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Creating the Oswald Legend Pt 2

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The long awaited second segment of Vasilios Vazakas explication of the mystery of who the heck was Lee Oswald.

Amazing what Phil Melanson started.

What we do know is that the WR was up the creek without a paddle on the issue.


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21 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The long awaited second segment of Vasilios Vazakas explication of the mystery of who the heck was Lee Oswald.

Amazing what Phil Melanson started.

What we do know is that the WR was up the creek without a paddle on the issue.




That is a pretty impressive article.

The info about Brundage is eye-opening.

I have read in the past that Oswald was deliberately put into the USSR to "leak" the U-2 Program because it was outdated. Do you think the U-2 had been supplanted by the Corona Project, and is there any evidence that you know of indicating that Oswald had ever brushed up against it in his military service?

From what I can tell, it wasn't really all that successful until about 1962.



Steve Thomas

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Yeah the thing about ASC is really fascinating.  I mean it shows just how far we have come since Melanson.

As per the phasing out of the U2, that may be a part of it.  And the Corona project was on the boards as I understand it at the time.

But as per me personally, I have never been convinced about that being the real reason LHO was sent to Russia.  

In Newman's book, he suggests that the reason was that they were using LHO as a dangle to try and find out who had given the Russians info on the U2 per the whole Popov angle.

I'm not convinced of that either.  Because to me there is a real question as to whether or not the Powers flight was actually shot down.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Amazing article Vasilos and KennedysAndKing/Jim. I definitely think a deeper, closer look needs to be given to Richard Snyder and Nelson Brickham. Blunt and Dale have a series of fascinating talks about LHO but touch on Snyder/Brickham and their possible role when a young Marine goes to visit Moscow in '59...

Jim I believe Simpich also holds to that theory: LHO being a dangle to expose Popov's mole.

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In addition to the question on the U2, there is also this: the Russians knew Oswald was not kosher from the days at the Metropole when he gave those stupid answers to the reporters with his room wired.  So, did they really think the Russians did not know who he was?

Yes, Snyder and Brickham are really interesting.  Newman gives us some good info on them in part 2.

I think VV is going to critique that whole Scott/Simpich Popov mole stuff in part 3.

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