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Conspiracy Theorists

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Hear ye. Hear ye. One and all.  We were named by the CIA.  If you even doubt Oswald might not have acted alone you are one of the accused, by them.  "The CIA report stated "the aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of conspiracy theorists."  Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, pg. 72.  "More than a decade after the assassination when I won a lawsuit... I received many long-suppressed documents.  Among them was a top secret CIA report."  The report itself was from the mid to late 60's.  

"The CIA directed this matter be discussed with "liaison and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) instructing these persons "that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition"  "Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by communist propagandists.  Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation."  

"Employ (pay?) propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics.  Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.  The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passage to assets.  Our play should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (ii) politically interested, (iii) financially interested, (iv) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories."

"Reviewers of the books "might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that , checking back with the Report itself, they found it far superior to the work of the critics".

I personally believe in the "theory" that it's a fact the CIA participated in the cover up of the fact that the JFK Assassination was a conspiracy.  Oswald did not act alone, if at all.  I'm part of that +/- 65% of US citizens who Still believe this (as mentioned elsewhere this might be 90% but for the jaded 1% owned Main Stream Media).

In the last 24 hours on this forum as least some of us have been described as "fringe lunatics", and silly as to the things "CT's" will believe in.

"My", I believe  shared "Theory" that the CIA was involved in the cover up is part of a ever evolving larger theory that some of them, and others may have been involved in a conspiracy itself to assassinate the President.  It is based on Facts that have emerged over time and an Overwhelming Preponderance of Circumstantial Evidence (I.E. an admitted "fact" itself?)    

While many people have differing theories about how and why it happened it has become an accepted Fact that a conspiracy (more than one) is reality.  In addition to being a conspiracy theorist about how and why it happen  I'm a Conspiracy Realist.  Oswald did not act alone, again, if at all.  Time has exposed that fact through the work of many journalists, historians and researchers.

If you still believe in the conclusions of the Warren Omission, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Lone Nut, I personally think your ignorant or nuttier than a fruitcake.  Or a paid operative of Operation Mockingbird.


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Right on Mr. Bulman. No way the CIA would have covered up for so long just to protect some right wing zealots in Dallas.

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