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Pew Research: Which President has done the best job in your lifetime?

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Pew Research: Which President has done the best job in your lifetime?


From the report: About one-in-ten adults (12%) say John F. Kennedy did the best job in office during their lifetimes. But Kennedy is named as the best or second best president by about a quarter of those who were alive during his presidency: 24% of Baby Boomers and 25% of those in the Silent Generation.


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JFK was by far the most inspiring president to the younger generation of his time.

And he was absolutely the most inspiring U.S. President to the rest of the world during his time also.

Not the wealthiest of the world, but to the majority of world citizens beneath this highest echelon economic class.

Never have we seen such adoration overseas in response to his personal visits there. Massive public crowds cheering wildly like never before or since.

To the other extreme, never before have we seen such large number public demonstration reactions overseas to our president's visits like our current president.

10's of thousands cheering "derisively" with signs and other forms of public display expressing protest, concern and dislike.

It's embarrassing and even disturbing to see how upset and disliking our allies citizens have become toward our highest level representative and his belligerent policies, comments and personality. 

Putting down their own leaders in their own country, insultingly throwing candy toward them and chastising them and their policies with a scowling face are not our finest examples of diplomatic respect, courtesy and proper protocol.

Makes one feel the loss of JFK all the more.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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If the generations of Americans born just before or after John F. Kennedy could have personally seen, felt and experienced his inspiring and physically and intelligently attractive energy as our president as we did ( versus any since ) those poll numbers would shift dramatically higher in his favor in this popularity poll.  

No shared stories by grandpa or primary school book history reading can adequately imbue the true sense of this reality.



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Imagine if all those polled knew all the truly great things JFK did, he would be counted the greatest. But history books, mainstream media and college professors continue the lies.  Such as LBJ continued JFK's policy in Viet Nam. 

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