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I shall be interviewed on coasttocoastam on Tuesday, July 3

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Here is the coasttocoastam summary of the program:

Clarification of the summary needs to be made that while I filed a formal complaint with Special Prosecutor Mueller about a year ago concerning the possible role of Roger Stone in the Trump/Russia collusion criminal case, the special prosecutor has never contacted me in any fashion in response to my filing the complaint. If indeed Roger Stone is indicted, only then will it be known whether my complaint was a factor in the decision to prosecute.



Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Douglas C.

Amazing that you were in the main perp legal defense mix in Watergate in 1972...and here you are today (46 years later ) still trying to share what you personally know about important Trumpgate figures in the interest of revealing possible crime committing truths!

That dual 50 years apart highest importance historical event participation is a remarkable achievement and legacy.

And to think you were also raised in New Orleans at the same time as and not far from just a year younger Lee Harvey Oswald and the nefarious Guy Banister on top of this? 

Talk about interesting fate.

Again, regarding your Coast To Coast interview last night;

I commend George Noory for giving you national exposure air time as often as he has.

Although I have come to not feeling sure about where Noory truly stands politically.

Some say his interview takes have to be somewhat agreeable to his political guest's ideology ( no matter how divisively divergent they are ) to maintain professional neutrality which he seemed to consciously do in his first few years as host of C 2 C.

However, over the years my observation sense is that he is personally moved to the right and much more aligned himself with the Trump/ Roger Stone /Jerome Corsi /Alex Jones political view mentality.

Yes, Noory still has some socially progressive guests on his show but his interview banter with the higher number far right ones I mentioned ( and others ) has become noticeably much more agreeably supportive and enthusiastic in the last 10 years  IMO.

Any more info on the Nixon WH time capsule letter story DC?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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In response to your question posed at the end of your comment above, Robert Merritt (the fellow who had the three meetings with President Nixon in 1972 at which Nixon disclosed the Message to the American People that he had hidden in the White House library) appeared before a grand jury recently in Washington but because of a gag order imposed by the judge nothing is known about the subject or any aspect of the grand jury investigation.

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Douglas C. ... I see. 

Merritt is still alive?

And if what he has to share is about something unimportant, why keep this secret?

Suspicion is warranted.

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Yes, Merritt is still alive. I have no first hand information but my guess is that the grand jury's investigation may deal with national security matters and the authorities believe the witnesses who have been summoned, including Robert Merritt,  may have knowledge pertinent to the grand jury's inquiry. Hence a gag order by the judge is entirely appropriate.


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