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I have satisfied myself with answering the question "who killed JFK". I no longer look at the magic bullet or the initial lack of Mr Oswald's print on the Italian rifle. I have long decided that this was a conspiracy and that most of the evidence had been manipulated.

There are three things that is characteristic of the assassination: Who ever was behind the assassination:
1) They still control the investigation of the assassination, as they did when it happened. This means political control to this day.

2) They control the news media today as they did back then.

3) Whatever the motive it was urgent. One that could not wait until after JFK was out of office. This urgency is the key.
Although the CIA, LBJ or the Communist / right wing may have been complicit they were not the mastermind of the entire thing. In fact the people that pulled the trigger may not have known the entire truth.

To understand this you have to look at what has happened since the year 1791 and how this cabal tried viciously to take over the creation of money. Once they succeeded in creating most of the money they took control of as many corporations and politicians as money could buy. ONCE MONEY IS COMPROMISED EVERYTHING ELSE FALLS. The power of this cabal is unimaginable to the average person.

And their pet project was evident in the Balfour Declaration. Now we turn to the most recently released documents and everything falls into place. The secret negotiations between JFK and Gurion, and the fact that JFK was very motivated to stop nuclear proliferation. Just listen to the UN speech and read what the released documents were about. Put 1 plus 1 together.

These bankers that control the money in the USA are an international criminal organization, who will stop at nothing to keep control. Their Modus Operandi is all over this assassination.

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