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JIm Leavelle interviewed by William Matson Law

Guest Bart Kamp

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Back in Nov. Jim Leavelle. invited William Matson Law to his place, where they chatted for an hour.

William handed me the recording to share with everyone.




Edited by Bart Kamp
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3 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

Back in Nov. Jim Leavelle. invited William Matson Law to his place, where they chatted for an hour.

William handed me the recording to share with everyone.




After 50+ years, the Dallas PD is still trying to close the LHO/SBT deal! Leavelle might have been good witness against Ruby (for the prosecution) 50 years ago, but not against Oswald. I suspect he'd of been chewed up by a Mark Lane type... 

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Noticed when Law asked Leavelle whether he had any regrets about the historical event he was involved in...Leavelle stammered and "kind of" expressed a little remorse regards the Oswald security situation in the DPD basement that day.

Leavelle says the basement should have been cleared completely of anyone besides the DPD.

Leavelle knew the super crowded basement area allowed for Ruby to be in there to kill Oswald.

Law didn't follow up and ask Leavelle who was responsible for that security decision mistake and whether there were concerned suggestions made to those in charge of Oswald's security to move Oswald without announcing when, without press right there and during the night?

Notice also Leavelle still gets a sadistic kick out of telling how he kicked the living $XXX out of a reporter who dared stick a camera up between his legs when he was physically moving Oswald from one office to another.

Leavelle boastingly chuckled he kicked this guy so hard he flew across the room...and how this reporter didn't mess with him no more after that.

Leavelle never made me feel like he was some kindly old man in his later years versus the mean, tough and probably racist cookie he was during his DPD career.

And I have always wondered, did Leavelle really say in a recorded interview something to the effect that JFK's killing wasn't any more important to him than just another ni##er killing?

Versus fellow police officer Tippit's...now THERE'S a killing worthy of his deepest personal concern.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Noticed when Law asked Leavelle whether he had any regrets about the historical event he was involved in...Leavelle stammered and "kind of" expressed a little remorse regards the Oswald security situation in the DPD basement that day.

Leavelle says the basement should have been cleared completely of anyone besides the DPD.

Leavelle knew the super crowded basement area allowed for Ruby to be in there to kill Oswald.

Law didn't follow up and ask Leavelle who was responsible for that security decision mistake and whether there were concerned suggestions made to those in charge of Oswald's security to move Oswald without announcing when, without press right there and during the night?

Notice also Leavelle still gets a sadistic kick out of telling how he kicked the living $XXX out of a reporter who dared stick a camera up between his legs when he was physically moving Oswald from one office to another.

Leavelle boastingly chuckled he kicked this guy so hard he flew across the room...and how this reporter didn't mess with him no more after that.

Leavelle never made me feel like he was some kindly old man in his later years versus the mean, tough and probably racist cookie he was during his DPD career.

And Leavelle's use of the simile " like flies on $xxx" regarding the press crowd craziness in the DPD while they were first handling Oswald reveals a crudeness that also colors the man's character in a negative way imo.

And I have always wondered, did Leavelle really say in a recorded interview something to the effect that JFK's killing wasn't any more important to him than just another ni##er killing?


Versus fellow police officer Tippit's...now THERE'S a killing worthy of his deepest personal concern.


I suspect Mr.Law had NOT requested an interview with Mr.Lavelle. I suspect Mr.Lavelle made a request through the 6th floor mausoleum for someone to take his quasi statement. Ahem, good for the conscious statement.... The guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

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On 2/3/2019 at 4:35 PM, David G. Healy said:

I suspect Mr.Law had NOT requested an interview with Mr.Lavelle. I suspect Mr.Lavelle made a request through the 6th floor mausoleum for someone to take his quasi statement. Ahem, good for the conscious statement.... The guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

Just embarrassing?

The DPD had the most important criminal suspect in American history right in the palm of their custody hand.  And they presented him wide open, with just two escorts at his side, right inside their own building to hit man Jack Ruby ... here you go Jack!

Barney Fife would have considered a tighter Oswald transport security plan than the DPD.

Lee Harvey Oswald was alive, unhurt and could have changed the course of our history had he been allowed to live and perhaps at some point revealed what he knew about the JFK assassination.

Oswald's security should have been on a level so beyond the circus created by announcing his movements and location during broad daylight to the general public  ( and Jack Ruby ) and parading him within feet of crowds of reporters who weren't even checked out properly.

Armed, Mafia connected strip joint owner Ruby comes and goes unchecked in the crazy jammed packed DPD corridor crowd all Friday night?

And he then slithers into the supposedly "press only" DPD basement crowd Sunday morning unchecked as well?

The impact of that worst case scenario of Oswald's security ( his murder right inside the DPD building ) cannot be adequately quantified.

Oswald's murder while he was "literally in the hands of his police protectors" did more damage to our society in so many areas that have never been truly acknowledged...especially in our trust of our government and government leaders at the highest levels, and that to this day still exists.

The public announcing and parading security plan actions of the DPD regards protecting Lee Harvey Oswald were beyond mere negligence to a preposterous degree.

They were crazily/highly suspicious illogical considering the unprecedented importance of protecting the most threatened criminal suspect in America's history and "the one person" who could have best provided us with the truth regarding the killing of JFK.

What an unfathomable tragedy.

The federal police pulled guns to get JFK's body quickly out of Dallas and LBJ and Hoover immediately ordered the transfer of the presidential limo and much other important evidence back to Washington D.C.

But they left behind the most important piece of evidence in the assassination of JFK to remain in the hands of the totally incompetent, generally racist, JFK hating and cop killer revenge mentality DPD?

Oswald couldn't have met a worse fate had he been turned over to a madly worked up public street demonstrating lynch mob! 

Considering Oswald's super importance, he should have been taken immediately out of the hands of the nonsensical press accommodating, good-ole-boy DPD and sequestered at a federal military property where his physical protection could be guaranteed.

Listening to DPD detective Leavelle recount his Oswald security experience in his last years and with the same attitude he has expressed from the beginning of this event, one can clearly see that he has never comprehended at all the true national and world historical impact of his department's total failure in the most important security responsibility they were ever assigned. 

The protection of the most important criminal suspect in America's history and who could have provided our society with the truth regards JFK's murder...Lee Harvey Oswald.

Leavell's lucky he and the entire lot of DPD department heads weren't fired or even criminally charged for the biggest and most important society damaging security failure in American history.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 2/4/2019 at 12:35 AM, David G. Healy said:

I suspect Mr.Law had NOT requested an interview with Mr.Lavelle. I suspect Mr.Lavelle made a request through the 6th floor mausoleum for someone to take his quasi statement. Ahem, good for the conscious statement.... The guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

No he did not request anything thru the 6th fl museum, he just met him at one of the conf. and they were going to meet later that week but William had to leave earlier so Leavelle invited him to his house where he was given an hr.

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41 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

No he did not request anything thru the 6th fl museum, he just met him at one of the conf. and they were going to meet later that week but William had to leave earlier so Leavelle invited him to his house where he was given an hr.

Geez, I'm sorry to hear that. It would take 3 lifetimes to uncover all the corruption re the City of Dallas PD and their DA office from 1960-2000. The place was a cess pool.

Again, the guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

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Seeing video interviews of people like Leavelle or anyone else directly involved in Oswald's completely failed security ( and including those of Dallas D.A. Henry Wade ) where they are presented in a kind of quaint old man way, sharing personal "right there" recollections and even funny side stories ( with shared laughter ) will always be very unsettling to me.

Losing the most important criminal suspect in American history while Oswald was literally handcuffed to his DPD police security and right inside the DPD building is a loss not just impossibly incongruous and highly suspicious but also so monumentally important in it's entire society impacting truth and trust damaging way, it's a tragedy on an epic scale almost beyond any historical equivalent to compare it to.

A truly honest and accurate full front page American newspaper headline on 11,25, 1963 should have read ... "DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT OSWALD SECURITY FAILURE DESTROYS JFK TRUTH INVESTIGATION."

That it did.

Joe McBride has often recollected how he found one area of the JFK assassination story and researched the Hell out of it. That this kind of "one area" focus can often produce more distinct, understandable and pertinent facts than perhaps trying to cover too many areas of the event in one full swoop.

If there is a book focusing solely on the Oswald lynching while in 1963 DPD custody please send me the title.

Because of the almost incomprehensible loss to our society as a result, I find it almost unbelievable that this single story hasn't garnered such an effort.

How it came to be. Who were the principle parties? Were they directed and under orders by higher up's including perhaps LBJ himself? How serious were the battles over security measures? Why was the more responsible security advice ignored and over-ruled? 

I've shared my opinion that everyone in the DPD involved in ignoring the most simple and obvious security advice regards protecting Oswald both in custody and his transfer movements and instead publicly announcing such, doing so in the day time hours and allowing a press presence bordering on chaos with scores of frantically shouting, body bumping camera men shoving their cameras literally up into Oswald's closest security handler's crotch, should have been fired and the subjects of a separate investigation into Oswald's worst case scenario security failure...murdered!

Inside the DPD building basement on the morning of 11,24,1963 was the scene of two murders ... that of Lee Harvey Oswald ... and also the singularly best chance at knowing the real truth behind the murder of JFK.

Our most sanctioned history books should correctly state the truth of Lee Harvey Oswald's murder in DPD custody as one of the most costly American society effecting security failures ever.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Oswald's quick murder right inside the DPD building just two days after 11,22,1963 was a huge relief to many.

A question worth contemplating ... a relief from what?

They got rid of JFK, and less than 48 hours later they got rid of his national media touted lone nut killer.

One of the most efficient high level murder "Cased Closed" conclusions ever.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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