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State Trooper Milton Wright

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I had never read this account before and am just passing it along for historical sake.

Among other things, he talks about "the football".

Milton Wright drove the car carrying Mr. and Mrs. Cabell in the motorcade.


See page 19 of this pdf file.


Steve Thomas

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The most important part of Wright's interview, to me at least, is ; "a section of the President's skull was missing".  Made in reference to his helping lift JFK's dead body out of the limo onto a gurney at Parkland.  The piece Jackie retrieved off the trunk?  Or a piece found in the gutter of the south side of Elm near where Hargis passed?  I've never heard of him before.  Did he file a report or the FBI/SS do one on him?  Tends to support the "theory" that back of JFK's head was blown out by a shot from the front.  Considering Hargis being sprayed with blood and brain matter.  Then there's that back and to the left in the Zapruder film.  

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