid your speculation is, compared to my own speculation" form of questioning other members is so condescending that I'm beginning to wonder if you and Mr. Trejo are in cahoots.


No, Mark.


My handler told me a long time ago to not EDIT ALERT: ally myself with Paul Trejo, but I must admit that I did "go rogue" once when I gratefully accepted his having finally accepted, a couple of years ago, my discovery that the "Neck Scratcher" monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in August, 1963, was none other than that old CIA rogue, ... gasp ... David Sanchez Morales.


--  TG


Edited by Thomas Graves
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On ‎11‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 10:56 PM, Thomas Graves said:


No, Mark.


My handler told me a long time ago to not EDIT ALERT: ally myself with Paul Trejo, but I must admit that I did "go rogue" once when I gratefully accepted his having finally accepted, a couple of years ago, my discovery that the "Neck Scratcher" monitoring Oswald in New Orleans in August, 1963, was none other than that old CIA rogue, ... gasp ... David Sanchez Morales.


--  TG



I see that you have ducked the opportunity to give us your theory on who did it. You keep inviting us to offer speculative views. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Do you now think Oswald did it?


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1 hour ago, Vanessa Loney said:


Do you now think Oswald did it?







or ... gasp ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him witting-or-unwitting CIA Asset frustrated-widdle-self)

(I can almost hear James "OMG!" DiEugenio a-workin' up a sweat right now ... )


--  TG


PS  Who do you think killed JFK, Vanessa?

Do you have a full-blown theory?


PPS  Why do you say the moderators were right to ban Brian Doyle?



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On ‎14‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 7:37 PM, Thomas Graves said:






or ... gasp ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him witting-or-unwitting CIA Asset frustrated-widdle-self)

(I can almost hear James "OMG!" DiEugenio a-workin' up a sweat right now ... )


--  TG


PS  Who do you think killed JFK, Vanessa?

Do you have a full-blown theory?


PPS  Why do you say the moderators were right to ban Brian Doyle?



Really? Castro or Khrushchev or Oswald (who you are saying was a CIA asset but that had nothing to do with the assassination??).

Well you are nailing your colours to the mast with that line up. What's your evidence for believing in any of those 3 as actors?

Let's hear your evidence first then I'll give you mine.


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On 4/11/2018 at 12:20 PM, Thomas Graves said:




Thanks.  I couldn't agree more.

(Although I probably would have tried to state it a little more diplomatically than you did.)


--  TG


Michael Clark and Thomas Graves


For two people who have thousands of posts as their 'credit' and nearly nothing of substance to show for in return, that would be the pot calling the kettle black.

But others know  I have posted enough here, more than the two of you combined, for quite a few years to come.

Do something useful (research perhaps?) than just posting opinions.

Edited by Bart Kamp
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17 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

Michael Clark and Thomas Graves


For two people who have thousands of posts as their 'credit' and nearly nothing of substance to show for in return, that would be the pot calling the kettle black.

But others know  I have posted enough here, more than the two of you combined, for quite a few years to come.

Do something useful (research perhaps?) than just shouting your Edited by Admin

Hey Barto

I think the calibre of those coming to your defence indicates the respect in which you are held. I don't see anyone sticking up for the others. We all know the difference between researchers and disrupters.

How are you doing? I was really shocked to hear you returned your award. If you don't mind me asking, what on earth happened?





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On ‎14‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 7:37 PM, Thomas Graves said:






or ... gasp ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him witting-or-unwitting CIA Asset frustrated-widdle-self)

(I can almost hear James "OMG!" DiEugenio a-workin' up a sweat right now ... )


--  TG


PS  Who do you think killed JFK, Vanessa?

Do you have a full-blown theory?


PPS  Why do you say the moderators were right to ban Brian Doyle?



Tommy?  No evidence yet?

Or is it just 'not the CIA' and 'any commie' who did it?


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