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Foul Play for Cuba Committee?

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The Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) lasted from April 1960 to December 1963. It was formed by Robert Taber and Richard Gibson.  Bill Simpich provides more information ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2009/07/24/fair-play-for-cuba-and-the-cuban-revolution/ )

It would appear the source of funding for the FPCC was unclear, with its fundraiser (Santos Buch) first claiming eight individuals provided the money and later that the Cuban Government provided it.

The latest document releases confirm Richard Gibson spied for the CIA. (http://www.newsweek.com/richard-gibson-cia-spies-james-baldwin-amiri-baraka-richard-wright-cuba-926428 )

In the Newsweek article Morley describes how Gibson became a spy around 1965, but he had made documented attempts to contact the CIA at least as early as 1962 when he was allegedly deemed to be too unreliable for use. Taber later also offered to assist the CIA (See Simpich article)

Vincent T. Lee was the final leader of the FPCC and is another opaque character (http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/T%20Disk/Tampa%20Florida%20Times/Item%2004.pdf ) . John Simkin has attempted to find out about his background without success, the following appears on a past Ed Forum thread

"Harry J.Dean said:

The only info. I know re; V.T. Lee is that he had lived in Florida, he made several trips to Cuba., and was a firebrand for Castro. He arrived at FPCC in New York long after my time in the Chicago Chapter 60/61. Prior to V.T. Lee's position at FPCC, Richard Taber and Richard Gibson 'were FPCC',  with whom Chicago FPCC leaders held a meeting and as FPCC secretary I was present, 1960."

So was the FPCC a genuine pro Castro organisation? If it wasn't, then perhaps its use by Oswald points more strongly to his association with Phillips. The FPCC appears to be a candidate for a Phillips  organisation. Its leaders were certainly malleable and the timing of its collapse suspicious. Any thoughts?

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20 minutes ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

The Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) lasted ....


Any thoughts?


The URL's above would not click for me. 



http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/T Disk/Tampa Florida Times/Item 04.pdf





Edited by Michael Clark
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On 7/28/2017 at 5:55 PM, Michael Clark said:

"McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)"


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Jefferson Morley states, matter-of-factly, that Oswald was trying to infiltrate anti-Castro groups in the summer of 1963.



From the above link....:

"George E. Joannides (pronounced “Joe-uh-NEE-deez”) ..........

 His personnel file showed that he served in 1963 as the chief of the Psychological Warfare branch of the CIA’s station in Miami. He had a staff of 24 and a budget of $1.5 million. He also was in charge of handling the anti-Castro student group that Oswald had tried to infiltrate in August 1963. They called themselves the Cuban Student Directorate and it was Joannides’s job to guide and monitor them. Under a CIA program code named AMSPELL, he was giving $25,000 a month to Luis Fernandez Rocha and Juan Salvat, the Directorate’s leaders in Miami. That funding supported the Directorate’s chapters in New Orleans and other cities."

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This was a topic of discussion over at ROKC.  James Olmstead, a really good researcher, is doing some work on the subject.

And another of their frequenters is actually writing a book on the FPCC.

That should be really interesting.

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7 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

The Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) lasted from April 1960 to December 1963. It was formed by Robert Taber and Richard Gibson.  Bill Simpich provides more information ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2009/07/24/fair-play-for-cuba-and-the-cuban-revolution/ )


It would appear the source of funding for the FPCC was unclear, with its fundraiser (Santos Buch) first claiming eight individuals provided the money and later that the Cuban Government provided it.


The latest document releases confirm Richard Gibson spied for the CIA. (http://www.newsweek.com/richard-gibson-cia-spies-james-baldwin-amiri-baraka-richard-wright-cuba-926428 )


In the Newsweek article Morley describes how Gibson became a spy around 1965, but he had made documented attempts to contact the CIA at least as early as 1962 when he was allegedly deemed to be too unreliable for use. Taber later also offered to assist the CIA (See Simpich article)


Vincent T. Lee was the final leader of the FPCC and is another opaque character (http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/T%20Disk/Tampa%20Florida%20Times/Item%2004.pdf ) . John Simkin has attempted to find out about his background without success, the following appears on a past Ed Forum thread


"Harry J.Dean said:


The only info. I know re; V.T. Lee is that he had lived in Florida, he made several trips to Cuba., and was a firebrand for Castro. He arrived at FPCC in New York long after my time in the Chicago Chapter 60/61. Prior to V.T. Lee's position at FPCC, Richard Taber and Richard Gibson 'were FPCC',  with whom Chicago FPCC leaders held a meeting and as FPCC secretary I was present, 1960."


So was the FPCC a genuine pro Castro organisation? If it wasn't, then perhaps its use by Oswald points more strongly to his association with Phillips. The FPCC appears to be a candidate for a Phillips  organisation. Its leaders were certainly malleable and the timing of its collapse suspicious. Any thoughts?



From the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. " the Liberal establishment in the US. was under attack by ultra-conservative forces

that had begun to organize in 1958. This fast growing power absorbed the anti-Castro movement there.

They used these Cubans to further their own rightest goals, such as the American Communist Party was doing in exploiting  the opposing

pro-Castro Cubans.But among the new and widespread ''rightest' movements.............would take action.....if only given the word.

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18 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


This was a topic of discussion over at ROKC.  James Olmstead, a really good researcher, is doing some work on the subject.

And another of their frequenters is actually writing a book on the FPCC.

That should be really interesting.

Thanks for that, I couldn't resist selectively pinching a titbit from the thread :

"Phil Hopley wrote:

Gibson was in the US military in the early 1950s then, after leaving the Army, headed to Paris, France, in 1955 and joined the US ex-pat community who mostly spent their time at the Cafe Tournon and the "left bank" crowd. ...

.. it was generally believed in the Paris ex-pat community that Gibson was secretly working for the CIA or FBI."



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12 hours ago, Harry J.Dean said:


From the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS. " the Liberal establishment in the US. was under attack by ultra-conservative forces

that had begun to organize in 1958. This fast growing power absorbed the anti-Castro movement there.

They used these Cubans to further their own rightest goals, such as the American Communist Party was doing in exploiting  the opposing

pro-Castro Cubans.But among the new and widespread ''rightest' movements.............would take action.....if only given the word.

Mr Dean, I am very grateful for your contribution and apologise for quoting you without giving you the credit (You had responded to a Jon Simkin thread). Would you be willing to give your personal opinion as to the FPCC?

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