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MWN Episode 093 – Donald Jeffries and the Death of JFK Jr.

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I just browsed Mr. Jeffries blog and while looking for an article on John Kennedy Jr. I happened upon another one in which he made some pretty serious mistakes in quoting Margaret Sanger. I’ve always enjoyed his writing and his posts here. Admittedly there seems to be a cottage industry in Sanger quotes, misquotes, out of context or edited quotes. It’s a bit of a minefield. Nevertheless he did not fact check this, and instead used sources that were suspect. 

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Paul, how did I misquote Margaret Sanger? 

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40 minutes ago, Don Jeffries said:

Paul, how did I misquote Margaret Sanger? 

Don - nice to see you here. It would take a while to go back to your article and compare the quotes to the fuller passages they were excerpted from, which I found on a Wiki page. One thing I do remember is the mention of the Klan. There is a photo passed around showing Sanger at a Klan rally. I don’t think you used it, but it is clearly photoshopped. The reason there was an effort by the anti abortion right to cast aspersions on Sanger was to get at Hillary Clinton. I’m no fan of the Clintons, but fake news is insidious and often very clever. 

I have no doubt from rereading all of this Sanger material that she was a eugenics proponent. But it should be kept in context. She was no Nazi, no white supremicist as far as I can tell. 

Btw, where can I find your article on John Jr? 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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