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Time-Life And the Fiftieth Anniversary

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It never stops does it?

This magazine was really utterly atrocious.  The MSM does not realize why its losing its audience does it?

This was over the top.



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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

It never stops does it?

This magazine was really utterly atrocious.  The MSM does not realize why its losing its audience does it?

This was over the top.



I thought after the 50th anniversary of JFK's Murder the subject of it, RFK and MLK might disappear into insignificance.  

Many thanks to all of those who have not let that happen in pursuit of Truth.

Kudos to RFK Jr. for stirring the pot recently with his book. 

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I have a lot of admiration for that.

A family that has gone through as much as they have, and he still is willing to fight the good fight, like Paul Schrade does.

But yet, the MSM still pulls these stunts like I note above trying to pull the wool over the public's eyes about all three cases at once in this instance.

f you read the article, you will see that the magazine should have been called "Conspiracies".

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Great summation of assassination conspiracies past and present (I mean your piece, not the magazine's). When a major news corporation pulls a stunt like this, you have to ask what better proof is there of a continual cover-up conspiracy.  I mean, a high school student with access to the Internet could have written a better piece than what Time-Life concocted. They obviously made a very careful and concerted effort .... to avoid the truth. But then Time magazine has a long history of being the official mouthpiece of the Establishment.

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To me, it was just a huge propaganda stunt to get something like that on the newstand.

It was not even black propaganda really.  More like grey.  But they wanted to get something that would group them together on the anniversary.


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Joan Baez actually wrote lyrics that made sense and told a story.

Kind of rare today.

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