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What About McGeorge Bundy?

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   In reviewing the history of NSAM 273, I was reminded today that the original Honolulu  NSAM 273 draft was dated 11/21/63, and signed by JFK's National Security advisor, McGeorge Bundy.

    Has anything been written about Bundy's possible involvement in the plot to kill JFK?

    Bundy was a Yale Skull and Bones man who had worked with Allen Dulles at the CFR after his work for U.S. military intelligence in WWII.  He was a Republican from Groton and a family of blue bloods, (including Boston Brahmins like the Lowells) and one of the main architects of the escalation of the Vietnam War after 11/22/63.

   Seems like a prime suspect, especially in light of his relationship with Allen Dulles, and his strong support for maintaining (and escalating) the global Cold War.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Search the back threads, W.  McGeorge B. has been a frequent candidate for suspicion.

"McGeorge?  What's his sister's name?  McMary?"  -- Lenny Bruce.    


Sage advice, David. 

I should have searched the archives here before starting this redundant thread.

(I'm, obviously, several years behind the JFK scholars on this forum.)

Here's an entry from a thread on McGeorge Bundy started by Robert Morrow back in 2011.


Guest Robert Morrow

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My current view (2/7/2013) is that McGeorge Bundy rapidly acceded to the coup of the JFK assassination.

My previous view was that McGeorge Bundy was probably a part of the plotting of the JFK assassination.

My current view is that McGeorge Bundy knew what had happened, knew who (CIA/military intelligence) did it, and then rapidly started covering up within hours, becoming an accessory after the fact to the murder of John Kennedy. And I think Bundy probably figured out that LBJ was involved, too.

Edited February 7, 2013 by Robert Morrow


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An important discussion in McG's actions during the Kennedy Administration is that surrounding his culpability in the calling-off of the attack and destruction of the few remaining Cuban airplanes which would end up destroying the supply ships and bombers enroute to the BOP during the 1961 attempted invasion by Cuban Exiles.

I respect Jim DiEugenio and Greg Burnham and I do not wish to be regarded as encouraging anything but robust and collegial debate. Yet, this matter needs to be explored more. In this linked thread that debate is delineated but not-long pursued.


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